Dr. Laura's Deep Dive Podcast


After four decades of preaching, teaching, and nagging, Dr. Laura has added a new approach to her mission to get people to Do the Right Thing. Taking an even deeper plunge, each weekly episode focuses on just one topic, giving her time to share an analysis of a problem and give advice on how to get out of messy situations. Listen weekly, and you too can avoid common friendship, dating, marriage, and parenting pitfalls altogether! Looking for advice? Call 1-800-DR-LAURA >>> Dr. Laura Schlessinger's daily radio program is heard exclusively on SiriusXM Triumph 111. Visit DrLaura.com to become a Family member!

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Recent Reviews
  • TCS*Q
    Dr. Laura
    Very educational and entertaining!!! I have been listening to Dr. Laura for 35yrs. Her wisdom is timeless on just about every situation regarding relationships, raising children, handling conflict.
  • Csethbailey
    Life changing
    Dr. Laura is firm and to the point. If everyone were to follow her advice, we’d probably live in a better world. Thank you Dr. Laura for helping me understand a lot of my struggles and how to deal with them.
  • linzdel
    LOVE the deep dive!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. Dr Laura has so much timeless wisdom to share. I am a 32-year-old stay-at-home mom and I enjoy every episode. More please!!!
  • Thenicedil
    Rude & Condescending
    Dr. Laura is rude and condescending to her listeners. She asks a question and cuts them off instead of allowing them to answer. You cannot just tell someone to stop having anxiety. Yes we control how we reach to situations but it is not healthy to bottle up emotions and suppress how you are feeling just to make someone else comfortable. If you are a millennial daughter-in-law I would advise against listening to Dr. Laura.
  • Dgskis
    Grieving a Loss
    My best friend and partner of 21 years passed away in September. Of course, I cried..:and Dr. Laura with your usual brilliant and compassionate insight explained my behavior perfectly…. Men are stoic. Grieving is a heart problem, and I was trying to take the intellectual muscle approach to a feeling.. I especially love the concept :Start thinking about the memories that I want to leave behind before I pass away and act accordingly.. Thank you, Doctor Laura for all the help you have given to so many…including me!
  • SuePhilly2
    “The Legend” at Her Finest
    These are incredibly well done. Illustrative calls wrapped with pearls of wisdom from Mother Laura. Thank you for such a rich offering.
  • Millersamanne
    What a great idea!
    I love listening to podcasts and I love Dr Laura’s advice. Can’t wait to listen.
  • Weavesbeaves
    Love-Hate relationship but the Love wins
    I have had a love-hate relationship with the Dr. Laura show since I was a kid. I always thought she was too easy on the men and too hard on the women. I find myself hollering at the podcast/radio when she yells at people for talking while she’s talking. You have a delay! It takes them a couple seconds to hear you speaking—stop yelling at them! All that aside—she gives great advice. I find myself agreeing with her which is why I stay a loyal listening. I love her deep dives because it weeds out all the commercials and other commentary and gives you the meat and potatoes. The episode about grief, in particular, got me agreeing with her the most. I’ve lost my father and my 20yo cat. Both were types of grieving she touched on in that episode. Dr. Laura, regardless of your opinions, gives advice thats worth hearing.
  • Scramble Sis
    The gift that keeps on giving
    Dr. Laura gives insightful and inspiring advice for so many!!
  • michellelrh
    My mentor for years
    Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for humanity. You are simply amazing!
  • Dallas carpetbagger
    Always helpful
    I’ve been a fan for 18 years. I love how this is organized by topic. Thank you Dr. Laura for all the help and guidance you provide.
  • Dixfjehbfjkrn
    Love her
    Love listening to Dr Laura-she reminds me of what is missing in the world-directness and truth. Be fearless. Thanks for being a truth-teller, even when it’s hard to hear!
  • Maadam2378
    America’s Therapist
    Oh how I’ve missed Dr. Laura on the radio! Listening to her directness made me realize how unaccustomed I’ve become to hearing unapologetic and directly delivered truth. Please release every past episode for all of us to remind ourselves about the difference between right and wrong.
  • Sandbum
    Look so forward to listening
    I love listening to Dr Laura, she’s so candid and tells it like it is. Love her advice!!
  • EatRight-LiveWell
    Dr Laura’s wisdom
    Thank you x a million for being you, Dr. Laura.
  • bjborowy
    Exceptional insight
    Dr Laura quickly diagnoses the heart of the matter. Her clinical acumen & translation to layman’s speech shines exceptionally bright compared to others in her field. I find her truth and guidance to align very well with what I have experienced or uncovered in life - including my successes, so many failures and ongoing professional and personal educational experiences in dating, marriage, surgery, family and friend relationships and navigating life decisions and uprighting myself when adrift and when verifying my course. Most of all, her love, integrity & character lead others to hope and stand as examples to which many can aspire …even when she raises her voice. Honesty & Integrity. Love her!
