

Welcome to "Disrespectfully," hosted by Katie Maloney and Dayna Kathan. These two besties have been through their fair share of life experiences. The good, the bad, and the unhinged. In Disrespectfully, they build off those lessons to discuss being unapologetically yourself, getting it wrong, career, mental health, relationships, sex, and whatever else they feel like. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll probably crack a bottle of wine- join Katie and Dayna as they share new episodes Wednesday’s wherever you get your podcasts.Make sure to email us problems, questions, or anything you need advice on at DISRESPECTFULLYPOD@GMAIL.COM and we shall answer them on the pod!

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Recent Reviews
  • Aries in Leo
    100% on board with high strangeness sidebars + more Wes please!
    You are def not losing your audience talking about aliens and weirdness at the Denver airport — carry on ✌️(i meant to submit this a while ago & just realized i never did, so that ep is from a while back lol) Also, the Wes Borland ep is my new fave. You could have him on every month & I’d be here for it. His ep. started me down a rabbit hole on his guitar playing style, costumes (‘98 - 2001 will always be my faves but the Weekend At Bernie’s Tourist is fantastic) & improvisational stage performances and audience interactions 🖤
  • mck19374
    Great but nix the old rockers
    Loveee this pod and you gals!!! Please no more episodes with rockers we don’t know….the Wes episode was painful. Love everything else though!!!
  • Molly11289
    Love this pod
    One of the best out there
  • blankk blankk
    Ads are in my basement.
    Love you ladies! My kinda convos! I would’ve rated a 5/5 but the ads are too much! Collectively, I feel like it’s half of the podcast. I always skip but when I’m driving, I have to sit through them and it’s not fun.
  • Linz_beth
    The Best
    They’re my spirit animals & just obsessed with this pod!!
  • Laur Z
    they rock <3
  • JG ***
    Katie and Dayna always have me feeling like I’m hanging with the girls. Always a laugh! Love and always my first recommendation!
  • IFoundTW
    One of my fav podcasts
    I started listening for the sake of it, but now I listen every episode because it so so good. It’s such a lovely show. It’s a legit podcast guys.
  • yogiyogainsta
    The ads!!
    Omg there’s more ads almost than pod cast content. 😵‍💫
  • LVD.MD
    Ok yes
    They’re my best friends they just don’t know it yet 🫶🏻
  • AverageHonestHuman
    Millennial heroes
    Absolutely adore these two girls and their perspectives. They come across as very genuine. I like the two episodes/ week format where one is kinda just chatting and the other is fan interactive. I appreciate the community that Katie and Dayna foster with their “coven” here <3
  • kg 🧜🏽‍♀️
    Use to love. It’s becoming the Dayna show 😕
    Dayna is overpowering these days. Katie asked a question during the last pod and Dayna dismissed her and said they would talk about it another episode. I’m not enjoying it anymore. I love Katie. But she can barely get a word in these days.
  • Nandazgd
    So real!!!
    I love you guys, I love the pod, I love that you guys actually research stuff before talking about it, instead of just the headlines (I also call TikTok research 😂) the ads are a bit annoying I will say they’re getting long, maybe place them at the end or beginning? Either way I love yall and I will continue to listen even if it’s 20min of ads. FAST FORWARD buttons rock people! Remember that!
  • abcjessdefg
    Dayna is really bossy
    Dayna chill a little. Let Katie talk or have her opinion. You’re constantly taking over. Stressful. Just chill out.
  • kimfrommars
    Immaculate Silly Goose Behavior
    10/10 Can and Will recommend to peers
  • PIPERoni +cheese
    Love you but ads are ruining it!
    Love you guys but the number and length of ads is getting out of hand. 5-9 minutes of ads at a time really messes with my ability to continue listening. 😔
  • ari_clarke
    Day one listener, and I don’t miss an episode. I’m so glad to finally hear Katie have a voice without being brought down by the guys on VPR. However, I ride for Dayna!!! I’m a stan!! Didn’t get to really know her on VPR, but I love her takes on the pod. Keep it up ladies!! The only downside is the super long ad breaks. I’m a podcast girly, and I’ve never listened to a pod with so many ads. The only bummer, but it would be great if it’s something you can cut back on. P.S. Thanks for the advice on my WWDD!!
