Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips for Finding Work, Advancing your Career, and Loving Your Job

Careers #21

Build a career that matters to you with job search strategies and career advice from Find Your Dream Job. Every week, we share insider secrets and job search tips on how to get a great job and develop a purposeful career.

Looking for your first job, searching for direction in your career, or just need tools to find a job? Join Mac Prichard, the Mac's List team, and our expert guests every week for job search inspiration, empathy, and actionable advice to help you find work that matters!

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Recent Reviews
  • A-Podcast-Listener
    A Must-Listen for Job Seekers and Career Enthusiasts!
    Whether you're actively job hunting or just looking to manage your career more effectively, this podcast has something for you. The episodes are well-structured, engaging, and packed with tips that can make a real difference in your professional journey. If you want to find work that truly matters and take control of your career path, "Find Your Dream Job" is the perfect companion. Highly recommended!
  • HelloToSunshine
    Great show for job seeking and career growth
    This podcast has nice weekly shows for job seeking and general career growth advices. Very helpful. Thanks Mac!
  • H. Eduardo Henríquez
    Excellent and brief advices
    Good place when you don’t know how to start your job search plan. Thanks Mac.
  • aplus18
    Excellent Source for Job Seekers
    This is an excellent show for job seekers. The content and guests always deliver. Whether looking for job search and interview tips or just looking for a show that will help alleviate the anxiety of the search, this show is a must listen.
  • kjcannon
    Excellent host
    Very glad to have come across Mac and the FYDJ podcast. It’s a weekly highlight. Mac is a strong interviewer with a tone and cadence that makes listening a pleasure. For me, in combination with the excellent information, this makes the podcast a standout. Mac always asks thoughtful questions, and his guests have insightful responses with specific and actionable steps. Great length - usually between about 22 and 25 minutes. Some podcasts of this length don’t feel long enough; to the contrary with FYDJ. I find myself often appreciating how much wisdom and detail gets packed into each episode. And it seems like I save every second or third episode in my feed so I can go back and make notes (I tend to listen while driving). Another standout feature - It feels a bit like Mac, and his guests, are “on my team” as I search for my next career role. The sense of empathy and understanding about how difficult the job search process can be is palpable every week. Having an opportunity to listen to professionals who get it about the challenges yet remain encouraging and realistically optimistic (if that is a thing – I think it is!), is a real gem. There are lots of podcasts for career support and job searching out there – Find Your Dream Job is a must-listen for folks at all stages of the job search process.
  • Aaron McWilliams
    Super helpful
    Most people look for jobs the wrong way, but Mac’s podcast and guests give you the information you need to make better decisions and get better results.
  • Matt_PDX
    A great resource
    Such a great podcast. Mac is an adept interviewer and does a great job of advocating for the listener as he navigates l conversations with his guests. This is a great resource for anyone considering a career transition.
  • GVandegrift
    Great topics, guests and always insightful
    Each episode share such great value and actionable items for all jobseekers. A MUST listen for sure!!!
  • lanadelgrape
    Listen if you’re wanting to prep for interviews!
    This podcast has helped me so much with interview prep and with my mindset and how to search for a job that aligns with my core values. Highly recommend!
  • BobDaleG
    FInd your Dream Job
    As an HR professional with 40+ years experience, I thought I had a pretty good handle on finding a job. I listen to Mac podcast and always learn something new or am reminded of something I had long since forgotten. My suggestion to anyone who is looking for a new job now, or will be in the future, listen to this podcast. You will find your next great job easier and faster because of what you learn from Mac and his guests. Thank you Mac!
    Great Advice
    This podcast has a nice variety of guests and job-related topics. Plus Mac is a great host—very prepared and thorough!
  • What thaaaaa
    Finally some career clarity!
    After being laid off, I found myself feeling lost. Unsure of my next step. I haven’t had an interview in 12 years. Searching for a job is very different these days. One thing I was sure about is wanting to do what made me happy… But what does that even look like? I’m not sure exactly, but I’m more confident about what steps to take to get there after listening to this podcast. Mac has several seasoned experts on his show that clearly explain how to perform an intentional job search. He asks the questions we’d like to have answered. He’s an advocate for all of us navigating all things career related. It doesn’t matter where you are. Entry level on up, this podcast WILL HELP YOU!
  • Beau ma Beau
    A true Gem under acres of pods
    My goodness. Mac’s interview style, approach, and diligence in the questions he asks his guests, is top notch and a treat to discover. I feel more confident, clear, and prepared for life a career and inevitable transitions in life and career. Thanks, so much for taking the time, efforts, and enthusiasm to produce on such a predictable basis!
  • relentless jobseeker
    Gems and Icing
    I have been listening to “Find Your Dream Job” for a couple years and love it. I love that Mac has diverse guest experts. I appreciate that the info, tips and trends are very practical and applicable in the job search process. Every episode covers a different gem of info from applications, interviewing, identifying our skill set to applying emotional intelligence to ourselves. The icing on the cake is the “Job Search Success Stories” that give me hope to hear of another job seeker being converted into being employed and sharing tips back with us.
  • tree huggin hippie crap
    Targeted and Actionable!
