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paddy whack give a dog a boneBoffo!The Cowboy Laureate of the West decodes plot lines, counts dead bodies and ponders Ponderosa oddities. Hilarious!!
EarringBoyI like itI am thinking about you guys during this horrible fire in LA. I hope you or others you love are all okay. We will all be here when this is all over. In the meantime I am upgrading my subscription to full Cartright.
Amazing Grace KelliYeeeeehawI’ve still never seen an episode of Bonanza but Dalton and Mutt’s banter cracks me up. Highly recommend signing up for bonus content.
DentonFanDalton & Mutt Are My HeroesBonanza was must see TV before we even knew that that was. This podcast is a must listen podcast and the funniest in my feed. Bring back Amy!
CPA 53Cracks Me UpI remember Bonanza, but not like this ! Sometimes I just burst out laughing at some observation .
Ivy's iTunesPew-pew! Absolutely the best, from the very beginningAs another reviewer said, you don’t even have to know much about Bonanza to appreciate how the gang analyzes one episode a week, breaking it down but also giving background trivia about the stars and the number one movie and song on the episode’s air date in the 1960s (hello, Ben Hur). This podcast is hilarious every single season. The hosts and guests are top-notch. It’s weird, hilarious improv all the way. Pew-pew!!!
JNortieWow.I never thought I would find the Greatest Bonanza Podcast to ever exist. I’ve been searching & searching. Years & Years. Weeks, Months & Days…but I’ve now found it.
CorviDaly and Gourley are acesTwo fantastic comedic improv geniuses use the concept of a rewatch podcast as a jumping off point to discuss just about everything, including the often perplexing stories in the old BONANZA tv show.
BeaFeathersYeeeeeeeehaw!Three hilarious comedians/characters talk about the insanity that was tv in the 1960’s. Absolutely the best!
Clay RiggsI’m bonanas for this podcast.I’m bonanas for this podcast.
Suzy___QOne of Lot’s DaughtersThis is the best podcast. I love every single tangent and entrepreneurial venture. A perfect show. Don’t change a thing. If you start selling tragedy charms, I’m buyin em.
Rainy606Very funny and weirdYou really don’t have to have watched Bonanza to enjoy this. Love all three hosts, but Maria Bamford is amazing! Easily the best part of the show.
Jason ArmadilloI’ve never laughed so much!This podcast is frickin’ hilarious, I love it!
havethedayyou’regonnahaveMore Maria BamfordOften the best part of the show!
MbrittenAwesome showAmazing show, absolutely hilarious. The person that said Amy is hard to listen to is a person I don’t ever want to meet. Each and every one of the hosts and guests are a pleasure to listen to. I’ve also learned A LOT about spotting and eliminating various monsters, which is nice. I’m only 8 episodes in right now but definitely looking forward to next 423.
M. CrumpStupid and Funny!Y’all are so stupid. Keep up the good work please. You dropped the ball on the pearl necklace joke on episode #35.
hojinsbojinsLove with an asteriskLove Andy Daly and Matt gourley - REALLY wish the podcast was just them. Loved the episode with Matt’s wife Amanda, she’s phenomenal. Really, really do not like Maria Bamford on this. Genuinely she makes it go from hilarious to unlistenable. Wish it was just Dalton and Mutt.
Irritated725I can't get through an episodeReally?! I have to listen to grown men giggling at each other's dumb jokes before we ever get to the episodes? Further, I guess we can take a joke (I worked in country/folk kinda music biz for a long while. I know some actual cowboys), and the mocking of that is way overboard. Like, ok I get it, you think cowboys and country music, and all things country are dumb . . . can we move on? I wanted to love it because some of those Bonanza episodes are super crazy . . . without any extras. But the guys on this seem to like to sniff their own BO.