  • Anonymous xo
    the ads are taking over the pod😭
    this might be my top listened to podcasts. i love dayna and katie and their dynamic. heauxmetown heroes is my favorite. i completely get that they need to get their coin, but lately, the ads are getting crazyyyy long. i listen to this pod as part of my night time/wind down routine- i didn’t mind having to say “hey siri, forward 5 min” but now it’s still on an ad after 5, 7, 9, 10 minutes! the ad lengths are just too much and takes away from being able to enjoy this podcast 😭
  • StephyDF
    Tour please?
    Absolutely my favorite show! Hope you guys do a tour!!
  • dcayyxx
    The ads are killing me
    I LOVE THIS PODCAST. Truly honestly so fun to listen to. Dayna is so funny and Katie is simply a queen. However the ADS are insane. I’ve listened to 100s of podcasts for years and never heard ads so often and sooooooo long. It’s making it unbearable to listen to. I thought I was just being lame but I’ve checked and they are like 9 MINUTES LONG or more. And that’s only one of the many per episode. I’ll keep listening but idk if I can lol I’m sorry I just feel like it has to be mentioned.
  • Hayhhhay
    Opinionated women with brains
    Love love LOVE the pod. Keep it up ladies!
  • _27joe
    Epitome of Moronic
    These girls talk about how terrible times are in our country while at the same time talking down Trump, who is holding people accountable and trying to put AMERICANS first again. You really can’t fix stupid.
  • nmcampbe
    A staple in this house
    I listen to both episodes each week and cannot be more thankful. It’s like having a hang with friends and you’re guaranteed to laugh. love it <3
  • jfyu bc
    Can we be friends!
    Feels like hanging out w my friends. My type of chicas
  • Miss Regina Phalange
    Just what was needed
    Thank you Katie and Dayna. This is just the podcast I needed. I love the basement segment. You ladies are so easy to listen to and on the right side of history. Thank you for being honest in your beliefs and sticking up for what is right.
  • Lebones044
    Love These Ladies!
    This podcast makes me laugh out loud every time I listen! Dayna, your story about being shaved was hysterical!!! Thank you for sharing your stories and making me smile with each listen! Love you ladies!!!
  • Kemasp
    Firstly, I LOVE you guys and your pod so much. Secondly, I am leaving a 10/10 review on your guys’ collab with Quickies. I’ve had press ons break off just trying to open a car door, but these lasted through sex! …. and I’m gay so that says a lot.
  • jahehdbeuwbdbdh
    I have loved this podcast since day one but the most recent episode is legitimately one giant ad. The overt ads are getting longer and longer. But even their conversation topics were all basically ads for products, movies, Walmart, etc. Rapidly losing the fun content that hooked me in the first place and it’s barely been a year since the pod started.
  • Yoyoyiyiy1679363
    Worried a lil
    So, it could be just me, but has anyone noticed Katie's opinions recently about poor behavior from men in WWDD be much more lenient since she has a new man with an....allegedly checkered past? She used to be centered around women empowerment but lately I've just felt disappointed in her takes. Dayna is mothering as usual. I dunno, I can appreciate different viewpoints but feels like it's been a pretty drastic change that I've noticed consistently in the last month or so. I have been such a Katie Stan for 11 years and I hate this feeling.
  • Harvey Butthole
    One star
    Long standing hatred for Katie. Will never support anything she does. Hoping all of her business ventures fail. What a joke of a human being.
  • blondie871
    Going downhill, unfortunately
    I loved this podcast when it first came out. The conversations felt witty and sharp, and felt like conversations you’d have with girlfriends on a night out. Recently though, it just feels like it’s trying too hard, and is honestly pretty immature at times. Maybe I’m too old and not their target audience (mid 30s), but I cannot listen to the WWDD/heauxmtown episodes. The stories feel contrived and fake, like they are for shock value only and lack any real interesting qualities. I liked Katie on Vanderpump, but it seems that long form conversation is not for her. She seems unable to articulate most of her thoughts into cohesive sentences, and often ends them with “you know, “whatever” or some incoherent mumble. I will say, I enjoy the daddy list and basement segments, and Dayna generates quite a few laughs.
  • How could you!
    They must be starved for content
    They’ve resorted to reading letters from a loser fan about pegging their boyfriends. Wow, so cool and trendy … 🙄
  • Cooper A Loop
    this is free
    I am so sick of people who complain about FREE content having ads. You don't deserve people’s time, effort, genius for free. Let them get their bag you greedy potato. Love you ladies.
