Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast


All the latest episodes of the Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast, a weekly ‘actual play’ podcast following a group of comedians as they play original, extended, table-top Role-Playing Games. Expect epic battles, critical misses and the occasional special guest as the party strive for fame and glory whilst cracking wise and trying not to kill one another.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jayrich44
    Hilarious and so captivating.
    Love it. You wouldn’t think listening to people play dungeons and dragons type game would be fun but it’s hilarious and so captivating. It draws you in for the story they create and it’s amazing. I’m only 70 episodes in and cant wait to finish it. Then probably relisten.
  • NoveBabyStar
    So nice, I’ve listened twice!
    And there is SO MUCH stuff that was seeded early in the campaign that didn’t pay off until 100 or 150 episodes later, I’m SO glad I listed again. Just an amazing, complex story and I love the characters - both the player’s and the NPCs. The voice actors are some of my new favorite people, I’m looking forward to anything else I’m able to find them in. And everything is so well explained that someone new to both podcasts and TTRPGs never felt lost. 10/10, would definitely recommend… and will probably listen again at some point in the future.
  • Tinkpetz
    RQ did such a good job explaining the gameplay mechanics to help this newbie feel like she knew what was going on. All of the actors displayed such deep thought about their characters. They cared for each other and the audience, discussing difficult topics thoughtfully and providing diverse representation. The story was hilarious and heartbreaking and I can’t believe it’s over. 💔
  • egcdf147
    My favorite podcast of all time
    As an avid RQ fan and a big listener to a number of actual plays, I had high expectations for RQG, and this show blew them out of the water. This campaign is incredibly well structured, the talent is fantastic, and the story will get you hooked right from the beginning. Standing out from other actual plays, RQG is soundscaped, which immerses the listener even further, and you’d be hard pressed to find even a side quest plot which does not ultimately tie into the overall story-arc (no small feat for a 5+ year campaign). If you enjoy story-driven actual plays, you should listen to RQG!
  • Jen12345678887654321
    This show has changed how I view things
    I love all the characters and I appreciate how they change based on the audience and what makes people comfortable. They set a good standard for how to have a kind and fun table
  • EldestMissBear
    Hilarious and Accessible
    I just started listening and this is fantastic! I play using the pathfinder system, although I’ve never bothered to learn the fiber combat mechanics. Alex explains them in a very comprehensive way. And characters are so far hilarious. Also, it’s a plus to find that a bunch of gaming nerds are also familiar with P. G. Wodehouse!!! 🤣 Most people I’ve met have no clue who he is! The BERTIE!! WELLINGTON!! exchange filled me with the purest delight!
  • Seminarium Lord
    Starting off this podcast, this is the most realistic dnd podcast I’ve listened to in a long while. Randomized rolls mixed with hilarious cast made it incredibly immersive. I loved it. So I must say next time you throw a dog off a roof increase your Strength modifier.
  • qwilrain
    Oh my goodness it’s over Nooooo I love this podcast so much, it’s gotten me closer to friends, given me something to do at any time, and been such a source of joy. 💙💙💙
  • Prilallup
    Absolutely amazing and hilarious!
    I started listening earlier this year (2021) and somehow managed to listen to the finale episode on the day it was released. This series honestly helped keep me sane through stressful times and kept me laughing all the way through
  • An old dawg
    A funny and all around good time podcast.
  • Eclair69420
    Started this podcast after I went through the Magnus Archives. I’m always on the lookout for more good actual play tabletop podcasts and this is the first one I’ve heard using the Pathfinder setting! I’m not familiar with the setting so its great to get familiar with it while enjoying a new podcast. Good podcast so far and I bet it only gets better!
  • Pete Kovach
    Absolutely Amazing! Highly Recommend
    One of the best table top real play podcasts ever! Alex (GM) and crew do an amazing job of crafting an immersive story while keeping it intense and light hearted at the same time. What will Alex come up with next?
