High and Mighty

by Headgum

Gabrus' interests are all over the place...and so is this podcast. He interviews friends and celebrities, some who are both. About the kind of stupid stuff that a nerd/meathead/manchild would be into.Tangents are not only allowed, they are encouraged.

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Recent Reviews
  • DankTank619
    This pod was awesome! Listening to ep. 500 right now… RIP Arthur. 🥲
  • ranjj1224
    I thought you were from long island
    Disappointed that you had a complete antisemite on one of your last episodes. His rhetoric is dangerous and incorrect. Why did you allow so much hate towards the Jewish people? I thought you were from long island. What a sad conclusion to your podcast.
  • Borscht 23
    Should’ve just stuck with Tony
    This show would be a real winner had it just be Anthony and Gabrus talking conspiracies. Yes hard to fill 500 eps with that but they could’ve figured it out.
  • Mew1112
    WHM theater ep
    I could legit listen to Gabrus and the WHM boys talk abt going to the movies for 10 hrs❤️
  • Bdog714
    an absolute
    The comedy chat format is incredibly entertaining, leaving me in stitches with each episode. The host has a natural chemistry that makes every conversation feel like a hilarious hangout session with old friends. From witty banter to laugh-out-loud anecdotes, this podcast never fails to brighten my day. If you're in need of a good laugh, look no further—this five-star comedy chat is guaranteed to leave you grinning from ear to ear! Subscribe and write a review, let’s Get John Gabrus health insurance
  • EricLPeterson
    Gabrus, the #1 Legend.
    Gabrus brings the people what they want. More Gabrus. That’s all we want. John ranting and raving with friends, while we get smarter. Keep doing EXACTLY what you’re doing man. Absolute Legend.
  • Andrew.sproge
    Jon is 10/10 hilarious
    Jon Gabrus is one of the funniest people on the planet. He always gets the best conversations out of his guests. Highly recommend to anyone interested in funny and interesting conversations.
  • Freeloder11
    Gabrus in His Element
    Featuring in depth talks about a variety of subjects. Not forcing himself into a pigeon hole of one thing; the plethora of topics will always have something engaging to talk about.
  • DrDriveBetterPls
    Sometimes moving, always funny.
    I love how funny this podcast is, but what stands out is how vulnerable Gabrus is in talking about things like his weight, childhood, lifelong dreams, and more. Also the funny.
  • grrzonice
    Good Vibes
    This is a podcast about making friends and laughing together. No one knows how to connect, commiserate, and celebrate with a new friend like Gabrus. It is the spirit of play and openness that I miss in other parts of my life!! It’s the spirit of improv, of learning, and of joy! Anyone who thinks they’re too old for *blank* has lost some part of themselves. This podcast fights self-shame. Get on board!! We’re doing cannonballs.
  • doingle-smasher
    This guy is funny
    Audio levels and sound speeds almost always top notch, Gabrus pulls some insane references and jokes out of nowhere, his brain just works different. More female guests would be my preference.
  • Yepsi1986
    What on earth was this Aliens episode?
    I really enjoy this show, but the Aliens episode felt like a prank.
  • hatnjane
    Quite a surprise
    I listened to a power hour episode first because Doughboys were on. I enjoyed it so I listened to an episode of just Gabrus and Mitch. I was extremely surprised at how intellectual and insightful Gabrus is. He seems like a Long Island fuccboi but he’s intelligent and well informed.
  • shootdraxxus
    Fun Podcast, but...
    Sometimes you have to sit through 30+ minutes of hearing about the various forms of weed before they get to the title topic.
  • Ursusnoir
    New Listener and already hooked
    I didn’t know much about Jon before hearing him on another podcast (Shout out GMIWH) but I became a quick fan because he sounds so real and down to earth, and he’s also funny. All with a very human feel. I think I’m 4 episodes in and I feel like I come away with a new perspective to help me wade through this disappointment that is existence in this modern world with at least a better outlook. Thanks Jon.
  • AndrĂ© Davis
    Like a Cool Substitute Teacher
    I’ve heard Gabrus over the years on other great podcasts and this one is even greater. Awesome conversations that get you thinking. Real stuff that you didn’t know you wanted to think about though. Not boring stuff.
