Baby Mamas No Drama with Kail Lowry & Vee Rivera


Join Kail Lowry and Becky Hayter as these two rekindle their friendship and navigate the highs, lows, and hilarious in-betweens of life in their 30s. They’ll dive into the joys and challenges of raising families, staying true to friendships, and keeping up with pop culture - all while embracing the unpredictable mix of karma and chaos that life throws at them. With Kail’s unfiltered outlook and Becky’s infectious humor, Karma & Chaos is a refreshing, real, and relatable take on modern adulthood. New episodes every Tuesday!

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Recent Reviews
  • Tronathon007
    No longer good
    Used to love this podcast but now I can’t follow along because there’s too many “inside jokes” that the listeners just aren’t tuned into. The dynamic seems off and it’s just not interesting.
  • Cates9559
    What’s the name of the podcast?
    I love the new podcast Karma & Chaos but why do we get episodes of For the Hayters? I understand once or twice to promote another show but is it even on somewhere on its own? And correct me if wrong but aren’t these old podcasts of Becky’s podcast? Would love to have them separate.
  • Ggjj1015
    I’m uncomfortable
    I love you Kail but Becky truly comes off disingenuous and too excited to be your friend again. She made a comment last episode about her book club that proved my thoughts. She said don’t tell ppl you’re not showing up or they might not show up. The flirting is weird and just uncomfortable at times.
  • EgibsTX
    So real
    Love listening to y’all every week! The comment episode was hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh at work 😍❤️
  • lashhunny
    one of my fav pods!
    I listen to all of Kail’s podcasts but I look forward to this one every week. I’m a stay at home and this show keeps me company 🥹 love Becky & kail together!
  • kariv0612
    Wish you the best
    I wish this situation would’ve been handled differently. Miss BMND but also understand that things happen.
  • stevie2478
    I can’t wait for Becky to become a mom and gain some better perspective on things.
  • PodListener422
    Need you guys to find your flow
    Like the pod and you guys are getting into a flow. However, misophonia is a thing, so Kail please stop eating and drinking on the pod. It makes it really difficult for me to listen.
  • bee0929
    Laughing the whole time
    This episode made me laugh so much. Becky’s laugh is so contagious. Loving this
  • ReyMart92
    I miss Kail talking more about herself seems like Becky takes the whole episode and only talks about herself . Please give 50/50 Becky its making it hard to be a listener when its all about you
  • steaksbites
    Hear me out lol
    I was starting to get mad bc I relate to Becky , masc , father passed away , in a relationship with a woman , anyways I was starting to get mad bc i was like WHY is Becky only 15 minutes solo???? Thinking yall was trying to send me to Patreon lol but this whole time it’s just been sending us to Becky’s podcast 😭 now I have weeks I have to catch up . Anyways I appreciate yall so much ! Best of luck !
  • Sierra2306
    Eating while talking
    Love this podcast and love it with Becky. But I have to turn it off anytime Kail eats while talking. And Kail please let Becky talk without interrupting.
  • Caitie173
    Stop Eating!
    Please stop eating during the recording. Talking with a full sounds so bad
  • Kyliesotelo
    Thank you Becky
    You convinced me to read fourth wing and now I am obsessed! Kail you need to read fourth wing
  • SAG9999
    Please please stop eating on the show!
  • Itskelsssssss
    Can we not…
    Can we not eat on the podcast?
  • beckah1020
    Kail not everything is about you
    Kail please listen more when Becky is sharing something and not immediately make it about you! Todays episode was hard to listen to especially when Becky was sharing her dads birthday and what they did for him and the first thing out of kails mouth was what would you do if I died? Like really can you not just learn to listen and ask more about how Becky is feeling. And then Becky's sharing how children books have been making her emotional lately and Kail immediately follows by telling her about her children's book she wrote and then starts going on about books she recommends and not actually allowing Becky to talk more about what she is feeling. It's giving narcissism.
  • Applenotbook
    The chemistry
    Becky and Kail have this chemistry that when listening, you feel like one of the lezzy besties! This is the fresh start we all needed!
