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Janet BeanSo Grateful for this PodcastI’ve appreciated every episode and the variety of the subject matter. The podcast on Rock and Roll is my favorite. We are in the midst of worship wars at church and I love all kinds of music. I was a little kid when my dad played Larry Norman in our house - it was the late 60’s and it was such a juxtaposition to our church which had no musical instruments and sober singing. Loved the line that The Devil Has no Music. Thanks Mavis Staples! Keep it up!
Lildeb$The anti-Israel bias is disturbingPlease interview Dr. Erez Soref- I’m certain he will give you an excellent, factual and Bible-based interview. 🙏🏻✨ Blessings
MagpiemamamaLeftist Globalist GospelThe entirety of the Bible is not taught, but instead has been cherry picked in a very Laodicean fashion. Love your neighbor. No borders. Your skin color is on the throne of your idolatrous heart. Then this is for you
robby.cpOne year of faithful listeningI think I’ve listened to every episode over the past year, and this has been a godsend. I really enjoy Preston‘s natural curiosity. I would love to hear him interview Jonathan Tremaine Thomas from the civil righteousness project.
Mwt87No place to leave a commentI was disappointed that there is no place to leave a comment on the latest episode.
jv73017SO one-sided on Israel/PalestinePreston, I’m really increasingly disappointed that you have mostly been presenting information and opinion from one side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. You have barely had one Jewish voice on the podcast. Yes, you had the Jewish rabbi who is a settler. But I’m sorry, the settler movement is the worst Judaism and Zionism has to offer. My family are secular Jewish Israelis and they detest the settlers. Talk about straw-manning arguments. Speaking of debunked facts, you also uncritically repeated the Lancet “claim” that 186,000 people are projected to die in Gaza. That was in a letter to the Lancet, it was someone’s opinion. It was NOT peer-reviewed fact, but pro-Palestinian media reported it as such. I urge you to go to the Honestly podcast by Bari Weiss and listen to the most recent episode about the Palestinian “traitor.” And then, I urge you to listen to some Iranian, secular Israeli, and liberal Zionist voices for some much-needed balance in your view.
apstephThank you Dr Yousef AlkhouriThe episode with Dr Yousef Alkhouri brought me to tears. Thank you Preston Sprinkle for giving Palestinian Christians a platform and a voice. Thank you Dr Alkhouri for speaking and being so honest and faithful. This is what every American Christian needs to hear and think about
NRP12273reviewsRE Christian AnarchyYour friend is right. Remember Samuel's Warning Against Kings …to the people who were asking for a king from him. 11 He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. 12 And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. 15 He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants.16 He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men[a] and your donkeys, and put them to his work. 17 He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. 18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
oldschool1stgenipodThinking ChristianityFrom issues of gender and sexuality to the Palestinian Israeli issue and beyond, Preston goes beyond the din of American Christianity and gives us a more rooted sense of the Christ like way. I thoroughly appreciate that he holds an orthodox view of the faith that is honest and flexible.
XAmissionsPurty GoodAs a missionary on the college campus, this podcast is a great tool. I’m thankful for the hard questions, conversations, and theological discussions that are had on this specific podcast. Thank you and keep up the Kingdom work.
J.BateyGreat PodcastI so enjoy the humble, thoughtful posture that Preston engages in. He is full of love of the word of God and Truth while maintaining grace and mercy. I appreciate his work and have enjoyed his podcast.
JMichilleWhat a Blessing!!!I stumbled upon this podcast, of course began at the first episode, I cannot stop listening to it!! Thank you for all the positive conversations!! Such an awesome platform!
candidconfidenceCaptivating conversations!!I needed to write this after accidentally giving the show a 2 star review. Total accident. Love these conversations. Deep yet approachable and fun to listen to!
jmanreffWas a faithful listenerI used to listen to every episode. I forgave Preston when he had an anti-Israel episode where the guest claimed that Jews controlled the media. But in October, when his first interview after Oct. 7 claimed everything was fine in the Middle East until the Jews arrived, I gave up. I cannot trust someone who so easily falls into anti-semitic tropes and will not challenge obvious conspiracies. After Tucker Carlson had the anti-semitic Munther Isaac on his show, I thought it would be interesting to see if Preston Sprinkle’s Palestinian guests were cozy with him. But Preston did one better, he interviewed Isaac himself this January.
hourikkazarianAbsolutely NeededPreston Sprinkle has consistently provided the other side of the coin arguments that are missing from canned Christian arguments. You can tell that he is hungry for more of God and takes us on that journey with him. His reliance on scriptural integrity lends credence to all his podcast conversations.
