
Tanis is a bi-weekly podcast from the Public Radio Alliance, and is hosted by Nic Silver. Tanis is a serialized docudrama about a fascinating and surprising mystery: the myth of Tanis. Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy, and information. Tanis is what happens when the lines of science and fiction start to blur... S

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Recent Reviews
  • xpyxd
    Island? Psychic Knights?
  • tl5622
    Great story and production
    Really enjoying the world and characters of this. Constant burn of mystery and escalation.
  • Dra Ngipon
    Where are you?
    I’m most disappointed that it’s been over 1 1/2 years since the last episode. What happened?! I patiently sent my money off to Patreon each month but I’m guessing that other podcasts and book deals became more important. The initial storyline was excellent but by season 4, the writing was mostly phoned in. Someone joked that it became Nic in the woods, an ad for Square Space, Nic in a flotation tank, end of episode. So the fourth star is more for what might have been.
  • phukapplesheit
    Generally good, but…
    A story that can take you away for a while. There are just a couple things I didn’t like. First, there are MANY players, and it’s very difficult to know who each person is and what their role is. Mostly I just let those flow by and don’t worry about specifics. Second, Nick himself often sounds like a complete idiot. He often misses clear clues of how to converse with others and acts as if everyone had the same motives and straightforwardness. He also has the most annoying habit of often repeating what other people say as a question, instead of moving the conversation forward, he repeats what was just said. Come on! Try a little harder.
  • amazed1009
    So slow seems pointless.
    If you like slow moving and just plain space filler you’ll enjoy. Sorry. I never leave neg reviews but the music and slow movement of this- it isn’t even a story.
  • Pandagurl2222
    MK is my fave
    I love MK's character evolution in this! I'm just beginning season 3 and you're starting to see a crack in her hard exterior, which is sweet. Just a crack tho, she's still hilariously brazen.
    Still Surprised
    With all the cheap technology we have these days I’m constantly dumbfounded Science Fiction on the Radio from the late ‘40s through 1950s (X-Minus One, etc…) still has better music, sound effects, stories, acting, and creativity than anything since the PodCast era officially took over as rebranded radio. Before radio dramas were lumped into Podcasting, we were starting to get great science fiction radio dramas. Ray Bradbury 13 is amazing. The Twilight Zone has almost 200 Radio episodes, each one absolutely amazing. The BBC kept the torch going on the radio to their credit. Now that these shows can be made on a shoestring budget the quality is almost always “bad” to “Not even trying” We need a producer out there to take a chance and remind people how great radio can be.
  • girlwes
    Great show if you like magnus archives and old gods of Appalachia!! Very intriguing and complex Super great story telling
  • The Food and Yoga Chick
    HUrRY back Nic!
    Nic, you disappeared. Where are you? What happened? I am still wondering who Kali is... Where is Rose? Merecatnip? What did you do when Nic disappeared at the stone? And...oh god...SO many questions. Maybe you are quietly seeking recruits, so here's my personal pitch: Seeking Tanis. Runner available. Don't hesitate to reach out, or...give us another season soon so we can transcend from this plane to our beloved Tanis. 🐌🦋👹🪱🐍
  • CAMP06
    Creepy and weirdly comforting
    I think it might be the chill opening song that’s giving me those comfort vibes, because it’s definitely not the content of the episodes. There’s so much to like here. The acting is fantastic and I love the creepy premise. Worth a listen for the first season alone. Bring on season 6!
  • CMSharpe
    Could use some work…
    A couple things: 1. Stop trying to give the impression that ANY of this story is non-fiction! Then use that to develop these one-note characters!!! There is one point in the story where the relationship between two characters isn’t explored more because it would “interfere with the story”. All this added to the fact that there are enough loose ends left untied to make JJ Abrahms have a stroke….. love the concept and premise of all this, just piss poor writing as far as the characters and plot holes go.
  • Jaimie Butterfly
    More episodes?
    Just finished seasons 1-5. Hoping there are more planned?? You can’t leave us on a cliffhanger like that?!?!
  • katiesolinski47
    I can’t be the only one who hates Nic’s voice
    And his whole character thus far (4 eps in). He just sounds like a clueless nerd all the time, he’s very passive in every convo with Meetkatnip, and you can tell he’s Canadian from his voice & personality. I just don’t like this guy as a voice actor, it’s not believable and especially the way he says Tanis is just bleh.
  • Misscatttttttttt
    I loved this whole thing, if I had to do it again I would just pay for no ads… but this is a great story- I couldn’t stop listening!
  • Bserbino.
    I know I’m very late to the show. A friend of mine at work suggested this to me and I felt I needed a break from true crime and politics. I’ve been listening for two weeks now and am hooked. This show is brilliant story telling at its absolute finest!
  • Sharcnutz
    Excellent concept and show
    I would listen to endless seasons. So much mystery and such a thoughtful narrative.
  • Wjlljams
    Fantastic! Need season 6!
