The Ali Kolbert Show


Queer Comedian Ali Kolbert explores dating, relationships, and mental health on her complaint-riddled journey towards adulthood. She says the things people are too afraid to, and asks the questions we are all wondering, like: “who pays on a same sex date?” “what do your porn preferences mean about your sexuality?” and “why are people so obsessed with babies anyway?!"

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Recent Reviews
  • Mowita-shmowita
    Love this podcast!
    Hilarious!!! Sooooooo relatable as a Jewish woman. I wish Ally was still making this podcast!
  • BrendaLPGA
    Miss the old Ali
    The best part about Ali is how edgy she is. This was a little too heteronormative and dull. Plenty of that on the pods.
  • swimmingg92
    Great Content
    Thank you for having guests on the show that talk about topics that are not discussed enough. Here are two that resonated with me so far: Mattie Westbrouck- I am a bisexual woman who experienced sexual trauma from a man. I now struggle with being with men. It was so nice to hear Mattie’s experience of overcompensating with men while feeling safe with women. I can relate! Moshe Kasher- I too am an ASL interpreter. It was fun to hear their experience as a CODA and how they balance both worlds. Also, love seeing you as a guest for Ashley Gavin! SJ @no1mantha
  • Jewel Hohman
    Witty & Entertaining!
    Ali is hilarious! She's so open and honest, I appreciate her take on everything!
    I ❤️ Ali
    Ali K is the real deal! A neurotic, Jewish, funny, whip-smart, sincere, adorable comedian with an open mind and warm heart. The show is great because Ali is such a good interviewer. She asks thoughtful questions and allows her guests time to elaborate. Ali is a doll and you’ll love her!
  • Taz eR
    5 stars
    I don’t know why you have a rating of 4.7? Definitely 5 stars but please don’t be mad at me for leaving my first review when I’ve been listening to you for 2 years. Always recommending to my queer friends and the topics are free floating. Sending you luv in your healing journey.
  • RedElric
    Non stop witty and hilarious commentary
    A train ride of constant entertainment. Alison is funny, quick witted, and so fast that I find myself laughing out loud hysterically.
  • Mari23ella
    Favorite podcast
    This is definitely my favorite podcast. I’ve listened to a lot of comedians’ podcasts out there and Ali’s humor is unmatched. Sometimes I find myself listening to old episodes over again because they never fail to make me laugh. Definitely give it a listen! And I love the episodes with Julien! I think she’s very relatable.
  • cminer03
    A fav!
    So funny & authentic. A fav podcast for me
  • VanettaL
    One of my fav podcast! Ali is so funny!
  • Missamychan
    LOVE ALI!!! Funny, real and wise
    Love this show and how genuine and funny and wise the host, Ali is.
  • Instacartluvr
    The type of humor where if you get it you get it, and if you don’t you never will
  • lilililileelee
    Less Julien
    I like Ali, but for the love of his please stop including Julian as a guest so often! She is not interesting and she doesn’t know anything! About literally anything! There’s nowhere the conversation can go. Does she know about penguins? No. Does she know about elephants? No. Did she hear about Gwenyth Paltrow? No. Did she hear about Harry Styles? No. Does she know the alphabet? No. Solo episodes would be better, or Julien like once a month?
  • Ray55)3
    This podcast is everything I’ve needed. I love when when you get into psychology stuff with professionals about human interaction, but my favorite episodes are definitely your ones with Julien or your sisters. They’re hilarious. (Also, you’re an expert interviewer and awesome comedian.) 5 stars!
  • WowF*%€ingE
    Miriam Brooks Listen
    Great interview with Miriam Brooks. Great flow. Great host. I could feel your guess open up and become more confident during the interview. Great skill!
  • Crowe209
    Educated & alleviated
    Maybe the only podcast which provides genuine laughter along with the strong potential for self improvement. So grateful to Ali for being so authentically herself, and for booking guests who can help us reach that goal.
  • GabiD0128
    So good
    My new fav binge. Beyond funny, so many good guests, and the intros are incredible
  • HethHil
    Funny and smart
    I really enjoying hearing Ali’s perspective and the variety of her podcast. I have learned new things from her and her guests and laugh every single episode. Either you get it, or you don’t…Shout out to those who do!
  • alexaoliviajones
    Mean spirited
    Ali comes off as so condescending and mean spirited to her guests. This would maybe be excusable if it was funny. But it isn’t.
  • Prodigest
    She’s super annoying. Thinks she’s being funny, but comes off as arrogant.
  • lezdykbich
    ali kolbert is my favorite lesbian comedian (sry ashgavs)
    10/10 pod. relatable and real. love you sm xx
  • xoannaxbooxo
    Can’t Get Enough
    I wish there were a new episode every day of the week. This is my kind of humor and brings me so much joy. If you get it, you get it. If you don’t, leave. 💖 🌈
  • KK.MA
    It’s a good one!
