Recent Episodes
12: American Gangster, Part 2
Aug 28, 2020 – 44:52 -
11: American Gangster, Part 1
Aug 21, 2020 – 50:34 -
10: Munich, Part 2
Aug 14, 2020 – 44:45 -
Introducing: Even the Rich
Aug 12, 2020 – 06:50 -
9: Munich, Part 1
Aug 7, 2020 – 01:06:52 -
8: Argo, Part 2
Jul 31, 2020 – 42:17 -
7: Argo, Part 1
Jul 24, 2020 – 52:49 -
6: Zodiac, Part 2
Jul 17, 2020 – 46:54 -
5: Zodiac, Part 1
Jul 10, 2020 – 53:02 -
4: The Social Network, Part 2
Jul 3, 2020 – 53:59 -
3: The Social Network, Part 1
Jun 26, 2020 – 52:15 -
2: Goodfellas, Part 2
Jun 19, 2020 – 55:24 -
1: Goodfellas, Part 1
Jun 12, 2020 – 42:08 -
1: Introducing Truth vs Hollywood
Apr 27, 2020 – 01:20
Recent Reviews
guajiro6805All Hollywood, no “truth”This show is more of a breakdown of the movie with very little look at the historical record. Also, It’s extremely sexist especially in its look at goodfellas. Not worth your time.
DerstedWill there be more??!!I really enjoy the show, any chance of more episodes?
Wasa97High School level criticismCombined with a shocking lack of history research and historical context. All of that is combined with bad sound production as well. Not surprising that it was cancelled.
MasterwhyteduIt’s ok, if you’re passing time and boredMy favorite part of this podcast is when Joanna quits talking. Other than that it’s nothing really special, I just listen to it while I’m at work passing time.
andywankenobiJust read the wikipedia entryYou essentially discuss the movie scene by scene. Which is the equivalent of reading the wikipedia page. Unsubscribed.
404NotFoundError001Mostly commercials and rehashed infoThis podcast has more commercials than anything I listen too. The content is basically anything you already knew about a movie if you googled it for 5 minutes and it’s broken up too much with a commercial every 5 minutes. I expected better.
NJinLAThe Social NetworkTo paint Zuckerberg as someone who doesn’t care about money, who’s driving motivation is “creating something perfect” is to ignore entirely all of the evidence that his real world choices have brought to light. It’s clearly nonsense and completely untrue. It completely flies in the face of “Truth vs Hollywood” and I can’t begin to fathom why you’d include that POV in your episode.
GS322Misleading TitleThough the hosts have a good rapport with each other, they basically give a verbal book report on the movies listed. Some trivia here and there but I was anticipating more behind the scenes, debunking type content. Also, the reel sound bite thing is way louder than the other audio and is so unnecessary.
ABQ LeoMovie Club?I’m a Joanna Robinson/David Chen fan. And a movie fan. So this appeals. Two suggestions: let us know ahead of time what movie will be discussed so listeners have a chance to watch or re-watch the movie before the podcast. Ya know kinda like a book club. I would enjoy the discussion more if my recollection of the movie wasn’t hampered by the passage of time. Second suggestion: get rid of the beeps.
StinkyJoe110301Please Consider Condensing into One Episode per MovieI have listened to Dave and Joanna for years and love their podcasts (even donated meager amounts on occassion). I agree with most others that the "beeps" become cumbersome quickly. I agree with Dave about not listening to podcasts at 2x speed, so I suggest considering combining each movie into a single episode. It feels to me, that the podcast starts to drag on about the middle of the second episode. Keep up[ the great work!!!!
Gold Member 26796326Would give 5 stars, but...1. The word “like” is said nearly 120 times per episode. EXTREMELY distracting and irritating. 2. That annoying reel sound with beeps is removed. It’s cringe-worthy.
Krauty 1234567Just work on the production valueWould be 3.5 if half stars were allowed. Very informative. Would be cool to have advance notice of what they will be doing so I could watch the movie in advance. They are both smart and well versed. Just a couple of problems that they could probably fix. 1) stop the soundtrack beeps before an historical interview- really loud and annoying 2) I feel like I need subtitles when they go to an historical interview. Really bad quality. Can blame Covid and Zoom but just tell your people to get on a landline to make it clear and not like an echo chamber 3) so far the films could be covered in one episode, not 2. Keep improving, I will keep listening.
Nandibear77Too much Hollywood, not enough historyFeel tricked by the title. The episodes are just exhaustive recaps of the movie with film school critiques, interspersed with limited input from guests on the reality behind the movie. Wanted a more History v Hollywood type of show, and this is not that. The Social Network episodes, btw, sound like they were trying not to get sued by Mark Zuckerberg.
