
Sometimes the people, places, and things we love don't love us back. We're fans, but we also have some ANTI- feelings toward them. Every week on FANTI, journalists Tre'vell Anderson and Jarrett Hill bring their pop culture and political expertise to things we must stan and stand up against. FANTI is a place where nuance reigns supreme with energetic, complicated, and sometimes difficult conversations that bring deep knowledge and thoughtful perspective to the things we love and rage about, from the White House to the Real House(wives).

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Recent Reviews
  • ad_sf
  • enc91
    Fine, I’ll watch the kardashians
    But also we need a part 2 and 3 of this kardashian deep dive
  • kscrowe14
    One of my fave podcasts!
    I love this show! The dynamic between Jarrett and Tre’vell is so fun and genuine. FANTI combines all of my favorite types of podcasts - it’s comedy, it’s pop culture news, it’s deep dives and academic analysis, it’s cool guests, it’s “friends just hanging out” vibes. Loved the new “Swim Episode”! I immediately after listening shared a link with my bff who I’ve been trying to convince to learn how to swim since we were teens!
  • MaxHealthPoints Coaching
    POV: You've gone so far into reactionary "antiracism" you embrace segregation
    Racist grifters. Listened to one episode, hosts described how "whiteness is an illness" and their explored their negative feelings toward interracial friendships. Such utter garbage.
  • Tamera from Baltimore
    Living Epistles
    Listening to the modern day scriptures episode and you all are living scriptures for me. I appreciate your joy, care, and concern for each other and by extension your listeners. You bring me life each and every week and I cannot miss a single episode, as I would be missing my blessing. Thank you for being in the world as a light and sharing your hope, faith, love, and strength. Your are living epistles!
  • aphitau
    I Love the show, I love listening on my morning walks, giggling and shaking my head every step of the way. Big love from the Netherlands and so pleased to see the two of you in this PCU (Pod Cast Universe). Thank You!
  • Ahc4959
    Success episode was so tone deaf
    I normally love this show, but the June 1 episode is so frustrating to listen to. Friend, congratulations that you can fly to Paris or Mexico for two weeks because you’re so hard working and got a great book and media deal. Lots of folks are extremely hard working and do not have that luxury, so we really don’t need to hear you patting yourself on the back for letting yourself relax. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • Mariaiswaycool
    Great show!
    I love listening to Jarrett and Tre’vell whenever a new episode drops. When they have guests, they are always amazing and insightful. Update: this show is still absolutely wonderful, why are you reading reviews and not listening to the latest episode already?
  • nikkirose24
    Fun and thoughtful
    The show and the hosts are lovely and clever and hilarious. Would recommend to anyone.
  • MintyPants
    Joy and Delight
    jarrett and Tre'vell are so smart and funny. These conversations are fantastic--great guests and I also love when it's just the two incredibly talented hosts.
  • bagelandroger
    best podcast
    This is my favorite podcast and I’m constantly recommending it to people ❤️
  • usefuljack
    Fantastic commentary and laughs
    This is my favorite podcast and I look forward to it every week. The chemistry between the hosts is electric, and the guests they bring on are wonderful. They don’t just bring queer and trans folks on to talk ONLY about queer issues. Instead there are lots of different queer and trans perspectives on all the issues that come up (some straights, I guess, too). As a white queer listener, I’m grateful for all the love and energy tre’vell and Jarrett put into this show. Long live the GOOD GOOD
  • Grateful Inspired Listener
    Thank you Jarrett and Tre’vell!!
    I’m so grateful for FANTI. When I listen I feel happy and connected to a place of Black queer joy and silliness where I feel seen and celebrated. In addition, Tre’vell and Jarrett deliver journalistic excellence that keeps me engaged and learning. FANTI is undoubtedly one of the best podcasts out there and such a gift to my soul. And can we talk about Jarrett’s Tyra Banks impression!?
  • Coldbear76
    Keeping it simple
    I absolutely love you both! This is a great podcast
  • Dragoness42
    These two always crack me up, teach me something new, or make me think, usually all at the same time. Jared and Tre’vell are so knowledgeable, warm, funny, curious and lovely. They also always bring fabulous guests when the occasion calls for a guest! I can’t recommend this show enough. If you see an episode title that jumps out at you, start with that one and you’ll be hooked.
  • gr33nfire14
    Was great, now diminishing returns
    The early episodes were great — relevant topics, good guests/conversations, curious and entertaining hosts. Lately it seems like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for topics, the episodes becoming increasingly just noise. Trevell is the star, always thoughtful, engaging, and hilarious as a host, but Jarrett is a real downer — self-promoting at every opportunity and forever giving the impression that he has more important things to be doing. And the way they only read emails from certain (recurring, fawning) fans while disregarding the more critical ones has always bothered me. This show burned fast and bright, and has unfortunately burned itself out very quickly.
