Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Business #29Management #3

The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast offers personal, practical coaching lessons that take the mystery out of leadership. In each episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Craig brings you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and lead your team. You’ll learn effective ways to grow as a leader, optimize your time, develop your team, and structure your organization.

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Recent Reviews
  • Get rid of messenger
    This is a great tool!
    I have listened to all of these episodes in the last year or so, and there is so much here. I wish I had the time to go back and study each one. The material is such a great tool in leadership. Put the lessons and questions into practice with your team, you won’t regret it!
  • Lonniejay20
    This show has blessed me and taught me in countless ways. Thanks Craig!
  • Jdogcountry
    Craig respects your time each and every episode is full of so much insight, knowledge and wisdom. I have learned so much just from the few episodes i've listened to. Keep up the great work and God bless you!!!!
  • jeniferS1982
    “Dr” John Axe
    I was so disappointed to see you endorsing this chiropractor who fraudulently refers to himself as a physician. It is dangerous to embrace someone who sells non-evidenced based medical advice, as so many people trust in your guidance as our pastor. As a medical doctor, I fear how many patients will not trust the sound medical advice of their physicians due to pod casts like this. I pray that you would consider your influence on your congregation, and far reaching influence to others with the leaders you choose to follow and support.
  • Jordanfromboston2323
    Craig thanks us for our valuable time each and every podcast. Genuinely. I appreciate your valuable time too Craig. Also congratulations on getting your private pilots license, I remember listening to recent podcasts of you mentioning you were working towards that and to hear you achieved successfully today is awesome 🙏🏾 I love the content you produce and the variable principles from your leadership.
  • Lala akins
    Thank you
    Just recently found this podcast. So much great content. Thanks Pastor for sharing such amazing content
  • mandhmom
    Excellent Parallel
    I’ve been listening for a while and love the practical nature of Craig’s teachings. Episode 152 really hit home and I felt compelled to leave a review. This is certainly a podcast I look forward to listening to and incorporate takeaways into my own personal Leadership. Enjoy!!
  • greenbearcrypto
    Always looking forward to this
    Craig, thank you so much for being a great channel for leadership. As someone currently learning the ropes of leading teams and growing organizations, this has given crucial pointers with balanced view. I’ve gotten two types of advice in my life - 1. be very assertive and you’ll get stuff done! 2. emotional connection leads to organic growth! And those two seem to be polar opposites and both have pros and cons but you bring very clear and balanced values that I appreciate so much 🙏 May God bless you
    Always a great podcast
    I love this podcast! I always learn how to be a better leader, and a better person o really! Thank you for investing in me.
  • Sebastien Gignac
    Awesome podcast!!!
    Dear Craig, I am a HVAC/refrigeration technician aspiring to one day hopefully become manager. I got the suggestion to listen to your podcast from my regional manager (my boss’s boss) last fall and finally got caught up listening to all the episodes about 2 weeks ago. I must admit that I am grateful and admire such a large amount of positive and useful content. You speak loud and clear, are very articulate and even repeat yourself often which I find particularly helpful since I am a French Canadian, English not being my native language. Sadly, I couldn’t say the same about every one of your guests, which is the reason why I am writing to you today. In yesterday’s episode with Jamie Kern Lima, I couldn’t understand even half of what she was saying , this time again, same as during her previous interview on your show. I believe this was due to either low quality equipment or poor internet connection but in any case, I was particularly sad to not be able to comprehend that lady, whom I believe has a tremendous amount of knowledge, experience and intelligence to communicate. Thanks to the leader guide though, I still got to catch up on the essential part of her teaching. In any case, I sincerely am grateful for your amazing work and wanted to take the time to thank you for all the help you bring to me and the whole community. Thank you! Sebastien
  • Bigboy13442
    Cold Plunge
    Love listening to the guy who spoke about his regiment of diet and exercise. In addition, solid, skills and leadership. It all starts with self-discipline. I’m not even close these guys, but they give me something to shoot for! Cheers
  • Pastor Hayden
    This is such a great tool for leaders and for the one that would like to improve themselves. I am a local preacher, a husband to 1 and a father of 3. This podcast has truly helped me in becoming the best leader I can be. The wisdom of the Lord flows through Pastor Craig and it is great!
    Valuable &tangible content!
    Not just for leaders! Amazing content for anyone that loves self improvement. My absolute favorite podcast!
  • bbcmeetings
    Worship and youth leader
    I love to listen to Craig Groeschels leadership podcasts! And he’s a great interviewer! Love hearing some of the people he chooses to interview. I share almost every one I hear with people inside and outside my people groups. Wish he could come help our staff grow!
  • Jhm0925
    Every time I can learn from pastor Craig- I lean in! Whether that’s podcasts, sermons or books- he was clearly intended to lead and teach. As a fellow leadership expert, I’m grateful for everything he pours into me (and others)!