  • lefromage666
    Totally do you
  • EAlloway
    Just met Gabrus in our local game shop
    Apparently it takes getting a handshake from the show host for me to leave a 5 star review. (And I promise the weird shriek I made was because of shock and joy and not hand crushing pain.) Have been listening for 4 or 5 or 6 years at this point (who’s counting and what is time anymore anyways?) - this podcast is truly brilliant in its’ simple premise of getting folks to talk about something that they actually want to talk about. The perfect pairing with an afternoon of chores and smoking, your working from home lunch break, or to walk around the neighborhood laughing to yourself about unrepeatable things. Found via Hello from the Magic Tavern I think years ago, I also love Hey Riddle Riddle and My Dad Wrote A Porno as far as humor vibe.
  • Bayouradio
    Funny and Lifesaving
    No joke. Started listening to this because Gabrus is a riot and so are most of the people he knows. Love hearing people talk their way through topics. But the way he talks about being a large person struggling with large person issues has been tremendous. It’s helped motivate me to make changes that will keep me healthier. I’m sure the intent was to make a funny, sometimes informative podcast. Mission accomplished. I don’t know that anyone thought it would make someone’s life 180 degrees better, but it has. Thanks, Gabrus! (But in keeping with the original requests for Apple reviews: This show is the worst. Or something.)
  • Glue&Glitter
    Just a Delight!
    I love this podcast! It really just feels like sitting down with friends to joke around and chitchat. And couldn’t we all use more of that right now?
  • Rev. Matthew Mara
    Basically stuffing garbage into your ears
    Listen in as host Johm Grabrus rants and raves about topics he’s heard about. It’s like listening to someone mid fever dream/fuge state, but we can attribute that to mild alcoholism and massive amounts of Taco Bell and THC. Love the show and hope you come to Cincinnati one day
  • cmdm
    STFU…maybe let a guest talk…
    wow…talk about self centered, boring, arrogant and thinks he’s soooo interesting that guests barely get to say anything…
  • DJNickyNickKnock
    To sleep, perchance to cream
    The Gabe Jonass podcast is a lot like a wet dream. When it’s happening you’re all in, despite subconsciously knowing something’s wrong. Then when it’s all over and you’re awake you just feel pathetic and gross. (Also, claims to be a fantasy buff, but still pronounces the name “Drizz-it.”) Five stars, would hold the door for him at a gas station
  • Berwyngirl
    The BEST!
    One of my favorite podcasts hosted by the inimitable Jon Gabrus! I could listen to Gabrus read the phone book.
  • iamthatpma
    Hopefully this still the theme. Listening to this podcast is like looking in the mirror and woof that’s a bummer. Can’t believe anyone pays some schmuck to get high and jab with friends. I had that idea in 2004. 5/5 I’m listening from epp 1 as I’m late to party and this podcast rips.
  • Duckhunter44
    What a downer
    Pass. Uncomfortable over laughter bc it’s just not funny
  • Phattioli
    ASMR for your sole
    Gabrus is the thinking man’s man and we are better off to hear him yell.
  • Drunk Satan Robot
    Jonny G!!!
    I love the show, I refuse to leave a negative review. I look forward to listening to this all week, I love to go home and get high w/ gabrus on before I work on baking or charcuterie projects(charcuterie is cured meats/smoked meats Johnny Gobus, not the meat and cheese platter you keep calling a charc board, more like Wrong Island). Great show with a great selection of guests, never miss a show.
  • falbopolis
    69 thumbs up
  • Word Salad Days
    Bless His Heart
    It’s so endearing how Jon Gabrus (name unverified) keeps putting his best efforts forward and persevering despite, well, you know.
  • Zbristol
    If you like thick thighs and high highs. High and Mighty? More like Thighs almighty :3
  • Mr.Roce
    Love the podcast
    You are a walking advertisement for the Benefits of birth control. Love the podcast
  • Ian Conway
    I think this is one of the great podcasts out there, I am however, a moron. five stars
  • Mr. Dutton
    O&A Rip Off
    Typical south shore Long Island self important try hard. We get it, we heard O&A back in the early 2000s.
