Calm Down with Erin and Charissa


Calm Down With Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson is all about the conversations you would have with your friends when you think others aren't listening. It's like a text chain put into a podcast. This is the place where Erin and Charissa get real, and no subject is off limits. It’s a “pull back the curtain” look into their lives, while they also ask questions about everyone else’s. Get ready for unfiltered conversations between two girlfriends about life, gossip, sports, and pretty much every random topic that needs to be dissected. Get ready to Calm Down with Erin and Charissa.

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Recent Reviews
  • Momma Djo
    Love their stories and how relatable they are and funny
  • JCutta77
    Superbowl Queens!
    Felt like I was watching my best girlfriends on Sunday. So amazing to see you next to one another killing it on sports biggest stage🏈💚🤍 Congratulations, friends!!
  • PhysioGal_dpt
    Subject: A Standing Ovation… from My Treadmill
    Dear Charissa and Erin, Your podcast is the perfect blend of humor, real talk, and pure heart—basically, the triple threat of entertainment. You two don’t just host a show; you own it. Empowering, hilarious, and effortlessly engaging! As a former athlete, I know the importance of endurance, recovery, and staying in the zone. But thanks to you, my zone 2 training now includes bursts of laughter that nearly throw off my game. The behind-the-scenes stories this season have been a game-changer, adding depth and context that make each episode—and the matchups you cover—even more compelling. Keep bringing the energy… but if I pull a hamstring laughing, I’m sending you the rehab plan. Calm down, Lindsy
  • UMaine34
    Calm Down is a breath of fresh air mixed with a little potty mouth
    Oh my goodness I love these two. Erin and Charissa are the best. Hope they come do a live sometime in New England. Just like listening to your best friends. Thanks for keeping it real and discussing some tough topics. Keep doing what you love!
  • jenna_77
    Erin is great!
    Charissa, do you think you could let Erin finish a sentence and talk? Many of us enjoy her. If Erin is meant to take more of a “backseat” for this podcast, just tell us. Otherwise, let her speak more. Also, the lack of respect for Christmas & Hanukkah was mind blowing!! Erin, you’re fabulous & please don’t change!
  • BeachBoss80
    So Fun
  • stitch111111
    Charissa on NGL with Ky Kelce
    New follower because of your appearance on NGL. Really resonated with me and now need to start listening to learn more. Thank you for being so candid about your life and experience. Happy Holidays!
  • Cam from Central Park
    wonderful conversations
    Authenticity and laughter. Keep it up ladies. Your podcast is a blessing to my ears in todays world. Thanks and happy holidays to you both 🙌🏿✌🏿🙃
  • schultze77
    Keeping it real
    Love you guys!
  • kathykayt
    Recent episode
    Love you both!!! The Peloton freak out. Hilarious!!!
  • Fan of cdp
    Would be nice to hear more from Erin. Charissa takes over most of the time.
  • NJ714
    Great podcast !
    Just found this podcast! Super enjoyable listening to Erin & Charissa who are both so knowledgeable and passionate about sports and seem to love talking about what they do. Worth a listen for sure!
  • B3asy
    Don’t listen to this garbage
    Not worth the time it takes to record. The world would be better off if this nonsense didn’t exist
  • holrast
    Love the podcast but way too many ads!! 3 minutes to start every episode.
  • Alex.Ludtke
    A little less Charissa
    I love, love, love Erin Andrews- always have, always will. I do not understand this friendship? I guess because of the similar occupations? Charissa makes this almost unbearable to listen to. She’s all over the place and tries way too hard to be “punny” calm down already.
  • A Girl of Grit
    From a fellow podcaster…LOVE this show!!
    I Love listening to this podcast! The energy, Ama, conversations, and passion that these two ladies bring to their podcast, is incredible! It’s contagious! I laugh every episode. It makes me wanna be a better funnier all around Awesomer podcaster!! Anneliese with Secrets in Medical Device Sales and The Girls of Grit!
  • Joycieper
    Taylor and prince william
    Taylor’s met with the Prince BEFORE the show. They talked about it on new heights. Ithink Jason was there.
  • sunny232020
    Slow it down
    Slow your speech and thoughts down ladies. Wish you would stop talking over each other. Charissa says one sentence branches into 3 different stories. Head spinning.
  • everybodys got something
    Not a review…
    I love you ladies and this podcast so much. I DO have a question for Erin. You mentioned you were on Nutrafol and am wondering a couple things… 1. How long have you been on it? 2. Do you see any changes? And BTW keep up the great work!! 💗💗💗
  • abbygiesecke
    Great show!
    I love the conversation! It’s like sitting around a bar with girlfriends talking about everything and anything.
  • Hoopfamily25
    Don’t have to be a sports fan to love this podcast
    Love, love this podcast! Erin & Charissa are hysterical recounting their travel woes, partner annoyances & of course, football foibles. I love it because I steal NFL knowledge & try to Impress the hubby. Don’t sleep on the “Pre-Game” where they answer listener questions! It’s only 10 minutes but so entertaining!