  • Nixathel
    It’s hard to find a good podcast, even harder to find truly talented artists who show their joy in their work, and nearly impossible to find a gm as good as Alex. I love it! Thank you RQG!
  • silvae385906
    There aren’t words to express how much I adore this podcast and the actors involved Truly just some great people having fun together and sharing that fun with the world
  • Kurloz4296
    I started this series relatively late into it, and within 2 months I was completely caught up, eagerly awaiting each new episode. I find myself emotionally invested in all the characters, and vocally reacting at least once an episode. Between this, Magnus and Stella Firma, a lot of great stuff coming out of Rusty Towers!
  • whitenoice11
    Between this podcast and the magnus archive I couldn’t stop listening until it ended and I can’t wait to start any of the sister podcasts
  • MsosndvcabNxjivjdnwvarisbz
    came from TMA, stayed for FEELINGS
    I’ll admit, I only started this podcast when I was caught up on the Magnus Archives and wanted more from Rusty Quill, but this has become my all-time favorite podcast. At first I was a bit concerned as I am only familiar with DnD 5e and thought that the Pathfinder mechanics would be too confusing and ruin the immersion, but they do an excellent job of explaining both at the beginning and as new concepts are introduced. The balance of “this is an actual play podcast and we want to make sure our listeners are informed” and “we’re not going to let game mechanics get in the way of the story we’re telling” is done in a way where neither half ever feels as if it’s imposing, which has been my experience with all other actual play podcasts I’ve tried before. The characters (PCs and NPCs) feel alive and stay interesting throughout the campaign, while the players/GM are intelligent and engaging without distracting from the roleplay. And the roleplay is the best I’ve ever seen (heard). With other AP podcasts, the drama comes from scripted or obviously planned encounters and during character monologues where one person is controlling the story/emotion. In RQG , I have feelings about these fictional characters during causal, natural interactions. This is what I mean when I say that these characters and this world feel alive; it’s like I could walk away from the content and they’re still going about their days. It may be a bit of a side note, but the combat encounters in this are also really easy to follow. I can’t pinpoint what it is about this podcast that makes this so, but I’ve never had an issue with figuring out what’s happening, unlike other podcasts where I feel as if I can just skip the combat and have the same idea of what’s going on. Another point where RQG has amazing balance is with comedy and drama. Though jokes about the constant suffering of the PCs are abound, it never gets overwhelming. If anything, this campaign has the normal amount of trauma for the genre, the players just treat it more realistically than others. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely sad bits, but the humor is never completely abandoned. Nor is it out of place. This is just a long-winded way of saying the “fluff and angst” tag on AO3 applies perfectly to this podcast. The representation (a non-binary player character??? what??? I can actually see myself in fiction for once?????) is excellent without being preachy or opportunistic. While I can’t responsibly speak on the merit of ALL sorts of representation present in RQG, I can say that the care and tone surrounding pronouns specifically is heart warming and inclusive in a way I haven’t encountered in media before. I am in love with the world Alex and the others have built, and every new episode of RQG feels like coming home. Thank you to them for all of their effort, and I’d like them to know that the connection they obviously have with their story has reeled me in as well. To anyone considering whether or not to give this podcast a listen, I would suggest that you do, with every fiber of my being. To Rusty Quill I’d like to say that despite the fact that you’ve made me cry more times than I can count, I do, genuinely, respect your craft.
  • _Nullz_
    I love this podcast
    10/10 recommend it to all my nerd friends. I’ve been listening to this podcast for almost a year now and I love it so much! I came here from stellar firma with no role play or dnd experience. But I heard the space friends episode and I wanted to check it out. I now am in two different games and getting ready to gm my own. Thank you for the new hobby guys.
  • colehalliburton
    No previous RPG experience needed
    As someone with approx zero actual RPG experience with dnd or any other variations, I’m enjoying this show immensely. I’m about 40 episodes in and started listening during the pandemic and I think I’ll look for a group when we can finally leave our houses again. Came to this show from The Magnus Archives (my all time favorite show) and I’m happy to report that it’s an excellent listen from the same team, and you don’t need to have played dnd or tabletop RPGs to understand it at all! Great job guys!