  • mosdef522
    LAWD ya’ll are THE BEST
    I am a new listener and am hooked. Thank you for smart, funny and gloriously, Black Queer content. I am currently on a crazy binge listening experience and I’m not mad about it.
  • Chris Bournea
    A Must Listen!
    Fanti is a must-listen show to hear nuanced perspectives about a variety of hot topics and complex issues. Funny, witty banter!
  • ChiaraCGP
    Thank you!
    Ya’lls recent episode reminds me that you’ve kept my spirits up for a while two years DURING a pandemic.
  • dalexgray
    Love you!
    Found out about Fanti through other max fun shows and love it!
  • 808needisaymore
    Suckalint potatoes
    💖💖💖 you’re simply the best! Better than all the rest…
  • Catnap2000
    Wow! Love it!
    I learned more in today’s one episode about fat phobia and the complexities and layering of racism, anti-blacknes, and colorism and their relationship to fat phobia than I have about anyone of those things in a bit. What a great opener for a dialogue we all need to have! Every other episode I’ve listened to has also been equal parts entertaining and compelling. ❤️
  • ebwassink
  • Honestlycme
    I feel seen
    Fanti is a wonderful show I happened across about a month ago when I ended my Spotify account and was looking for new content. It feels a great black, pop, spiritual hole in my listening and I often find myself being convicted to do something, learn something, laugh at something, and be entertained. I also love the fact that they signal back to past episodes that either feature the guests or a similar topic. For example the Whitney episode referred back to an old episode on blue eyed soul, and I was up that night making a playlist. Glad to have this in my feed.
  • MrsB09
    I love the banter. It is sooo fun! I just joined maximum fun. I gotta get as much content as possible!
  • Tim JB
    a joy
    Tre’vell and Jarrett are honest, lovely, entertaining and seasoned professionals talking about all sorts of topics who engage earnestly with their criticism, something a lot more shows should emulate.
  • jackitup
    Trauma decontextualized In a people Looks like culture
  • BelleHarp
    I am found
    I am a new listener three episodes deep and I WILL be binging the back catalogue. I don’t just feel seen by this podcast, but found. Luh-uv!
  • askedthezebra
    So Great!
    LUV IT!
  • YoGirlTT
    Obsessed with this show
    These two are so smart, hilarious, and honest. I couldn’t ask for more.
  • ajsdkt
    Insightful and Life changing
    I originally wrote a review about how I wasn’t the target audience for the show but enjoyed the insight and perspectives… Now as I look back, I was so very wrong. I was exactly the target audience. When I listen and examine the hard hitting and honest conversations, I realized that every issue covered is either relatable despite my race.. Or it is a rare topic that I feel bad inside about afterward. I deserve to feel that emotion because It is then my work to try to come to terms with, and fix any reasons why I feel that way. In the time I have listened, I have tried to help guide others to the podcast and to reconnect and thank positive Black role models from my childhood, who no matter what happened to them, shone as pillars of their communities. Who also continued to be leaders of courage and conviction during the trump era. When I was young I was in a position of extreme privilege where I was able to be exposed to positive Black role models as a young “back woods suburban” white child. I had a very strong and skilled Black master coach take me under his wing at a tournament when I was alone. He helped me focus and gave me advice when he didn’t have to do anything, I wasn’t his student. But he always lifts people up unselfishly. I was always more accepting than my family and peers , but that was the day I began to understand and slowly recognize my communities silent programing. That day I began to deeply question everyone and everything even more because the evidence I witnessed was not what I expected. I moved away for college and never went back. As I looked at social media during the trump era I realized that my family and many old friends are extremely more racist than I ever imagined… I am so disappointed in people in my old sports community that pretend to respect strong black leaders in the community to their faces to gain knowledge and skills… and feel fully justified supporting white supremacy in private. I sat down and wrote a letter apologizing for not being able to do enough to change people for the better and not recognizing what was happening at the time. And apologizing that it still happens to this day and reaffirming that I have work to do to help make change in the world. My child will be prepared to love everyone for who they are. This podcast is a vehicle for reflection and growth. All we have to do is be willing to listen, reflect, and work to better ourselves.
  • hannahvasilis
    Insightful and hilarious
    I’ve been a fan since the beginning! No anti feelings here for this podcast. Smart, informative, and charming hosts & guests. Important discussions that are nuanced in ways that other topical shows usually miss. Listening to the hosts banter is like being a part of a conversation with my smartest and funniest friends.
  • Ipad2crazy
    Love it! Love it!
    Important. Insightful. Fun. Funny. I need this injected directly into my veins!!! This is what the future of “talk” sounds and looks like. I need y’all on primetime. XOXOXOXO
  • Jaz Los Angeles
    Puts you in a good mood
    I love these guys! I listen on my walks and always grinning like a dummy.
  • SageOfLegend
    Fun Hosts, Great Takes!
