Consider This from NPR

by NPR
All Genres #189News #24Daily News #7

The hosts of NPR's All Things Considered help you make sense of a major news story and what it means for you, in 15 minutes. New episodes six days a week, Sunday through Friday.Support NPR and get your news sponsor-free with Consider This+. Learn more at

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Recent Reviews
  • elwurd
    Excellent reporting
    I appreciate the excellent journalism presented at Consider This.
  • Samawhaaat
    Lazy journalism
    I have been a lifelong liberal and strong supporter of NPR (including financially). I know you are trying to break down complex topics into bite size pieces, but it just feels LAZY. Opinion contributors to complex topics, sharing only one side that is an opinion without supporting facts. The Outside Agitators episode being the latest one. Do better.
  • Edorgs
    April 13, 2024 podcast
    Your repetition of the Hamas generated figures for deaths attributed to Israel belies your bias in the Israel-Hamas war. You state without attribution 33,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed. How many are ‘fighters’? How many killed by Hamas and PIJ misfired rockets? How does this compare to other countries fighting terrorist organizations in urban environments? Honestly misrepresenting details such as this is unconscionable for a journalistic organization purporting to present unbiased information to listeners.
  • Tuffer12
  • Orangeola dsdfdsafasfda
  • Md713
    Former NPR subscriber, now it’s just Israeli propaganda
    I used to listen to and donate to NPR. No longer, they are clearly Israeli propaganda and in their eyes, despite the outrageous contradictions and double standards carried out by Israel, continue to defend them and the mass gen0cide they are carrying out- disgusting.
    Pure excellence
    An interesting and important, curated look at what's happening, well presented.
  • mundane ”the rock” johnson
    It’s half ads
    How is this public radio when there is so many ads and a premium feed? I understand investigate reporting is expensive but this is crazy! Donations to npr are tax deductible- is the framework the same for this?
  • soulrockerTLee
    Trump DOESNT pay HIS bills!!!
    So, how can he talk about NATO countries?!?!
    Do better with coverage in Gaza
    Language used in your titles, descriptions and from your hosts is disrespectful and upholds Israeli propaganda talking points. Esp the Ramadan episode - how disgraceful.
  • david steinborst
    Too many ads for the length of the show
  • Wackrat
    Ads in the Plus version
    I paid the fee for the plus version of this podcast, and yet I heard a Capital One ad, in the Plus version. Is NPR following in Amazon’s footsteps, in which paying the extortion fee doesn’t kill the ads?
  • MkeY234Z62
    Racism is still reprehensible, but not to NPR
    2/1/24 “Trump and his supporters…”- Same formula: Ashley Lopez does an entire report linking White Christians to Trump. Then she demonizes them both. This time is noteworthy because the “expert” she quotes is from the “Institute for Strategic Dialogue.” Go to influenceWatch or the ISD webpage and look up their funders. Why are few lefty activist billionaires, big tech, US and foreign governments so eager to link Trump to a certain race and religion? Racism is when our leaders begin to assign certain races to certain political parties then seek to gain power from the division and chaos that they ignited. Racism is when a state sponsored news organization takes to the air and labels one race or religious group the enemy. And finally, real racism is everyone who stands by and does nothing as it occurs. If npr had a shred of ethics they would never allow this toxic ideology to reach the airwaves. 10/25/23 “More Americans say they support political violence ahead of the 2024 election” - Ashley Lopez reports on another biased “survey” from the Public Religion Research Institute. She only interviews its “CEO and founder.” The two them use a lot of words to conclude, “Republicans who have favorable views of Donald Trump…support political violence.” So NPR is now stoking political violence by saying it’s going to be from the other team? Just so happens that her only source, PRRI, is funded by all the same nutty left-wing nonprofits that pay the reporters salaries at NPR. 2/14/23 - A top of the hour story was essentially a hit piece on “White Christian nationalists” in the Republican party. Ashley Lopez reported on a biased survey from what seems to be a partisan hate group called the Public Religion Research Institute. They claim to have found “correlations between people who hold Christian nationalist views as well as Anti-Black, anti-immigrant, antisemitic views, anti-Muslim and patriarchal views.” Then, they proceeded to conflate all of the aforementioned terms together. They close the story by adding the keywords “violence”,“fight”, “kill”, and “fellow Americans.” NPR is not only going after their political enemies but also their enemies along racial and religious lines. NPR is a shill for the left and their donors. Modern NPR is the newspaper that no one reads anymore.
  • Mr. Clever
    Daily news that’s deeper than Up First
    If you like Up First, you’ll like this one. It goes deeper into a single topic of the day, but still gives you the info you need in under 15 minutes. Great hosts and great reporting.