  • Showsk8er24
    Keeping it real!
    My favorite weekly podcast! Thanks for keeping it REAL ladies!
  • OzPerson
    Would love to hear what Marshawn Lynch & Richard Sherman would tell y’all about their experience on the show Stars on Mars. They were both so much fun to watch, and it was nice to get a different side of their personalities. They are fantastic TV on the field and off. I hope to see them in other projects.
  • arrestingmarge
    It’s good but…
    I listen every week but had to shut it off this week. And I get what they’ll say…predictable…don’t be a hater blah blah blah. because all they do talk about is Taylor Swift over and over now on nearly every podcast. I could care less about her, really, but I’m so sick of every person talking about this woman. I even have lots of her music downloaded. So it’s not just me hating the woman. If it was Madonna, or Julia Roberts, or literally anyone I would say the exact same thing. Erin and Charissa, just because someone is sick of hearing about the same pop star over and over and over again does not make them a hater. Please grow up a little. Done with this podcast unless you please get back to headlines or some substantial topics.
  • mookitque
    The best!
    Easy listen, fun, and empowering to women!! Enjoyable stories and great stories! A must listen!
  • Pantslyb
    The best!
    These 2 are seriously the BEST! I laugh so much listening to them, it’s like me and my best friend talking, so relatable and funny! I wish they had a daily podcast!
  • Jenninemarie
    Awesome Podcast
    I am very new to listening podcast. Until now I have just listened to two and I have to say I freaking love you two. I am on episode four. I listen to three in a day and I can’t wait to listen to more. I can’t wait to hear more about your personal and professional lives. You two are hysterical together.
  • notwgirl
    Love from the CLE
    Erin- I’ve loved watching you commentate games since your start. Just found your podcast. I really enjoy listening to you two ladies talk life and football. I heard you talk about your WEAR line and picked me up the CLE Browns windbreaker. I LOVE it, love the podcast, and love you two ladies. Keep making me laugh! Love from the CLE ❤️
  • WMC1996
    Patrick Duffey - Erin are you doing a Black Friday sale on merch. Luv you guys
  • Asto81
    Obsessed is an understatement!
    Absolutely hilarious! Informative, sarcastic, relatable, funny, charismatic. Love both ladies and the banter!
  • IMakFan
    NFL Royalty !
    You two are a match made in NFL heaven. Thank you for being real and talking to your audience as if we are right there with you. Your energy for the sport we all love is infectious and the way you report every week is to be commended. You are true professionals that understand the game and your entertainment input makes your podcast a “10” plus , not just a “5” Thank you for being the BEST podcast.
  • Ljspencer
    You two make my day when the podcast comes on! I am soaking up all NFL now that my daughter is working for her second NFL team as a dietitian, growing up in the league. I loved you talking about not just one getting the glory but the “tribe” who helps you get there getting the love as well. WEAR is amazing. About time we have some great gear to rep.
  • asbjran
    Don’t stop!
    Please don’t stop talking about Taylor and Travis! They are exactly what we need right now—a little sunshine! You girls are the best and I love listening to whatever you’re in to. Congrats, Erin, on WEAR being Taylor’s choice the other night. ♥️
  • Mats Fan 87
    I was expecting the podcast to be more about football, and the back stories behind some of the interviews Erin and Charissa have done, or other back stories about players, games, NFL topics, etc. Instead, it was mainly the low-hanging fruit of superficial girl talk topics like celebrity gossip, dating, way too graphic descriptions of a skin infection, etc. The women did touch on two topics that they should have taken a deeper dive on—establishing a career in a male-dominated business and balancing a career with motherhood. Topics like these are much more relevant and important to today’s women, and should be discussed more.
  • Angie Graz
    Upping my Wordle game with Erin and Charissa
    Absolutely hilarious! Reacquainted me with the words woof and loaf which helped catapult me to genius level in my last game of NYT Spelling Bee!
  • Heidi Ho 123
    Heidi Ho
    I love you girls and also thanks Greg Olsen for reminding me what a great song “wildest dreams” is!!!!!!!!
  • naddt
    Love love love!
    Listening to these two is like hanging out with friends, love them love the podcast!!
  • PamPMc
    Can’t Miss!
    I feel as if Erin and Charissa are my girlfriends, and I’m sitting with them laughing and sharing conversations about nothing and everything! I started listening from the beginning because I am a sportscaster wanna be, and have stayed because I love their dynamic, insights, and general knowledge of everything!
  • Tamsin20
    Calm down please
    We get it, Steve is great, Jared is great, Erin is great, Carissa is great, motherhood, motherhood, motherhood. Kinda miss the old podcast. But, I guess this is where you are now.
  • new to reviews -KD
    Feels like sitting down with girlfriends
    This show! I’m so glad it came into my life last year, I love listening to these two catch up, talk life, work, love and headlines. It truly does just feel like sitting down with your favorite girlfriends and sharing life. I wish it was longer but I’ll take the moments we get. ❤️
  • K. Chil
    Love them but..
