Strong Men Strong Marriages


Helping high achieving Christian men have more intimate marriages. Start with episodes 1-4 for an introduction. Traditional marriage counseling, couples therapy, couples counseling and even Christian marriage counseling will tell you that a good marriage is based on compromise. Validating feelings. Sacrifice. I tried that for years. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. That’s why most couples who go through marriage counseling are the same or worse off after. BUT, in my studies in neuroscience at BYU, MD training at UCLA, psychiatry residency, marriage coach training, and most importantly in my own marriage, I finally found what DOES work. Building strength. Spiritual, mental, emotional and sexual strength, while anchored in following Christian marriage principles. Strength is attractive. And, it feels great. It builds trust. Add to this the skills of communication and intimacy, and you get a marriage full of phenomenal mental, emotional and physical intimacy. And, you set the example for generations to follow. I applied this to my own marriage, I felt better than ever and had more connection and passion than I thought possible. I started teaching this to other men and couples and they were able to create mental, emotional and sexual intimacy faster than they thought possible. This even works for affair recovery and emotional affairs. Now it’s your turn. Become a strong, attractive man. Create a strong, passionate marriage.

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Recent Reviews
  • tmather
    Life changing!
    I have been following Dr. Mike for about three months now. I signed up to follow his system as well. His teachings and modules have changed some major things about me that will improve my life. Looking forward to putting into practice these concepts. Finding my self worth from within instead of from outside influences has been a game changer. Learning how to listen and pay attention to my wife emotions has been huge as well.
  • JRose.1
    Good marriage prep!
    I’m not married yet but I’m engaged and still this has been life changing in helping me prepare for marriage and feel way more confident in myself and about my relationship with my fiancée. She actually told me once she wanted me to be a strong man for her in the way Dr. Mike talks about (though she didn’t know about his program or podcast) so this is perfect for us! You could say it was a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment for me to realize I don’t have to be a people pleaser for her and that my self worth comes from God and not how in love she is with me at any given moment.
  • BP Writer
    Meaningful podcast, not just for men
    Recently came across this podcast and loved the episode about "how not to care what other people think." This episode had simple, straight-forward advice on growing self worth, self esteem and self fulfillment. A great blueprint for anyone who wants real abundance. Thank you!
  • JohnSK1982
    Amazing podcast
    Dr. Mike delivers. This podcast is for anyone who wants to improve their relationships, no matter who they are with. There are actionable lessons in each episode that if applied will improve your life.
  • Hudson1334
    Thank you for sharing. Real men lead.
    5 stars
  • AaronB89
    Excellent Podcast
    This podcast delivers. It uniquely provides helpful tips based on principles that just work. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to build up their marraige and or family.
  • LHR20736
    Dr Frazier is Very Encouraging
    Thank you
  • Huckleberry friend
    Great Christian based marriage help
    My spouse and I have been listening together and it helps foster communication about our own marriage problems. Not everything applies but it brings up a lot of good talking points that we need to talk about.
  • Jjcarr
    Phenomenal marriage podcast
    The first marriage podcast that I’ve listened to that addresses Christian sexuality in a way that honors wives. This is life-changing to hear for both men & women.
  • Koerper
    Christian marriage book episode
    Enjoyed your comments but hoping you will regain your testimony in the church. Leaving out the Book or Mormon, other scriptures, and modern day prophets is a big disappointment. Hoping you will come back!
  • jonny759
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast. It helps you to become the greatest version of yourself. Dr. Mikes methods are very useful so sign up to get great results!
  • jlozoya
    Strength! Fuerza! 力! Kraft! 力量
    I can only say Strength in many ways but this podcast is the real deal.bit helped me to recognize the many ways of where I have had both bad behavior, bad actions, and overall a bad perspective. Check it out and learn to undo years of incorrectly acting, thinking, and behaving. Thx Dr. Mike Frazier !! Keeping doing the good work.
  • Jred15
    Great podcast. Would love to work with you
    This podcast was shared to me by my brother and ever since I’ve listen to it as open my mind to new perspectives. I to am LDS and have the same beliefs as you do. My wife and I are currently separated and I would love to see what kind of services you provide. Please let me know where I can find your services or website so I can check you out.
  • landen57
    New listener
    I just started listening 1 week ago and my mind has been blown. The concept of how being a nice guy is killing the romance in my marriage is life changing. I’ve always wanted to blame my wife for our lack of romance despite catering to her every need. I knew I needed to focus more on myself since I can’t change her, but now I know why and what needs to change and that has given me a sense of empowerment.
  • RRhodesNCSHP
    I wish I would have found this sooner
    I am 4 weeks almost 5 into separation and I am devastated. My wife and I met at 18 and 17 years old and fell in love fast and hard! Within 6 months she was pregnant and a year later we married. We have been married for 10 years coming Aug 2021. I find myself so complacent in my marriage, not focused, going through the motions, no improvement, so very immature in my emotions. My temper has caused many problems! My wife left me., 3 daughters and she left, just wants space. I feel like this podcast has helped me understand I have to be better for ME before she’ll ever consider coming back. I am thankful for this show and the advice. I’m trying to stay strong, but wow this is tough!!!
  • KY2016@
    A Great Help
    Personal and perceptive pod... thank you!
