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Aram AvanesyanSeek discomfort with this podcast!The Yes Theory podcast is incredibly inspiring. It offers uplifting stories and positive messages that encourage listeners to embrace life. If you're looking for motivation, this podcast is a must-listen.
LkwtBrilliantly beautiful!After doing my Headspace meditation this morning, had time to play around and investigate other tools in the app. Found Yes Theory and scrolled topics. Came across one that sounded like what I needed, and low and behold it features Rich Roll! He is my #1 podcaster, the first one I found and became addicted to for my long runs. I am about to turn 60, and know I am itching for change. Thomas reminds me of my sons, all very witty and charming. The combination of personalities, the topics covered, especially addiction and being plant based, were perfect. Ryan Holidays talk about ego was icing on the cake. Can’t wait to hear more Yes Theory and look into Iceman!!! Thank you.
HHUNT02Relatable, but short livedI really did enjoy this podcast. It was for the most part light, and at times delving in a little deeper to the reasoning behind things. It was nice to hear some relatable content in terms of life’s difficulties coming from that of a great platform (headspace) that I use on a daily basis for my personal growth and attempt at a peace of mind. However, I was bummed when I got to the end of the episodes, realizing that the show ended after not even being around for a year. Hopefully everyone’s doing well and will potentially provide some more content 😬🤞🏻
ninacaviniA beautiful messageA beautiful message from some truly beautiful humans. Thank you for you honesty, your willingness to be vulnerable, and thank you for having the courage to ask the hard questions while simultaneously making us feel safe to explore these on our own. The Yes Theory community is so special, and I am deeply grateful to have found a family of healers and seekers like myself. We are not alone. Love you all 💗
CreepycolesBest YouTube channelI love this YouTube channel, it gives me hope and clarity to go out into the world and experience new life lessons within myself.
Blah!Hey!_Who?The Inspiration and Messages We All Need to HearThese guys are so incredibly inspiring and motivational and I am not just talking about the kind of fleeting motivation. I’m talking about the kind of motivation that sticks with you day after day, long after you’ve finished listening. I think, I laugh and I cry and... then I think some more. I don’t have a bucket list, but if I did, the only thing on it would be to be apart of Yes Theory.
AlisaYvonneYes yes yesThese people changed my life, and I am forever grateful. I highly recommend listening and participating… you’ll be delightfully surprised :)
raddad43019AmazingI feel inspired by listening to these guys! Keep up the good work fellas. 👍
joy2801Intimate and truly insightfulI feel like I’m in the room. I’m not a typical podcast listener but these guys have changed that completely.
MandyhilsListening to episode 4!I’m a special education teacher and listening to episode 4 with the creator of Speechify is INSANE! I use the program for my kids so often and they LOVE it. You’re making a HUGE difference! Kids know they’re smart and actually feel it too!
Steven Alexander ARDepressing!Hope these guys are doing okay, this show is a drag! Far from the upbeat positive personalities we’ve come to know. Perpetuates the victim mentality.
crestrepo07AmaaazingBest podcast out there!
DaphhhhhhDOBSESSEDDay one fan!
MariominnLife changing conceptsLove this podcast. So much depth and vulnerability by each of the guys on the show. Thank you for sharing your philosophy on life and lessons learned from your experiences.
ThomasT97I miss MattI miss Matt 😢😢😢will he ever be back on camera
Fan fav favHonest and human !!!Raw
elena elizondo 1WELL SPOKEN, REAL, INSPIRATIONALI need this to continue, can’t wait for more!
lmbattagsExcited for What’s to Come!...
karinnenicoleLove yes theory!I love the boys and their YouTube channel and was so excited when I found the pod. Listened to every episode and I’m so hoping they put out more !!
ZACBSelf-involved, sophomoricThe hosts talk about themselves incessantly; their messages are obvious and often pedantic. I love Headspace and have subscribed to it for 6+ years. I was hopeful about Say Yes Theory and it is highly rated. Compared to podcasts in this genre, I find it lacking.
mgamez3Great podcastGood stuff
HP OBSESSED!!!Awesome motivational podcastInspiring hosts help you to help yourself and improve your life by getting out of your comfort zone and much more ❤️❤️I can’t recommend this podcast enough
AmandaNotLikeTheBandPure GoldThis quarantine has been very difficult on all of us and this podcast has really helped me to stay motivated! I love to run and for the first time in a while I didn’t want to. Listening to the boys really helped me to realize now is the time to live! I’ve not only been running again but I’m also working towards chasing my dreams to become an ER nurse ❤️ I’ll be graduating nursing school this May and I couldn’t be more excited to go on so many cool adventures!
MantrasamThank you.This is very helpful!