  • &&*!
    ari’s interview
    Heartbreak and inspiring interview with Dr Jilani. Thank you
  • jg1234568
    Ozempic episode lacking
    I found it disappointing that in the episode about ozempic that the host didn’t address the impact of the drug being used as a weight loss treatment on the availability of the drug for diabetic patients who rely on this drug for their livelihood, and how that ends up being a class and race issue
  • Masonic Home
    NPR is garbage
    Don’t listen to this propaganda!
  • Dozer1474?
    If you lean any further left, you’d fall off your chairs. Pathetic.
  • FuuuuuuckThisGame
    Ads are disgusting
  • labugreen
    Tone deaf and cowardly reporting amidst genocide
    Incredibly tone deaf piece on Israeli hostages “rebuilding their lives” while over half of Gaza’s buildings have been destroyed, 20,00 people, 8,000 of which are children, have been killed by Israeli bombings, and nearly 8,000 Palestinians are currently held hostage in Israeli prisons. But you don’t bother to ask how those people will rebuild their lives. You don’t bother to ask why Palestinians have had to resort to armed resistance after 75 years of occupation. You can’t even say the word genocide. Absolutely disgusting and cowardly journalism.
  • Ricky Tenderkiss
    Excellent, essential
    A great daily snapshot of the news, often through the lens of a single issue, presented concisely. I rather miss the local news roundup which used to end each episode, but in its absence I’ve discovered more of my local station’s news podcasts — plus a few other community-focused nonprofit news platforms — so it’s all good. No notes. I dig this show, I dig listening right away or later at night or five in a row on a weekend, one way or another I listen to this show, and I feel all the better informed and prepared to take on the world for it. Good job, keep it up!!
  • ddgdwecchjgerf
    Inflation hasn’t “dipped”. Prices went up & prices have stayed up.
  • 😉💙🙃
    4 November 2023
    Russia and Ukraine have been at war with each other for over a year and half, and finally a podcast has been launched regarding the ‘rules of war.’ Wow! I’m shocked, I find this too little to late. 🙃
  • AFC Bellsie
    Is Israel breaking international law
    THANK YOU FOR THIS REPORTING!! It’s so important to counter the dehumanizing propaganda from Israel and the US State Department.
  • Smashing ants :)
    No care about murdered Palestinian babies
    Producing a show about Israeli mental health while thousands of Palestinian babies have been slaughtered is insensitive, evil and vile. Israelis are at the beach and going to brunch, living their best lives. While a few miles away, entire families and homes are being destroyed. NPR is absolutely trash for posting this.
  • Corban324
    Nuanced and Accurate Reporting
    Fantastic podcast. Gives great and nuanced coverage of complex topics.
  • Bgirl2849
    Excellent News podcast
    Love this recap of the stories I missed from not listening in the morning. Thrilled they don't include Sunday Morning (the host on Sundays has a HORRIBLE voice). Also posting this to counter those people who think this is a FB page and are posting their opinions on individual stories instead of the entire podcast.)
  • grace477
    Excellent stories
    Ailsa chang is my favorite host of consider this 💕
  • rdonfro
    Always learning something new
    NPR podcasts are the main way I get my important news, and often just thought-provoking stories
  • Ken Rudin Junkie
    Heard it all before
    I expected more from this program than a rebroadcast of a story or stories that previously aired on the Morning Edition or All Things Considered. Unlike it’s counterpart, Up First, which is clear about the fact that it is simply highlighting that days top Morning Edition stories; this is literally just a rebroadcast of an earlier segment from a regular NPR broadcast that may be days, perhaps even weeks old. Now due to funding issues, this is sometimes the third or fourth time go round for a segment by the time it is aired here. If the point is to give an opportunity to rehear an important story, why not add additional information that didn’t make it to the original broadcast. I am reluctant to unsubscribe, because I do find the LA curated segment at the end of the broadcast to be informative; although, I can no longer rely on that segment making it into the podcast. It would be helpful if there was a time stamp, so I could simply forward to that segment.
  • journoMomx4
    Poor Natalie. Great editing. 😂 Been there. Live.
  • Blynnning
    What happened to the integrity of NPR? It’s hard to listen to a podcast and expect honest reporting when it advertises not only an Israeli University, but one in Jerusalem. One can’t claim to show non-bias reporting while talking funding from an oppressive government. That’s like talking about the challenges for those seeking abortion now while listening to an ad declaring abortions are murder.
  • a-fellow-listener
    Guests Need to be Respected
    I feel upset and disappointed after listening to Ari Shapiro’s tone and word choice while interviewing David Simon for the Hollywood writer’s strike episode. These came off to me as disrespectful and unnecessarily hostile. If I’m listening to a guest being interviewed, I want to hear the best of their perspectives brought out by the host giving them the basic dignity that every person deserves. If that basic respect isn’t upheld, I’d rather listen elsewhere.
