The Big Melt


Climate change is changing everything, and Sarah has something to say about that.Tune in as she takes on the global climate crisis in her very own way. She’s not afraid to ask hard questions and she’s got the research to prove it. Join her week-by-week as she breaks down the what’s, when’s, how’s and why’s of climate change. Whether she’s reaching out to teens that are changing the world, discovering brilliant minds that are reimagining the future or getting down to business with eco-entrepreneurs.Sarah knows global warming is the challenge of her generation and she won’t back down until she figures it out; sorting through the science, busting myths and getting real about what’s really happening. She’s tired of waiting for someone else to fix things, She’s going DIY; learning the facts, interviewing experts and actually being honest about how it feels to not know all the answers.Because It matters. Because She cares. Because it’s our job to fix it. Even if she has to share her podcast studio with her little brother.Earth Rangers is proud to present, The Big Melt; a podcast about what comes next.For more great shows, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • LivyBee14
    Come on guys
    I love this podcast but the climate is a real thing witch is why more Poe Poe should listen in to this kind of podcast
  • Alicia208
    Such a great podcast!
  • genericperson321123
    😍 Love it so much 😍
    Such an important topic for young people to hear about, and I love the fact that Sarah is a teenager. Also really nice thumbnails. Sarah is obviously not recording in a basement though, there is no background noise other than her “brother”.
  • Kitty cat so
    I love this podcast it showed me that life on earth can be great again.I'm trying to be more green and help in the little ways. Keeps me from being oblivious to the problem.
  • Kitten cudle
    Very informative!
  • The book hugger
    This podcast gave me hope for the planet and my future❤️❤️❤️
  • Lj10000000000000000000000
    Booo climate change
    This is a great podcast I want to save nature and stop extinction
  • molly lover
    Don’t give up!!!!!!
    Ok y’all got to get it together Sarah is just trying to explain that the world is looking prettttttyyyyy bad :( :( but how it could look if we take action SO DON’T BE MEAN 😠😠😤😠 Sara: I personally love you & your podcast :) :):):):):)
  • Pikachu4ever12
    Love it
    SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • smash Boom Best super fan
    Love your show
    I love animals so much
  • sixminutesfan11
    I love this show!! You should make a season 2!
  • B&C LBC
    Five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    What a great show- love your new cover art!!
  • bghhnvgh
    I love this show, and you have inspired me to go green. 🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸
  • Libraiy
    I love this podcast!
    This is such an amazing podcast. It is great that you make this. It shows that are generation can help.
  • you rock remy and alex
    This really inspired me and my sister we should be doing more. But right now we just have to do our part and let the others know how important this is we have to save the earth 🌍 PS I love this podcast keep up the good work
  • Mabel and Waddles FOREVER!
    I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How can I help with your podcast? I care about animals so much I even know about more animals than not just more than my class more than almost my whole school! If there was a scale from 1to10 to help you I would go of the scale to infinity!
  • garce is so
    Okay, so does this girl ever do anything to help the climate except make this podcast? Just sayin! But it’s good and helps me fall asleep. It’s obvious that this is not made in a girls basement! Yeah so pretty good but a little fake.
  • bennett 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
    I love it 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌳🌳🌳🌳🌱🌱😍😍😍😍😍😍😊😊
    I love you fighting for earth and I think your plan of recruiting people like scientists,conservation and people to pinch in😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢happy tears.oh my name is Bennett and good job crews,host😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁by 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
  • Cupid and the reaper yay
    Love love love
    I just started listening and it inspires me so much LOVE IT!!!
  • Diana263
    This is backwards!
    Eht dlrow lliw ton evil fi ew t’nod pleh ti noos.
  • snow wolf loves
    Yass I love ❤️ the things and I am helping my environment
  • Lux Luxury
    I’m not even halfway through the first episode and I’m already intrigued⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • daboihen121
    GZM makes the best pods. Ever
    Go genz
  • KingDuckling209
    Eid snamuh lla litnu naelc eb tnow dlrow eht.
