
by GBH
History #197

What happens to all that stuff on America’s favorite antiques show once the cameras leave town? DETOURS reveals the stories, secrets, and surprises of TV treasures which go beyond the screen. Join host Adam Monahan, a longtime producer with GBH’s Antiques Roadshow on a journey of discovery from behind the scenes of the hit PBS series. Each episode tells the deeper story of one object, amazing and amusing listeners along the way. From GBH and PRX.

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Recent Reviews
  • nikki-nack
    Episodes tell a cool story
    Thank you for putting together a thoughtful podcast. Interesting and light. Keep them coming!
  • Quicktricker
    A True Miracle
    I enjoyed this episode so much! It is quite a story! All the different people involved, so heartwarming! Suspenseful!!!
  • Lring16
    Very enjoyable podcast!
    I came across this podcast and have really liked learning more about Antiques Roadshow and items they have had on the show. It’s fun to hear more history or backstory of certain items! I’ve always wondered how appraising and fact checking works and I’ve learned some from listening. I actually have a greater appreciation for antiques and have better understanding of why people are so interested in them! I also think Adam is a great host. Thank you! I look forward to new episodes!
  • hopethedog
    Fun and interesting
    Great production, makes me want to watch more antique roadshow Make more new shows! You guys are great
  • Sunnyrunner27
    History lovers unite
    Adam is a hilarious, smart host who discusses his research in depth with experts, historians, and appraisers. I listened to every episode and only wish he would produce them more often! Definitely worth a listen.
  • Dr. Dale Gribble
    Love it!
    The history nerd in me already loved antique roadshow. But this podcast gives a behind seen into some of the coolest and most interesting items that came onto the show. Please keep making more episodes, I look forward for every new episode and guilty as I re-listen to most episodes 😜. Keep up the great work Adam and team!!!
  • Clfclf918
    Love it
    Fun and sweet and historical! This is one of my top pods.
  • manda_panda710
    Love it
    I really enjoy listening to this podcast not as much as watching antique roadshow but a close second!!
  • NYC G-ma
    Love all things Roadshow
    Well presented, entertaining and informative. I have a new favorite podcast.
  • Chagrinshaw
    Santa and Rudolph
    Love the podcast... love Antiques Roadshow.
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    This was a surprise!
    I was just looking around the Podcast world and found this . Pleasantly surprised. Very interesting. Good hosts. This podcast is definitely a keeper. Great work !
  • lois.gehman
    My family and A.R.
    My family has always thoroughly enjoyed Antiques Roadshow… and this behind the scenes podcast, just adds that much more dimension to an already enjoyable television show. Now if I can only introduce my parents to Detours, I think they would get just as much enjoyment as I do… if not more!!
  • Oldbutspecial
    Interesting follow up
    Subject interesting but voices get annoying, especially Marsha and her hackling.
  • dikacats
    Lots to learn
    I love this deep dive into items that appear on the show- and always learn some history. It is well done and just the right length of time.
  • DarthMonkee
    What a treasure!
    I stumbled on this podcast while reading an email from PBS regarding Antiques Roadshow, one of my favorite shows to watch. I binged the first season and am enthralled. I love hearing the backstories of some of the items I’ve watched appraised on the show. And Adam is a wonderful podcast host!
    Well done, as usual.
  • Missheartcore
    My Comfort Podcast!
    As someone who loves to cozy up to the weekly episode of Antiques Roadshow, this podcast expanded universe is the perfect listen. You find yourself enthralled, relaxed, and packed with a bit more knowledge than you had before. Love the deep dive into some of the unique finds that have been on Antiques Roadshow. I’m consistently excited for each new episode.
  • bill in bama
    Love me some roadshow!!!
    More shows …. Twice weekly! The RS has been on tv along time… release those old shows as podcasts! Your best friend bill in bama!
  • APopio
    If you love antiques roadshow, you’ll love this podcast
    This host is great to listen to, the show is well-produced, they add interesting and in-depth information to specific items the tv show has uncovered, but you don’t have to be a viewer to understand or enjoy the podcast. I highly recommend this! I find it soothing, entertaining, and enlightening.
  • KItty_J18
    Love it!
    As an avid history nerd and lover of antiques roadshow, I don’t know why it took me so long to find this podcast but ai love it. So many great behind the items stories and a great host.
  • CarrieB
    Make More Please!!!
    Just discovered this podcast and spent days binging it. Now I am all caught up! Please make more content!
  • CB Hans
    Please make more!
    I really enjoy this deep dive into historical objects. Please make many, many more episodes!
  • coolgirl🤩
    Pretty good!
    This podcast is amazing... but why did the episodes stop, you know?? I just want new episodes cause I don’t like repeating them!