  • flash the dasf
    Love it
    I found these so helpful!!!
  • Hitchkennedy
    Common Sense Wisdom
    The longer format does exactly what the Dr. Laura team was aiming for. It allows Dr. Laura to explore a topic and not just a single call. Essentially, calls about a topic are combined to create an essay and discussion. This is very useful and enjoyable. Keep up the great work. The world needs more of this wisdom.
  • Pilotswife94
    Enjoy Dr Laura most of the time But she often speaks in generalization's like"everyone & nobody" when lecturing women about dealing with difficult men. As if all men that cheat, abandon and/or abuse their wives, must have a an acceptable reason. I find that insulting & narrow minded.. which I DO NOT believe Dr L is narrow minded.. I think she's very wise & successful. I also think that while it's true, both spouses make mistakes in marriage that may lead one or both to be unfaithful. Infidelity is a Biblical betrayal of the marriage vows. Spouses gaining weight, not earning enough money, or not keeping the house tidy- these are not betraying the Biblical marriage vows. So when Dr L says that "having an affair is viewed as worse than the things not done correctly" | find that puzzling. And wonder why nobody calls her out on it? Certainly she would afford her callers the same respect that she demands..
  • Ohleeander
    I missed you too. I was so glad you’re still calling it “ shacking up”!! Won’t be missing a podcast!
  • MomoGeGeO
    Not what I expected!
    I didn’t think the Deep Dive would have clips from past callers. I love that! I’ve always wanted to hear Dr Laura elaborate farther after a call - this podcast does exactly that! Thanks Dr Laura & Team!
  • Nana HB
    Thanks Dr Laura
    I’m so glad I found you again on SXM. Now I want my grown daughters to listen to you as they raise my grandchildren. If only…
  • JGFA
    5 Stars for content, 1 for editing
    Whoever edits this podcast (and also the Call of the Day podcast) needs to be fired. Sections repeat, shows/calls randomly cut off, etc. It is really bad. The content is great if you can get to it and you fast forward through the repeated sections.
  • danellef
    Dr. Laura….. oh how I love her
    Dr Laura has shaped my life….. been listening to her since the 90’s also…. Love and respect her so much…
  • Hedgehogs64838774
    Beautiful perspective
    I've listened to Dr. Laura since the early 90's and she has changed the course of my life and that of my children and grandchildren. I have never called the show but have gained so much insight and wisdom from her external eye with others, seeing things from the broader perspective. Thank you Dr Laura and I encourage anyone who needs honest and insightful guidance to listen.
  • Sarahsmom3300
    Dr Laura is the BEST!! I wish I took her advice YEARS ago before I made all the mistakes that I made… ❤️
  • Jenny_7777778899
    Love this!
  • Safety_Joe
    As expected she has another great hit. Keep it up.
  • anti liberal nonsense
    Dealing with the loss of a pet
    I’m facing the terrible decision of putting my Big Buddy down. He’s been my constant companion for 12.5 years. I cried through the entire episode. I, like the others will miss the routine, love and companionship. A house is not a home to me without a dog. This episode reinforced I’m not the only one struggling with not only the decision to do it, but all the grief that comes with it. Thank you.
  • Viviana C.
    Should I stay or should I go?
    Your latest podcast about staying married for the kids was exactly what I needed to hear and at the right moment! It was at times, during the podcast, was hard to hear the truths and I have realize my faults in my marriage. Your advice is spot on! Thank you for making this podcast! You have helped me see so much more with your advice.
  • chevy.cavalier
    Dr. Laura: the current age
    Although Dr. Laura may seem outdated and have “bad” advice, deep down, when you really listen to her SiriusXM show, her podcast, watch her YouTube videos..etc, you can really learn a lot from her. Her Candid responses make the callers feel an instant sense of relief and she has some great values.
  • Loving Life Today
    Live audience taping is great
    I will listen to Dr. Laura since the 80s on A&M radio. I thoroughly enjoyed her answering questions to the audience. Such great humor and information.
  • tlc chaney
    Enjoyed the deep dive podcast series!
    I would love to hear more deep dives about interpersonal relationships involving getting along with adult step children.
  • 806Lucky
    10 Stars!
    I’ve been a Dr. Laura listener for almost 30 years! I love her Deep Dives - they are chock full her wise insights, and personal and professional perspectives. I hold similar values and made many life decisions based on her recommendations throughout my 20s and 30s and even saw her live performance once. Life took some twists and turns and I went on hiatus from listening to her program. Until recently, I discovered her fantastic Deep Dive compilation of episodes. Love the topics and Dr. Laura - she is laser sharp as ever!!
