The Andrew Klavan Show

News #59News Commentary #14

End of Western Civilization got you down? All is tickety-boo on The Andrew Klavan Show as Andrew laughs his way through Armageddon with political satire, cultural commentary, interviews and relentless mockery of racial pieties, sexual perversities, and feminist absurdities. Fridays at 8:30pm ET | 5:30pm PT.

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  • Mayormcawesome
    Sad to report
    Klavan has unfortunately become one note and full of himself. He feels the need to tell us he is an artist ad nauseam in every single episode. He has lost his step and it is likely time for him to retire. I am sorry to report this because his work used to mean so much to me. In its own way, The Great Good Thing helped me come to Christ. Now I think it is better to listen to Knowles, Walsh, or Shapiro. I’m sorry Andrew but you’re not as wise as you think you are. Honestly it’s not surprising it has come to this given your cafeteria style, I know better than everyone else, way of reading the Bible. Good luck to Mr. Klavan. I will no longer be listening.
  • retrieverbuddy
    Not tired of Winning!
  • infaithus
    It Makes the World Better
    Listen, have friends and family listen. It will make the world better! Smiles with insight!
  • I Em Groot
    Love the commentary, but….
    2/7/25 episode he said that Scott Adam’s created “Gilbert,” and that the commercial plane crash killed between “20-30 people.” I’m not very smart so it makes me wonder what else he has misspoken, but I didn’t know so I didn’t catch it.
  • Shmuel Phæliel
    Brett Cooper
    What happened to Brett? That poor girl
  • Aesthierr
    Best DW shoe
    My favorite Daily Wire show - hilarious yet intelligent
  • Virgo136
    Trump war for reality
    Opening monologue was awesome ! LOL !
  • 174?$/)(37;5;2!
    Klavan it great
    Seriously next time somebody says that calling George Soros an anti-American hack is antisemitic (as an Orthodox Jew) I am actually gonna track them down
  • Light Dweller
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Andrew Klavan’s wit, background, and ability to converse with almost anyone is unsurpassed.
  • Mike5591637
    I just dropped the Daily Wire
    from my Facebook feed, 90% of the comments were pro the NYC assassin. I had no idea there were so many idiots on the Daily Wire.
  • Rytone66
    Funny and True
    There are few podcasters whose written humor is as funny and on target as Klavan’s—with or without an “e.” And few whose new episodes I look forward to as much—with or without a trigger warning.
  • Abnroberts
    Most balanced podcast out there
    Klavan (no “e”) is my favorite podcaster. Growing up a democrat balanced his views. That combined with his command of the literal word and his understanding of logic/philosophy makes him my favorite.
  • magenta218
    Klavan perspires Charisma
    Smooth as Silk, best voice Daily Wire has in their repertoire
  • raymond j johnso jr
    Ep 1206
    Possibly the most hilarious yet. Especially enjoyed the “word salad” tribute at the beginning. Keep fighting the good fight, brother. Hardy Native of the Battle Born State of God’s Joy
  • Flo N Eddie
    Love his humor!
    Cultural commentary in a style remniscient of Dave Barry. There's only one thing better than Klavan's show, but with Klavan you can laugh, while it's poor form to laugh whilst doing the other thing.
  • PoseidonSLBM
    Orange head
    Not only was that hilarious , it was probably the greatest analogy of being a chridtian i have ever heard. Thank you for that, falling in line to get on the worlds down escalator is so easy lately, the wisdom in that segment made me stop what i was doing and think
  • 1enigmaticjrc
    Klavan is the Latin word for insight!
    In my opinion, Klavan is likely descended from the Latin word for insight. He’s always got the most unique take on the news of the day, and you can tell he’s not trying to have match or oppose an other analysis of current events. He’s the most independent thinker in public life today.
  • fusionista4
    Used to be great.
    Somehow the Daily Wire turned a light hearted, optimistically cynical, sort of hilarious show into a lackluster shadow of what it once was. Klavan is no longer even entertaining, he is just preechy and jaded. No more humorous themes, no more laughs, it is just terrible now.
  • Wideopenwally
    Classic Literature
    Amazing how Andrew finds symmetry with Literature poetry movies and gleans the Spiritual Scriptural Truth of Judeo Christian Thought with the very human experience. Great Intrllect humor and historian!!
  • Ken Dahl
    Andrew offers “ways” to understand current events rather than “what” to think about them.