Cooldoglover 0 YTFantasticThe show is great!!!
yiyoman1991Keep it up!Keep doing great guys we need yall in this world for sure
jfjfjfjxndjdjfnckdogiendndNiceNot bad
Tessa923So authenticI’ve been watching these guys on YouTube for years and as a teen coming into my young adult years, their message has truly pushed me to live beyond my limits and pursue me dreams! I love how raw and authentic they are with their audience, sharing their struggles along with their triumphs . They are truly inspiring people and I think everyone can benefit from listening to them!
IanOC15Unique storytelling and brilliantly producedThese guys bring the same passion and tenacity to their podcasts that they do to their videos and the production value is awesome. Love how they mix in moments from previous experiences into the interviews and narration of each episode.
jjonthekkabsolutely beautifulthese guys change lives ! Thank you yes theory for giving me and so much others so much courage & inspiration. super super great
Fahim SarwariBest podcastOh my god this guys are amazing. They make me more hopeful about the world each episode of their podcast is an inspiration for me. And also their personalities, that these three amazing people came together to make make the world a better place.
meganaloraRelatable & inspiringAfter every episode I finish with the feeling that my cup is SO full. This podcast is inspiring, motivating, meaningful, educational, emotional and absolutely wonderful. As a 23 y/o female navigating my way through life and deciding on a path for my future this podcast seems to help me feel not so alone. I LOVE the challenges at the end of each episode! Thank you guys for making my commute to work enjoyable again 🙏🏼
motivationiskeyrightnowmotivationI have been struggling doing homework and have something that I can relate to. I guess I just need an inspiration to continue to be someone within my life. I have been a fan since YesTheory when they were barely known. Them doing a podcast is something great and proud of how they grew. It is also great to have it as a background for doing homework.
eli feldstA creative and insightful podcastYou guys do a fantastic job. People need to hear this podcast and the lessons you have to offer. I am a young man and every time I listen I always learn and try to implement the challenges asked. Excited to grow and thankful for you guys. Keep rocking it!
yes nickname theoryJust the startI like where the podcast is heading. As a big yes theory fan, hearing some clips from your youtube videos felt redundant. However, I know some of your audiences will be new. Thanks for making podcast content and keep it up.
Robby nachreinerA cure to your dayThe Yes Theory team has been an inspiration of mine for a long time now. To say I’ve been waiting for their podcast is an understatement I have been overwhelmed with the anticipation of this podcast! Let me tell you it does not disappoint! If you want something to truly brighten your day with wise words and incredible stories please follow the Yes Theory podcast! Have a great day!
chrisrowlesThis hits home more than you knowI’ve followed Yes Theory for some time now and they’ve always been inspirational and motivating. But these podcasts directly impact what I have felt constantly in my own life. Especially episode 3. Allow these podcasts to impact your life in a positive and beneficial way. Which should also then benefit the people around you. Both strangers and the ones you love.
HuskySushiThe audio seems quiet but otherwise an inspiring showIt’s very validating to hear people acknowledge the hardships of trying to make moves in life during this time, but the importance of doing so anyways. It’s a reminder that when some doors close, you can try others.
BossPantsAbsolutely AmazingI’ve been a fan of YesTheory for years, and their contest has helped me grow so much. They’re honestly the best, and I’m loving their podcasts💕
C_TeacherReviewThank you for your positive and encouraging message in your podcasts. I feel like they are exactly what I need to hear!
Awolfe2 YtVery helpfulLet me explain, this podcast teaches you to open your mind, teaches you how to live in a way without regret. Thank you Yes Theory. Keep doing you.
idgaf69420Great potential - less scriptedI really like the message and topics of the podcast but it feels to scripted. I’d rather just have them talk about tropics with quests rather than Thomas Interrupting every 10 seconds. Also the music that they put makes it sound really corny. It feels super artificial and not natural or genuine. I love yes theory and I hope they can make this podcast great
kat862092Fantastic!Intelligent, timely, and inspirational! This podcast has been exactly what I needed to hear.
urvviiiReviewSooooo authentic!!! I love your YouTube channel and these podcasts are like the cherry on top!
annniee5Changed my lifeI’ve been waiting for you guys to make podcast! Your videos and messaged truly changed the way I live. I made so many different choices and came out of my comfort zone! My lifestyle and my everyday life felt exciting. Seeking discomfort is my life moto now. I love you guys! You inspired me to live life to the fullest with no regrets!
tlcobbLove the Podcast, But...I love Yes Theory, I love the message. I have learned so much from all of you in my journey to be my best self. However, I wish this podcast was a little more informal. When listening to this podcast it feels like I’m watching your YouTube videos. I would be so happy to listen to the three of you just talk. No pressure, no editing, just your authentic self.
RipatoeIntelligence mixed with Humor!!!!It’s a rare find for millennials to be broadcasting with such intellectual, compassionate, and hell a funny way. WE NEED HUMOR too No matter what! 5+
Paul/SanchezAmazing good show!!Very educative, motivational, and entertaining.
torh torh torh 567really good podcastI’m only 10 but I like the advice it’s Pretty good
whysobad??Love the podcast so much and your YouTubers videos so muchSo awesome highly recommend
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