You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton sits down for candid, in-depth, and sometimes hilarious conversations with people she finds fascinating. With help from her guests, Hillary will tackle the topics that shape our lives, from faith to the pressing political issues of our time to cooking tips for the cooking-challenged.

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Recent Reviews
  • jlover 4eva
    So inspiring
    Every episode is filled with warmth, candor, optimism, and humor. I’m consistently amazed by her knowledge and intelligence. She always asks the right questions and inspires me to read more and stay engaged with the pressing issues facing our world. I’m so grateful to be living in the same timeline as Hillary Clinton. I really hope this show returns with a new season. I will never get tired of hearing her insightful conversations. 🤍
  • t.o.p fan
    Second grade analysis
    You want the mainstream, consensus-class lukewarm take on any current issue? This show is definitely for you! I tried to listen to this show and EVEN with a class of chardonnay it is unbearable and HRC is completely insufferable. Her guests regurgitate establishment talking points to the point where it’s entirely predictable… Blah blah blah.
  • spaceyaken
    Please Run
    You will Definitely WIN
  • ErinMill!
    Hillary PLEASE run for president again ASAP - we need you!
    Hillary Please consider a 2024 last minute run- your supporters will work for you!
  • monica0345
    Help us
    Please please please run for President again. Save us!
  • Hear2Learn
    You and Me Both
    I love all the episodes! Just checking in to find out if Fran Lebowitz is running for mayor of NYC?!! Because that would be awesome.
  • BrewBadges
    More interesting approach
    I’d be interested in hearing voices that disagree and hear some debate or pushback to Clinton. Her political guests especially are all aligned with her views. I like the podcast/show Breaking Points for hearing criticisms of both parties. The hosts often butt heads and each Friday they host a debate. Someone needs to confront Hillary Clinton about her deep rooted anger and grudge she holds against the youth. She’s truly driving them away from the Democratic party
  • Caffa M
    Great guests
    Hilary C is so smart and interesting. And with this podcast we see she is curious and a decent interviewer. Some post production volume control when she laughs really loudly would be great.
  • Marilyn558
    Where have you gone Hillary?
    Just wondering if you are ever coming back. I was looking forward to hearing you interview your friends and acquaintances. I would love to hear from America Ferrara she is very interesting, her journey into acting and her activism. Hope you come back soon.
  • Chachacita
    America’s Loss
    Still with Her.. and this podcast shows why.
  • DeejArt
    Wonderful and Well Done.
    Exceeds my expectations every season. Great interviews, that few can get. ie: Barbara Streisand. Wow, that was a great interview! Like I was there having tea with the girls as they gabbed. HRC, does so many things so well. It’s no surprise that this podcast is one as well.
  • TherealRyanc
    Role Reversal!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts about true crime. This show has such a wild spin where the serial killer is the one doing the interviewing and story telling.
  • Meoowma fluter
    Wish more knew Hilary this way
    I love this podcast. It allows the listeners to know Hilary from a different perspective, one that I wish more people could have seen before that fateful election. They could have seen her as a whole person and I know they would have liked her much more and we might have captured enough votes to put her where she should have been.
  • makeupmyname
    Hillary and Bill
    The conversation between Hillary and Bill was very touching and they shared their hope, which I appreciate, but it also left me very sad. I’m happy for them both but, after the turn of the year, I fear things will even more quickly spiral downhill. I worked in politics when Bill won his first election and it was such a happy time (in a state that had an all-Democrat legislature). But all that seems to be going away, replaced by hatred and evil. And of course, most of us have truly not gotten over HRC’s 2016 loss. It’s like a perpetual state of grief that only continues to worsen, like being heartbroken in a way, at least in my lifetime, that may never mend. Best to all.
  • San Diego Veteran
    Hillary absolutely rocks this world
    The world needs more people like her.
  • Aldo Hoff
    Tremendous pod. Deep dive into important issues with some of the smartest people on earth. And fun!
  • Dameofdismay
    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate!
