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JosephwithpinkhairROSEBUD IS A GI look forward to this podcast every single week. Rosie is hilarious and honest. Her ability to make fun of dark and serious things is incredible. No matter what kind of week I’m having I know that she’ll bring me some laughs and smiles with the pod.
jsiansoandixkwnsoxmsbLove u rosers!!thanks for sharing something so painful. stay strong !!! 💓💓
ben90mHonest and hilariousI’ve seen Rosebud live before the pandemic and have listened to all of her podcasts and she’s one of the funniest out there! Honest, hilarious, and if you have to listen to just a few podcasts this should be one.
CameronWhenHesLeavingReviewsGreat podcast for comedians to listen toI’m a comic from the Midwest, really respect all of the comedians that Rosebud puts on - diverse, insightful, and fun every time - like being in the green room with some of the best
R2-d2 better-8TLLGI miss TLLG, what happened!? I miss it so much 😪😭😭😭
joeannieboenannieI like RosebudI found Rosebud thru the ‘lonely girls’ pod and I’m so glad she showed up here after they stopped doing that one. You are wise beyond your years and I didn’t know anyone could be more sarcastic than Corinne, so good job. Very happy for you holding out for married with children. Being a mom is the best thing I ever did when I was 38!!! Nothing better. You do lose yourself, but it’s worth it. Being a wife, Eh, it’s ok ❤️ It’s better if you like him...
MorgyfA breath of fresh airRosebud approaches her podcast how I imagine she would a conversation with a friend, somewhat prepared with things she wants to say and then just genuine unfiltered thoughts that are naturally hilarious. It’s always a great listen! This and “Find Your Beach” give a little light to my week and I always look forward to the next episodes.
LeahLovesGandalfRosebud Baker Rocks MeLove listening to Rosebud -- always so smart, hilarious and let's you know what's what!
Beverly D'AngeloJust raw and greatSo happy when she came out with a podcast, I’ve enjoyed her comedy for quite some time now. This pod got me through quarantine. Is it a little scattered at times? You bet. But it’s so much better than the same content every week. Bottom line she’s raw, crazy, and hilarious. Adjectives I’m sure most women can relate to. Also bad advice is the cherry on top.
solid podKeep doing the pod plsI love the podcast - It’s more real than most and you say a lot of things that most people are thinking but won’t admit. Always love listening to your take on things!
AkaScipioIf you need a good rant!I’ve been a fan of Rosebud for quite sometime. As promised, I would rate and review, and what a better time then while waiting for a rapid covid test. HEY!! we are still here- so keep em coming! She has interesting guests and tbh- her solo episodes are the gems. Love ya!
KJJ77777Unburden yourselfFor the love of god unburden yourself and quit instead of debating quitting the podcast every episode.
GleebenHATE the theme song- love the woman... or at least most places. Love her stand up, TLLG, and find your beach. This podcast is no exception. Listen!
Drewseph11482Pretty ok.Pretty ok pod I guess. If you like funny people and a sassy host.
Jaime PeeblesRosebud 2020Rosebud, you inspire me! That’s the review. 10/10. I wish I had a profound review that could go toe to toe with your weekly, philosophical bangers - but I don’t. The Devil’s Advocate takes the cake. Congratulations on your successful comedic career, sobriety, and cheers to marrying Andy! Don’t ever underestimate the massive positive impact you have on this world. Thank you for sharing you xo
Al192837Come on rosebudStop eating pigs
SusanEPLearySo good...How can a comedian also be this good speaking on serious topics? I’ve never followed someone for both their comedy and their drama. It’s always been one or the other. A woman of many talents. Always, always saying something interesting. Another idea for a podcast is to talk more about being a child of divorce. Do’s and don’ts maybe, based on your experience. P.S. OMG your dad apologized. WOW just WOW. Happy for you.
Clarkster3Great show!Rosebud tells it how it is. She is not afraid to open up and talk about things happening in her life.
Derseyshore39Smart, funny, & honestThis podcast is great. Escape the nearly constant existential dread by having a listen
tommymixonRosebud to replace Ellen DegeneresIf Tim Dillon doesn’t get it, you should.
PhilOssiningRosebud "Solo" was a searing listenMan, did Rosebud Baker go deep on this one. The yong comedian and podcaster usually works hard to to come off as a tough, "over it" chick but Baker really opened up about her relationship with her father, who can be best described as a difficult parent. She reveals plenty of pain and a ton of acceptance. I wonder if she can see the damage that was done to her entirely but she does sound like she has a handle on how to move on from the relationship. This episode was bracing - and I will definitely listen to this one again.
Onedayatatime8Devil’s AdvocateRosebud is very good. Five stars esp this most recent solo episode.
phoebz87Love RosebudBeen listening to her for a while now and she has one of the funniest podcast out there. She is absolutely hilarious, you won’t be disappointed!
Paul HesterRosebud is a rare treat for us all.She turned a past that was at times very difficult, and incorporated it into her humor, which is 100% real, edgy and will keep you smiling and laughing. I could watch her everyday, laughing till it hurt and learning about integrity, which she has in abundance. You won’t regret adding her energy to your life!
eloveator100% do recommendAs a white lady trying to listen to fewer white ladies these days, Rosebud is one of the few that I didn’t unsubscribe to. Refreshing content that keeps me engaged, laughing, and thinking critically. Appreciate the podcast !
najja1Funny and political somehowI appreciate that Rosebud Baker economically benefited from the Bush Regime and is critical of that, and is critical of whiteness. Rosebud Baker manages to both be politically on the left and funny, which is hard.
ExistentialentityBad Advice, Great PodLove Rosebud and everything she does. 10/10
PetewillfixitReal RealThis girl is real as hell and funny as heck and she has great guests. Pure entertainment. When’s the special? We want Rosebud Baker in at least an hour long special on HBO or Netflix ! The people have spoken.
NaivjkanReally funny and self awareRosebud Baker is super funny; she candidly talks about her sobriety and jokes about her trauma. Sometimes it feels like she’s complaining a lot but that’s what I like about it!
averylonelygluegunRosebud is a dimeI love rosebud and if you don’t think I was a little upset when she got engaged you got another thing comin. She’s hilarious and I would follow her to the ends of earth.
fleetwoodfloralhilariousGlad to have you back in NY
72885991784I’m obsessed with Rosebud BakerThat is all.
widdyyyyyI want your secretsLYLAS SIS
Athena RethisRosebud is the bestI’ve been a fan of Rosebud for a long time. She’s hilarious, truly the best and very talented. This podcast gives me so much joy every week. Thanks Rosebud! Keep it up! :)
Old Guy in The BoroughsCitizen Kane's Sled"Devil's Advocate" is thoughtful, bawdy and compelling. Worth seeking out.
nopiateMy new best friendI look forward to this podcast every week. Rosebud is dark, hilarious and real as hell. She is also an intellectual and a pretty caring person at the same time. I dig it.
EyeNoReligionFavorite new comedy podcastRosebud Baker doesn’t hold back- she’s viscerally funny. A talent to tune into, her stand up rocks too. