An Animal Saved My Life


An Animal Saved My Life is an original podcast from The Dodo about incredible animals who change our lives forever. From a pair of heroic humpback whales, to a brave kitten in a war zone, this podcast tells a variety of true stories that remind us why we’re lucky to have animals in our lives.Hosted by Renee Colvert and Alexis Preston.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lucyyy fjd
    So good
    I really loved the fox episode. And it is amazing. 🦊 also this podcast made me 😭 (cry) its heart warming. And also I think you might need more episodes keep going it’s to good!
  • Angelita~Linda
    The stories stay with you
    I love these stories! I rate listen to a podcast more than once, but the stories are such feel-good stories, that I sometimes listen to them again. I can’t wait for season 2
  • hjldhdkjhfd
    I love
    I love how this❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐕
  • sharrrrrd
    Love it
    Love the cardboard beagle…but I think you could use some more episodes.besides that it is really nice.I love animals I have three dogs
  • the mini penigain core
    Soooooooooooooo goooooooood!!!!!!!
    I love this podcast i have listened to them all.please meke more episodes.
  • littlezestybean5
    Hi! 5 Stars!
    Hello there! This is a very good podcast! I love animals and these stories are very good! I also listen to Can I Pet Your Dog, which Renee and Alexis host! I think this show (at least the 2nd season) has a very calming energy! It is a very good podcast and I recommend it to all animal lovers out there!🐈🐕🐈‍⬛🐩🐑🐏🐄🐖🦙🐐🦌🐓🦜🦮🐇🦦🦫🍄
  • Loveislove4ever
    Beautiful podcast
    I think it is amazing that not just humans save animals but animals save humans! I think this podcast is incredible and I think you should keep up the good work! My favorite episode is Sierra the Siberian husky and Stephanie!🐾
  • pizzaparty44
    Great podcast
    Has so many fantastic stories and if your and animal lover this is the podcast for you!
  • Aubrey,I am a girl
    You guys are awesome I pls be to here your stories I just wish you would Add ninny’s story I have the book I looooooooovvvve animals I have a dog named Charlie and he’s a ridge back he cute and he loves to play games with us and he will swim in the creek in Louisiana and he puts his face under water and sounds like a hippopotamus 🦛.I also looooooovvve duck dynasty I also live in Texas and looooovvvve Buckeess one time at buckees the beaver we met the boomer Sooners softball players and we kept yelling in the store boomer and they said sooner I love there slurpees beef jerky and there pecans I have a stuffed animal buckee and U have a buckees blanket and P-Gs
  • LuluRevue
    Thank you for this show!
    Thank you for this show. It grounds me, and helps me maintain perspective in a difficult world.
  • five stars you're awesome
    I love this so much, but I would want some more episodes, but amazing podcast
  • animallover😁😁🐔🐛
    So amazing
    Your podcast is amazing and I am a animal lover and I love all of the stories you do!
  • Fair Elise
    I would give you a million stars if I could. This podcast is great and I can’t wait for season three. Just wondering why Rocky stopped hosting. My favorite episodes are the cardboard beagle and the one that rocky is interviewed in. Also it really restores my faith in humanity.
  • Asocial Brian
    Season 2 was even better than 1.
  • 1GrumpyGal
    Makes me feel good. But, what?!? The season is over already??? Boooo
  • Kgobra2
    I love it!
    I like how they do all sorts of animals and not just cats and dogs!
  • ACroo
    Keep Looking For More
    Since Rocky Kanaka passed the hosting total new hosts the show has not quite been the tear jerker I first found it to be. But, nonetheless, I keep coming back to listen for the latest episode. Still amazing how the lives of animals and humans interact in powerful healing ways.
  • Alime038507
    Great show!
    As an animal lover this show is amazing! I love listening to it 🥰
  • Wendy Fedan
    Cat Whisperer of the Year
    Great show! Love the added musical elements. Nicely put together!! Very moving!
  • Colveps
    Needed feel good stories!
