ONE | A Potter's House Church


The official Podcast of ONE, A Potter's House Church led by Pastors Touré Roberts & Sarah Jakes Roberts.If you are finding ONE for the first time, a great way to meet us is during our #OneExperience happening in person at 9am and 11:30am pacific, and online on Sundays 7am, 9am, 11:30am, 2:30pm and 6pm. (Pacific)

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Recent Reviews
  • Sellisa30
    Great Sermon and Podcast my friend
    I’ve been listening and watching your sermons as you know for over 10 years now, I’m in a different state so I tuned in and stream through YouTube and I’ve just discovered your sermons on the One podcast here in The Apple Podcast. This is really convenient for me especially when I start my mornings off with prayer and worship, and meditation. I can tap the podcast app and go to past sermons and listen or if I’m busy in the kitchen I can just listen to the word that way and catch up on some of my favorite sermons by you. I just re-listen to “I must be me” and found it very insightful and compelling, when you are destined to be who God has called you to be and not what others think you should be, that’s when you have truly discovered your purpose. “Purpose Awakening” 🇿🇦❤️‍🔥🙏🏾
  • Trueestdesigns
    Wonder teachers of God's word
    10/10 podcast , I listen every other mrg. One day I'll be a part of a live service .
  • Dash_21
    Life changing.
    The Roberts & Jakes family have no idea how much they have changed & saved my life. Between One & the potters house! My life has changed, thank you for keeping us strong in our faith, and seeing how god has tremendously changed ours lives!! Thank you
  • kodymarz
    This collective of prophets are RIGHT ON TIME! THANK YOU PT AND PASTOR SARAH!!!!
  • marlydeeee
    Run it back!
    1st of all Glory be to God, the almighty. I LOVE this word & am so thankful for all of these podcast. It’s literally been saving my mind & spirit to replay & meditate on these messages from the Lord! Thank you for being diligent & faithful to the TRUTH that comes from the one TRUE God! Amen.
  • ParsleyBergamot
    Thank you for your blessing of sharing your gifts. This is my go to podcasts when I just need to listen and put a praise on it. Thank you 💕
  • Give thanks everyday
    Blessings Message !
    Blessed message preached ! Thank you ! We listen and share too .
  • C_Ann_Run
    Restraining Order
    This is a word I’m going to have to listen to several times a week and I’m so glad that I can!
  • dfh b fdscj
    It’s go time
    What a powerful in your face message, holding me as a believer accountable for what God has really called me to do. Here I am Lord send me.
  • MrsTavii2020
    Spiritually fed!!
    I praise God for this ministry! All of the speakers have been such a tremendous blessing to my spiritual journey in getting closer to God and embracing my purpose. God bless you all!! 🙏🏾😭😮‍💨
  • intentionalqueen
    Spot on!!!
    I love his ability to illustrate God’s word!! Very relatable and transparent!! I am hooked!!! Love it!!! Thank you for allowing God to use you!
  • Kiera shackleford
    I literally listen everyday now! Please don’t stop.. I’m so serious with walking with God and listening to these teachings help me! I love y’all!
  • wopslat
    Helps me on every day basis
    Thank you!
  • Angie Gray
    At my lowest
    Today I was at the lowest of the low and I stumble on this my God when I tell you that I grabbed my self I hugged myself because I know now that I don't have to carry my family alone anymore. When my Father was dying he made my brother and I make a promise that we both would help with our younger siblings I been doing it for so many years they are grown now and I didn't understand until a couple of months ago it was time for me to take my hand off of them so God could do his will with them. I felt like a failure because it was so much going on in my life the same people that I was there for some of them started turning their back on me which lead me to question God as to what more do I do God said get out the way thank you, father I know now that bad picture that they may paint me as I am not that. God is saying you've done enough. I stumble on this podcast because God needs me to know that you are stronger than you think you are I love my sister and brothers and my Mom but I can't hold on and ask God to fix it if I'm in the way 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
  • Sharon Renee'
    It’s the Glory of God!