  • Reese2.o
    10 ways YOU can help
    Saving Earth: 1. Recycle cans, bottles paper and plastic. 2. Turn off the lights in a room your not using or open a window for light 3. Save water, turn off the sink when u don’t need it on 4. Clean up trash and don’t litter it really helps. 5. Ride your bike or bus Covid: 1. Wear a mask 2. Social distance 3. Get a vaccine 4. Get tested when experiencing symptoms 5. Spread awareness P.S. the pandemic instantly ends the moment everyone gets a vaccine. 98% of people who get covid have it because they didn’t get the vaccine. And the other 2% of people who DID have the vaccine just take some pills and are fine. It really helps. Please end this and get your vaccine
  • Gobi desert
    This podcast inspires me so much. I am worried but I don’t know how to help. Keep making more episodes. - nine year old girl(:
  • maxboy4606
    Climate change will end and in our favor as a clean world.
    I am so into this podcast thank you Sara you are heard the will recognize the situation of climate change the world will be cleaned. Keep making these episodes I will tell my friends to tell their friends to tell their friends etc. ( 12 year old) YES SIR
  • caycay12345678910
    Love This Podcast
    You inspired me to think yeah you’re right our world is nasty and we need to start helping it and make sure it’s Clean.
  • stranger things lover 52
    I can relate
    Hi Sarah! I love your pod and it is so inspiring! I can relate to the “Environ-mental void”. I watched a show about climate change and thought I should do research. But, the situation is worse then I expected and I went into a complete mental break down of gilt and helplessness. But, after hearing that I am not the only one I feel a lot better. Thanks so much for this pod!
  • ple@$€ r€@d
    Hello, first off great podcast I love it. Also I’m very inspired by you and I am working on creating a group of people aka a club to help stop global warming also please keep making the podcast it’s wonderful. Keep up the good work.
  • Earth Rangers Charlie
    I’m am Charlie Hello 👋
    Cool podcast😎
  • Ek345
    Hi Sarah this is an awesome podcast but please make more episodes! I’m so into learning about climate change! Thanks 😊!
  • Kitty cat among us
    I agree
    It’s so sad what’s happening to things in the Arctic it really is so the reason I am writing this is because it’s just so sad yeah it is so I’m hoping and praying that it will be good I mean end good😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😯😯😯😯😯😯😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😧😧😧😧😧😧😪😪😪😪😪😪😵😵😵😵
  • Budding Young Activist
    I love this podcast ❤️
    I was so inspired that I started my own club About climate change p.s love the podcast ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😃😍
  • Coffie adict108
    I am sharing my honest opinion
    I like it it is not the best Sarah..but keep up the work people love you I’m sorry I know you have potential my son also listens and he loves you...please don’t give up believe in your self Sarah no one hates you or dislikes you we love YOU Sarah keep up the good work! -Hannah Johnson
  • amazethem
    Love this pod!
    I love this pod, but are you making more episodes? Please do, I love it!
  • lsereday
    Freind with earth ranger Emma
    S a v e e a r t h n o w😬
  • fugaghhcfhn
    Love this Podcast
    I love this podcast so much. Global warming is scary but very interesting.
  • niclette chocalette
    I love this podcast!
    I hate climate change!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡! I love it 😍
  • salazar luke 🐵
    This pod cast is so good I’m gonna explode please make more episodes please please please your show is awesome don’t give up
  • Mr.Jonathon
    I love you 💕❤️😘
    Can you please make a nether episode
  • 6 minutes super fan
    This podcast has helped me to understand more of what climate change is doing what our future could look like if we don't do anything to make a change.
  • nobody likes the big melt
    Boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo
    Too many should effects and it dosnt really sound like a teenager 🤷🏾‍♀️
  • planbtheatreco
    The big melt.
    I love the podcast!!!!!!!!! Save the🌎🌎🌎 Oh no🔥🌪⚡️ 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋 BBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYY
  • 👾😈😼
    I love it great show save the Earth 🌍
  • gtrutrhvffhjiogfsyl
    thank you
    you really help me understand how to help and learn about climate change thank you
  • Evan age 6
    Great Show
    I love this podcast😍🥰😘❄️🌨🐙🦑🦐🦀🦞🐡🐟🐠🐬🐳🐅🦧🐊🐆🐘🦛🦘🦒🦧🐫🐪🦍🦓🦏
  • Spencer Studios critic
    y e l l o w
    They’re definitely trying too hard to be relatable to teenagers but other than that it seems good
  • wjp141
    Love it
    It is so good 😊 I love it!!!!!I listen to it all most every day!!! Save the 🌎🌍🌏!!Ceep up the grat woerk!
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