ThereelbradbellThe Dynamic Duo does it again!Joanna and Dave are the most dynamic duo in entertainment podcasting, and they have done it again.
pachzappasEdutain me Capn!I’m a huge film guy, I’m also trying to learn more about history. I couldn’t ask for a more suitable podcast. Chen and Robinson continue their wonderful chemistry while providing fascinating insight into some of our favorite “true story” films.
reggierobyPretty good content - annoying audioCome on David Chen, I expect better from you. I've listened to 6 episodes so far. That countdown thing before sound bites is horrible - the beeps about blow out your eardrums, then the audio is very poor from the sound bites. David's audio is perfect, but when Johanna is excited or happy, her voice is just too intense. Sound production-wise, not enjoyable to listen to, but the content is pretty good if you're really into those movies.
☀️🌼🧡🌈☀️3-4 stars: a good way to learn about entertainment and real eventsThis podcast showcases interesting stories through the movies they choose. The hosts seem to know what they are talking about, and they present commentary that really makes you think about the content in new ways. I, personally, haven’t watched any of these movies but I still get to learn new things about film and about true events. A movie I would really like to see covered on this podcast is “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I think it would fit perfectly into the podcast theme, and it would add a new, less-covered genre to the podcast repertoire. One thing that I’m not a fan of on this podcast is the extremely long and repetitive advertisements throughout each episode.
Dirt cityWould be a great podcast if the audio production wasn’t SO BAD! Hire a pro!I like the premise and the information is there but the audio production is AWFUL, making it a torturous listen. I have tried so many times to get into this show, but the audio is so bad that I have never made it through more than half an episode before I skip to some other podcast that isn’t trying to kill me with bad production. I don’t want to have to ride the volume controls. Getting a pro to mix your podcast episode doesn’t cost that much or take that long! This podcast could be so easily fixed. The show has so much potential and deserves a little more care.
texaskexasbless their heartsI was really psyched to listen to this podcast as I love movies based on real events. I recently watched Argo and then read the book. I was sad to hear Joanna say she really wants to watch this movie. If she’s doing a podcast on the movie it would be a good idea to watch the movie first - then they would’ve known that John Sheardown was well represented in the movie: if not with lots of time, at least his character as a very caring person comes through.
katrina!Love ItI love both hosts and follow them wherever they go, but I am really, REALLY loving this podcast! So far, I’d somehow only seen one of the movies discussed and it’s been great watching this curated list of true(ish) stories put to film. I’m learning a lot and having a great time... exactly what I like in my podcasts!
Don'tDownLoad23Too Patriotic?I was pretty interested and listened to all the episodes until the host were offended by the supposedly over the top patriotism of Argo. If having a little pride in an important or tragic American event is jingoistic please stay away from movies like World Trade Center, Miracle or even Hamilton. Argo was far from flag waving hoorah yeah America but even the slightest America maybe isn’t the worst seems to be offensive to the host so this is where I leave the show.
DBandTBLove the podcast, annoyed by the soundI absolutely love the content of this podcast. They cover great movies in a very interesting way. The hosts are knowledgeable, well-spoken and fun. The only complaint I would have is the sound. The hosts volume is perfect, then the transition sound effect blows out my eardrums to then transition into an interview where the person is not able to be heard. If they could fix the sound, this podcast would be perfect!
ActionFan1Good StartGood content but these time wasting annoying sound effects for the interviews have to go.
SAB133Great hosts, terrible productionDave and Joanna are just as good together as in their other podcasts. But the repetitive and pointless sound effects simply have to go. Same with the music that sometimes plays over the interviews.
JJJohn93I look forward to these every weekI really think this is a great concept for a podcast and I love the movie choices so far. I wish they wouldn’t split the movie into two different podcasts over a two week period, but I understand that there’s probably a lot of information to go over. Also, the film reel beep really hurts my ears because it’s so much louder than the interview itself, so I’m constantly adjusting the volume but other than that, this is a fun podcast.
PaulRamoneisdeadFan for lifeI first heard David Chen and Joanna Robinson when I went searching for a Game of Thrones podcast. Since then, I have followed them and listened/read/watched whatever they’ve both done. Of course, my favorites are always their collaborative projects together, so I was beyond thrilled when this podcast was announced (especially since I’ve given up on watching Westworld). This podcast is amazing work by the both of them, they do so much research and I just enjoy their conversations. I don’t want to gush but Dave and Joanna are definitely podcasters who I am friends with in my mind. Smart, insightful, and funny.
CTC1181"Like" and GigglesA note. Every sentence does not need to include the word "LIKE" at the beginning and end. Also simply recapping mega popular movies is not entertainment. It is lazy and boring. The clips are good but for some reason they thought it was a good idea to precede them with 4 loud fire alarm type beeps. Stupid.