    WOW! Just WOW! As i was driving to San Diego from Las Vegas i was riding alone quietly praying, asking God to lead me as there’s a lot of disruption in my home. I turned to Podcast that i normally listen to (non sermons) and just wasn’t fulfilled i said i want to hear Sarah Roberts. For some reason I couldn’t find her sermons/teachings and then came across her photo with her husband to Positioned for Power. I didn’t know what to expect. When I listened it was everything I needed from the beginning to the end. Everything going on in my life, is being shaken. I could never understand it but this right here, opened my eyes, opened my ears so I can hear and it was nothing but God! The glory. Thank you pastor for your word. Today was my second day listening and I just love it.
  • T-Toolz
    This preaching Walk Worthy wrecked me!
    Wow! I am so grateful for this church. Pastor Steph, your explanation of scriptures are always as if you peeped into my journal! Whew… PT, your insights lead to convictions that make the word easier to understand and follow. Pastor Ro, you leading worship itself is sermon. Thank you for helping us with our walk with God.
  • Yonniec
    Great teachings but where is Sarah?!!
    The prime reason why I listen to this podcast was because of Pastor Sarah’s ministry. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy Pastor Toure Roberts and Stephanie Ike’s messages but the picture profile is a bit misleading where Sarah’s sermons has not been posted here for months now. If you want to catch her sermons, you may catch them from Potter’s House Dallas or Woman Evolve.
  • ShaWooski
    High preaching 👏🏾
    The power of these messages through these podcast you feel that you are there, feel God and the Holy Ghost. Thank you for blessing us may the Lord continue to bless you!
  • ms s nelson
    Better balance
    The interviews I don’t like but the stand up talks I love… keep the stage coming and remove the interviews, not benefiting at all. Get some pointers from Sarah, her interviews be good, but this station nah.
  • Uptown_dun
    God is good
    Thank you lord for you love and protection🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾This definitely an great message and know that God don’t make mistakes in Jesus amen
  • MzzyLadyy2
    Bless You
    I thanks God for you two I cannot express how much you have activated purpose back into me. The teachings are Holy Ghost inspired and He allows you all to speak to my spirit man and it’s so clear and so simple. Thank you!
  • -kiu-4
    Thank you 🧡🙏🏼
    You guys don’t just teach the word but inspire and motivate just by walking in your purpose, thank you for all you do!!
  • anh390
    Post the sermons of the other pastors too
    This past Sunday’s sermon was led by pastor Stephanie Ike and yet a podcast was updated with an old sermon of PT’s. How come? How come you only post sermons of the head pastors? I’d very much like to hear the others on here as well and not have to rely on YouTube.
  • maria dijianna
    Thank you so much !!!
    You are doing so much for me and my family!!!
  • Noewoods
    Im so grateful for ministry through technology. I’m grateful that I can be fed through different pastors, hearing GODS WORD! Lifts me! Faith comets by hearing and hearing by the word of GOD🥰
  • sexyhoops
    I’m getting back in the flow
  • FavensHero
    Amazing !
    I’ve been apart of this podcast for a couple years now. It has gotten me through so much ! Thank you Pastor Sarah & Toure !
  • Servant LRM
    The Word for the now generation! Wonderful ministry!❤️🙏🏼🔥👏🏼🙌🏼
  • Milove Destra
    Thank You
    Amazing Amazing Amazing. Just Amazing🙌🏾💛✨
  • mayila n
    I thank God for leading me to this postcast I am learning a lot🙏🏻
  • Line111083
    What I needed
    Thank you!!!!
  • AshleyB2021
    Thank You!!
    The Breakthrough!
  • Gifted58
    Revisiting Altars and Open Says Me
    God really speaks to me through your teachings! Thank you for obeying God’s voice!
  • OG Ang17
    Thank You Lord
    Thank You Lord for leading me here to this podcast! 🙌🏾…. I have cried and felt the spirit during this listening session… I’m greatful for your word & I’m receiving of the message! Now it’s time for me to do Gods work …
  • Meo0320
    I’m in love ! NEEDED!