    Could do without the bathroom/diaper stories and household stories.
  • Fun as Frick
    I love you both so much!!
    I have loved EA forever and CT I love you too, but I have followed EA since the beginning of her career. I was going to say since college but I began college in 1992, I’m older than EA, lol! First, Congrats to Mac Rogers what an amazing name and y’all had me laughing and crying. Erin, thank you for being so open. I did not go through 9 years of IVF but my husband and I lost our first child, a boy, named after Errick “Ricky” Williams and Earl Campbell. Our son was born at 38.5 weeks, he was stillborn and named Erich Campbell, yes, we are both UT alums and Ricky signed my ultra sound during his 1998 year and he was so nice to us. Ricky was busy as he was up and won the Heisman that year, my college roommate worked in Men’s athletics at UT and she let them know about losing the littles Longhorn. Mack Brown wrote us a beautiful card as did Ricky Williams and in Erich’s casket he was buried with a schedule card that had Ricky on it with his schedule, it was advertising for The Heisman run. On our son’s headstone it says God’s #1 Draft Pick Erich Campbell Gautier November 4, 1998 We used the German spelling of Erich as my husbands name is Richard and we wanted Rich in part of his name. I tell the story because I was 23 and my husband 25, we never planned on having kids so young but my husband was an Engineer in an area of Motorola where a lot of men were becoming sterile due to this chemical in the area where he had been working even prior to finishing school. We wanted to try to know what we were up against. We got pregnant easy and the pregnancy was text book. We heard his heart beat 5 days before my induction date. We saw my OB/GYN on November 3rd and learned Erich had passed. I chose to keep my induction date of 11/4/98. We swore no more kids- we said fugg this, it took me 9 months to go back to work. I had planned on going to Law School but I was so focused on doing something for kids and others. I began a career in Clinical Research in 1999 and we finally decided we were ready in 2005, I was 31 and hubby 33. I got pregnant and was watched like a hawk as we still had no clue what caused our stillbirth. I was 34 weeks and had to see a perinatologist and was admitted to the hospital due to our son, yes another boy, being so tiny. I had to have him at 35 weeks as my placenta had deficiencies and he needed to receive nutrients outside the womb. Jaxon Royal was born 1/12/2006 and was 4 pounds 4 ounces. We learned he almost died like his big brother Erich but so thankful he did not. Jaxon’s middle name is after Darryl Royal. Erich and Jaxon have 8 years between them so Erin I truly understand the pain, the indifference you can begin to feel and the sheer excitement you feel as it becomes real. Jaxon is 17 and going into his Senior year of high school. We are very close and we have been bonded in such a way that it’s difficult to explain. I miss Erich greatly but I understand his place in our family and Jaxon is aware he has an older brother and I appreciate that he recognizes Erich on his birthday. We did have one more son, Holden Ace (his 1st name is after Jake Holden, who had his 1st Moto GP win in 2007. Ace was after Ace that tried out on idol and we love playing poker therefore Ace was perfect. In fact in the announcement We said that we went all in and hit a boat, Jax plus Aces now keep us afloat. Sorry for monopolizing the page but what you said is true everyone trying to have a child should truly understand how they are not alone. I had some fertility issues with Jaxon but only needed Clomid. However, so many of us have stories where it took us a lot of years to finally having a baby come to fruition and whether that is due to infertility or perinatal loss, women should know that so many of us exist and are here to help. CT: You are truly the best friend and your love for Erin, Jarrett and Mac is obvious and contagious. They are so very lucky to have both you and Steve. I love hearing you both recall the last 9 months and Erin I can’t wait to hear more of your firsts with Mac. I love how Howie already has a pal. I love you both for loving sports and embracing all of us women who love sports too. I also appreciate your candor, your friendship and the authenticity you both bring on TV and to the podcast. Thank you so much for making me feel as though I am great friends with you both. Love from Austin, TX! Melaina Gautier
  • LaMamiLkd
    Sending all good vibes !!! Love your podcast !
  • Momma9700
    Erin’s a MOM!!!!
    OMG OMG OMG!!! How exciting that’s Erin’s a Mom!!! Welcome to the Boy Mom club!! Just gotta know how Howie’s doing with his new baby brother?!
  • No🐑
    The laws are NOT going to protect us. Get something to protect you 😉and thank gosh for your man and fur babies. ❤️❤️
  • Michella0430
    Happy your back, love the podcast!!
  • CrossfitJeepsLove
    Love these gals!
    I missed this must listen podcast. So happy they are back.
  • M OBrien
    So glad you gals are back!!!
    I love, love listening to you and all your crazy stories!!! Can’t wait to hear your take on Scandoval!!!!😄💕💕💕💕💕
  • missyrae10
    So Happy!
    I’m so happy you girls are back. 35 minutes just isn't enough but I’ll take what I can get!
  • ram grad
    Welcome back!!! Have missed you both!! This has quickly become my favorite podcast. Love the pregame to give us a quick fix before we can have the full rundown. Like hanging out with girlfriends. Love you ladies!
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