

Every company has a story.

Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

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Recent Reviews
  • whenisayyou for scratch
    Great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Janney Z
    The amount of research went into producing these podcasts is incredible. Entertaining and I’m learning a lot. Thanks!
  • nbsfmc
    Bros kind of learn history
    The best episode: Charlie Munger shuts down all their ultra self-serving bro questions about advice for privileged young guys like them. Every. Single. One. Later, they censor Charlie Munger explaining why the venture biz model makes no sense… Great stuff.
  • ikeesky
    OK, but Often a Hard Listen
    This podcast provides plenty of interesting information about companies. Most of it comes from reading books written by others, so in some ways it’s kind of a digest or summary. The biggest drawback is the hosts. They both have severe West coast MBA-speak. They will *never* settle for a $1 word when a $10 word is available. Tons of jargon (often misapplied bc they don’t really understand what the signifier in their metaphor is actually signifying). Lot’s of upspeak and irritating West Coast tech speech tics (for example, saying “right?” at the end of a sentence when it makes no grammatical or syntactical sense). Ben Gilbert is definitely the worst offender of the two hosts. I think my biggest annoyance comes from the fact that they make the classic MBA error: assigning patterns and classifications (i.e. their “playbook” section at the end of episodes) that are only obvious in hindsight. The quantitative metaphor might be an explanatory regression without any predictive power. Entrepreneurs rarely talk about “scale economies” or “Hamilton’s 7 Powers” as they’re building. But then, MBAs and VC-types rarely make good entrepreneurs. 🤷‍♂️
  • Shalaron
    Well worth the time except
    They have political biases that influence how they tell the story. Facts start to get a bit skewed at times because of the narrative they want to push. I love the story telling. The length is perfect as it allows you to get in the full history and a lot of the details/decisions that are pertinent to story. I think it is great when you take small tangents to really drive home what is happening in the time period you are discussing. It really sets the context and deepens the magnitude of the events that are happening.
  • davidcalderon123
    THE Podcast for business lovers
    Great content, superb presentation. The way David and Ben craft the stories behind these huge businesses and how they came about is phenomenal, combining published historical data, behind the scene interviews of individuals who were directly involved in the founding and development of the business and their unique perspectives. Definitely my go to for longer commutes and runs 🙏❤️
  • Charlie_knight12345
    Ben is great
    Ben is so good! His delivery is next to none!
  • Barry Temkin
    Brilliant but grammatical quibble
    Acquired is absolutely amazing. Ben and David are brilliant, entertaining and engaging storytellers. I learn a great deal from your podcast. But I have a grammatical quibble. You both use the word “architect” as a verb. For example, Costco would architect the use of its membership fees to drive revenue. That rankles. Architect is not a verb. It is a noun. The proper verb is “design.” Architects are design professionals. They design buildings and other structures. I sometimes represent architects in my law practice. They always use the verb “design” to describe what they do. Language changes and history may adopt your usage. But I find it awkward Your fan, Barry Temkin
  • Timbecile_
    Look inward
    The histories are typically interesting and well produced but are far too laudatory of individual “brilliant men” while glazing over the human cost. Big, increasing numbers are often rattled off as if they are unequivocally good and the morally just results of good decisions.
  • gwlk
    Guys, 2 hour to 3hour episodes now published are the intense time eaters not for the average listener who has a job responsibility.
  • Desi Vinny
    Starbucks ⭐️
    This episode was fantastic! It was great to hear directly from the “founder” Howard Schultz. Ben was extra talkative in this one and David did an awesome job too. I’m a Starbucks fan before but love it more now for its Costco-like treatment of its baristas!
  • winterblock
    Love the podcast but not the interviews
    I am a huge acquired fan and I’ve listened to nearly every episode in existence. I’m listening to the latest Starbucks episode right now and I’m struck by how much worse the main episodes are when it isn’t just Ben and David. There’s only so much grand standing about humanity from the former Starbucks CEO that I can take. It actively degrades the history / story of what is otherwise a very interesting company. The parts where it’s just Ben and David are great as usual but I really wish they’d reserve these interviews for a follow up episode or something on ACQ2. This is the maybe the first episode where I won’t finish in it’s entirety.
  • NickPappa
    Get rid of Ben
    Stop talking to these titans like you are on their level. Ben is the worst. Shut up!
  • Goated bois
    Absolutely amazing! I learn so much history and philosophy behind my favorite companies
  • JBR528
    Enlightening & Entertaining
    Fantastic podcast that walks the fine line of being entertaining and insightful. Each episode is well researched and provides real insight into the value drivers of the businesses they explore. Would love to see an episode on Woodman’s Food Markets!