  • michelleagjip
    They tried
    Becky’s personality is really dull to me and this podcast just cannot hold my attention. I’m going to Unfollow. The eating while talking is really hard to get through, their chemistry seems authentic, but it does not translate well to me as a listener. Everything somehow goes back to trauma. Topics are uninterest and repetitive. I believe they were trying to replicate the great chemistry that Kail and Lindsey have but maybe on a deeper level, it’s just not working for me.
  • baker_bakes
    forced vibe
    im trying to like this podcast but it feels fake to me. the pushing of another podcast within the episodes is weird.. its one thing to support your friend but why are episodes in here? Most of the commentary is disrespectful to the significant others not in the room. Not to mention the background noise on all KILLR podcasts is exhausting and has caused me to stop episodes early across the board.
  • Pidda1
    One of my new favorite podcasts!
    Love these two together! I’ve always loved Kail on all of her podcasts, but adding Becky to the mix results in such a dynamic duo! I love their back and forth! I look forward to an episode every week.
  • Kelseyhargrave
    Malicious intent
    NEED this on a shirt cus same Kail
  • KristyJ13
    This pod has been so bad lately. Maybe one day it will be good when they find their groove but for now, this is not it.
  • Chloegal7
    I love Becky's insights and how much deeper Kail gets in this podcast. It's different than her other two podcasts which I appreciate. You can tell the chemistry between these two is real and it's fun to be in on their inside jokes. Could use a little more structure in the show, but I'm sure it's to come.
  • man boy girl boy
    Loyal Kail Follower
    I love every and any podcast Kail has. This one definitely shows a more unique and personal approach. I hate to say this- but I don’t like the thumbnail, pictures, font, color. It doesn’t catch my eye like the others do. And I will remove this part if they change it. I think it should be brighter colors and edgy font. Have separate pics with each in the corners looking at the “karma and chaos” in the middle. But who am I? lol
  • Smallbutmighty✨
    Love ittt, but the ads lately…
    This is becoming my favorite one of Kail’s podcasts. I love the connection and Becky’s realness. It strikes a good balance between deep convos and lightheartedness. My only complaint is the editing with the ads has been brutal lately and someone should definitely take a look at that. It makes it a little hard to get through the episode. Otherwise love you two!
  • WomenVeteran
    Can famous people start helping out the little people what I mean is I’m a disabled Veteran with 4 children just trying to live our little lives and scam artists just go around getting away with everything because the law makes it easy for them to do so I’m out of $24,000 worth of items and can’t report them stolen or have them arrested because we “know” each other and now it’s a civil court matter THESE people have been doing it for YEARS and knew because I only get disability I won’t have the MONEY to fight them and that’s what it always comes down to is money CAN we get a SCAM ARTISTS FUND going to help the little person get justice for themselves and HOPEFULLY stop these people in the end ❓❓❓
  • KKimmmmmmmmmmm
    Thank you for bringing someone genuine 💜
    Love the energy, the vibes, and the straight up genuine vibes! None of it feels forced or fake. You both are here for the right reasons and it’s noticeable. Kail thank you for always keeping it real and remembering your fans. Becky thank you for the breath of fresh air 💜
  • Mizzzzzbossi
    Love the podcast and love the vulnerability in you both!!!! AND YES WE NEED A IG TO TALK ABOUT THE EPISODES
  • virgo.xo
    Love Becky’s authenticity
    She adds so much genuine conversation to Kail’s candidness. Also, brain fog and disassociating are 100% effects from long covid there’s a whole community of ppl including myself who have experienced this. The worse part is the gaslighting of no one understanding quite what you’re experiencing and correlating it to everything but what it is. Covid causes extreme vitamin C&D deficiency so up your supplement of that and magnesium(which helps the absorption of vitamin.D). Also individual supplements are more effective than multivitamins. Ok I’m done, love you ladies!!
  • Ravyn0324
    I’m still trying to get into this one but it feels like Kail just keeps making random comments to get a reaction and Becky is like uhhhh and not knowing how to respond. I haven’t been able to make it through episodes because I get super creeped out with hearing Kail chew and smack while eating/talking 😕
  • chijohnvon
    Best Podcast EVER!!!
    Kail and Becky have undeniable chemistry on air and their podcast is my absolute favorite!! They keep me laughing and learning while opening my mind to new ideas.
  • RachP37
    New FAVE podcast!
