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FrankTampaLots of funAngela and Mike are great hosts and have such interesting topics. Can learning actually be fun? Yep!
StevedonelWhy?Please get rid of “How I Built This” instead. I’ve heard enough makeup commercials but I still have a lot of questions
ldnqGOATThis is my absolute favorite of all time. Heartbroken that it has ended.
ListenerfromsfhereSo sad this is endingThank you for all the great episodes. I’ve loved them all!!
HuskiRyanFarewell my fave showI love this show since the first day I found it. Really enjoy the conversation Angela has with Stephen and the later Mike. The show’s kept me company for the hardest time I had after moving to a new country. Sad to see it comes to an end but I’m so thankful for the wisdom and fun it brought me.
JME_BOODROWFair Winds and Following Seas to No Stupid Questions!Drop anchor and give an ear to this podcast—it’s nothing short of a 100-stars out of 5-star voyage! Angela Duckworth and Mike Maughn are masterful navigators of thought-provoking questions, steering their discussions through uncharted intellectual waters. They don’t merely chart a straight course to answering the question; instead, they tack and gybe through fascinating insights, intelligent banter, and compelling tangents, all while keeping the listener’s attention firmly on the horizon. They crafted a podcast that is as enriching as it is entertaining—a steady companion on any journey. To Angela and Mike, I wish you fair winds and following seas in your next endeavors. Bravo Zulu on a job exceptionally done! /S LCDR USN Retired
BEF CPABefore You Left MeAngela and Michael, before you left me you gave me something priceless. Viktor Frankl
GzusHDGoodbye Angela DuckworthModifying my review as I just heard the last episode. Have been listening to Angela since Freakonomics interview. Have loved listening to these conversations every Sunday and want to thank the entire cast and production for producing such a high quality podcast with resources. Just amazing. I will miss this show.
penguin 🐧🐧🐧HiiiI love this pod!!! Lowkey sad that it’s ending but I loved it and I love relistening to eps ❤️❤️❤️
TitleTown214Good in small doses onlyI have subscribed and unsubscribed this show many times. The constant name dropping is so annoying.
mp678904Top 5 PodEasily in my top 5 for something to listen to that’s interesting, researched, practical and funny.
Carpenterdan701CleverWhat a great way to get into the thought process of answering some important social questions I always feel better after listening to no stupid questions
pnw24climberHow to spot a narcissist.Remember when this show used to be economist driven? Me either.
Hepburn84TherapyThis show is my therapy. Hearing new ideas while feeling seen. Mike and Angela are so great!
AmiFidelToo many “likes”What happened with Angela lately, who started using the word “like” profusely and unnecessarily, as if she were a valley girl?
ikeeskySkip This OneThe “insights” in this podcast are shallow and inane, limply proffered by boring, hollow institutional climbers (Duckworth and her even less memorable co-host). All of it is built on the back of shaky pseudoscience that the general public doesn’t understand is borderline misinfo when compared to the likes of physics, chemistry, and genetics. Skip this one.
Billford CLove Mike!I love this podcast! I really enjoy hearing Mike and Angela‘s banter and I can tell that they have a good friendship. I like the perspective that they each bring and that I get to learn about new things each week. I liked Steven but I love it even more with Mike. What a great addition!
JHJoyce83Thank you!I really enjoy listening to your podcast, it is one of my favorites!
Nelli B0099Too many adsAn absurd number of ads and it’s irritating. I can’t remember the last time I got through a whole episode.
Please read my reviewLove this showOne of my favorite podcasts. I enjoy listening to the banter between Angela and Mike. I thought it wouldn’t be the same when Dubner left and was replaced by Mike, but I think I like it even better now. I enjoy their conversations they have and its made even better with lots of information of what the science shows. Please keep making these podcasts!
doglover337Love the show!Just recently discovered the show, very informative and fun! Looking forward to new shows and already have listened to a ton of the old ones!
stephydearMike has made a formerly great show unbearableCan Mike talk about anything besides Qualtrics, Mormonism, and himself? Apparently not. This show used to be one of my favorites, and now I’m unfollowing. When Stephen was a cohost, the questions and ensuing discussions were insightful and offered great takeaways of substance. Now, the conversations are dumbed down and meandering. The one thing we can count on is Mike finding a way to bring up Qualtrics or Mormonism. In the latest episode, he had to mention a Mormon “celebrity” his family is close to, Jeffrey Holland. Holland is most recently known for a speech he gave at Brigham Young University in 2021 in which he made his stance against the LGBTQ community clear. We don’t like Mike.
susanleechenFascinating and enlighteningLove every episode . I learn so much and their rapport is warm and easy going. Keep up the good work!
NumzaneLoved this podcast much more in the pastNo way Mike’s life is that perfect or his family are so wonderful or loving and caring and joyous. It’s almost as if he’s been brainwashed by something. At least Angela keeps it real sometimes.
Lucina YukiAngelaAngela is always so humble, gritty, and has such a bright spirit! The world is so warm and lovely because we have people like her. A true joy to listen to her speaking!