    Growing into manhood
    Frustrated with my inability to understand myself, I wanted help to become more of a man in my marriage. Dr. Frazier speaks from education and experience. I have turned off the radio and turn him on during my commute. His thoughtful explanation of many of my problems helped me see my faults and shortcomings and allowed me to leave my anger/resentment cycle and stand up like a man and lead. I realized I can only change myself and not the world, I. Doing so I have changed my world. Subscribe and improve. Listen so you can stop being angry!
  • ColdNosed
    I have been listening to Dr Mike for nearly a year now. He has helped change my focus from things I can’t change to the things I can. I’m a better man today from listening and employing his principles.
  • ruesss
    This Show is the Real Deal
    I’ve studied various self-help and therapy modalities for decades, so I can pretty quickly sift through the mediocre vs. those diamonds in the rough. Mike is the latter. I knew there was something unique about this show (vs. the tons of couple therapy shows out there) the moment I read the title and description. Do yourself a favor and listen.
  • K77321
    Game changer
    SMSM is an absolute must listen for any husband/ prospective husband. It has helped me be so much less needy to my wife and become a stronger man. I love that Mike incorporates his faith into his approach. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints myself, I can really appreciate his balance of gospel teachings and worldly education to provide a great perspective on what it means to be a husband. Well done!!
  • StrongMan MikeyD
    Get Results! This is a Must listen!
    I look forward each week to listening to Dr. Mike and learning from him. He is a great teacher, funny, easy to listen to (he makes learning and growth fun), He is the real deal and shares about his own life lessons, and and he explains things in an way you can easily understand and implement. He has helped me a ton, I was in a bad place and he is helping me turn things around for myself and my marriage. I had tried counseling, church, support from friends, learning on my own, but what I needed was a COACH! And he is the best. Do yourself a favor, listen to his podcast, sign up for his Strong Man System, DO THE WORK and enjoy the RESULTS!!
  • Albrejo
    Great Insight
    This is a great podcast for all men, and probably their wives, too. This definitely provides valuable tools to improve relationships and communication.
  • LolliBean
    Mind Blown!!!
    I am blown away by these informative and positive podcasts for growing and maintaining healthy relationships. I have been married for over 30 years and have often felt so much disconnect in my marriage and never understood why. I want EVERYONE I love to listen to Dr. Mike and gain some clarity to improve their relationships. It is a true gift! This will help me going forward as I interact with all the awesome men in my life, from my husband to my sons, to my brothers....
  • Super Bloke
    Real life problems, real life solutions
    Dr. Frazier shares real life experiences to address specific problems that I face in my day-to-day. He knows what he is talking about because he has lived these principles. In working his experience into my life. I am become a stronger man because of it. If you live these principles you can be strong too!
  • Needed a Reboot
    Some Good, Brand-New Perspective
    I found Dr. Mike's resources while in a bad place in my marriage. My marriage had crashed onto the rocks after I'd been steering it there for many years. I was looking at the possible end of everything I'd tried to build for 15 years. Realizing that all that I knew about marriage and being a husband clearly wasn't enough, I went on a journey of discovery to figure what I was missing and where I had gone so wrong. Dr. Mike's podcasts have been a tremendous help, especially with helping me understand how to deal with my emotional issues without having to depend on the state of my marriage or my wife's feelings for me for my own happiness. While I have a long way to go, Dr. Mike has helped me discover a new direction and I have hope that the best version of myself is being forged!
  • Booftheoriginal
    Helping you, not judging you
    Mike’s ability to offer advice and help in a non-judgemental way is a breath of fresh air and what keeps me coming back to his IG & podcast. He seems to understand that no one is perfect, but that we can all be better. Showing me when I need to take responsibility and not seek to blame my wife (or anyone else) has been a huge help. So glad to see several series in his podcast and I hope the hits keep coming!
  • JJW Reviews
    Entertaining and empowering
    I love Dr. Mike’s podcasts on strengthening marriages because not only is he entertaining and relatable, but his suggestions feel so doable. I feel excited and empowered to make long needed changes in the part of my marriage that I can change—me.
  • Fixxxxxxxxxit
    BEST Marriage Podcast
    I have seriously enjoyed listening to this podcast! Micheal is so real about marriage and breaks it down for you in a simple way that is easy to understand and do. My husband and I have already started implementing the advice and it really does work! Excited for more!!
  • Hurt1123
    This podcast is so great! There are so many things that you can learn to help you in your marriage! I’m so glad I found it
  • jmckayheaton
    You need to hear this!
    What Mike talked about is so applicable to me and my situation right now! I’m definitely going to keep listening to and following his podcast!
  • dr JPK
    Very insightful
    I learned a lot with dr Mike’s insights! One podcast in particular really gave me a new perspective into my role into the marriage. Trying to make the wife happy with my small things was actually a problem in itself. Great stuff if you wanna make it work.
  • iChaseUTube
    Has helped my marriage
    Been following Dr Mike for years now and happy to see he launched a podcast. His system has drastically improved my marriage. Has helped me to look at things differently and increase my happiness in my relationship with my wife. Gives very practical and easy to understand advice with examples. Recommend this to anyone looking to improve their marriage and intimacy.
  • Spencer88keys
    The real deal!
    I’ve been following Dr Mike for about a couple years on different platforms and I am a member of his Superman System. Mike has a real passion to see men grow and to help their marriages succeed. He is the real deal relationship coach who has an arsenal of wisdom to share. If your marriage is in trouble and you want solid no nonsense help, Mike is the man.
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