LithuanianmafijaTalk about the show !!!!It’s funny when you actually talk about the show rather than listening to Amy’s insane rants
SethLoganHopkinsGreat Show!This program step by step analysis of how our society really hasn’t changed much from the 1860’s to the 1960’s to today. Social norms vis a vis women or lack thereof is addressed without fear of being politically correct or pandering to one side or the other. We need more of this elevated discourse in our media. Also there are important notes on how to deal with Frankensteins and Invisible Mans.
Vyuvdjhvdmh dmPainting a beautiful word picture of the bygone westI can’t get enough of Dalton’s florid recounting of episodes from the cowboy classic.
Honcho VillaLifelong Bonanza fanSo happy you’re back! Filling the niche needs of my life.
Every nickname is already takeYeeeeeehaaaaaaawww!Fantastic show. Love everything about it. Except I miss Amy! Also Mutt started whistling at least once every episode. You wouldn’t get very drunk but you could make it into a drinking game.
BimbonnyLess of the guestsThis show is very funny, there is no need for guests though (especially the last one), the hosts are enough.
TubbypugCould be betterEpisodes 1&2 were great, I really enjoyed them. Then came “Amy Sleeversen” and it really went downhill. Sorry, but she’s not funny and sometimes her contributions are just interruptive and annoying. It’s a bummer to hear her try to make rape/molestation jokes (ep3). Just brings the podcast down. The other hosts seem to get awkward when she is bombing and have to scramble to get the comedy back on track.
AnnC430We need more!This is a show I look forward to every episode!! The characters are too funny! Bring back Jason Manzoukis! #bosslady. #Lot’sdaughters! The tragedy charms are hysterical!
Warvey HallbangerToo damned funnyMaria Bamford is one of the funniest people alive and this podcast is the funniest I’ve ever heard her.
Sam A.BPlease bring this show back!We need more of this - The world is Bonanas for Bonanza!! 🍌🐴🤠👍
Janice on GuitarMiss this show!How I miss my favorite TV roundup
Spiffmeister6900Great podcast no longer availableI’m regular listener and was very dissapointed to see that this podcast is now spread across two paid subscription services. Fans have been asking for new episodes for awhile now and this feels like a step in the wrong direction. Bye from a long time listener!
pikespaleOh wowAmazing show. Need to listen 100% to catch everything. Why did you do this to my podcast brain?!?!?!?
SlowsandUnsurpassable Joy unto Ineffable Sadness.As of the latest episode, I am sad to say there is only 400 episodes left of Bonanza to watch along, as well as only 400 episodes of Bonanas for Bonanza, 400 episodes of Bonusnanas for Bonusnanza, and just 400 episodes left to feature the burning map at the beginning of the episode.
M- JPlease come back!Bonanas of Bonanza is the funniest podcast in existence! Please come back!! We all need a good laugh now more than ever!
D.B.DeathlordI love good comedyThis is great comedy. I should have said that.
Tf6155The best. EVER!!This is the best ever. You will not be disappointed. And the bonusnanza are so brilliant. Thank you. Thank you. Huge fan.
montana osuThank you for this gemAll I can say is that this is the perfect amount of silly and I can’t wait for more.
KRGB DesignUnbelievably HilariousLooking for an insightful recommendation on Joel Olsteen’s book “Assful of Champagne and not a Cork in Sight,” or its prequel “The Bible” Author Unkown, or even just one of the most hilarious podcasts ever? Well then this here is your huckleberry. Dalton Wilcox, Mutt Taylor, and #godfearing #girlbossing #entrepregelical Amy Sleverson bring a timely and culturally sensitive celebration of the greatest single work in the 200 years of televised entertainment: Bonanza! Listen and laugh out loud.
squeebeauxBack in the saddle again!I’m so glad that bonanas for bonanza is back. It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Andy Daly, Matt Gourley, and Maria Bamford are perfection. I hope they keep doing it for all 431 episodes of bonanza and then moonanza and beyond. Yee haw!
Sam ClaussenBest of the bestThis was my favorite character on CBB, and it’s top tier here. Andy is a genius—check out his appearance as L Ron Hubbard on the Dead Author Podcast. Can’t wait for more! Bonanza was my father and I’s soap opera, he would have loved this show.