  • Melzie Mel
    Reb Masel
    Thank you for introducing me to Reb Masel. Loved the episode.
  • sam-michelle9
    Why did you guys stop talking about The Affair tv show?
  • H Pnicole
    Reb episode is SO GOOD
    Long-time listener, first time reviewer. When I saw you had Reb on as a guest I SCREAMED. I love her and she was so funny and smart on the pod. I learned so much😭 Please have her back to talk about pop culture legal cases or the United Healthcase shooter trial pleaseeeeee
  • Ang Jel
    5 silly gooses
    I started listening for Katie but quickly became a huge fan of Dana. I feel like it’s such a good balance and I truly love this show. It’s easy to relate to and still I learned new things. That being said yes the ads are extremely long and I always fast-forward at least 5 to 8 minutes. Our girls got to get that bag. I respect it.
  • Michaelahe
    Feels like girl chat with friends
    The only bad reviews seem to be from people that don’t like two independent women speaking truth on politics. Sending them love & healing but to the basement they go😂✌🏻 Appreciate you ladies for your authenticity, bravery, insight, and all the giggles. Keeping being you.
  • Deverauox
    love but...
    i miss when this podcast was exciting and felt fun and now it's just stale pop culture and kinda boring
  • Paigey.m.99
    Currently injecting Christmas into my veins
    You both are comedy, I laugh out loud every podcast! To answer your question on whether that guy who faked his death can be sued by his family, his family likely could sue him for intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED). The standard for IIED is extreme and outrageous conduct, which a husband/father faking his death likely constitutes such. This would depend on the state’s specific laws though because IIED is a tort, and state law governs torts (as opposed to federal). I just graduated law school and am studying for the bar, wanted to share my initial thoughts since you were wondering in your recent pod! :) :) LOVE the heauxtown heroes segment and hearing about your holiday traditions! -Paige
  • Just a listen
    Love the pod but…
    If you are going to cover current pop culture, please record the episode and air it the same week. I feel like I keep hearing about last week‘s news.
  • PWade03
    Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb
    I give this podcast 6 more months tops
  • Angelface_0121
    Ladies, seriously. What are we doing here? Fan of the pod, but WHY so many ads? And they’re like five minutes or MORE at a time? What is happening?
  • soggygirl1
    Record commercial break
    Love this podcast but the most recent episode featured a commercial break that was 12 minutes!? Help 🙃
  • Gabbyloooo
    My Besties 💕
    These other comments are willlld. Katie and Dayna make me feel like I’m chatting with a bestie. Their sense of humor is my favorite and they’re so relatable. They barely ever touch on politics but when they do, I appreciate their bravery to speak on serious issues affecting their listeners. If you’re out here leaving mean baseless reviews please get in my basement, disrespectful!
  • adamspk
    Ads are insane
    Get your bag but 10 mins of ads at a time are so insufferable and turn me off from listening because god forbid I have to walk away from my phone and can't skip.
  • SushiCat1973
    Too many ads
    Would be 5 stars except that the ad breaks are at least double the length of all my other podcasts. Fast forwarding is also difficult because the ads are spoken by you both and often sounds like podcast content.
  • Powerfulwomendontgaf
    Love this show! Both girls are always true to themselves, and stand up for what is right instead of pretending to be politically correct to keep viewers. It’s so nice to hear women say it with their chest. Whats happened with the president elect isn’t about politics or fear mongering it’s about the well being of others. I mean this with as much disrespect as possible, listen to a different podcast if you can’t handle powerful women with a platform.
  • krystyneth
    Politics Ruined it 😭
    i used to enjoy this podcast & i used to love dayna. i thought the political slander would stop after the election results but clearly i was wrong. extremely disappointed over here. i’m grateful to be a part of a world where we can all have different opinions & honestly good for you for using your platform to speak your mind. but it’s not for me & it ruined what i used to enjoy of this podcast. i now have a bad taste in my mouth about dayna. just seems bitter & speaking very confidently about issues that have clearly not been researched by her at all. i also think them splitting into two episodes a week made the format messy & exhausting to listen to. unsubscribing sadly 😔
  • Waverly!17
    Take politics out of it
    Dana is nowhere near educated enough to speak on politics. She is ignorant and insufferable. Katie is an absolute delight as always. Can’t listen to the divisive rhetoric anymore. Unsubscribe
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