  • Ldjdhdbsb
    I'm actually amazed at how great of a story this turned out to be. Everyone involved is hilarious but also dedicated to making a good show. The plot is fantastic and all of the characters have such vibrant personalities. I love how much this campaign has surprised me. The one-shots are amusing too.
  • Lucrothe
    Start here!
    This is a 5 star actual play podcast, hands down. I only just started listening from the beginning and my cat already won’t cuddle me when I listen because I laugh so much, and yet the play and story is so rich. If tabletops might be your thing, if an actual play with production grabs you, if you just want to learn how to play, this is the podcast for you. I love listening. I binge hour long episodes. It’s easy to do.
  • UnlimitedBroadway
    we’re still working on the (review) name
    this is currently my favorite podcast! the cast is delightfully fun to listen to, even when they’re rp-ing something that will inevitably break my heart. alex is an incredible gm, and the story itself is incredibly fascinating. i’m doing my second full listen through and having even more fun than the first time around!
  • GloriaJoy
    Wholesome and Ridculous
    The Rusty Quill has a ton of amazing podcasts, but this, their flagship show, is definitely my favorite. Actual play using the Pathfinder RPG system that actually made me understand PF (except the rules for grappling which Alex constantly complains about but has never once used.)
  • newleavesinspring
    Good times had by all
    Work in a lab that’s in a basement alone, so this is great because not only is it funny and entertaining, but also makes me feel like I’m laughing with friends. Well crafted characters and story always a plus too, can’t wait to get caught up
  • Momma squared
    Genuinely hilarious and weirdly educational
    This podcast is one of the best things I’ve experienced in a very long time. As an aspiring GM I’ve learned more about actual gameplay listening to the first thirty episodes than I did reading stacks of rule books. It’s also one of the funniest things I’ve listened to in my life, so there’s that. The humor is actually funny without tipping over into the obscene or offensive. The dynamic between characters is so perfectly played that you can’t help but believe that the players genuinely like and respect each other.
  • Ashsprout
    I think this podcast has made me a more funny person. It’s so good and also hilarious.
  • ShayniMay
    Adore it!
    I work long 10-12 hour shifts on an assembly line, and after blowing through the entirety of The Magnus Archives in record time, I switched over to this one, and have run the risk of getting caught with my phone on the production floor from all the ugly laughter this podcast fills me with! The campaigns are well written, and the players are funny and have fun. It’s a great time!
  • choz723
    Funny, well-run, and very well produced D&D podcast
    The players are all funny and fun, and the story is great. Everyone clearly puts in the work, and it’s seriously well-produced.
  • A-L-I-S-S
    Medium silly
    Manages to be funny and absurd while still maintaining enough forward momentum. It’s clear the players are good improvisers and it pays dividends. Love it!
  • CallsignMisery
    It's a D&D Podcast that makes me ugly laugh at work I don't think much else needs to be said!
  • heythms
    This is the best actual play tabletop gaming podcast.
  • Coignmaster
    But for real this podcast is amazing and I haven’t been able to think about anything else for months. It starts slow but speeds up dramatically as it goes and the quality of the humor is top-notch the whole way through. I love this podcast so much!!
  • ShallanDavar
  • hurgleturgle
    The overtalk and interrupting can sometimes make it impossible to understand what’s going on upon the first listen (tho maybe that’s just bc of my ADHD), but it says a lot about the quality of this show that even with that problem, I’d rate it five stars :)
  • maisie69420
  • GNU TP
    I really enjoyed this podcast - and yes I did binge all 150 hours in about two weeks. Came over from the Magnus Archives and have not regretted it, Rusty Quill consistently creates fantastic worlds and amazing characters. Thanks for all your hard work, guys!