  • Michael Stice
    It’s great.Why not!
  • B's Bphone
    Journalistic Tone
    I wish this (and other NPR podcasts) would be open to recrafting their tone. There’s a way the hosts/reporters/journalists of their podcast speak to certain guests that is incredibly condescending, leading and sometimes dismissive. It’s easy to tell when the host (especially) Consider This podcast is engaged in the story/content versus when this host asks engages in a manner that’s leading or pitying of the interviewee. It’s so disappointing at times.
  • Aileydude
    Just a great news podcast. Wide array of stories and news!
  • @TheYechGuy
    Great podcast
    This show brings me insight and joy thank you so much
  • M Liu-S
    Lame resolution
    One star for good ‘intension.’ But could you try a bit harder than sharing your socks and pants resolution? All the rest were equally lame. Make it a new year resolution to be more sincere about what you think is worth reporting, or simply sharing.
  • Kleinias
    Orthodox and insular
    It’s sort of astounding that NPR is actually becoming more ensconced in its bubble. The rigid orthodoxy is only becoming more pronounced and they’ve given up any pretense at all of even paying lip service to different points of view.
  • cbaros31
    Unsubscribing from all NPR shows
    If NPR thinks it’s ok to air the audio of an abortion- the killing of a human life- I won’t be listening to any of their programs ever again. Absolutely disgusting and disturbing. NPR has a clear political bias and their shows reflect that.
  • Mr Majestik
    One sided ‘news.’
    If you want DNC talking points, this is for you.
  • JS from NYC
    one side point of view
    listen to one episode, electoral college - the only discussed one side which is obviously the side that their listeners approve of. What about a deeper look to why it is the way it is? Yes you want majority rule, but we have a republic form govt for reasons. A good podcast would explore both side. Disappointed.
  • TJ Menz
    Monica Gandhi??
    Really disappointed and saddened at todays episode on COVID. To give Monica Gandhi even 1 second of air time, touting her as an “infectious disease expert,” is laughable. She has persistently downplayed COVID and has been wrong every single phase of this pandemic (claiming India had herd immunity prior to deadly COVID wave; giving SEVEN reasons why we don’t need boosters BEFORE delta wave in US; labeling Delta variant as “reassuring;” stating the pandemic will essentially be over by Sep/Oct 2021; falsely stating omicron variant won’t swamp hospitals in vaccinated areas; and on and on…). Where did the quality of reporting/fact checking at NPR go? I don’t need a cheerleader when it comes to COVID, I appreciate sound evidence-based, objective, sound reporting.
  • witchybaddie
    Love it
  • DanaK1297
    Police should support gun control
    If police are so afraid of being outgunned, then they should support gun control. This episode made me so angry. We support bad police behavior. If 400+ armed officers are afraid to confront one gunman, so much so that they allow children to be murdered, that is a problem. If 4+ armed officers are afraid of one “armed” black man they murder him, that is a problem. Police need to quit viewing themselves as heroes and reconsider their place in society and how they can use their voice to protect the public in changing the laws they are sworn to uphold.
  • Killerace3
    It’s sad
    I grew up listing and loving NPR. It’s sad that they’ve given up their integrity and sad to see what they’ve become.
  • TX ATC
    Please tell the whole story.
    Why are you focusing on one person who is in jail for breaking the law when we have other Americans who have not. There are two other Americans, and there is hardly a word. Is it because they are not in the entertainment side of life. So, we are willing to put an entertainer over a business man. Even if he was a Spy, who was he working for? The US? Also, the coverage on the Supreme Court. I disagree with some of the decisions made. I had the same feeling when it was more liberal. Or in your terms, less conservative. (8 liberal and 1 conservative and that would be less conservative). The court has a different view Of the constitution then other people. They say if it’s not there, they it’s not constitutional. I understand that. That means laws need to be change to get something different. That’s it. Let’s move forward and focus on why the Dems can not get anything pass when they hold all three.
  • haleyportillo
    The episode on the Jan 6th
    The woman who was whispering made me uneasy. Like she’s held hostage as she is telling this story… Its very weird how low she’s talking
  • Nyarl de la Thotep
    Vapid values reviewed
    Five stars for the fools who think the pandemic ended a year ago back when they thought it wasn’t even real. In fact ten stars on a five star scale of outworldly fertile self-deception skills. I want a comedy show with this crap but Tucker Carlson is just mentally ill and not at all funny. Thank you for fighting domestic russian stooges with real data instead of the vapors they use.
    A curated exposure to things you missed
    A fantastic way to broaden your knowledge and learn of experiences you do not share
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