    I’ve been listening since 2016, so good. I’ve reposté es to everything multiple times. More please!!!
  • Lotus_2
    More like this please
    Enjoyed the podcast and trying to find something similar. I liked all the characters and wish I had a friend like MK. I did not quite understand the ending though. What happened to Nic and what about MK?
  • GNXgypsy
    Tanis my heart yearns for thee…
    One of the Best podcast on the air. No contest. Too bad it seemed to end abruptly. I guess Rasputin won. Personally, since this is a investigation type podcast. Let’s go ahead and end it at Dyatlov Pass maybe? Hope to hear more Rabits and Tanis someday. Cheerio.
  • flyleeleefly
    If you love falling down a rabbit hole, TANIS is for you
    I have been searching for a while for a good book or something that sent me spiraling into questions and a need to know more. I very recently stumbled into this and thought, eh, I’ll give it a try, and this is exactly what I wanted. I usually spend a day to binge a season, then take some time to go down the rabbit hole looking up references from the show before I go to the next season. Intriguing, interesting and different
  • LemonPunch
    Podcast within a podcast
    Despite the unspecified hiatus, I am so glad I found this podcast and I’ll spend forever looking for something similar: fictional podcasts that are still podcasts. I’ve tried to get into regular fictional podcasts, but it’s just not the same.
  • Begelll
    Well see
    Comes off as super cringy at times. I want to listen and it sounds interesting, but the acting comes off weird at times. The MK character…. Not really sure if it’s the delivery or the actual writing but it comes off terrible, is she the bad guy? She just comes off as so cocky and arrogant it’s tough to listen to. At times I feel like they’re using her to explain something, but she uses these belittling quips/answers that don’t really flow great and just turns me off. Stories interesting tho, I’ll keep chugging along
  • Kenny Jason
    Well that sounds…….. like it drags on
    The negative reviews on here are 100 percent accurate. Except for MK and Jeff, the voice acting is dull, the main character, Nick, really does repeat everything that someone tells him and loves to use a phrase “well that sounds (add adjective here) whenever someone gives him a bit of information. Season 1 was good, it got me hooked but after seasons 2 it felt like this story was going losing direction and would drag on. Season 3 confirmed that. I gave up after that.
  • akurster
    Cool idea, cool universe, mediocre ending
    Good podcast. The ending is pretty bad, though, honestly. There’s a world of difference between ‘an ambiguous ending’ and ‘we couldn’t think of an actual ending.’ The first season understood that a lot better than the second. Also MK is kind of insufferable. She feels like a caricature of a 90s ‘cool girl’ and just constantly acts wildly irrational in an attempt to make her sound more logical.
  • everette23
    Great concept, awful writing and acting
    Basically Every Episode: "I found something" "Oh?" "Yeah, you're gonna want to know what it is." *pause* "What is it?" *pause* "Tesla Nova." "...what about Tesla Nova?" *pause* "It's not them." "No?" "No." *pause* "Who is it?" "I don't have much time. It's coming." *nothing happens* FIN. If this were a movie or tv show it would be a late night low-budget SyFy special meant to fill out the 2-3am slot. The concept and attention to detail is GREAT but the writing and voice acting is absolutely mind numbing. I've kept up through the second season but I can't keep going anymore, it's literally like pulling teeth out of a plot line. Land the plane, guys. Nick Silver's utter lack of emotive response in even the most dire situations makes everything feel benign, Cameron Ellis pretty much has the charm of an automated phone menu, and MK is the only actor who actually adds some personality to the show, though she's often held back by the poor dialogue and obnoxious pacing. GUYS. Dragging a 1 minute conversation by its bleeding fingernails for 10. Dang. Minutes. is NOT intrigue!! It’s just bad writing. Update: Oh God it got worse. Two more seasons have been released since I wrote my last review and I actually removed my second star. I sped through the first two seasons to get caught up and then tried to make it through season 3. Couldn’t finish. For everyone rating this 5 stars I genuinely can’t fathom your low bar. There are great fiction podcasts out there, this isn’t one of them y’all.
  • Mysteries & True Crime!
    Excellent, high quality & totally binge worthy!
    I found this early in the pandemic and was hooked from Ep 1, first season! I can’t speak to the later seasons, but I’m sure their just as good. Ignore the “complainy” reviews, and give it a listen. I’m not a fan of the radio show format, but this one sucked me in. Before the spoilers, I started listening because I thought it was “true story”. 😂 Very intriguing story non the less!
  • kingchloe
    Great show!
    Really well produced, a fanatic story with interesting characters.
  • 941kingd
    Great show
    I started listening because of the black tapes! I am hooked with this company and their ability to keep the listener hooked!
  • Goofyelf
    I can't stop listening!
  • Tsorrow
    Pretty good show with lots of unanswered questions.
    Essentially, you’re looking at an old fashioned cosmic hour mystery radio hour in which local radio personality tries to solve the mystery of the week despite being the most gullible man that ever lived. Through the power of friendship, and all of his friends are smarter than them, combined with good guy triumphs over evil storytelling themes the main character succeeds.