  • NymphOfNovels
    Fab characters, fab story
    I’ve been consuming a lot of ttrpg content in the past couple years but this is genuinely one of my faves out there. If you’re a fan of other Rusty Quill content or stuff like TAZ and CR and/or are down for a lot of emotions in your actual play content, it’s a very good podcast.
  • Randielynne
    Love you all from Louisiana in the states! One of the best pods I’ve listened to. DND/pathfinder related or not. Thanks for being so wonderful you sweet, sweet babies!
  • centwine
    Good, funny stuff
    If you’re looking for good background listening while cleaning the house, playing your own games, or self-isolating, this is a solid choice.
  • Madswhichissomynickname
    Rusty Quill always delivers!
    I started with Magnus Archives, and now I’m relistening to Rusty Quill Gaming, with the intent of eventually getting to Stella Firma. I don’t even question whether or not I’m going to love a rusty quill production anymore bc they’re ALL AMAZING. Truly I love this show a lot! I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve attempted to appear normal while listening at work, and above all I respect every one of these peoples crafts! Can’t recommend enough!
  • emmitt687
    Rusty Quill has never made a bad podcast!
    Fantastically entertaining and so funny I have to put my head down in class sometimes so people around me don’t see me laughing at nothing with headphones in. I love the creativity of the Rusty Quill team, and can’t get enough of them!
  • Rezyt
    A great find!
    So I found this podcast starting from being a fan of Wolf 359, where the cast started a new podcast which has production help from Rusty Quill. Which led me to Stellar Firma, which led to binge listening which led to listening to Rusty Quill Gaming. Listened to the latest episodes while doing yard work. Very entertaining and made me laugh out loud several times and also makes me want to pick up some pathfinder books. Great job cast!
  • BrendanTheMagnificent
    Absolutely Wonderful
    It’s quite possibly the best rpg podcast I’ve ever heard. If anyone from Rusty Quill is reading this, I really appreciate you people. I love The Magnus Archives, I love Stellar Firma, and I love this podcast.
  • Horsegal68
    this podcast continues to bring me so much joy! high quality and hilariously funny (except when y’all make me CRY) i recommend it HIGHLY to all of my friends constantly.
  • ChelseaQ-USA
    Brilliant binge
    I've binged over 50 of these episodes and I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to these recordings. I enjoy having a better idea of how to play DnD, I deeply respect Alex's storywriting ability and preparation, and I admire the contributions of James, Lydia, Bryn, and Ben (creative improv talent and schenanigans). The group has great chemistry and I feel like I'm best friends with all of them, sitting at their table. I love listening to this at work. You, reviewer reader, should start listening as well, asap! You'll feel like you drifted down a river of ball bearings into a cloud of eel quiche in extra dimensional rogue space. Or something. ;)
  • SushisaurusRex
    Well recorded, good chemistry, awesome voices
    Love this podcast! Love that each session is reasonable in length, makes it easy to listen to. One shots are great and main campaign, even though a bit rule-learning heavy in the beginning is quite great!
  • Tweedlebean
    New Fan
    I'm only a few episodes in but I'm in love with this group's dynamic. They're all so fun and creative and the sound design/editing really helps you get into the story
  • TheGrizzlyBaron
    Please don’t stop your Actual Plays! You could do Dungeon World or City of Mists. You could do a Spelljammer 5e. Please don’t stop! You guys are one of my top three podcasts especially since Azu came on. Please!
  • Sparkysnail321
    Absolute blast of fun
    Just started recently from the beginning but I’ve been hooked since the first episode. Love this group!
  • Percy947
    Best experience for a podcast
    I love this podcast so much! I have never played D&D and this is so much fun to listen to that I’m trying to convince my friends to play it with me. Bertie is my favorite character because he’s absolutely hilarious in the ways of solving stuff. I’m extremely sad by his departure, I’m still working my way through the series and hopes James comes back! I hope this podcast last for a very very long time. I hate Alex, but respect his craft 🤣
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