  • MomLeader88
    Mother, Business Leadership, Ministry Leadership
    Thank you for the monthly leadership content. I am realizing God is after the Women I am becoming. I feel my roots are strengthened with these podcasts. It’s in the growing process that we will be strong leaders. Personally, Some of the content is for the current season and some I know is for a later season. All of it is truly LIFE giving. Thank you to the whole team that makes these happen!!
  • Kris B
    Such intentional content for growing leaders!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am a minister & the COO at a ministry and your podcast has been so helpful to me in sharpening my skills and even locating how and where I can get better as a leader. I’m very grateful for your dedication, openness and desire to help us all be better leaders so everyone can win!
  • Traveler1620
    I can’t believe how much valuable direction can be given in EVERY episode! Great for companies and great for moms, like me. Thank you!
  • PapaBear2021
    Never Stop Growing
    I’ve been a leader all my life- the lesson’s Craig teaches truly have made me better- not just as a leader but as a husband, father, and follower of Christ. Thank You Craig for your leadership.
  • Kkkristayyyyy
    Exceptional leadership value
    Craig, I look forward to every podcast that comes out from you. The topics you talk about are always interesting and provide a ton of value. If said this to friends and I’ll say it here. I think your the next John Maxwell when it comes to leadership training. Keep up the great work!
  • londonanstine
    Craig has practical advice that doesn’t help you achieve goals but change the system that will grow you 1% every day to maximize and become the person God has called you to be.
  • Little Lunch Maker
    Get focused and encouraged!
    Every time I listen in, I am encouraged and inspired to focus on what matters most and do the work God has assigned to me. My leadership in business, and in my home (mom of 7 kiddos here!) is better because of the content you share. Incredibly grateful for the team’s consistency in creating and producing these life-giving podcasts! May God bless you, and expand your reach!
  • Luke Wycuff
    No resource has been more transformative
    When I started listening to this podcast, I was in a frustrating and discouraging season of waiting. I didn't have the opportunities or influence I desired, and overall, I was very unhappy in my role in the organization I was in. In the midst of a really hard time in my life both personally and professionally, this podcast energized me again. The content inspired growth in me and challenged me to make that season about being ready for the next. Your practical insights on how you became a disciplined person helped me become one. Even as a futuristic thinker and strategist, I have fallen in love with the process of growth, not the destination it leads to. I 100% am the the leader I am today because of your investment in me through this resource! 5 stars isn’t enough!!
  • mvelasco07
    A must-listen!
    I recently discovered the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast and have been consistently impressed with the depth of insights and knowledge shared in each episode. I truly learn something new every time I tune in. Highly recommend giving it a listen!
  • Husnain786
    Leadership for all
    I’m a dentist and own 5 dental businesses. I was introduced to this podcast by someone that told me I needed to increase my leadership. At first, I don’t listen. I though I just needed to better my operations or clinical skill set for my offices. It took me many employees having left my company to realize my issue was leadership. That fixing my leadership skills will help everything. As Craig says, “when the leader gets better, everyone gets better.” I’m now realizing that is right! I read your latest book and am an avid podcast listener. I’m trying and hope to be a perfect leader one day!
  • Amandanatter1030
    Pure Gold
    Thank you Craig G. And team for the work you do to impact growing leaders. I have been a long time listener and am always eager to see new episodes. The most recent episode with Erwin McManus was so impactful for me. I listened to it three times in two days. Thank you thank you!
  • jeffreyamanndds
    Timeless Leadership Principles !
    The CGLP is best of the the best! I’ve listened for years and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. The leadership gems embedded within each of these episodes are timeless and the leadership principles presented can be applied both professionally and personally. This content changes lives! Pastor Craig and team keep up the great work! Dr. J from Spearfish, SD
  • aaron j dehoog
    Been listening for I since the start. Hundreds of leadership gems for all leadership levels in business and in life.
  • Brittastical
    I’ve listened to this podcast since 2019 and I believe it’s helped me grow in many ways. I started listening to this podcast in my early 20s as an inspiring leader and I believe it has really given me practical advice on leadership, entrepreneurship, ministry, creating strong habits and more. Thank you so much for this podcast! It has been such a blessing to my life.
  • Burn A Debt Michael
    Best Whole Life Leadership Podcast
    These leadership podcasts just get better and better. The topics that are covered are phenomenal. If you want to improve your life and the lives of others, listen to this podcast and share with as many people as possible. Time spent listening to this podcast will benefit you in ways you didn’t even know you needed to improve. Thank you for all of your hard work, Craig.
  • rickibobbi24
    Wonderful life changing content
    Form listening to this podcast, I now floss daily and I love doing the right thing first! Thanks!!
  • Adventuremoor
    Best podcast I’ve found
    Thank you Craig for such a great resource. I love listening to your podcast and being able to apply it to my professional life as well as being a husband a father is amazing. I look forward to each podcast!