Number Two.Thorough ScholarshipListened to both episodes on kephale/ about 4 hours worth of podcast! But I’m grateful Dr Sprinkle landed where he did in a very gracious and humble and scholarly way. Yes, headship is definitely servant and love oriented or it’s not what God is requiring from husbands. Not talking about a dictator, rather a self giving broken man who wants the absolute best for his wife and fam.
John W. WilsonA gift to Christians to struggle with Sexuality and/or gender.Thank you, Preston Sprinkle, for your dedication to Christ and for helping other Christians and non-Christians. You are a gift, my friend. My sister goes to a college in Oregon named “Bushelle” and the professor is A.J Swaboda I’ve heard about his connection with you, my family is good friends with him as well.
RA ShawThank youThank you for your interview with Dr. Rev. Munther Isaac. It is eye opening, and important for Christians in the west to realize that yes, Christians do exist in the Middle East. It’s our duty to show not only solidarity but support as well. I appreciate your perspectives on the various topics you have presented, highly recommend this podcast.
coffeeandairpodsObsessed with ComplementarianismThis podcast should be renamed “Obsessed with Complementarianism”. The host just can’t leave the subject alone. It’s like the very nature and truth of the Christian faith hinges on upholding patriarchal structures in virtually every aspect of society. Let it go, man. Let it go. Discussions would be a lot more interesting if you dropped your own quest to keep this vestige of what John MacArthur sowed into your life.
Uriah82Want to like it but can’tI appreciate the guest list Preston has on the show, but his interview style can be frustrating to listen to. He is constantly equivocating and stumbling over his words. He never just asks a question, then listens, then responds thoughtfully. He jumps all over his guests responses and then verbally second guesses his own opinions on air. Wish I could like it but I can’t.
Heck yeaaaaaPreston… Thank youI like Preston’s brand of Christianity. He truly seems to care for others and the truth. Love the curious conversations.
Jennifer_ESTLA gift to the churchI really enjoy this podcast and am thankful for Preston’s character and humility. I think he does what he does well… i do wish he had more black women on…black guests in general to speak on these matters…but maybe he doesn’t feel it’s his lane?? Idk overall I enjoy it
MacGW21Jared Moore BODIES PrestonIt’s absolutely insane to hear Preston just duck and dodge every single point Jared made. Every time he had no logical response (which was majority of the time) he used the “get out” playbook by saying “we’re getting off topic” or “that’s not what I believe”. Here’s the thing Preston: faith without works is dead. Your ministry isn’t simply about what you believe, it’s about what you do, which includes who you endorse! You will be held accountable by God for those that you endorse as a part of your ministry. Don’t waste your time listening to this podcast, dude is confused about the fact that there is no difference between the words gender and sex, so doesn’t know much.
Imam Suhaib WebbWhere Is The Palestinian Christian & The Muslim VoiceAs an Imam, I appreciate this show. However, failing to center the occupation on its objects, leaves this moment unfulfilled. I hope you can bring Palestinian voices: religious scholars from the occupied people, to share their truths. Failing to do so, is failing to give listeners a complete picture and humanizes and centers the occupiers.
GillGal22Responding to being a hereticI want to thank you for that episode, it gave me some framework as to how to engage in a healthy conversation with someone who doesn't share a similar curiosity or desire to be united in Christ. And, that it’s okay to agree to disagree-i think we forget that is an option. It wasn’t a waste of time, and I pray you find peace with that experience!
jmckee1347One of the bestIn a world of hostility, Preston is a thoughtful conversation partner, who embodies, in semi-long form conversations, the “grace and truth” that Jesus was known for (John 1). Out of the many podcasts I’ve listened to, this is one I come back to regularly. For a Christian in our time who is looking to live in the grace and truth of Jesus, it really is one of the best.
melysamarieMixed FeelingsIt’s really hard to get a read on what Preston believes and the recent podcast with Jared was frustrating to listen to. Preston was very defensive and wasn’t seeking to understand what Jared was saying. He kept dismissing Jared’s questions and wasn’t willing to have a theological discussion. I think the way a person handles these kinds of conversations is very telling and his defensiveness didn’t sit well with me. I wish he would’ve stopped trying to manage conversation so much and engaged Jared’s questions on a theological level instead of continuously cutting him off and moving on when he responded with valid arguments. I will say I really like that he has people on the podcast with different perspectives. Very interesting to listen to differing options on topics although I recommend holding what’s said here up to the scriptures because I personally can’t trust that this podcast is biblically solid.