  • pouwhbdbdcbebbdnd
    Good but not great
    Maybe this is a case of mismatch in expectations. I listened to this after hearing rave reviews. It is good, but a bit on long side for the content. I like the free style conversation but too many times they have a good questions and no answers. The initial research on the history of the company is excellent and mostly accurate though I did note a few misses. On follow up discussions, and questions, you would think they would got get the answer and follow up - they are clearly not super techno savvy, and at least they are upfront about it - to be fair the techno world is vast and no one can know everything. If you have the time, definitely a worthwhile listen, and maybe I need to listen on a company I know little about and just be wowed.
  • S2468am
    This podcast probably should have been called “Founders” (maybe that was already taken) because there’s a lot of time spent covering the family history, personal relationships, and early influences on the people (men, nearly exclusively, sigh) who founded all these noteworthy companies. That being said- the backstory IS the story. The early influences have huge impact on the end results. What I like best is that the hosts don’t dumb it down. They know who their audience is and whenever they go off on a tangent, it’s always a juicy little tidbit that was worth the time.
  • MEK488
    A bit snobbish
    Just listened to Walmart episode. Even though you appear to only shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s , don’t diminish the hard working people who shop at Walmart.
  • AFK2525
    Best podcast ever
    Couldn’t recommend Acquired more. Well-researched, easy to digest episodes that are loaded with insight.
  • TheMarcus24
    This podcast is amazing!
    This podcast is not only engaging and fascinating, it is an education in history and business. While being entertained, I am able to gain a better understanding of economics, investing, entrepreneurship and technology. I love this podcast so much and highly recommend it to anyone with passion for learning and a desire to better understand the world around them.
  • JV2134593
    Fantastic podcast
    Originally tried this podcast out of curiosity regarding the history of Microsoft. Ended up becoming obsessed with the format of this podcast and am now on a downloading spree. Kudos to the podcasts hosts for being so knowledgeable, entertaining, and well spoken!
  • NicAlfred
    Love it
    A year in and started to dive into all past episodes. Really amazing work both are doing.
  • Roberts Gang
    Not just for businessman. Acquired is addicting!
    I am not an entrepreneur, a business student, or an economist, but a wife and stay-at-home mother of two with a degree in Communication studies who stumbled upon this podcast in the “Browse” section of the Apple Podcasts app on my phone about a week ago. I was not referred by a friend and I do not participate in any social media as I believe it to be an ill on society, so this was a lucky find for me. I find all of the stories fascinating and relish in the history of the businesses. David and Ben converse with such ease and provide seamless transitions that smoothly soothe the ears of listeners. The episodes are lengthy but not at all mundane. I appreciate the research and care that David and Ben have put in to telling each business story, proving that they are stories worth telling. I have learned a great deal since I have started pouring through a variety of episodes. I love the carve outs as well. Thank you, David and Ben, for producing content that entertains and informs in addition to not pushing ideologies or agendas. There’s never a comment made that is so off putting or disingenuous that makes me want to discontinue listening to an episode. I look forward to many more listening and learning opportunities from Acquired.
  • dineroenlabolsa
    Great podcast!! I love to learn and this was an educational conversation that was enriching! Thank you both for this episode 💫🌟💫
  • thanks Jerry
    Hermés episode is amazing
    Great podcast. Started with Hermés and was floored by how great it was. Can’t wait to dive into more of these.
  • sveltelan
    MS employee loving the episode
    I’m an early career employee at Microsoft. The Microsoft episode is absolutely engaging, and provides rich details on the technology and business history. It’s a great way for me to learn about my company and feel inspired to dream big like the early founders
  • kencooperhk
    Really Enjoying the stories! Best podcast I’ve encountered in years!
    I tuned in initially to listen to the Rentech episode, because they were a client of mine back in the early 2000s when I lived in Tokyo and worked for Lehman Brothers. The company has always been secretive, so I was curious as to how much they could learn and explain about what and how Rentech has outperformed for so many year. Hermes was my second episode, thinking it would be at the other side of the spectrum of businesses. Two unique companies that both achieve a level of excellence in their own way. I can’t wait to dig into some of the other stories. I love the carve outs near the end of the Hemes episode as well. So much value in these stories.
  • WD78611
    Perfect for people eager to learn
  • JasPrice
    So Glad I Found You Guys
    Never wrote a review before for a podcast (and I listen to a lot of them) but wanted to say that your show is fantastic! Listened to Costco and Microsoft and can’t wait to jump into many of the others in order to catch up!
  • Listener90345
    Host with deeper voice … verbal tics become unlistenable
    He starts out ok and then when he gets excited or dramatic, the tics start up. They’re hard to describe but it’s a bit like some profs who do a little “laugh” at the end of every sentence. I can’t take it. Be more professional. Keep the pitch of your voice up.
  • S O'Donnell
    It is amazing. Totally amazing!
  • john5.19
    Please invest in a speaking coach
    This podcast came highly recommended, but after about an hour and a half of listening, I can’t take anymore. Listen, if you’re gonna deliver content audibly, the delivery matters. Speaking in a monotone—especially in a nonexistent lower register, where it’s barely audible—isn’t just a distraction, it’s irritating. While you’re talking about investments, make one in the future of this show and get a speaking coach.
