Waiting on Reparations


Waiting on Reparations is a show about Hip Hop and politics. Hosts Dope Knife, a rapper and visual artist, and Linqua Franqa, hip hop artist and politician, explore the history of public policy and its impacts on Hip Hop life; what Hip Hop culture tells us about our political reality; and the role of Hip Hop in shaping our political future.

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Recent Reviews
  • bob is a cat fan
    3? No. This is a great pod.
  • MnReview
    slaver ancestors?
    If any of you racist leftist trash were honest, we would hear about your research into slavery and other atrocities by your ancestors that you are planning to make reparations for. Then maybe you would begin to be legitimate.
  • AllieCor
    Breath of fresh air
    If your mind and heart are open you’ll hear some amazing truths and fresh perspective. If you’re a baby you won’t like it.
  • Eddie610267
    Let me hear it!
    When I say perpetual, you say victim hood; perpetual, victim hood, perpetual, victim hood
  • thatboiiiikyle
    Y’all ain’t ever getting reparations 😂😂🤡🤡
  • MsMartinaMsMartina99999
    Very pleasant and listenable
    In my opinion, this podcast is soothing where so many other conversation podcasts are kind of manic. The hosts are not slow but they are calm and listenable. Maybe in part bc they are both vocalists? Idk. It’s just really nice to have on in the background. I’m white, and for me this podcast really fleshes out my understanding of the American experience. Plus these two are just smart. It’s fun to listen to them ponder and discuss.
  • Makore-326-
    Hahahaha a joke??
  • alisongtx
    A perfect example of racist hypocrisy.
    People who believe the world owes them simply for existing. Garbage.
  • sheridanforever
    Great beats, perspectives, interviews, and personalities.
  • midnite panther
    Sheepdogging for the Dems
    Sheepdogging for the Democratic Party, not radical politics. Lots of haters think that this is some black liberation or socialist radio. If only it were.
  • CazNovak
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    Waiting on Reparations is one of the best podcasts out there! I’ve learned so much about race, hip-hop, and politics from Linqua Franqa and Dope Knife, and I love that each episode begins and ends with rapping. I am a much more informed citizen as a result of listening to this show. Thank you for this awesome podcast- can’t wait for more episodes!
  • Cubanx Cubanx
    Thank you for y’all’s work!! Love to see (hear!) all you have to say. Learning is essential to positive change!! Keep up the good work!
  • PJ30716
    Turned out to be boring
    I found it boring.
  • mtc100
    A challenge
    To all the white people writing hate- filled comments. I challenge you read a book about the realities of racism in America. Start with The New Jim Crow. Pay attention to your feelings when you read it.
  • Evantyor
    WOR is educating us about hip hop and intersectionalism
    Mariah and Mack have candid conversations with friends and experts on a variety of subjects, all through a lense of progress, politics and music. Every week it’s dope.
  • Lil Moff
    Thanks for this, this is the podcast I was looking for!
  • Darquemind
    Bigger than hip hop
    One of my favorite podcasts, hip hop and politics have always gone hand in glove. This ‘cast shows how they have intermingled in the past and present, with an eye for the future.
  • Aerohead85137
    Interesting how all the one star reviews have just a single word or sentence stating their distain for the show. Hmm... I have yet to read one negative review constructively stating the reason why they didn’t like the show (besides just reading the title or clearly just being a racist.) These two have great chemistry together, and are intelligent and informed. They are also both artists and creative thinkers for the cherry on top!! My advice to the ignorant, one star leaving f****: Try being informed instead of just opinionated.
  • evo1216
    Ignore the Ugly, Racist Reviews
    To the hosts and everyone else working on this podcast: I am so sorry that systemic racism extends to the podcast space, and that people are so ugly. My guess is none of these awful people actually even listened to one episode. I love hearing your thoughts and views on the world and consider this podcast required listening every week. This last episode was dope, I hadn’t heard of Propaganda before and now I’ve downloaded all his music! Thanks for doing what you do, and keep doing it!
  • dntyctrplr
    White hatred doesn’t move anyone forward
    The problem is not with the system, it’s within ourselves. And until we hold up a mirror and ask ourselves uncomfortable questions, victimhood will always be the easy way of not having self-accountability..... keep waiting .....