h.kirksSuch good perspective!So so thankful for Preston’s perspective and the people he has on his show. I’ve learned so much over the years and have been stretched in really cool ways! So thankful!
mybella08Preston is terrible in his response to JaredI just listened to this debate and I was so uncomfortable with Prestons performance. He talked over Jared, never let him answer completely. I am a lifelong Catholic and I am embarrassed by this debate. I just started following this podcast, I will unfollow it now. Preston, get a grip, you sound like amateur…
PRElliott1Preston emulates kindness, humility intelligence and courage to address tough theological issuesI love the way Preston explores theological issues from all perspectives, making sure a guest is given an opportunity to explain their position. Preston constructs steel men arguments and not straw men arguments, but is not afraid to express his well-reasoned opinion and where he may not have an opinion. Preston is not afraid to criticize the church or himself or fellow Christians when we’ve taken the wrong path. Preston’s approaches and opinions are ultimately scripturally-based. I like to listen to him to learn how to talk to people who have different opinions than me to engage them in a loving manner.
littlem&mMultiple Sides PresentedMy husband and I really enjoy listening to Theology in the Raw. As global workers, we really enjoy how Preston seeks to understand others and brings multiple perspectives on the podcast. He discusses relevant issues in Christianity in the world. I don’t have to agree with everything he says in order to learn and take away many things. I am constantly sharing different episodes with friends. The most recent episode on Israel with the Israeli Rabbi is an episode I wish the whole world could hear. Is does an excellent job sharing the weightiness of the duality of truth in Israeli and Palestinian history. It helps define Jewishness and Zionism. Having my own Jewish history, it was special to hear an explanation of what it means to be Jewish and to be included in the definition. Thanks for your all the effort you do Preston to put together insightful episodes!
DanieB1982FantasticI loved this interview. I grew up learning the one view that we are to watch and pray for Israel and basically all the signs of Jesus return have to do with Israel. I truly don’t know another viewpoint on the return of Christ that doesn’t involve a global war against Israel right before the return and therefore we are to always support Israel. It’s hard for me to even listen to any narrative that doesn’t uphold them.
Seraphim R. BauerWeak watered down liberal pro alphabet soupThis guy is so afraid to be disagreeable to every worldview on earth. Soft ball weak sauce minister.
exclbr13Grain of SaltI have been listening to this podcast for several years now and have genuinely appreciated Preston’s willingness to address difficult topics and get answers from multiple different perspectives. Based on his Q/A podcasts and podcasts where he covers a particular topic himself he does not seem to shy away from what he believes the Bible to say, even if that truth is difficult or unpopular. That being said, he doesn’t always challenge his guests with hard questions but appears to go along with them when they are making clearly biased or provably inaccurate statements (best recent example is the episode from a Palestinian Christian’s perspective, where he arrogantly stated Americans don’t know history then gave a laughably bad description of the origins of American independence). I understand he wants guests to feel free to speak their minds, but it would be helpful if he pushed back a little more to expose some of the potential flaws or give the guests an opportunity to better justify their beliefs. Just take each podcast with a grain of salt.
David AwnTotally enjoyed your 2 podcast on IsraelThank you for presenting 2 “opposite” views our perspective on this current disheartening Israel Hamas war. Thank the Lord for your podcast. I am Asian immigrant but saved in Christ yet struggled to come to terms with confusing narrative on this war.
LHR20736Amazing PodcastPreston is both authentic and intelligent. He has challenged my understanding of Scripture and the “truth” engrained in so much of what evangelicals support/ proclaim innocently, but incorrectly because it is not based on what the Bible actually says. I appreciate that he is willing to speak truth to power.