  • AnnRo
    WSJ Bump
    Enjoy the bump!
  • Zach Myerz23
    Very informative
    Love the show. One thing I noticed was the over use of the word “literally”. I would recommend using other words like actually or honestly when fitting and trying to cut back on how often you use the word literally. When you use it incorrectly and overuse it, it loses a lot of its punch. I only listen to two episodes of Nike and the NFL. But I had to stop before I ended the NFL episode because of the overuse of the word literally.
  • JB-vt1
    I just found out about this and I’m so excited to dig back into the archives. I learn so much and they present the information in such a consumeable way. Thank you and keep up the amazing work.
  • Judge Q
    In-depth analysis from two of the best in podcasting
    I’ve been an early listener of Acquired and have seen the show evolve over the years. Ben and David put their heart and soul into creating the very best podcast content. They evaluate a company from every angle to help you understand how a category-defining company has changed the world and some lessons learned along the way that hopefully you can apply in your own work.
  • LisaRWC
    Loved Acquired before the WSJ article
    …and delighted that more will be exposed to your thoughtful storytelling. Keep up the great work, Ben and David.
  • Cdoublee22
    Jumped the Shark
    Covered by WSJ - parties over
  • SBCRajguru
    Amazing depth and analysis
    And the conversation is engaging, engaging enough to look forward to listening to a 4 hour podcast. Well done
  • Johnny Band 1
    A fantastic listen to nerd out on the histories and principles of business
    I’ve listened to almost every episode and each one has something valuable in it to learn.
  • Anonymous29471047391
    Novo episode is kind of amateur
    I haven’t listened to this podcast other than the Novo episode. However, there are so many things off in this episode. Pronunciations and inaccuracies in the science and medical aspects to name a few. Plus I worked at Amylin when we launched Byetta with Lilly’s help. The technology came from Amylin. Lastly, it makes me cringe every time they say “diabetics.” People in the health care space and patients say “people with diabetes.” No one who knows their stuff says diabetics any more. The hosts would have benefited greatly by having scientific, medical and industry people as consultants.
  • DanielBarnes22
    Among the absolute best
    This podcast is wonderful. The hosts are remarkably intelligent and well-spoken. They don’t speak over each over, insult, or yell. I’m thankful for the format.
  • Elaine’s iTunes
    Nice but
    WeWork episode your guys are giggling which is unprofessional. Also talking over each other. Come on….
  • Dusya4
    New favorite podcast!
    These guys rock! Wow! So well researched and presented. I find myself getting sucked into every episode even on topics I wouldn’t expect to be interested in. I’m so glad I found this pod - now I’m binge listening to old episodes.
  • Wagner De Paula
    This episode is not only informative but also highly engaging, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the history of fashion, luxury branding, or the art of craftsmanship. Ben and David's ability to connect historical facts with contemporary insights makes this episode a compelling narrative that enriches the listener's understanding of Hermès' lasting legacy in the world of luxury. You guys knocked it out of the park with this one. The family drama is flawlessly presented. Do Versace next!
  • 十日十人遇
    walmart episode
    Walmart is declining in China but Sam’s club is growing and becoming unexpectedly successful in recent years. Apparently they locate their store well in the cities with merging middle classes. They are currently changing their strategies and focus in China now apparently. Surprisingly Sam’s club do have a brand power these days in China. Chinese consumers are seriously looking for products labelled as Sam’s club substitutes or from the same suppliers online and in other stores.
  • aarmas42
    This is my favorite podcast. Ben and David have created an incredible network of knowledge. A must check for anyone wanting to learn about business and strategy.
  • Madpak3
    Just discovered your podcasts. Entertaining and enlightening! Feels like we are sitting in the corner of an executive floor conference room eavesdropping.
  • conspiracyminded
    Catherine Wood
    Hi guys! I absolutely love your podcast. A newbie to investing, Acquired teaches me how to do a deep dive and analyze a company. I’ve learned so much! Your Novo Nordisk and Charlie Munger (Berkshire) episodes were particularly interesting to me because these were some of my very first stock investments when I began my investment journey a few years ago. Had I known about the podcast sooner, I probably would not have been so quick to sell my stock in Visa! I picked up PayPal in its place. Oh well, you win some and lose some. I’m hoping you would consider an episode on Catherine Wood, CEO of Ark Invest. I’m fascinated by her ability to stay the course after so much investing controversy. And yes, I own a few of her Ark ETF stocks. As a very small-time investor, your episodes make picking a company and it’s stock much more intelligent than when I did my own research. Again, thanks for such an inspiring podcast. Latonya
  • julie1117
    Taylor Swift
    I am a little late to the game but I just listened to the Taylor Swift episode and it was fascinating! I feel like we need an update with info from the Eras Tour!
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