    Just started listening to this one finally and I really enjoy the hosts' energy. They're taking on all kinds of challeging and interesting topics with the attitude of "things can be good and also bad at the same time, and let's be real about acknowledging both". Their energy and banter is fun and engaging. Great way for anyone to get some much needed minority perspective! Looking forward to digging into more of the backlog!
  • UsherRaimonIII
    Sittin Up in My Car
    Sittin up in my car, back here thinkin bout you. I must confess, I’m a mess for you, Tre’vell and Jarrett. I have a deep parasocial relationship with this podcast. I’ve fallen off my bottomless podcast diet in recent months, but FANTI is one of few I’m forever appointment listening to. From the guests, to the topics, to the call outs, to the queer Black perspectives… They just get it so right, and occasionally so wrong, and with so much nuance and balance to every topic I will always be tuning in for more. I am quite literally sitting in my garage after finishing to this weeks episode. I hear that “leave us a rating” request every week but caught the spirit today and had to give my play cousins their hard-earned 5-stars. (And a sincere thank you for shouting out my lil queer Black bookstore on a few episodes too). Go listen, learn and love!
  • flimflambimbam
    They work hard to keep themselves honest
    They do a really good job. Like really good. Do you understand me? Like super good.
  • emlewisworld
    Not as inclusive as they think they are
    The hosts have an interesting perspective and I really enjoy most of their shows but when they open an episode with "this is not for cis people" or pepper an episode with statements like "F--- white people" I find it hard to listen, no matter how good the rest of the episode. I have a real problem continuing to follow given this increasing hostility to people that aren't like the hosts.
  • Customer 2547
    You are Home in a Whole Pandemic
    I am a cis Black woman artist- researcher from Louisville, KY and I tell you what !! - your discussion brings me so much joy. Continue sharing your gifts with us! Thank you. PS. I love your “Hot Topics” episode- to connect what’s happening real time on the ground with your perspectives & analysis. Great add! PSS. I do not skip your commercials because y’all are so so authentic! Y’all should train other podcasters about those commercials. Keep it up 🙌🏾 PSSS. After episode #69, I was moved by how you shared how you were considering how to approach the Palestinian / Israel conflict from the black, queer, womanist, trans perspective - and I screamed - I must donate to this Truth, Evidence based, Culturally grounded, REALNESS. Love it 🥰
  • Disney Fave
    Dish that Tea!!!
    I didn’t realize how much I needed this show. Started from the beginning and I’m bingeing until I’m done. This show is perfection! Your REAL favorite nerdy white enby, JW
  • Lilac Vylette Maldonado
    Making my days better!
    Been following Tre’vell for years. Fanti dives into the nuance that so frequently eludes content creators’ lips with so much consideration and insight. You make my days so much brighter knowing there are like-minded folks out there having these provocative conversations. Thank you for your brilliance and labor!!!
  • jessika jonz
    On Thursdays when your podcast comes out along with several others that I subscribe to, you too are the very first one that I look for. You’re thinking and, therefore, your speech and your presentation are so very smart. I don’t know that it matters to y’all but I am one of the waspiest Women in the world. Please don’t stop what y’all are doing, every week listening to you i’ll learn, I begin to understand and then i grow as a person.
  • Tommy_Review
    thanks for making me cry-laugh... again.
  • Deargceann
    This podcast is perfect for one of my besties & me.
    I’ve had some of these discussions about problematic pop culture icons with my friend. As soon as I heard this, I rushed to share it with her.
  • Dr. Mandragora
    Incredible Listening Experience
    Smart, funny, and all around excellent, Tre’vell and Jarrett have a dynamic that makes anything they say a pleasure to listen to. I downloaded apple podcasts just to give this duo a five star review.
  • MAnders8306
    So glad to have found this podcast! Thoughtful and fun
    I came to FANTI via another podcast and I have been loving it. The opportunity to dive into the nuance of various issues is so needed! As a het/cis/white woman the rural Midwest I appreciate the opportunity to listen to these discussions.
  • sphe96
    All this GOOD GOOD!
    Every week y’all are giving me EVERYTHING!! Thanks for being your authentic selves! You ROCK!! You give me the energy to get to my Weekends!
  • kiki101775
    Awesome show!
    I love that this podcast helps me sort the love/hate relationship I have with so much of the world.
  • MakoTaco
    The ONLY podcast for me (right now)
    OMG! Fanti is that! All of that! These complex and complicado convos are the best. The honesty, the banter, ooh gurl the commentary = 5 stars all around!! I started with the episode on BIPOC and fell in love. I went allllll theee way back to episode 1 and working my way through. Jarrett and Tre’vell are smart, witty, funny, and they challenge everything and everyone. I’m here for it. #howyoudoin
  • J. Liming
    New to the Show
    Obsessed with your podcast!!! Thank you for your voices and conversations!!! ❤️🙏🏼🌈🦋
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