  • S12345G
    I don’t know how to revise an old review so I’m leaving a new one to balance it out. Once upon a time Drew was my favorite DW host. I honestly haven’t changed much since then and I don’t think that he has either but a slow buildup of problematic things and seemingly minor contradictions here and there led me to observe a now clear pattern that keeps me from enjoying this show as I once did. I won’t point it out as I don’t wish to ruin the show for those of you that still like him and he does occasionally provide an interesting insight or different perspective but he’s just become a little too fake and the once charming “I know best but also let me drop some self deprecating remark to still seem down to earth” attitude has gotten so old for me. My final straw was the recent interview with and promotion of author Maureen Callahans book. I’m ashamed to admit that I was suckered into buying it and reading the whole thing hoping it would end up being good because the self proclaimed art and culture guide of the DW praised it. I still love every other DW host and even though I find myself disagreeing with them fairly often too, it’s in an extremely different and non fundamental way as it is with Drew. Listen to it if you’ve got nothing else to play otherwise give someone else, especially another DW host, a chance!
  • Dan2066
    I love you, man
    Listen to this podcast if you want to hear a great writer who does the podcast and how it sounds different from just a talker who does a podcast. his intro, segments show great writing and depth of intellect and satire. You will want to listen to them twice.
  • Bingandfrank
    Andrew is a great interviewer
    He asks questions like a normal person but boring down to the essence of the issue.
  • thankful 'n glad
    Megan Basham
    I loved this interview! Thank you
  • Brewnetbagladee
    I tried
    I’ve tried on multiple occasions to like this podcast but it’s not possible. Klavan is obnoxious. From the theme song to the self-righteous lectures, it’s nothing but eye rolls from me. Shapiro is the only dude from Daily Wire that I can tolerate.
  • lg7240!
    Klavan is the best!
    I listen to Klavan more consistently than any other political commentator. He is smart, funny, and his unique insights sync with my brain & heart. He makes the most sense and TELLS THE TRUTH no matter what his audience might want to hear. That’s why I trust him. He is a principled and spiritual man❤️
  • f_ckpeople
    Gone wrong
    You definitely took a cheap shot at Candace. You've been going wrong since you allowed them to change your intro!
  • sagebaugh
    Bad Theology and Lies
    Andrew showed his true colors when he publicly smeared and lied about Candace on his show immediately after her firing. It was absolutely despicable, a boneheaded move, and shows his lack of character. If you want to receive bad theology and lies on a weekly basis, be my guest. Shame on you, Klavan, for attacking your former colleague.
  • rachrae
    Bloviated Douchery
    1. Andrew says everything cool was first thought of or done by a man. Andrew, we women were not allowed to do many of the things men have enjoyed since the middle of last century. I rarely cry sexism, but you are so tone deaf. 2. Expanding on the tone deaf: “Technology is evil,” says Andrew, while bestowing upon us proles the technology he pretends to hate. It’s the either/or attitude of pundits like this guy that make them impossible to listen to. Technology has brought us life expectancies into the 80s. Medical technology has saved two members of this family. Technology has allowed my husband to work from home and not being carried out in a body bag at 32 because he died before a canary did in the coal mine. I would love to debate this guy. Won’t ever happen, but it’s amazing to listen to the hypocrisy. Oh, forgot number 3: He told us the best thing we can do for children in foster care is to go see his movie (technology)! As a former foster parent to dozens of children, I dare to disagree. I’m also sure ALL profits are going to foster care charities.
  • MidshipRunabout
    Homosexual apologist
    Andrew can’t accept a theology that doesn’t affirm and include his actively homosexual son, so he has to ignore large swaths of scripture and twist what’s left to tell you that Jesus is cool with homosexuality. He also has no problem with nudity in film, because art… riiiiiight. He’s a funny and creative guy, but I can’t have this anti-biblical garbage in my ears.
  • Zachary W '93
    A long time follower. So disappointed in Klavan and the daily wire.
    Shame on you guys. Lying about Candace and calling her anti Semitic is shameful.
  • SharonArtC
    Best Books
    In case you haven’t read James Jones “From Here to Eternity” don’t judge it by the tacky movie. It ranks with the best I’ve ever read. What about great stories like Steinbeck’s “East of Eden”, McMurtry’s “Lonesome Dove”? I do humbly consider myself a literature snob, reading every day like my brilliant father before me. Something to read on your vacation? Thanks for the great podcasts and Substack. Love both your word salads and Spencer’s. Guess I’ll have to subscribe…
  • Asciguy
    The racist skinhead
    He appears to be. Typical call the left what we’re actually doing reich winger. The latest “the left’s censorship and gaslighting” as many of them try to ban books from schools and physically intimidate teachers, threaten school board members and election officials. GFY KKKlaveRn
  • AnteTerra
    Editing issues?
