Consider This from NPR

by NPR
All Genres #189News #24Daily News #7

The hosts of NPR's All Things Considered help you make sense of a major news story and what it means for you, in 15 minutes. New episodes six days a week, Sunday through Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mac an tSionnaigh
    Dumbed Down News Shows.
    Where did you find Leila Fadel. She might be good hosting some type of show for children but not a news show.
  • Penisesareformen
    It was incredibly difficult to listen to this guy attempt to appease this adult with special pronouns. If the democrats don’t change trump will keep winning.
  • Celebrator24
    No Truthful
    This should be labeled as an option show. It is hot garbage.
  • catlaw771
    Good content but major audio issue
    The discussions are good but the host needs to hydrate better or something. The mouth sounds picked up on the mic are really distracting. Is it just me?
  • jeremy_doman
    Extreme bias in all Israel reporting. Never ever telling the other side of the story.
  • Aunt Hols
    Come again?
    The president is out of line in the mandates that he has already issued! Trump is unfit and needs to be impeached for his crimes and his lies and his incompetence.
  • Ben-jamin to Music
    Amazing but get over yourself
    This is an amazing show however I can’t help but feel as if y’all are trying to cry about what’s going on in the world rather than just explain. Very informational, but I can’t help but feel as if it’s a little bit too dramatic.
  • Hessie84
    You’re charging now!
    I just came to listen to the afternoon episode and now it’s only for plus listeners. Done.
  • Bethstac
    Stop Normalizing Trump
    I grew up listening to NPR. It used to be my most trusted news source, and it breaks my heart that NPR has failed in our time of need. In some weird effort to appear unbiased Consider This is framing Trump as some sort of natural agent of change with unknown outcomes, completely ignoring history and the predictions we can make by studying it. We are watching our democracy get murdered and all NPR can manage is “that’s interesting, now over to the economy desk.” Do Better.
  • MR116$
    Oligarchy episode missed the point
    It isn’t just that the tech titans who were prominent at the inauguration are wealthy - it’s that they control most of the way we communicate that makes this moment different from others where the rich got involved with politics and policy.
  • Indyeche
    Congratulations to the Secretary of Transportation for the incredible job he did and the president Biden Administration. I wish Americans would appreciate the incredible and complex job they did. Thank you
  • KikiNichole
    Saying Goodbye
    NPR was my sole news podcast. Until I saw their interview with social media journalists. I’m so disappointed. I trusted you guys.
  • Yoryaki
    Running list of demerits
    11/25/24 - Entire episode dedicated to the upcoming film “Wicked.” 10 minute ad. 11/30/24 - Entire episode dedicated to Steven Colbert’s cookbook. 9 minute ad. 12/7/24 - Dedicated entirely to the upcoming Odyssey remake. 12/2/25 - Continued improper use of “grace note” in place of “silver lining” Typically I hear ads for free. Making me pay for feature length ads is so insulting.
  • ChiJennyB
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast. Its length is perfect and love all of the different topics that are discussed.
  • Bilas Peles
    Great show full of ads
    Quick analyses of current events. NPR quality I thoroughly enjoy this podcast and would give it five stars if it weren’t so full of ads
  • noresolutions2022
    “Witnesses say Israel is using sniper drones in Gaza and they're shooting civilians”
    And water’s wet
  • juststartedfromBoston
    Who sent Trump back to the White House
    Love your show- I really appreciate the objectivity that you display more than in most other media outlets. A little disappointed that nothing was mentioned about the genocide in Gaza being a driving factor in Harris’ loss. Her campaign was HORRIBLE and literally relied on Americans that feared Trump to just vote for her rather than reaching out to her own base. Furthermore, she completely ignored and disregarded Arab Americans and GenZ’ers and instead, tried to gain “moderate” Republicans approval thinking that they would vote for her… delusional.
  • scared senior
    Consider This
  • elee8866
    I expect better from NPR
    Just listened to the episode about why Christian’s continue to support Trump. In the intro it mentions that Trump has allegations of sexual assault. This is inaccurate and very misleading. He was found GUILTY of sexual assault. To not provide this information that a candidate that Christians are voting for is GUILTY of sexual assault is terrible reporting. I expect better from NPR.
  • soulrockerTLee
    We already had a mixed race president! Your episode title sounds confused and just intended to spark.
  • P kiddy n innocent
    P. Diddy
    What’s happening in your house, a lot of men (not I) have done many things p diddy did, some worse than him, they just have not been caught.
  • heylookanewreview
    Did you forget you’re a listening medium?
    I love this podcast but yall deserve a bad rating for that meningitis episode that started with children screaming. How many more studies do we need showing humans respond with anxiety when babies cry?
  • Hate2bscrewed
    Total Propaganda
    How about some real reporting on the issues that matter, joy and hope doesn’t pay the bills. Be critical of all not the select. Or maybe your being led by the nose playing the ministry of propaganda”truth “. Bunch of hacks.
  • AuraMar1272
    Eric Garcetti Case
    Who would have thought NPR doing real journalism??? Best chisme I have listened to in a long time. This case is shocking and scandalous and yet, unless you’re an LA local, no national news coverage has touched this. Hope this piece of journalism is a sign that NPR wants to do good investigative, unbiased work… but not getting my hopes too high.