HannahDoubleULove the conceptI like the concept but it’s a ultimately kind of dry and the incessant high pitched beeping before the interview clips is incredibly annoying. I had a hard time finding an appropriate volume level where the beeping didn’t hurt my ears and I can hear the voices. I think the beeping sound bite might be a deal breaker for me.
Davey the Systems EngineerJust a movie reviewI was disappointed... this podcast is basically a summery of the movie, with very few, real-world facts.
InglefingerOverall good but...I am digging this podcast & how it pulls from multiple sources to compare fact vs dramatization. By & large it’s well put together. My only note is from a technical/editing standpoint. It seems a lot of journalists they interview speak at a different (often quieter) volume than the hosts so listening to this while driving makes it a bit of a chore. Adding to the impact is the gratuitous (dare I say excessive) use of the projector reel/cue mark sound effect used nearly every time they cut to a guest. It’s ok to just introduce the clip & not rely on a sound cue every time. This goes from gimmicky to annoying very quickly. Other than that, great podcast & looking forward to more.
abbykathrynaDave & Joanna deliver again (& always)I don’t think there is any podcast these two do that I wouldn’t listen to? They are smart, genuine, and always bring something thoughtful to the table. Many pop culture podcasts are, I feel, mostly an excuse for the hosts to hear themselves talk, but Dave and Joanna really bring a level of intellect to their subjects. In the land of fake news, they are two sources I trust to be thorough and well researched, which is, of course, the heart of this podcast. Keep it up, y’all, you are getting me through quarantine!
Pwalt89Two great subjects!Love that this show combines cinema and history!! Will be listening every week!
CHRIS88SchuDo not listenThis podcast is just a recap of the whole movie. Very boring. I was so disappointed there was no fact analysis.
JJRROMIToo fast for thoughtAnd too long! There’s too much Facebook real to waste time watching Zuckerberg fiction! Film can be worthwhile. Not this. One of these people alone might be interesting. Listening to this is like being a third wheel! Bye bye.
Cc5by5Once again Joanna and David Knick it outtta da park!!!These two are so comfortable with each other and their podcasts just keep getting better and better- They both love film dearly and their thoughtful opinions and researched knowledge is SO very welcome!!!
CO GoT FanLove these twoAfter listening to them for years on a Cast of Kings it’s great to see them tackle a new project. I love it, thanks Joanna and Dave!
PermaboxPerfectBest kpop podcast in America. Up to the minute kpop news
Todd HedgesFun and informativeI like this podcast very much and the hosts do a great job and the stories are interesting and I learn a lot
cjheafordDisappointedI feel tricked a little. Should be renamed. The entire first episode is just another podcast of people talking about a movie. Recap, cinematography, plot analysis, characters etc.. There really is nothing in the episode specifically comparing reality to movie fiction as the title suggests. I’ll check back in a few months. Maybe they will find themselves.
JDG1973Great new podcast!Very interesting new podcast! The hosts are great and their use of real life interviews made it even more interesting. Can’t wait to hear what they have in the future.
Aray75Like, great, except for like...LOVE the concept and this first choice for the podcast. Excited to hear more. One issue I’m having and I hope to God this gets better over time as you guys listen to yourselves: The amount of times the word “like” both of you are using is nauseating. PLEASE make an effort avoiding that because it gets seriously obnoxious.
gsteele105Too weak to be of serious considerationNo clips of the film itself, no playing of the soundtrack that the hosts argue are critical to the film so you are left with an ersatz IMDB trivia page in podcast form. The hosts are pleasant enough but impossible to take as knowledgeable and serious film commentators. Too lightweight to spend valuable time with. It’s a shame because the concept is good just need better everything to make it work
Swips123Witty and informativeReally enjoyed the first episodes of this pod. Has the right blend of film trivia and pop culture, very entertaining.
magna199No new infoIt’s put together ok but from the first two episodes you can tell these guys are just going through the motions about subject matter that they have no interest in. I wasn’t convinced that the host are film or history buffs. They obviously are just tacking on interviews from other sources. Over all it’s pretty weak
audio fan 781Could be a great pod butThey have to dump those music bumpers leading into a guest speaking. Some of them are just off putting.
cynthia bailey dollFan of the hostsBig fan of the hosts and their dynamic from A Cast of Kings. Glad to see them teaming up again. Sure to be just as good a podcast.
BradyleyHosts do a excellent jobThese hosts, David and Joanna, do an excellent job. Well produced show that is a pleasure to listen to
heather quickNice showWill be tuning in next week for sure. Glad to have a new podcast to add to keep my nights less boring.
lincoln like the presidentSUPER INSIGHTFULI really appreciated the thoroughness and thoughtfulness that came from these hosts. Very insightful and fun analysis of the film.
Craft The MakerDusted off the old dvd for this oneYou know a podcast is good when it's convinvced me to watch a movie I haven't seen in 15+ years.
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