    Just listened to the latest episode where Ali talks about being guests on other peoples podcast. 100% how I found this podcast. I am a Taylor Strecker listener and heard Ali on Taste of Taylor…now I’m a fan of this podcast!
  • stjohnstunnar
    This podcast brings me immense joy. Freaking hilarious. All the stars. Give her alllll the stars.
  • SnowAlexandra007
    Bad human
    I think Ali Kolbert is genuinely a bad person. She’s mean hearted and not even funny. She’s bigoted for no gain. It’s not like she’s making hilarious jokes that happen to be a little offense. She’s just mean spirited and pretends it’s for humor’s sake. I’m sure if she sees this she’ll say I’m just stupid and sensitive and I don’t “get it”. She invites misogyny and hatred to every conversation. People like her have made it very hard for me to feel like I belong in the lesbian community at all. Take your rampant fatphiobia and condescension towards women and get off the internet, Ali Kolbert.
  • jullieao
    I love all the episodes 💕thank you for your hard work 💕.
  • Keriannb
    You take the cake 😍
    Your pod cast is 💯Ali!!! my wife and I absolutely love you!! Keep up the awesome-ness my gay friend 🌈
  • lovethescoop
    I listen to mannnyyy podcasts and this one does not get a cent of as much hype as it should. Ali is one of the most hilarious hosts and truly knows how to make a podcast entertaining. I audibly laugh at this show.
  • amanda_darlin
    Hey girl hey
    I listened to you on TOT and fell in love!
  • sophstaff
    So quickly this podcast has become my favorite podcast in the world.
    I love Ali’s podcast!! I found her through Girls Gotta Eat and was so drawn to her story. She has validated so much of my queer experience and I love the lightness her podcast brings to my day. She gives the best dating advice and her confidence inspires me! I especially love the episodes when Julien joins, if you live in LA I highly recommend taking her yoga classes :)
  • RenoPortGuy
    I feel like I’m at the bus stop.
    Yes, you have to do this, Ali. I’ve listened to all episodes and now I want more. I’m waiting. Thanks.
  • ATXGI787
    Always entertaining
    Listening to this podcast from beginning to end Ali maintains the same brutal honesty, fantastic comedic timing, joyful sarcasm, and openness about herself but over time you can tell she’s a great interviewer, storyteller. I love when she is on alone or with her sister/fiancé/close friends. I love when she’s interviewing. Really funny queer show!
  • m_jules
    The Interviewer We Need
    Besides being hilarious, Ali is a really great interviewer when she has a guest on the pod. She asks all the questions I want to ask. You WILL be getting every last deet 🤌🏼
  • eeltenaj88
    Favorite comedy pod
    Always entertaining. Ali Kolbert is going places.
  • ChelsCoxen
    Laughed out loud so many times - hilarious 😂
  • campgirlforever
    Love hanging out with Ali
    Ali!! I adore you. Thanks so much for this podcast. Hope you’ll do a show in St. Louis some day! Xo
  • Supernova Studio
    Proud Kolberto
    Ali is a solid interviewer, funny, and has a lovely laugh. I’m proud to be a Kolberto!
  • Libbie4635
    I love Ali I’m so into Ali
  • BrittAnar
    I’m laughing
    Listening to the first episode and I found myself laughing at her reflections on middle school bc I relate so much. I love the energy so far!
  • sowitzie
    So funny! Great person
    Honestly, I look at some of the bad reviews of this podcast and it just makes me think that some people don’t know how to process dark humor or just actually funny stuff in general. This isn’t Seinfeld. We’re not talking about paper towels and bananas like kindergarteners (no disrespect). Ali digs deep and says what other people feel afraid to say, and she’s so funny about it and that’s what makes it great. Give it a listen
  • jesspluto
    Not funny
    Extremely unfunny material. Very boring. Ugly personality
  • sade.elizabeth
    pop off classism!
    disgusting comments! do not listen — positions herself as an expert while saying horrific things. cannot encourage you to say away enough
  • Bookreviewlikeitsmyjob
    ali is so hot i want to date her
    and this is coming from a married straight woman!!!!! it’s a must listen!!!
  • Greekyogurt
    Feels like she is my BFF!!
    I listen and feel like Ali is my best friend I could listen to her interview for hours or talk about nothing and be endlessly entertained. This is today’s Howard Stern
  • Julie @mendeswizardry
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    I listen religiously every Tuesday! The perfect mix of hilarious and honest. Ali has on a wide array of guests and is a great interviewer. Highly recommend if you want to laugh and be inspired.
  • SMHinKY
    I found your podcast recently. I’ve been loving catching up on your old episodes. I adore your laugh 🤣❤️
  • Anna Lodwick Love
    So good!
    I look forward to this podcast every Tuesday!
  • jacob daluz
    One of the funniest most natural hosts
    so good❤️
  • amie_brooks
    Can’t stop laughing
    My favorite podcast. Hilarious and genius.
  • Yodawg288372691
    Ali is F***ing hilarious.
    Ali is so witty and charming. She’s an amazing podcast host. 10/5 stars ⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️
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