  • djsky1010
    Don’t waste your time
    I wasted days listening to this show! Seriously don’t waste your time this is the worst fiction podcast in the universe, they keep pulling up new topics.
  • J73827
    Great concept with frustrating dialogue
    I just finished season 3 and I’ve enjoyed Tanis for the most part so far. The story is interesting and there have been some good twists and turns this far. However, I get a little frustrated by the dialogue at times, especially characters’ tendencies to say another characters name if that character doesn’t respond to a question in .5 seconds. This happens multiple times in every episode and the therapy sessions are especially cringey because of it. This isn’t unique to a particular character or to Tanis, as it’s common in Rabbits, as well. One other complaint is characters doing extreme things for almost no reason at all. For example, one character pretends to be someone else, but has no real reason for doing so. They’re only pretending to be them in name and haven’t changed anything else about their identity, and they don’t have a solid rationale for doing so. I wish that some twists weren’t there for just shock value. It makes the buildup extremely disappointing.
  • Rezyt
    Pretty good show
    This show is a pretty good one to listen to after listening to rabbits. I can see how some elements from the first season of Tanis are incorporated into the second of rabbits and I would not be surprised if the two are linked. I haven’t made it to season five yet but I will steadily get there. I read the rabbits book as well, so if we are looking at what I think we are… I will take the road less traveled by.
  • LeTyson
    Had potential
    The story started out captivating and just the right amount of weird. Then the plot points and twists just got out of hand. And the voice acting is terrible. The monotone voice makes it hard to stay focused.
  • Fern Fuentes
    Terry Miles Is A Genius!
    Seriously, every PNWS/PRA show is so good. The incredible attention to detail is outstanding. TANIS is such a fun mystery. I don’t know how Terry keeps it all together!
  • Jnni20
    Good story, pretty cool but…
    Nic … please… make an effort when acting… many times you sound like you’re going to life and it makes it feel like a joke instead of mysterious and thrilling..
  • RDiaz
    I sincerely thank you! Your podcasts are incredible. As a listener, I feel a connection to the characters that, in my opinion, are lost in movies. Keep up the great work!
  • ItsJustFitz
    Sure would be nice if they finished it
    Title says all. I’ve been a fan since season 1 when you repped it on the Black Tapes, a series which you also never finished. PNWS loves to start new things without finishing anything.
  • OHBtyFlyC
    Nick’s Script
    I so badly wanted to like the story but the way Nick repeats every single word and says really? constantly makes listening any further impossible
  • ezrielsart
    Stuck in Tanis like I’m in the right world 🤓
    Plowed through rabbits plowed through Tannis working on the last movie and my God I applaud you guys for the television that my ears needed. Oh and i totally ordered path cards 😅 #nerd usually im a book reader or I listen to a book on audible but being shown the PRN podcast series that you guys do has been absolutely just life-changing for me. Keep it up! I listen to it on my way to campus I listen to it while I’m painting I listen to it while I’m Instakarting. I just appreciate you guys for making this a real thing bringing the past (tv on the radio) back here into the future because we all know video DID kill the radio star
  • kell83ott19
    I love this podcast. The pacing and narration is terrific; it’s soothing yet keeps you guessing. I love that it intertwines fact and fiction in a believable way. Can’t wait for more!
  • mistydawn82
    Rabbits brought me here
    I learned about this from Rabbits. I actually like this one much more. Now I’m slowly working my way through all the other podcasts from this nextwork
  • KevCo24
    Disrespectful and in poor taste
    I listened to the first two episodes and was intrigued by the premise. Then i got to episode 3 and they used the real-life death of Elisa Lam as a plot point. She was an *actual person* who tragically died less than a decade ago. “Explaining” her death using a fictional conspiracy theory is in such poor taste.
  • BiancaBNP
    Scary in all the good ways!!
    I have been listening to this show for years!! My favorite podcast!!
  • Ambo2022
    Obsessed!! Love love love it!!
  • Caesar's ma
    Please add more seasons as I am obsessed with this story!
  • lala-likes-books
    PRA is 🔥
    I’m convinced everything PRA does is magic
  • Caseylee213
    Becky Sauerbrunn brought me here
    Just started listening after USWNT star Becky mentioned the show on a different podcast and I’ve barely listened to anything else since. Super addicting and incredibly well done. Obsessed.
  • Ice Cold Leinenkugel
    Amazing piece of art
    This podcast is really a work of art. I started listening to Season 1 on a whim when looking for something to listen to on road trip. I ended up listening to all the seasons across South Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan UP, Wisconsin and just finished Season 5 through Illinois and Missouri. I can not wait to see where this goes. The voice acting is superb and the twists and turns are fantastic. You will not regret giving this a chance.
  • Wes Mack
    Been listening since the first series, love the show
    I’m restarting the series from the beginning. Love the show and figured I would enjoy the new season more if I remind myself where we are at. Keep up the great work
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