Access ChurchConstant Listener (over 200 episodes listened) CautionPreston seems like a genuine nice guy. I believe that what he speaks he fully believes and that his heart is to see people united, full of Christ and loving other people. I also see Preston is a big contrarian and also loves to hear the voices of those who’s voice doesn’t get much publicity. With those later traits he often has many people on his podcast that espouse views that are harmful if you just take them for what they say. That doesn’t mean don’t listen (unless you’re not mature enough to separate the good from the bad) but it does mean to listen with wise ears. Be cautious about what you take from each episode. It is easy to be lead astray even if that is not the intent of the podcast. I’ve listened to 200-250 or so episode of this podcast and have been challenged often and even changed my views on things as a result of episodes that caused me to think and investigate more on subjects so for that I’m grateful. I’ve not written a review until now (and honestly I looked for where to email Preston to ask him this question but found only his paid subscribers can do that) because I knew the podcast was a mixed bag. But the bad of this one specific episode just prompted me to have to write a caution. In the episode about Israel and Palestine the guest started off claiming that his ancestors in the region are the decedents of those who sent missionaries into the pagan world to bring about the faith of Christian around the world. As soon as he said that (even with him saying his people joke about it) I knew it was going to be bad. The missionaries that delivered the gospel to the gentiles were Jews and this comment smacks of an anti Jew mindset. He later describes how he can trace his heritage back 13 generations I believe he said but that’s far from back to the time of the missionaries being sent from the Christian jews to being Jesus to the nations. So his vast assumption shows arrogance and also hints that anti Jew mindset of replacement theology. The issue is Preston didn’t even question this he actual acted thankful for the speakers thoughts. He didn’t ask any follow up questions and that again is the issue with this podcast. He claims to be inquisitive but his method of process is not to actually dig deep but simply to Let his guest speak and bring their points with zero questions of how or why they believe that. Someone can go on this podcast and declare nonsense and rather than even asked any basic simple questions to dig deeper the guests just espouse their points of view and it almost appears Preston agrees or doesn’t see the danger in espousing some views. I’m a huge free speech believer so of course they should be allowed to do so but often some push back is needed to clarify issues and non is given. That requires wisdom and discernment to then decide which views are good and which are bad. Which ones hurt people and which help. Then within the episode the guest makes additional claims about how the land of Israel should be called Israel-Palestine because Palestinian people are the original inhibitors of the land and only through colonization of the 19th and 20th century are Jews in the land. He blames colonization a lot and speaks of genocide by Israel. I felt like I was listening to a partisan talk show. This historians failure to acknowledge that the land is only called Palestine because in the late first century the Romans sacked Jerusalem, burned the temple and dispersed the Jews and then renamed the region Palestine in order to eradicate Jewish history showed that either he doesn’t know the story as well as he thinks he does or he was ignoring it, because it doesn’t fit the story he wants. He also claimed that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the land, but there is zero historical documentation to prove that. They’re very name. Palestinians comes from the fact that they lived in the land after it was changedto remove Jewish history. As a Christian, I would think he would realize that the Bible clearly states that King David created Jerusalem, and that there were inhabitants of the land but they were not called Palestinians. Yes, there have always been people in the land of Israel, but for most of human history it has been a Jewish state or Jewish people and of course there have been other people, but none of them founded a country or cities that have historical recording. So all these years as he claimed where the Jews were not in the Middle East, nobody actually created a nation they just lived on the land. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to continue to live there however this guest implied if not outright believes the Jews shouldn’t be allowed to stay because in his word, they are colonizers. He also spoke very negatively of Zionism, which is simply the belief that Jewish people have of their heritage in the land, which also is the only historical record, available of settling the land and owning the land. My point in all this context is that this guest was allowed to just a spouse all of these incorrect views and because he has a PhD and because Preston doesn’t like to push back on anybody, you have to discern through all the lies or misrepresentations to find the truth. I have found this to be the case in many podcasts, but this one was so obvious and egregious that I felt the need to write a review. The unfortunate situation is this guest never acknowledged that within the charter of the Palestinian people is the belief that Israel should be annihilated. all the protest around the world with the chance from the river to the sea is a genocidal chant and belief system that says all Jews should be removed from the region, which is not a two state solution. It’s a genocidal annihilate all Jews, which is not what every Palestinian believes obviously however, it is the way the Palestinian government acts. Also, the Palestinians elected Hamas democratically in 2005 and within their charter they state their goal is to annihilate all Jews.
rando62787DisappointedI don’t always agree with Preston, but he thoughtful even if he come to a conclusion I think is wrong. He usually makes me think. However, recently he had a guest that spouted poor scholarship and revisionist history to support his beliefs on the recent Israeli-Palestinian war. His wrong head views of the American War for Independence tainted his views on Israel. Or worse, he used his false American history to manipulate his listeners to believe what his views are of the Middle East conflict. Preston should have called him on that!