    Such a powerful couple. I’ve only been a fan for less than a month. But, I’ve been helped in so many ways. I’m so very grateful that God saw fit to connect me to this podcast . It has definitely been on time with EVERY message. It’s definitely helping me in this season of my life! Thank you for allowing God to use you.
  • Nuna Exotica.
    this is the only podcast i listen to faithfully. and re-re-re-listen to. may God bless this ministry as guide those who need it, to it. amen amen 🤍.
  • tionne56
    Thank you sis for sharing your gift I am engulfing myself in the word and I am so glad that I discovered you and this podcast , YouTube . You are truly blessed and ordained. Your messages have helped me tremendously on my join. I don’t feel like it was an accident that I stumbled upon you. Thank you God. I give you glory!! Thankful for the journey.
  • millercams
    Truly a blessing
    I love, love, love what the Potter’s House family has been doing in the ministry. This show has been a blessing to myself and I am so glad to hear God’s voice through Pastor Toure and First Lady Sarah Roberts. Please continue to share your gift with the body of Christ. We love you, we need you. Thank you.
  • Janae Alese
    Need this!
    I absolutely love listening to Pastor Toure and Pastor Sarah Jakes. Whenever I need a word, they send me such a powerful message to help me overcome this current chapter that I am in. I feel like I’m in the same room with them, there are times where I’ve cried, praised the lord, and took notes. I’m so grateful for them❤️
  • anizhaym
    This message spoke to me so much, thank you for letting God speak to me through you. I love you sister, God bless you!
  • nadiav88
    I don’t even have words to begin to tell you how much this podcast has changed my life. Wow !! I can’t even explain how beautiful and so blessed I feel to be able to listen to this podcast ! I’m forever thankful ❤️🙏🏽
  • Kyn55555
    Thank you!
    Thank you for your ministry. God bless PT.
  • Steph Jack
    Jan 24, 2021
    The middle aged person you were talking to at the end was me. At the exact moment I heard this is was not loving myself. I was seeing myself as ugly because I’m brown skinned with nappy hair and I believed that only light-skinned pretty women with long hair or rich women had gods favor because they have favor in the world. Your word in this sermon transformed my life mid thought. Thank you
  • Shannon705
    Last Episode
    That was a prophetic word my sister! I love you and Pastor Touré (PT) ! You both speak in prophetic ways and I thank you for the the stone cold or spot on messenger for exactly what I needed at the right time!!! Bless you all!
  • Shantasie
    Thank You
    Thank you for the word.
  • Sylvester2016
    God is truly using this amazing couple
    I have never ever listened to so many sermons over and over again. I can tell they both spend a TON of time with God. They are the epitome and embodiment of Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28. God has used them both to confirm some deep things God revealed to me. I can see and experience God’s love in new and wonderful ways. Thank you to you both and may your lives continue to blossom and flourish and impact millions to the glory of God.
  • florrie78
    When I say this came right in time. I was feeling lost bc of things I was not getting or accomplishing that I was becoming an angry bitter person. Listening you Sarah I realize why things were happening.....I surrender Father Living in your shade
  • Safe in His Arms
    You Bet Not EVER STOP❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Talk about an intercessor! Like Sarah said in one the podcasts, “ I want to throw my shoe at you, PT!!” I go back and listen to episodes over and over, anxiously waiting for the next service because it overly blesses me and graces me with what I need in my life in these present times and I thank God for you! I pray that God never takes His hand off you and to PT, Sarah and the entire Potters House Ministry I thank you for the Word of God and being an intercessor in my life and I am your personal testimony of what God does when He blesses His people with the ability to speak the word, to speak life, understanding and hope to many many people! I love you guys so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • KoriMonique
    What a blessing it has been to have found their podcast! I have not gone a day with starting my mornings with PT and Pastor Sarah. They have led me closer to the Lord than I have felt since I was a little girl. I am now a loyal member of their tribe. 🙏🏾
  • Trinidad_Beauty
    What an awesome podcast !!!
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