  • Movieman222
    Hitting Rock Bottom with Jon Gabrus
    At the climax of Darren Aronofsky’s 2000 trashterpiece, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, a desperate Jennifer Connelly hits her absolute rock bottom in her pursuit of heroin. Her boyfriend and his close friend are arrested. With no heroin dealer left, she sells her body to Keith David who immediately forces her to use a double headed dildo for his amusement. This experience serves an allegory for the moment I turn to Garfield’s HIGH AND MIGHTY podcast. I often carry out menial tasks with the vocal accompaniment of the greatest minds of the current comedic generation. Doughboys, Nicole Byer, Lauren Lapkus - you know them, you love them. But every once in a while, the well runs dry so I have scramble for any drop of witty repertoire. The place I end up? HIGH AND MIGHTY. GarbageApe’s podcast is the zenith of the Slackitude Aesthetic that started once mediocre white suburbanites started smoking weed and quoting Kevin Smith movies to their fellow basement-dwelling friends. It’s difficult to tell if there is a consistent personality to Gagballs: either he’s agreeing with everything or talking over them in a desperate attempt to get them to agree with him. If there’s any light at the end of the tunnel, it’s the reassurance that the appeal of the gregarious stoner is alive and well in the Hollywood system. What would sitcom writers do without one mediocre white male archetype? On the bright side, once I find myself listening to three or four episodes in a row, I pick up scraps of far more enjoyable content I could be consuming. Patrick Rothfuss’s THE NAME OF THE WIND, for instance. Any number of video games. And, sometimes in the middle of Gasburp pushing a bit past the point of it being funny anymore, I realize that sometimes I don’t need to listen to podcasts at all. So for that, I thank you, Josh Gad. Thank you for being the “ass to ass” I need to hear every once in while.
  • Mondo_KingoftheSurf
    Great if you’re from Long Island
    Jon Gabrus is PC Tim Dillon. I like the episode when he has Tim Dillon on to talk about Long Island.
  • JPthr33
    Wish I could tap 4.5 stars on the rating system. But I have to round up to 5. Why subtract a half star? Because Arthur is never given a chance to speak. At best we are ONLY allowed to hear him breathe. Answer the hard Qs, Gabrus: why are you silencing your cohost? Afraid of what he would say if given the chance? If it does turn out that Arthur is an alt-right incel (as we’ve long suspected) at least let him express that. Then let US decide.
  • youngmagzy
    Good Humor (bet you would like one of those, huh, Gabrus?)
    DEFINITELY waste your time with Gabrus. So funny!
  • David D.NYC
    Five stars.
    10 years ago Gabrus bailed on our 201 class to go make more MTV2.
  • 1/2dan1066
    Great podcast!
    Keep up the good work!
  • lilbbboi
    DO waste your time
  • C_Haight85
    Don’t waist your time
  • Beetle Breakfest
    Br-Otho Grosso
    I don't know what Juan Virus looks like, but I can tell his at-capacity skinsuit is nearing critical mass by the sound of his Cheesy Gordita neck strangling those greasy Long Island vocal cords. Stay healthy, stay cool. Love the show. Working my way through the entire H&M catalogue.
  • klezmek
    Would be better without the homophobia!
    This latest episode was ROUGH w/ the blatant homophobia throughout. Was really alienating as a gay listener but ya know I guess it’s not the podcast for me then ...
  • Jesus Thong
    High and mighty?
    The co-host on this podcast is a sweet Down’s syndrome man named Mike Mitchell. Mike is very funny and one of the sharpest mentally challenged people I’ve heard lately. Super big props to Nick Wigger for doing this, I can’t imagine how much work he puts into Mikes therapy and this production. Nick could choose literally anyone and have a better and easier time with but Mitch does make it a unique podcast. The lines Nick writes for Mitch really do sound like something someone of his intellectual level would actually say. I can’t imagine how many picture flash cards it takes to get the lines in Mitches head and coming out quasi like he is thinking them himself. Great work!!!!
  • Barrraakkaaaaa
    listen to this podcast every morning before I put on my jants
  • Brady the App Guy
    hell yeah
    hell yeah
  • WPpro69
    Legit fun
    Fun host fun topics and fun guests. Never miss and episode.
  • Jrebeclee
    The best
    Gabrus is not only hilarious, he’s a genuinely nice guy. His enthusiasm is contagious. This podcast is fantastic.
  • siebricjw
    Positive vibes while being crude
    Great show, lots of positivity while busting balls with R rated humor
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