    I love all of Kails podcasts, but this may be my new favorite. I love Becky, I love Kail, and I love them both together!! Great new podcast. It’s truly therapeutic to listen to. Keeping being your amazing selves!!
  • Danni81507
    Love this Podcast!
    I love the friendship y’all have built! Its like listening to best friend just talking it’s so easy!! Thanks for giving us all hope! Best part of my Tuesday!
  • Sandrawandra
    Brain scan episode
    Usually I love the podcast. This one had WAY too many ads. And after an ad was another ad.
  • JoDanMur
    Love love love
    I enjoy Becky & Kail duo! Love the podcast ladies!
  • Seanjen1
    Great Combo!
    On BMND Kail would let Vee speak over her a lot or Vee would just go on and on and overly explain something. Kail did seem more submissive in that relationship and I think she always knew she needed to keep the peace between them. However on this Podcast Kail seems a bit aggressive or more tough when she talks to Becky and I don’t remember their dynamic being that way and seems to let loose more on Coffee Convos. I would just suggest to be your normal silly Kail here too. I mean no shade at all. You’re a great person and love all your Podcast!
  • LittleLindsayG
    The best cries
    I didn't know the duo of Becky and Kail before this podcast (or the other podcast of Becky's reintroduction back in Kails life). Y'all!! This podcast is so great! I love your friendship with each other and how honest you are with each other! I'm so excited for both you to have each other again and I can't wait to see Becky and her wife as new moms!
  • Fishy22three
    Has potential, but needs work.
    A podcast with two self-obsessed people who are extremely happy to talk about themselves non-stop.
  • Skittles714-oc
    Miss BMND
    I was hooked to BMND. I loved how it would be serious but good content and also hilarious. Now I find the episodes boring. I try to get into it because I love listening to Kail but I just loose interest and find myself moving on to something else. I will keep giving it a chance but sadly it’s not my go to podcast anymore.
  • rayklugh
    Love Becky and Kail!
    I’ve missed this duo so much. Never forgot about Becky and found so much inspiration from her in the past and I find myself really trying to be easier, nicer, and more positive to myself because of how I hear Becky talk. Sometimes I find myself thinking, “Would Becky say this to herself or her friend?” She’s a light. I’m a regular coffee convos listener and I truly have enjoyed the new pod and the topics yall choose. Keep it up.
  • bapolich
    Not it
    I’m not really digging the new version I miss BMND and down in the DMs
  • Kimballstar
    Down in the DM Segment
    I love the new podcast but I do miss the down in the DM stories. Maybe if they could do something like that for this podcast?
  • GracieLouWhoo1991
    Much better
    Soooo nice not to hear “like” and “you know?” every 5 seconds. Thank you Becky!
  • Olivia123879
    Like it but…
    I really like this podcast and have given you 5 stars but if you constantly start having Alessandra on, I will have to unfollow. She’s whiny, she plays the victim in every possible circumstance and, she hates white people. I think she plays both sides and actually hates you Kail. Other than her little appearance, I really like this show. You an Becky are awesome. It’s totally different from all your other stuff and I look forward to it.
  • Justnonottoday
    New Podcast Name Should be:
    The Vocal Fry’s…… listen back and realize you all sound stuck up and snotty. Ugh!
  • SexiiLexii34
    honestly, had to sit out on this weeks episode….
    Truly love that dynamic between Kail and Becky…. i’ve been a huge fan of her since teen mom! I used to be a faithful listener of BMND however I have not listened to it at all in 2024. The whole vibe just seemed off and I could not get into it anymore… So with that being said, I was very thankful to hear that Becky was joining Kail on this new journey! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every episode thus far… but I have to be honest…… I am not a fan of Alessandra and her voice is sooo annoying to me so I missed this week’s episode sad😢
  • Stephanie328272
    Love the new podcast!!💞🌟
  • Tjoh20
    Waaaayyyy Better!!
    Listening to Becky vs Vee. Night and day. I was just about to unfollow BMND if I heard Vee say 1 more time…I don’t know how to explain…gurl you’re on a PODCAST. Before you start another podcast, please learn how to speak.
  • vaxwolf
    An ad every 10 minutes is crazy
    The ads are crazy and im already over hearing about the old friendship dynamic for 3/4 of every episode. If we are moving on from that then we need to move on I feel.
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