  • RealAk4774
    Tons of misleading "facts' and stats
    This podcast is propaganda at best.
  • JimDesautels
    Hurry Up!
    Illuminating & fresh every week
  • dagostino25
  • Skyking Power
    Please hold your breath...
    It will NEVER happen so grow up!
  • KingSephy
    Truly Great
    An excellent show. The Shahid Butter Interview was really good. Lingua Franca’s Verse opening the show forced me to come here and spread the gospel of this shows awesomeness. 5 stars.
  • CredibleReviews
    Lunacy. Waste of time. Better to start each episode teaching people not to resist arrest. Comply and fight it later in court.
  • dogi smeeth
    Dope knife wants to express rap music has social justice. Never comment on the glorification of violence, drug culture in rap or its effect on keeping minority communities crime infested drug fueled neighborhoods of inequality. I mean would you get any info from crack knife?
  • Noah Danger
    Hurry up!
    This show lives comfortably in the center of a Venn diagram of Hip-Hop, Politics,
  • Specky4610
    Free stuff?
    Most divisive title ever.
  • Christian2041
    Not Great
    Not a great podcast at all.
  • ALynchJane
    Trying to understand other points of view..
    This is a very biased podcast. I tried to give it a fair listen, I really did. They clearly get their news from CNN. So much ignorance here. If I could give it 0 stars I would, but unfortunately 1 is the lowest I could do.
  • danny dan 38585837
    BLM?? Tell black ppl that.
    Rap about some of these 8 year old black kids getting murdered in their own neighborhoods please.
  • sarahpanic
    keep it up. don’t let them keep you down. rise up!
  • CharlieBravo1
    This is a joke, right? Keep waiting.
  • Güerroguy9
    Ignorance of history
    Enough said
  • wonderfullyyy
    Can’t wait til Thursdays now
    Thanks for making this y’all!
  • cheeseypotatos
    Pay these People More
    This podcast is incredible. I listen to it when I’m down and you all always put a smile on my face.
  • jammal85
    Keep Waiting
    Pandering. Gain wealth through work and merit. Stop poisoning people by making them believe they can’t get where they want to in life on their own. Toxic.
  • 5DDU
    This show is dope . Love it . Love u two and I can’t get enough.
  • Killrvegan
    I have been really enjoying listening to you guys. Bringing all these topics to light is so important but also shows how much as a society, especially in the United States, how much work we need to do. Also, all these idiotic comments make me want to reply to all of them. Keep up the episodes, love them.
  • rward1137
    Reparations are owed
    Let’s listen and learn how to make America everything it claims to be
  • emeaquipadre
  • savvvvyrose
    Love this
    Easy to see how much work you guys have put into this movement and dialogue over the years, thanks for putting out this podcast! Also the music pairings are sick
  • groovybrit
    Required Listening for White Allies
    If you’re a white ally like myself educating yourself and actively working at being anti-racist, then this podcast is required listening!! Open, raw topics and interviews combined with deep and meaningful lyrical raps makes for one beautifully educational podcast! Ten out of five stars!
  • coldbrewcoffee26
    I CANNOT with these negative comments from people...🤣 white supremacy is bleeding from pores! Anyways, love the pod. Learning so much. The mix of poem/rap before each episode with policy information is my favorite part. Good luck and I will continue to listen👏🏼💖 hoping to be a white ally.
  • alderaanenzymes
    Raw honesty, great podcast
    What struck me immediately about this podcast is how natural the conversations and music flowed, and the candidness with which the topics are discussed. It's such a well-made podcast. Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective and music with us. P.S. is there a Patreon?
  • keit91
    Civil War 2.0
    The day you take hard working taxpayer money is day
  • Stay1time
    Awesome, worth the listen!
    I love the combination of politics and art. Amazing music and analysis, while connecting large themes to the local level with a behind the scenes look at the inner workings of how local governments function.
  • fhhskeycdvfakwbsg
    Awesome podcast!
    Required listening
  • lazeeewaffles
    Informative, fun, and FRESH
    Blessed to see linqua Franca perform a while back- she’s well matched with dope knife on the pod- their conversation is smart and interesting, and the inclusion of musical analysis, especially original raps- is a treat to listen to... you guys are so cool!
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