Nika346qAmazingPreston is as genuine in person as he is on his show.
timmytwosocksGreat showTITR is basically a Christian version of the Joe Rogan. And I love it
health coach LindaPractical and thoughtful!The content and guest speakers are always so interesting and of such a fabulous variety. I appreciate Prestons’ candor and ability to not just hear, but listen and learn, something we don’t often encounter these days. I return to this podcast over and over and I am never disappointed. It’s educational, foundational, and real-life practical for issues and challenges for today! Thank you so much for all your work! - Linda Benson, Colorado Springs, CO
64SquishyOrangesCareful and kind, biblical thinkingWhile I often disagree with Preston on things like how we should engage politics and his apparent view that homosexuality (or heterosexuality for that matter) should be considered part of one’s identity, I love how thoughtful and kind he is with engaging ideas from all sides of many difficult topics. My only concern is that sometimes Preston seems to edge toward compromise or syncretism on ideas where a firmer line should be drawn
ColeethNot BiblicalI find Sprinkle’s approach to be heretical. His views and many of his guests coddle sexual immorality. Christians should reject the subtle lies of the enemy disguised as kindness and grace.
RRbackstop11Thank you, Dr. Carol (and Preston)!!I have been listening to Theology in the Raw sporadically for a few years now and have been helped and encouraged by so, so many episodes. Before today, I found the episodes (my favorite on this topic was actually done by Preston on the Q-Ideas podcast) on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria to be the most helpful and my most shared episodes. However, after listening to the recent episode with Dr. Carol Tanksley, I think I may have a new favorite episode. I was raised in a wonderful Christian home and am so grateful for my the faith of my immediate family members. I was also raised in a confusing purity culture. I have been married for over 2 years now and still struggle with all of the issues discussed by Dr. Carol. I don’t think there was any one thing she said that I found more helpful than the next, but I am so grateful that these issues are being talked about out loud (not just in books and blogs) by Christians I trust. I hope to hear from more and more Christians on this topic and continue bettering myself in this area. Thank you, Dr. Carol and Preston!
Anne the tropical fishLots of unacknowledged bias, lazy engagementI’ve been listening to the show for a few years, and while appreciate Preston’s openness to tackle issues most Christians avoid and his commitment to do it graciously, I’ve noticed a few of cringey patterns. The first is that Preston purports himself as a neutral audience; I appreciate his efforts at neutrality, but we all have a worldview and a cultural context that informs how we think, and he is no different. And it shows. Second, he softballs complementarian guests and assumes their position is the default, and hardballs egalitarian guests—but just the females. Complementarian and male egalitarian guests meet little pushback, but female egalitarians have to repeat themselves a dozen different ways and constantly return to the data (which is great, just wish this were how he engaged with everyone). Compare eps with Dr. Beth Allison Barr, Sheila Wray Gregoire and Rebecca Lindenbach, and Dr. Sandra Richter, vs eps with Rick Warren and Dr. Nijay Gupta. Third, he often accepts his guests views at face value without asking for evidence or asking them to explain their reasoning because he doesn’t know much about the topic. You don’t have to know a topic through and through to make people show their work; this is lazy interviewing, imo. Fourth—and this is a common Christian mistake—he frequently conflates exposure with expertise. Just because a person has personal experience on a topic does not mean they’re qualified to answer academic questions about it. A sample size of one ≠ data that can be extrapolated upon.
Christina SziSolid Show!Preston humbly engages with people through a scriptural Lena’s that I so appreciate. Keep up the amazing pursuit and modeling this for others.
Is6114YesBro kills it every time. So thoughtful, weighs it out; incredible service to those who want to engage humanity. Worth your time.
J1M999Same sex marriage part 1All the while you were speaking about how to argue with others, I was thinking of 2 Timothy 2: 22-26. Does it play apart in what you were saying? I know this a bad way to post questions, but I could not find a link in the show of how to contact you. Keep up the good fight.
Billy Goat 321My go to podcast!Preston tackles difficult topic with clarity and openness. I appreciate how he welcomes various perspectives. So many good interviews. The interview with A.J. Swoboda was particularly good.
Steve0621May 1 Dinosaurs...Dr Mallon is very knowledgeable. But he paid minimal lip service to the SCIENTIFIC evidence for a young earth. ICR has ongoing research by doctoral level individuals. They are not just doing "outreach." They are amassing more and more evidence that contradicts the old earth paradigm. The flood was not even brought up in this discussion.
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