    I do have hope that we can do good when we listen to each other. Thank you Secretary Clinton and President Clinton for this great conversation. It’s important to learn about our neighbors near and far. May we all have a blessed and peaceful 2024.
  • cet blaine
    Loved the Patti Lupone and President Clinton interviews
    Wonderful episodes!!!
  • Ren Annette
    President Clinton
    Thank you so much to Hillary and Bill Clinton for this podcast episode. Excellent on so many levels. Happy new year to Hillary Clinton and to IMHO the best most qualified prez to serve in my lifetime, President Bill Clinton.
  • S. Jenkins 22
    President Bill Clinton
    Loved this episode- a wonderful holiday treat- thank you!!!!
  • ldeene
    Great show!
    I love this podcast but must say your episode catting we it your hubby was the best!! Thank you!!
  • Kd08115
    Will never recover
    Hillary is simply the best. I will never recover from 2016.
  • soulrockerTLee
    Admirable couple
    Great advice for anyone who wants to maintain and keep relationships- keep talking!
  • raychill seabears
    Great uplifting podcast
    I always love your episodes but todays with Brandi and Andre was extra great. Love Andre’s message about being your authentic self. Especially loved you having Sarah Stewart Holland recently as she is one of my other favorite podcasters. Thank you for all you do :)
  • Desertmac2442
    I wish Hilary had this podcast before she ran for President so voters could have experienced her curiosity, warmth and her infectious laugh. Her life’s accomplishments and continued desire to serve (after all she’s been through) are inspirational!! Not sure why but this podcast is hard to find!!
  • PCP812
    The Clintons are singularly responsible for crippling the Democratic Party and progressive politics for a generation. She's a money-grubbing warmongerer who takes advice from the likes of psychotic war criminals like Henry Kissinger and supports the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent brown children. It's long past time for her fifteen minutes to be up.
  • NYC-212
    I’m late to this podcast, but so happy to be here.
    Hillary is truly remarkable! Our world is better because of her. So glad she remains a presence in our ever evolving world.
    Terrific Insight! Brava!
    What a privilege to listen to Hillary’s take on our current state of the world and her easy conversational style while speaking to her guests. The episode with Kamala Harris is an example of the paths forged by so many women and what the future can hold for us all. And fantastic interview with Barbara Streisand!
  • Bartie11
    The podcast was like buttah!
  • mgatton15
    Welcome back!
    Probably my favorite podcast aside from Plain English. I can’t wait to binge these new episodes on my next flight.
  • reliving FIT
    Secretary Clinton is a great interviewer - no surprise. Segment w Fran Lebowitz was fabulous - great insight & one can sense the comfortable dynamic bw two no nonsense women. Great job! 👍🏼👍🏼
  • drequixote
    Old guard nonsense
    She is friends with known war criminal Henry Kissinger who she was seen walking arm and arm with during her last run. The old guard don’t care about people they are malignant capitalists who exploit the system to positively impact their bottom line. Hillary in particular has been a big part of the right wing shift in the Democratic Party. Business as usual is a violent these days when we face existential life ending issues like climate change and it’s the only idea left in the money addled brains of old guard dems who do nothing in the face of republican attempts at fascism. Never forget that she if friends with those fascists and when she isn’t limply arguing against them, they eat dinner together. MONSTER!
  • Hky1812
    Thank you so much for doing this podcast!
    Love this podcast! The guests have all been fantastic! Looking forward more episodes!
  • rolltide555bama
    Good but too many ads
    Really great! I’m a conservative but appreciate your insight and wisdom into world events. My only complaint is that there are a lot of iHeart ads.