    Length of time per episode is manageable, real stories of practical application are relevant and helpful, and the strategies discussed are actionable, regardless of which stage of the job search you’re in.
  • Brandon Bramley
    Invaluable resource!
    Mac's List is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their career trajectory! I had the delightful opportunity to engage in a conversation with Mac on the esteemed Find Your Dream Job podcast, where we delved into the debunking of prevalent myths surrounding salary negotiations. Mac's wealth of knowledge and comprehensive insights offer profound guidance to aid you on your professional path.
  • buella85
    Just what I needed
    Find Your Dream Job was (an is) an amazing resource for those in the job search. I was laid off after nearly 10 years and this podcast allowed me to channel my energy in a healthy way. I love the varied experts and topics in short but packed full episodes. Thank you for the encouragement and expertise!
  • Mar060723
    Always insightful podcasts
    Even though I don’t live in the northwest, the insights are helpful no matter where you live. Find Your Dream Job is perfect listening for my 20 minute commute. Keeps me motivated!
  • lew0608
    Great podcast!!
    Mac’s list always has the best guests. They always bring great info!
  • robb7312
    Great topics and guests!
    I started listening to this podcast because I wanted to keep up with the latest trends in job hunting and career planning. I have listened to a few episodes so far and I really enjoy it. The guests are knowledgeable and the host asks good questions and keeps the conversation going strong. I recommend this podcast.
  • Job Searcher 10
    Incredibly Valuable for Job Seekers
    Mac’s “Find your Dream Job” podcast is incredibly valuable for any and all job seekers. I’ve used it as a resource multiple times since being a new graduate from college to 6 years post graduation. I highlight recommend this podcast for any job seeker!
  • Pod-views
    Invaluable Insights for Job Seekers
    The podcast is a must-listen for job seekers. With practical advice, expert insights, and inspiring stories, it offers invaluable guidance to navigate the challenging job search process. Highly recommended for anyone looking for their ideal career.
  • gilf
    Game changer
    I’ve been faced with far too many layoffs over the years and this podcast is what I always turn to for perspective, motivation and even some hope. I love it!
  • dwa12345
    Helpful Pinpointed Actionable Advice
    The episode “A Great Job Search Begins with Knowing Yourself” with guest Mark Allred was right on point. Mark’s description of professionals climbing the ladder only to find the ladder is on the wrong wall gets to the heart of people not being satisfied with their careers. There is a huge difference between chasing opportunities as the arise and people being strategic about where they want to go and finding opportunities to advance that goal. The question and answer format led to valuable facilitation by Mac Prichard to guide the conversation in a direction useful for job seekers and listeners, as well as free-form authentic answers from Mark. Great podcast!
  • Patricia | The Uncommon Career
    Direct Actionable advice
    What a valuable podcast - Mac brings guests who can help job searchers at all levels and phases of career development. He also has a relatable personality so it’s a good listening experience.
  • lewellynkk
    Focused advice for ALL job seekers!
    This podcast expertly addresses a myriad of pertinent topics with grace and boldness! Anyone contemplating or actively searching for advancement or transition into a new career should devote time listening! Mac is genuinely sincere & makes all of his guests feel special. I highly recommend #329 - being the boss of your own job search campaign; #327 - using humor non your job search; and #314 - why you need a video resume!
  • Video problem so mad. : (
    Great intent for jobseekers
    Mac brings an array of diverse speakers to unpack the dos and donts on how to find your next dream job! Things have changed A LOT and looking for a job in 2023 needs a different strategy. I particularly loved the latest 2 episodes with John Tarnoff on confidence and with Lena Sernoff on how to stand out in a job interview. All podcasts are less than 30 minutes, which is an ideal timing to absorb the content! Give it a listen!
  • HIwilma
    Practical advice, well produced
    Searching for a job is stressful. The host and his guests break down this process into actionable elements and provide solid career advice. Mac’s voice is also soothing so it helps take out some of the anxiety around these topics. You can tell he genuinely cares about helping his audience.
  • Rudes77
    Excellent show for everyone, not just job seekers
    This show is very well done. We all have goals, career and otherwise, and this podcast does a superb job bringing experts on that help you plot your path towards achieving these goals and overcoming the obstacles you will face. Mac is a phenomenal host and his guests are top shelf. The show is easily digestible and not academic. Kudos! And if you are looking for an epsiode to start with, check out the episode with Victoria Hepburn on the dangers of negative self talk in achieving your goals.
  • minimaljust
    Full of advice and insights!
    I started listening to the show a couple months back as I’ve been ramping up my job search efforts and this show was exactly what I was looking for! Mac and his guests have so much great advice and information that are great tools and are helping me build confidence in my job search. With a wide variety of topics and many episodes, there’s something for everyone on any career path to learn from. I definitely recommend giving this show a listen.
  • Len2391
    Great host! Great show!
    I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on this fantastic podcast, and I have to say, it's a must-listen for anyone looking to boost their career and improve their job search. The host Mac asks great questions and provides insightful commentary that can help you navigate the job market with confidence. I've learned so much from this show and highly recommend it. Give it a listen - you won't be disappointed!