  • steve7865
    Corporate Shills
    I don’t know what happened being the scenes but NPR has become a rightwing cesspool with an obvious agenda. Don’t give them a dime and don’t waste your time.
  • Isaac J.S.
    Horserace no nuance
    Corporate propaganda to perpetuate the status quo
  • JFjfgg
    How hard is it to just not interrupt people you are interviewing?
  • byjessanderson
    Great job on the Pelosi interview
    It’s refreshing to hear real questions being put in front of these leaders. Thank you. It melted my ice cage a little to see you be non-partisan and real.
  • 🇺🇸🇨🇮🇺🇸
    Y’all mean
    This is a great podcast that my mom edits for.
  • Bickolas23
    Google Project 2025
    The latest episode from Mon 7/8 is focused entirely on talking about Biden remaining at the top of the ticket when on Wed 7/3 he made it clear that he is staying in the race. This overreaction is coming from media and political insiders and isn’t helpful. How about you let it go and talk about the fascist architect of Project 2025 who just this week threatened bloodshed against the left? This is who the alternative (Trump) will surround himself with, yet instead of focusing on that the media is having a conniption because a good president and old man stumbled over his words in a debate. Meanwhile Trump can spew nonsense and ramble off topic for 90 minutes and be considered the “winner”. The blatant double standard is pathetic and downright dangerous.
  • Pam-a-Rama:):)
    Biden negative bias
    The constant negative press about Biden has to stop or least be equally discussed as Trumps age, lies, and terrifying plans for the country. NPR used to be my trusted unbiased source for news.
  • elwurd
    Excellent reporting
    I appreciate the excellent journalism presented at Consider This.
  • midwestBlue
    today on all things considered i couldn’t believe carrie johnson said trump had an alleged affair with stormy daniels. carrie, it is not alleged, it was part of the trial that it did happen and trump never testified under oath to deny it.
  • Samawhaaat
    Lazy journalism
    I have been a lifelong liberal and strong supporter of NPR (including financially). I know you are trying to break down complex topics into bite size pieces, but it just feels LAZY. Opinion contributors to complex topics, sharing only one side that is an opinion without supporting facts. The Outside Agitators episode being the latest one. Do better.
  • Edorgs
    April 13, 2024 podcast
    Your repetition of the Hamas generated figures for deaths attributed to Israel belies your bias in the Israel-Hamas war. You state without attribution 33,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed. How many are ‘fighters’? How many killed by Hamas and PIJ misfired rockets? How does this compare to other countries fighting terrorist organizations in urban environments? Honestly misrepresenting details such as this is unconscionable for a journalistic organization purporting to present unbiased information to listeners.
  • Tuffer12
  • Orangeola dsdfdsafasfda
  • Md713
    Former NPR subscriber, now it’s just Israeli propaganda
    I used to listen to and donate to NPR. No longer, they are clearly Israeli propaganda and in their eyes, despite the outrageous contradictions and double standards carried out by Israel, continue to defend them and the mass gen0cide they are carrying out- disgusting.
    Pure excellence
    An interesting and important, curated look at what's happening, well presented.
  • mundane ”the rock” johnson
    It’s half ads
    How is this public radio when there is so many ads and a premium feed? I understand investigate reporting is expensive but this is crazy! Donations to npr are tax deductible- is the framework the same for this?
  • lp.loves
    Do better with coverage in Gaza
    Language used in your titles, descriptions and from your hosts is disrespectful and upholds Israeli propaganda talking points. Esp the Ramadan episode - how disgraceful.
  • david steinborst
    Too many ads for the length of the show
  • Wackrat
    Ads in the Plus version
    I paid the fee for the plus version of this podcast, and yet I heard a Capital One ad, in the Plus version. Is NPR following in Amazon’s footsteps, in which paying the extortion fee doesn’t kill the ads?
  • Mr. Clever
    Daily news that’s deeper than Up First
    If you like Up First, you’ll like this one. It goes deeper into a single topic of the day, but still gives you the info you need in under 15 minutes. Great hosts and great reporting.
  • &&*!
    ari’s interview
    Heartbreak and inspiring interview with Dr Jilani. Thank you
  • jg1234568
    Ozempic episode lacking
    I found it disappointing that in the episode about ozempic that the host didn’t address the impact of the drug being used as a weight loss treatment on the availability of the drug for diabetic patients who rely on this drug for their livelihood, and how that ends up being a class and race issue
  • Masonic Home
    NPR is garbage
    Don’t listen to this propaganda!
  • Dozer1474?
    If you lean any further left, you’d fall off your chairs. Pathetic.
  • FuuuuuuckThisGame
    Ads are disgusting
  • labugreen
    Tone deaf and cowardly reporting amidst genocide
    Incredibly tone deaf piece on Israeli hostages “rebuilding their lives” while over half of Gaza’s buildings have been destroyed, 20,00 people, 8,000 of which are children, have been killed by Israeli bombings, and nearly 8,000 Palestinians are currently held hostage in Israeli prisons. But you don’t bother to ask how those people will rebuild their lives. You don’t bother to ask why Palestinians have had to resort to armed resistance after 75 years of occupation. You can’t even say the word genocide. Absolutely disgusting and cowardly journalism.
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