  • Rocky Santo
    Practical, applicable, dense, and brilliant!
    Craig has been a teacher, mentor, and leader to me through this podcast. There are so many podcasts out there, but I have found nothing nearly as densely packed with brilliant and applicable leadership wisdom. I always anticipate the first Thursday of each month when a new episode drops, and I am frequently referring back to past episodes for insights on particular aspects of my leadership. Thank you to Craig and the team that makes this happen!
  • Alan Wilkie
    Craig, I found your podcast about 6 months ago and have binged it and am now current. Love it. It has helped me greatly. First heard you through Ramsey as I listen to it quite a bit and got to see you and Amy in Dallas at the Smart conference last year.
  • PhiKapMark
    His podcasts are filled with challenging and realistic thought processes about leadership and the struggles involved. Thoroughly enjoy it.
  • comnbw
    Careful with guest episodes
    There is a great deal of insightful content on this podcast. There is also a not so subtle intent to proselytize, and some of the guests hold viewpoints that cause real harm “in Jesus name.” I’ll continue to listen with a healthy grain of salt. If conservative Christianity isn’t your background, take a moment to time to research the guests- I am quite disappointed some are on the show (e.g. Henry Cloud).
  • k86
    Always Fresh & To The Point
    Sometimes I feel stuck in leadership and need a jolt - I turn to this podcast. Sometimes I just need to listen to something to get my work day started on the right foot - I turn to this podcast. Craig handles this podcast the way I wish every podcaster did - no needless banter, quick and to the point. Fresh insights instead of recycled content. And strangely, I think he continues to get better over time instead of run out of new ideas.
  • mvaldivia
    Always something to learn, easy to understand
    Craig’s podcast is amazing! This is one of the few I want to listen to, and he puts so much effort yet it is so easily to be understood by anyone that wants to grow as a leader. Whether you are a new leader or experienced leader, any of his podcasts will help you. Thank you Craig for all your efforts and for your obedience to Christ.
  • M@riposa
    More than workplace leadership
    This podcast has broadened my vision on leadership beyond the four walls of my workplace and church. It’s inspired and challenged me to create sustainable systems from within that will lead me to win.
  • bradenmount
    Wonderful for self development and teaching others!
    This is a great podcast just as the title says, it’s wonderful for self development and teaching those around you how to obtain and really set in those skill sets they might need for their future. God bless and thank you Craig!!!!
  • Hqckeygod
    Life Changing
    Found Craig from the Life.Church podcast. Took my family to Keller campus. Finding Life.Church has been life changing and this podcast is more than I could have ever asked for. Thanks Craig for all you’ve given me and hopefully someday I can repay you.
  • PastorBuck133
    Thank you!
    Pastor Craig’s teachings have been instrumental in my leadership since planting our church in 2017. Can’t thank you enough for sharing your wisdom through this podcast! I am grateful!
  • mykatzbox
    My small business is better
    Learning how Not to be a micromanager, allowing others to have ideas…and feel comfortable sharing those ideas with the team, and allowing them to act on those ideas are benefits from the leadership genius of Craig G leadership podcasts. Thank you
  • Winwithhim Mike
    The best
    This podcast is by far the best leader ship podcast. Thank you for all you do for so many to make this world a better place -Michael Riddell
  • Kyle Letner
    Craig and I are running buddies. He doesn’t know it, but I drag him along most times I head out on the road for a few miles. His simple, precise adages are inspiring, challenging, and have accelerated my personal leadership journey more than I can express. “I notice… You matter…”, “Failure isn’t an option. It is a necessity”, “People would rather follow a leader who is always real than one that is always right”, and so many more! Worth every minute you can give to this podcast!
  • Caler123
    Practical and Effective
    Every episode gives practical takeaways to become a better leader. After listening, I walk away inspired to change, and feeling like I have my next step towards doing so. Best leadership content I’ve found!
  • A.a.313
    Excellent actionable wisdom
    This is the only podcast I listen to every single episode of. It’s that good. Craig Groeschel shares ideas that will change your thinking and leadership. Plus real examples from his life.
  • ashleymmorgan
    Short and Impactful
    Great podcast on leadership with solid principles and relevant, time-tested advice. I also love that the episodes are short and monthly. This means I’m able to keep up easily instead of feeling like I need an hour every week to listen.
  • PastorRusso
    I’ve been in ministry for about 20 years, but I’m new to being a lead pastor. God is using this podcast to provide some of the fuel I need to make the difference God is calling me to make! Keep the goodness flowing!! Chris Russo
  • can2137
    Love this
    This podcast makes my leadership and learning brain race and it doesn’t stop when the episode ends. It keeps me thinking and keeps me going every month. I want to share it with everyone I know! Thanks, Craig and crew, for your hard work, we all appreciate you so much!!
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