  • JuLeah11
    Thank You for this podcast
    Your choice of guest stars is fantastic. So much on social media today would have one believing nothing but negative about the people of this country. Thank you for this podcast. It is uplifting and positive. The lives of your guests counteract the dominant voice of social media. Are you familiar with the folk singer Ann Reed? She sings a song she titled Heroes. “What can I learn from you In your lifetime, in what you've been through How'd you keep your head up and hold your pride In an insane world how'd you keep on tryin' One life can tell the tale That if you make the effort, you can not fail By your life you tell me it can be done By your life's the courage to carry on (chorus:) Heroes Appear like a friend To clear a path or light the flame As time goes by you find you depend On your heroes to show you the way What can I learn from you That I must do the thing I think I can not do That you do what's right by your heart and soul It's the imperfections that make us whole One life can tell the tale And if you make the effort you can not fail By your life you tell me it can be done By your life's the courage to carry on (chorus) Sojourner Truth, Eleanor Roosevelt Katherine Hepburn, Sally Ride Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman Annie Sullivan, Gertrude Stein Coretta Scott King, Amelia Earhart Lillian Hellman, Eartha Kitt Sacajewea, Ella Fitzgerald Golda Meir, Dorothy Dix Louisa May Alcott, Billie Jean King Emily Dickinson, Lucy Stone Margaret Sanger, Clara Barton Billie Holiday, Juliette Low Elizabeth Blackwell, Rosa Parks Lena Horne, Beverly Sills Barbara Jordan, Helen Keller Indira Gandhi, Agens DeMille Corazon Aquino, Gloria Steinem Rachel Carson, Joan of Arc Babe Zaharias, Marlene Deitrich Anne Frank, Simone de Beauvoir” I always think of you, Secretary Clinton, when I hear this song. Maybe because, you sort of saved my life in the 1990s? Maybe because you and former President Bill Clinton spent so long, walking back-and-forth along the path of the quilt, looking for names of friends after 12 years of a federal government that just let us die? Maybe because of the speech you gave in China? Or maybe because 100s other things I can think of off the top of my head. You are a hero to millions of us, and I personally love this podcast and your choice of guests. Thank you JuLeah Willson
  • Woofiesmommy
    You’re always a joy to listen to.
    Thank you for your wonderful podcasts. Please do more, more often.
  • Harryprince1234
    Love this podcast!!
    Wonderful podcast! Really enjoy!!
  • Truly66
    Love this podcast!! ❤️
    I really enjoy this podcast and always feel good after listening.
  • 5eeeeeeee
    Disregard the sad little trolls
    The trolls are pathetic, as usual, have no life and make no contributions to their world—unlike HRC who continues to champion the people and democracy. These are smart conversations with movers and shapers. Important and inspiring.
  • BankingSnob
    Leader Hakeem Jeffries
    Great episode! Love the questions and enjoyed his answers. The gavel in Jeffries hand will be a good thing for America. Keep em coming Madam Secretary
  • Jennyshotallday
    My cat aunt
    All these 5 star reviews remind me of my man hating aunt in her 50s with 5 cats. Hey don’t hate the world cuz ur man got his 🍆 sucked by some hot thing .. u wouldn’t.. or he didn’t wont u to I wouldn’t .. so glad trump bet u 😂😂😂😂 let’s go Brandon
  • hazelbnr
    Mr. Ed
    A horse is a horse, of course … Episodes of that 1961 sitcom are more informative than this pro panda .
  • Wallace Gibson
    Intelligent, interesting, entertaining, fun. Just plain smart! All this no surprise from the woman who should be president.
  • Keepn-it-real
    Go away
  • LastNameIrish
    You Go Girl!!!
    Love how the first episode is not even out and trolls are already giving this podcast one star. Sad that they have nothing better to do then hate.
  • Meme123$
    Love this
    Love this podcast. I wish she was serving a second term as president but this podcast is great too.
  • Kylejenkins27
    Hillary is a murderous crook
    Any basic examination of this woman will show anyone with half a brain that Hillary Clinton should be tried and convicted of treason, corruption and much more. Getting tarred and feathered, hung from a tree or beheaded is a punishment to lenient for her imo
  • Gutsball
    Probably the most brilliant person in politics. Of all time. Love the pod. Love her. Love.
  • Lizonvvvv
    Pleasant and informative
    I love❤️this podcast. It’s funny, educational, and great stories. Thank you,
  • Paphuahua mom
    Intelligent and Fun
    I started out listening to President Clinton's podcast, and of course he mentioned this one. Many of the episodes are riveting, all are something I take something I've learned from. Highly recommend!
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