Taytat213AngelaAngels is unbearable. I have been listening to this podcast for years, and she’s only gotten worse with her narcissism, and inability to check her privilege . The last straw is her complaining about how hard it was for her to quarantine in her rich friends mansion during Covid. Like most people were struggling to afford to live and keep their housing during this time. Please remove yourself for one second from your bubble.
GedmalfetGreat Loss of QualityUsed to be great; new host plays badly with Angela and both are much the worse for their interaction. Discussions alternate between the utterly esoteric and the patronizingly stupid. Their interrogation of questionable social science related to their topics is shallow and half-hearted. Other Freakonomics content is very solid; this needs a substantial revamp.
natey mortNot enough room with your egosUsed to love the daily lessons, backed by solid evidence, research and light discourse. Yet, the hosts can’t seem to stop fanning their own flame, dropping names of their schools, inner circle, or illustrious careers within minutes of each show. Seems as if I can’t learn anything besides how to sound like a conceded .1%er.
Seahawk69Always thought provokingI was a little worried with the change of hosts but if anything the show has gotten better. Always on my weekly listen!!
DyhrderOnly Stupid QuestionsI used to enjoy the way light topics turned out in discussion to generate conclusions of some substance. Now the show seems to dance around big issues so as not to be offensive to anyone. It is an exercise in swallowing camels and straining on gnats while Rome burns.
Daniel B SwartzGreat showGreat show
Unashamed4ChristFantastic PodcastSuch a good podcast. I walk away from every show I listen to with such good information to use with my clients. Definitely recommended if you are interested in the practical aspects of psychology.
Jason the cool music purchaserEntertaining and informativeI learn something from every episode. I enjoy Angela and Mike’s banter and they pick the best topics.
WSJ long time readerInterestingMost of the episodes are interesting. The annoying part is the “fact check” section. Can’t stand it.
Wasm7🤷🏼♂️Earlier episodes were good . Lately they talk a lot about themselves.
JMathhelpsyouwinSomething is missingI love the topics. Hosts are articulate and smart. Yet, something is missing. Possibly, a more contrarian or critical take on things would be interesting. I also have a bias against the word ‘grit’. Probably due to my belief in the limits of free will and agency. Calling something grit makes it seem like a short coming of character which i do not believe is the case.
Letty AlkhaddamIrresponsible adsIncredibly disappointed that you would choose to endorse such an irresponsible product. Seriously- mood altering lollipops for kids? I’m out
ChiefDlockNo music no opinion??Love ALL THINGS NPR but if you don’t like music (personality episode) seriously I mean come on!! Angles doesn’t do music or eggs Benedict… are you even human. I’m thinking you serve zero purpose with a microphone so please step down
Dawn BourkeThis is my favorite podcast.I listen to many different behavioral science podcasts - No Stupid Questions is my favorite. It’s packed with insights and honest, amusing banter. My review won’t do it justice, so, simply…..if you haven’t listened to it yet, JUST TRY IT!
MandycroftMike is absolutely amazing!Mike Maughan wad the perfect addition, his comments are insightful and entertaining and the back and forth with him and Angela is gold!!
PhoenixgrlGood questions but could go deeperI often hear the initial question and think of all the interesting places the hosts could go… but then they go on tangents and only superficially get to the deeper sub-questions. The banter sometimes feels loud and overstimulating- I need to shut off the podcast for a while to take a break. Still, I enjoy the topics and appreciate their insights.
Sue 828The best!This podcast is the best! I just discovered it and can’t wait for the next episode. It is informative with a ton of fun thrown in. I feel like I’m overhearing an informal conversation between good friends who are both smart and humble. They aren’t afraid to reveal their vulnerabilities which makes them very relatable. I like how everything is fact checked at the end and the list of sources and resources is helpful. A great podcast!
Ib BeijjngStop interrupting plsI enjoy the podcast. One negative - Angela, could you PLEASE stop interrupting Mike? It would be interesting to hear Mike’s thoughts and comments too. If you listen back to the podcasts, you will notice how often he is interrupted. From a female listener
Long time listener 2024Used to be greatDon’t like the Mike addition. He’s barely tolerable as a persona. The humble bragging is repulsive. Not an interesting person. Fail.
Gr2323Fantastic Always challenging and super interestingWhat a great podcast
AlisonEugeneCompelling discussionsThis show does almost the impossible: it deals with intellectually challenging topics discussed in a fun and engaging manner.
Dsg690My Favorite PodcastThis podcast feels like an inspiring conversation with your two best friends. Loved it when it was Angela and Stephen, and Mike has been the perfect addition! I listen to too many podcasts, but this is my favorite. Also, I love the fact check at the end. Seriously, this show is the best!
MoonalyWeekly listen and still delightfulHave been watching long enough to see it’s evolutions. Questions and discourse riveting as always! Angela feels like a friend at this point!
LALALA__88I love Mike!!Great addition to the show! He and Angela have amazing chemistry. I was so sad when Stephen left, but the new show has really exceeded expectations. Thanks for teaching me new things every week and making me literally laugh out loud.
GASteveSFascinating!Such interesting questions covered in each episode! I thoroughly enjoy the thought provoking discussion…this is one my favorite podcasts that I always recommend to friends!
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