CornymelI’m BonanasI have literally laughed out loud listening to this alone. “You won’t not be seeing him again” and tragedy charms are spectacular.
Tiu KyiListen Or Be Attacked By MonstersWhere for art Thy Third Installment of excellence incarnate?
Mulder19Makes me laugh out loudThese three absolutely slay me. Between the accents, references to Curves gym and Pandora bracelets, and lampooning the hokey Bonanza scripts, it is sooooo funny. I need this in my life.
johnnyFZaiaNibbling at a JuggernautThree comic geniuses (Maria Bamford, Andy Daly, and Matt Gourley) nibble leisurely at the juggernaut of TV mediocrity, Bonzanza, one episode at a time. Its hard to say which is funnier— the general banter at the beginning of each episode, including always-bizarre bios of bit actors in the episode, or the warts-and-all episode synopses. Through her character as a harried Evangelical Christian entrepreneur, Bamford delivers a hilarious and trenchant critiques of right-wing American culture, from its extreme sexism to its commercialization of religion and grieving in particular. It’s a huge shame that this podcast seems to have been canceled, but the existing episodes are overlooked gems.
drattycattyMore bonanas, NOW!I miss you guys so much! Please do more episodes, you are literally the best podcast and I need more Dalton and Mutt!
Bean CanonYeeeeehaaawww (pew pew)Dalton Wilcox you killed my grandmother! And yet, I sure do respect you for it. I don’t know what she did to make you suspect she was Frankenstein monster, but she was type 2 diabetic. I can see how seeing her take an insulin shot could confuse any good ol’ boy. As this dawned on me, the forgiveness and love in my heart grew to the size of the Ponderosa Ranch! I would also like this review to serve as my order form for one werewolf skin lamp tragedy charm. Looking forward to the “Moon-Nanza” reboot. Thanks for saving up the last few months worth of podcasts to be released and knock out the remaining 400ish episodes in one shot.
Death by clocksYeeeeehawIt’s such a shame there are only 400 episodes of this podcast left
free flowin analyticalGreatest comedy podcast ever......and I've listened to nearly all of 'em. While I've been a longtime fan of Andy Daly on his Comedy Bang Bang appearances over the years, it's Maria Bamford who steals this show. Unbelievably funny!!! I used to watch Bonanza reruns with my mom as a kid. So fun to get back into it with fresh eyes. (And weirdly, have learned a lot about the bible from Maria's character here.) Each episode of the podcast is *roughly* structured as follows. The first half hour is introducing the guest, introducing the episode, general joking around. The second half hour is going through the plot of the tv episode (again with lots of jokes.) I like to listen to the first half to get oriented, then watch the episode (they're all on youtube), then listen to the second half of the podcast. Highly recommend!
BorednumbImperativeIt is imperative that we get them through all the episodes. The moon-nanza reboot depends on it.
hillee34Greatest Audio Ever Recorded EverThis without a doubt the greatest collection of words said into microphones and then recorded for people to listen to in serialized order to every exist in our known universe. Thank you Dalton and the whole gang. And I look forward to 400+ more episodes.
Kevin W@Too much mockery for meI enjoyed the show Bonanza and have found memories of watching it with my now deceased grandfather - so when I heard Andy Daly had this podcast, my love for the show plus love for his comedy drove me to listen. I was disappointed in the podcast for a few reasons. First - they barely even talk about the show. Most of the time is spent just improving jokes with each other and the guests. Second - when they do talk about the show, they’re making fun of it. I guess that may have been more clear to other listeners but I didn’t realize that would be the tone. And third - Maria Bamford aka Amy Sleeverson mocks God and Christianity basically the entire time. I have never been a fan of her comedy or style but this was way over the top for me. Simply removing her from the podcast would be a drastic improvement. I’m still a huge Andy Daly fan; this one just misses the Mark IMO.
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