  • Yan Long (is a fan)
    The best out there!
    Mac’s channel is the best out there! I listened to almost all episodes on job searching and interviewing, and I’ve got tons of good advice and inspirations. Like other reviews mentioned, Mac is very good at asking the right questions to get the best out of the conversations for listeners. Definitely recommend it to anyone who is on the job hunt and who is uncertain about their career lives.
  • randywilburn
    Find your dream job is a great podcast to help you navigate the job market.
    Mac shares a lot of actionable advice that most anyone would find helpful with their job search. Every week he hosts thought leaders and experts in the career development space. If you or someone you know is looking for a job you should consider following Mac and this podcast.
  • Freighty Cat
    I Love This Podcast!
    Find Your Dream Job has knowledgeable guests & Mac asks them questions that break down their advice into actionable steps.
  • Ursala Garbrecht, Resume Horse
    Practical job search tips
    Mac is great at asking pointed questions to reveal actionable steps job seekers can take to move forward. I love that the experts he interviews are from across the US and Canada. As a Resume Writer & Job Search Coach, I listen to this podcast regularly to research industry trends and best practices. Definitely worth the listen!
  • PDXMikeBuddy
    Very informative
    The episodes are interesting, timely and helpful. Even if a topic isn’t applicable to your situation you will learn something that could be very helpful.
  • SoniB17
    Great podcast!
    Even after only a few episodes, I am already hooked! The show features incredible guests, and Mac does an excellent job covering relevant, practical, and relatable topics! Mac does a fantastic job of giving each episode a smooth flow. It is the ideal length and easy to follow along! 10/10 recommend!
  • jumpingmonkey5
    Informative and Action Oriented
    I recently started listening to the “Find your Dream Job” podcast by chance. I live on the East Coast, but find that the guests give concrete advice that is helpful no matter where you are located. I took time off to thru hike the Appalachian Trail and underestimated the time required to find my next career move. Will continue to go thru the archives of the show to get advice on a daunting search.
  • wittenmitten6
    A must-listen for all job seekers
    Each week, Mac and his guests provide clear, timely, and insightful perspectives on everything you need to know to find and land a job that is the best fit for you. I especially love the fact that each episode has concrete action items you can put into practice right away!
  • JohnNAnje
    Great career advice from trustworthy sources
    Mac does an excellent job of selecting topical experts and asking them our burning questions. I learn something new every episode!
  • Data B
    Great Training For Careerists and Job Seekers
    Mac has some amazing guests on this show. You can get advice from professionals that might normally charge $250 an hour or more to speak with you 1 on 1. I also think this is great training for those not currently looking for a job. Great advice for LinkedIn on a recent episode! - Ricky Howard, Lt Col (Ret) DoD Contract Academy
  • Sammienichole
    Informative and Encouraging!
    A fantastic resource for job seekers, “Find Your Dream Job” lights the way for those struggling to find their own best self in the working world. I highly recommend this podcast - I’d argue as the most relevant, informative, and encouraging career advice on the market!
  • gandom2013
    Best job podcast
    As a foreigner I’m learning about jobs and English language at the same time. The topics are up-to-date and practical and also I always surprised by the questions that are asked to the guests at the right time.
  • fallmana
    Great podcast
    Mac presents an anxiety-inducing topic in a calming light. The podcast is easy to listen to in large part because Mac himself is easy to listen to. His guests always have unique takes on their subjects. I’m glad I found this podcast! I’ll be listening to old episodes when I start looking for a new job. This podcast makes finding a new job the adventure it should be.
  • Kathy B. 013
    Helpful and Inspirational
    I found Mac’s podcast when looking for some quick interview advice and I was hooked from the get go! I enjoy the theme music and content so much, it’s interesting, helpful and inspirational. It’s like therapy for job hunters and dream seekers!
  • Wilder Houston
    Insightful and to the point
    I found Mac’s podcast very useful and insightful. Mac’s ability to conduct interviews makes the listener to be part of the show. Everyday while doing my biking tour, I’m riding in company of very savvy coaches from all over the country, learning about coaching and how to own your Career. At the end of each podcast, Mac makes a great closing with the last two questions he ask to every guests: 1. What's Next for you? 2. What's the one thing you wish the listeners to remember from this podcast Highly recommend. Hope you enjoy it too.
  • Minnzer
    A Wealth of Job Search Wisdom!
    I have been listening to Find Your Dream Job podcast regularly for a few months now. I have gleaned so much great advice and wisdom from Mac and his guests with varied backgrounds and knowledge to share. So grateful to have found Mac’s List and the podcast. It has been invaluable during my job search - career pivot. I highly recommend it all. Thank you Mac and the Mac’s List Team!
  • G.E.E
    Find Your Dream Job
    Mac and his guests show a wealth of information keeping his listeners updated on the hiring trends and sharing tips, tricks and strategies.
  • JeffersonR93
    Loving it!
    Just started listening yesterday. Very professional production and guests with great advice.
  • SalPal147
    Incredibly helpful
    Such a fan of this podcast as it offers many helpful tips! So thankful that this is available to everyone!
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