  • MelanieMalka
    Dry Mouth crackles
    I like the Dr Laura Show, but she needs to drink, her mouth sounds so dry and crackly. Perhaps she needs to play recorded ads instead reading all the ads because that snd all the talking through all the calls makes her mouth so dry. It’s audio so we hear the dry mouth.
  • Tim-EauClaire
    Keeps me balanced and grounded
    Like obtaining any goal it requires clear thinking. Dr. Laura shares clear thinking with clarity, clear analysis of what the issues are include direction of what needs to be done next. Her caring and compassion is immense and her longevity and success in her career is a testimony that she resonates with real people, with real concerns. The deep dive podcast goes beyond just the calls, but provides a deeper understanding so we can apply great lessons to our life as well. Cheers, Tim
  • mwatroba
    Dr Laura’s Deep Dive
    Absolutely love this podcast and the idea of diving a bit deeper into various subjects. My first podcast listened to is today. Find myself disappointed when I can’t find more! Would love a subject on topic of what to look for in partner to marry for a more fulfilling life A discussion between parent and adult son/daughter. Feel I missed the opportunity to do so when they were growing up. Thank you
  • EvaBuena
    Dr Laura Rocks
    Love this Deep Dive and getting more insight from Dr Laura.
  • Chuck Taurus III
    Outstanding Show!
    Always wanted to hear more… something deeper, more behind the scenes to the regular show. This is it! Dr. Laura is a national treasure. Never retire!
  • Phillygal1
    If you value the opinon of a judgmental, out-dated, condescending, rude, bitter, elitist old woman, Laura is perfect for you. If you believe that your husband is the MAN of the house and you should be subservient to him in ALL ways then this gal’s 1950s mentality is for you. Want a new washing machine? Sex up your husband! Want to work outside of the home? You are a feminist who hates men and is a neglectful parent if you have children. This woman’s opinions, and that’s what they are, not laws or rules, just her judgmental opinions, are out of touch with today’s world.
  • Lisaisamom
    Love Dr. Laura but…
    I absolutely love Dr Laura and was pretty excited to see this addition as an option to get to listen to her wisdom. But, can you please remove the sound of the woman saying “deeper” in the transition music, it sounds pornographic.
  • Lane_z
    I Love Dr. Laura
    I remember hearing about Dr. Laura as a kid in the 80’s, 90’s and accidentally stumbled upon her show on Sirius in 2016. She opened my eyes on how to be a better wife, mother and person. The world needs more Dr. Laura and a lot less of the shenanigans. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Laura for teaching me the things my parents didn’t.
  • Puzzle2001
    I love the Call of the Day but this program is even better. It is a deep dive into interesting subjects. It's very well done !
  • April_Pie
    My hero
    So, I’m a 52 year old girlfriend to my man, mama of 5 and grandma to two. I’ve been listening to Dr Laura since I was a child in the backseat of my parents car while traveling at night, as a teen/young adult and now marriage and raising kids and have always listened with kids in my car. If I could be anyone or do anything it would be Dr Laura and helping others as she does! I have her same mindset and sassy attitude. Everyone should be listening to her. EVERYONE! Now, I’m loving this new podcast because it’s an extra dose to pump up my week. Thanks for all you do Dr Laura!
  • jmm051281
    I love listening to Dr. Laura, and I really am enjoying her new podcast. I find this new podcast extremely helpful, and I’m so thankful for all the wisdom Dr. Laura shares with us. She really is a national treasure.
  • KatM2323
    Love this podcast!!!
    So happy she has a podcast now! I love it! Amazing, wise, woman!
  • Olilumom
    Dear Dr Laura…
    You are responsible for inspiring me to stay married, be my kids’ mom, being a better teacher, and most all…giving me the foresight to maintain sanity in this political world. Everyone thinks it’s “political” but after listening to you for 20 years, I’m well seasoned. Parents have allowed society to influence their children more than themselves. Those that have caught on are now scrambling to get their power back from social media, schools, and the government. I can never thank you enough for always setting the record straight. I’ve always wanted to give you the biggest hug but if I ever have the pleasure to meet you, I’ll cry and fumble my words. So, I’m telling you now… you’re simply amazing.
  • Mara2024
    Love listening to her!
    We need more Dr. Lauras on this world. Thank you for this podcast. It really helps me to be a better wife, a better mom and a better person.
  • Team Tracy
    Common sense advice!
    I absolutely love Dr Laura! She is unafraid to tell the truth. She stands up for kids and puts selfish parents in their place. We are lucky to have her ❤️
  • Gdsidyjoppjiooo
    Love this new venue!!
    Play listen to your show on Sirius radio every day. I have always wanted to call Lynn with a problem that I have a think it would take up a whole hour!! Your advise is always so thought provoking and even though people don't want to hear it or perhaps think it's too harsh it has been my experience that it is always what is the best thing to do in that situation.. Keep up the great work!!! Shelley
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