  • SafetyForKids
    Love this, Adam. And yes, everything naked!
  • Barry21210
    Great podcast
    Love everything about it! The history, the friendliness, the interesting thoughtful topics. Please make more!
  • KRBL4013
    Deeper dive
    Love to hear the back stories of Antiques Roadshow! Slammed 20 episodes & looking for the next one!
  • SaraMichelleB
    Great show!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. Each episode is like a mini mystery
  • margofaz
    Interesting, fun, informational. Love it!
    I wish all podcasts were as organized and interesting as this one. Really well done! Great interviews along with snippets about history and I’ve laughed out loud a few times too! PBS please make more episodes and shows like this one!
  • AnnaNymph
    Always insightful
    I love this podcast! It’s so well presented and a really fun story journey.
  • Madloveshop
    Love it!
    I love this podcast and love hearing the interesting stories that happen along the way! Keep making more episodes ❤️
  • miss cgh
    All the charm of the show, wrapped in a podcast. Every episode has its own quirks and twists. Keep them coming!
  • EBS33
    A deep dive into interesting objects from Antiques Roadshows. What more could one want!
  • All FB apps need work!
    Best podcast I’ve listened to in a LONG time.
    I love this show and everyone on it!! ❤️
  • Beakerxf
    Episode 2 has a History Detective Vibe
    I adored History Detectives on PBS and this is the closest replacement I’ve found. Enjoying the podcast.
  • ❤️paul
    I’ve loved antiques roadshow since I was a kid
    And I’m so excited to hear more episodes! 🌈💙
  • usvzhxhzhdhz
    Not quite what I expected (unfortunately)
    I’ve been a big fan of Antiques Roadshow since the days when Chris Jussel was the host (since the beginning of the U.S. version). I also enjoy the UK version. I never miss an episode. I was very glad to learn that this podcast was starting up, and really looked forward to it. Although I thought that the first couple of episodes (PT109 flag; Poe daguerreotype) were interesting, I was distracted by the attempts at humor by Adam and Marsha. I just listened to the episode about the Korean panels, and the distraction was taken to another level. I love comedy, and I love to laugh, but this show is not funny. The only thing worse than someone trying too hard to be funny is when they constantly laugh obnoxiously at their own attempts at humor. The podcast has a lot of potential. Just please tone down the funny. The star of the show ought to be the stories. Edit: about a year later, and I just sampled an episode from season two (the Rolex). Inside one minute, We have Adam and Marsha still trying to be comedians, and laughing obnoxiously at things that are not very funny. Sad.
  • rosey101112rosey
    LOVED listening to Season 1! When will Season 2 be available!? 😃🙏👍
  • cinemafetish
    Bring Back Detours
    I truly hope that this podcast returns with new shows because Adam does a tremendous job of telling these fascinating - and in several cases - moving stories. So please come back soon.
  • EasternOregon
    Case of Missing Panels
    This episode was so annoying. The speakers were trying to present this in a funny way but it was BADLY done especially the cackling of the woman laughing at nothing funny. Please go back to your old style without all the phony affectations.
  • Way Cool Mom
    Please come back for Season 2!
    Thoroughly enjoyed this series. I’d like more, please!
  • EmmyfromSD
    Please create more episodes!
    So so good! Informational and entertaining!! I’d love to hear more episodes!!
  • Debra...
    Love this podcast
    Binged it all in one day. Please come back for Season 2!
  • Tapkap
    please stop
    the forced laughter and embarrassing attempts at humor render this interesting subject matter unlistenable for me .
  • Savagekel
    Deep Dive into History
    I'm a long-time fan of Antiques Roadshow and this podcast dives deep into one story from the show. Stories and history are what I love about the show and this podcast takes that into the next level. I can't wait for Season 2!
  • 5339kln
    Season 2?
    We need more episodes!
  • bustor125
    Can’t wait for more!
    Antiques Roadshow is one of my favorite things in this world, and a friend who knows that about me just told me about this podcast and I’m just so thrilled to have another way to get my roadshow fix! Can’t wait for the next season!
  • allie_beee.3
    Excellent historical intrigue
    Amazingly created and produced. The stories are engaging and for a starting podcast you’d think they had been making episodes for years. I can’t wait for more.
  • Jane27648
    We Need A Second Season
    This podcast has been such an interesting and captivating way to spend part of my day. I have always loved the antiques roadshow but never imagined some of the behind the scenes stories that we talked about in this podcast. Who knew the FBI helped people locate art stolen from their families by the Nazis?! Please keep the episodes coming. This was a wonderful podcast!
  • Jayniej16
    So Great!!
    Can’t wait for season 2!! This was so great!! One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to! Right up there with Last Seen!
  • stars hollow 90287
    Second season
    Hope there’s a second season!
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