    Great animal stories that are a welcomed respite from the regular news! Love Renée & Alexis as hosts! The reporting seems very conversational with sincere interest, yet informational! Thanks for another enjoyable podcast!
  • ghfhbfn
    I highly recommend this podcast for anyone who is looking for a great podcast and to learn how many animals can help people .
    Excellent Podcast!
    If there is an important animal in your life, this is the podcast for you. The title caught my attention and I’m so glad it did. The stories are all very interesting and the presentation is great - no annoying squeaky voices and no wandering conversations that don’t pertain to the story. This is my favorite podcast. I’ve listened to all of the current ones and I hope there are many more to come. And after having my entire family saved by a pet, I can easily relate to the appreciation these people have for their animal companions.
  • randomnicknamethatisnttakenyet
    Love it, and...
    Please fix the sound/volume difference between your podcast and the ads. It’s a really dramatic difference. At every break I find myself running to the phone to turn it down. Makes it challenging to listen. Keep up the great storytelling!
  • Bcc091
    Excellent show, however...
    Love this show, everything about is awesome! However, I hate that the volume of the show is very low. The commercials are pretty loud, but wished the show had the same volume; which I’m sure it can be fixed, so this is why I am letting the host know. Keep up the good work!
  • lea been
    My favorite podcast!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
    I’m a big fan of Rocky Kanaky and Dodo. I cry every time but I still love it so much!!!! Definitely recommend
  • rez4321
    Would definitely recommend
    This podcast is incredibly entertaining especially if you love animals in the 3 episodes I have watched I have loved them All. If you are thinking about listening I would definitely recommend you do and if you want more the host rocky knaka Has a YouTube channel that I have watched for around 9 months and he dose so manny cool things with rescue dogs would recommend both
  • Quarentener2020
    A million stars! This podcast is great. I am an 11 year old animal lover and vegan, and I think we owe everything to the animals who have helped so many of us. This podcast helps me think less about all the ways we mistreat and hurt animals (which I do think about quite a lot) and think about the incredible ways that we owe our fellow creatures.
  • Space-Puppy
    Rocky Kanaka and the Dodo are Awesome!
    These episodes are awesome and animals are more awesome!
  • Joj91
    I thought the dodo couldn’t get any better
    I live for the dodo videos - they bring me joy and make me feel happy especially in today’s society. Now a full podcast on beautiful stories about animals and humans?! Doesn’t get better than this. If you want something light and feel-good, listen here!
  • EmmyHJ
    A very needed message
    You had me at “An animal saved my life.” Because my life has been saved by the five dogs I’ve had in my life. I wouldn’t be the same person without them. This podcast is absolutely necessary to show the vital role animals play in our lives and how our survival is dependent on them. Thank you!
  • MissRou
    Amazing and very emotional
    Loved it. I didn’t even mind the ads because it let me breath for the second and stop crying. The story was so emotional in a happy way. It made me want to hug my dog even more than I already do. This is one pod cast I’m going to keep.
  • L- Paxtonita
    So heartwarming
    Great to listen to something positive! So tired of all the negative news so this is so refreshing .Loved this podcast and the host Rocky Kanaka!
  • Blake Grigsby
    Big fan of Rocky and The Dodo
    Really an excellent listen, would highly recommend. Very excited for more episodes!
  • Dax Ledbetter
    Good podcast
    I love both Rocky and The Dodo so this is perfect. The stories are great.
  • Flyballokc
    Wonderful Story
    Dogs are such a gift for us, even if we don’t know it. This story is an example of such a gift. How one dog rescued turned into two lives saved.
  • Daidwaman
    So happy
    Been a huge fan of The Dodo on social, so I'm so happy that there's finally a podcast for more stories!! Can't wait for more!
  • ilovedogscatsanimals
    I love these heartfelt stories ❤️
    This is the podcast for me. There is nothing I love more than hearing heartfelt stories of amazing animals!
  • em.feld.
    Such wonderful heart warming stories that help me escape from the news. Great host, and wonderful guests!
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