    Love, love, love the show but over the past few months Ive noticed repeats of entire sections of the show on Apple Podcasts… irksome. Which means Im missing dialog if time holds true. This doesnt show up on DailyWire or Rumble… hadnt tried Spotify.
  • Ezgodave
    Christ is king
    Banning books or speech (opinions) is totalitarian behavior and I am out on all Daily Wire content!
  • Angel HC94
    Hilarious and Informative Commentary
    I really need to stop listening to this show when I’m at the gym. The show intros are so irreverent and on the nose that I risked dropping a barbell on myself while I was bench pressing because I laughed so much. Klavan is so intelligent and well spoken while delivering his political commentary in a genuinely entertaining way.
  • Time pass by
    This guy is a great listen
    You’d be hard pressed to find a more prescient and well informed pontificator out there today. The combo of humor and poignancy amounts to the best podcast out there for the sane and rational.
  • #1Crittic
    Articulate and sarcastic
  • Criminal 89
  • Elvisp42
    Candace Owens
    You did her wrong.
  • gigandgeo
  • Aly_Can1
    Candace Owens
    I love listening to your show. I am a Christian women living in America. I really appreciate your explanation on why Candace Owens had to go. I kept having a bad feeling with the way she was dealing with her views about Israel, and the Jewish people. Like you said, it is OK to criticize governments, and how wars are fought—but what she did showed a dislike for the Jewish people, and I could not explain why until you did this episode. I also found it very interesting she refused to talk about October 7th, even though she talks about everything under the sun.
  • makisapoo
    A sad little man
    Used to enjoy his cultural takes. But over the past year, it’s become increasingly apparent what a vile pathetic little man he is. Re: Candace firing, so you see being pro-abortion a moral equivalent to being opposed to Israel’s murderous policies? Disgusting!
  • Beck2022
    Fantastic interview with the police officer !!
    I look forward to your thought provoking podcasts every Friday along with the humor. God bless you & thank you!
  • I’m with you always m28:20
    I absolutely love Ann Coulter, she’s a American treasure.
  • JasonAZ
    Thought provoking and entertaining
    I am a long time listener of Andrew’s podcasts and have purchased his books. All of them are wonderful. I absolutely love when he shares his thoughts about religion and society and his point-of-view is unique in today’s world. I could not recommend him more. I found it odd though how much he turned me off during his Pearl Davis interview. The only part of her argument I agree with regards the legal system and what it does to men (and the behavior it creates in women). However, I found Andrew to treat her differently than other guests. I’ve never heard him talk over a guest like that and interrupt and argue with them. It was unbecoming and tough to listen to; I found him to be uncharacteristically obtuse in his approach. I am so use to him deftly handling situations like this that it surprised me this time. That being said, no one is perfect and perhaps this critique says more about me than it does Andrew. Please keep it up, you are a treasure!
  • Kevinneedstheword
    Magnificent show, bad episode
    Drew, you host a magnificent show that always leaves me thinking. I am not a fan of the episode with Pearl Davis because neither one of you articulate your position well. Marriage displays an ideal and none are perfect and you both have solid points on this but they deserve to be well spoken ideas. How bout you write a book on it! The great good thing was a great read. Thank you for always having ideas worth hearing.
  • little tim267
    Good interview
    Good job interviewing this woman today. You proved that she knows nothing about women or marriage. We need good influencers, and you show us who to ignore.
  • rtindenver
    Pearl of wisdom
    Love you Andrew but you protested too much with this gal. She’s sadly right on. She has the facts. You have an ideal. Reminds me of our current political divide. I’m 53, love women, and have never been divorced. Thank God!!!
  • Sas 687
    Klavan has made many comments & references regarding women that I am increasingly bothered by. At 24 years of age my husband left right after I gave birth to twins. I was very scared & vulnerable so understand the need for women & children to be protected. I didn’t choose divorce. My kids didn’t choose to be essentially abandoned by their father. We have suffered greatly by a man letting us down. Not all men are not bad & my dad was one of the best! He was the best. What are women supposed to do when child rearing is done. Am I now at 69 years not able to think critically about the world? I never have wanted hand outs by big government. I have always worked & strived to the best for my two boys. I’ve never had the luxury of being taken care of! Not everyone gets to like in that world. I am very concerned about our country. Mature women can’t sit back & think politicians will take care of everything. It’s insulting to think that women can only be Pollyannas & want shiny handouts.
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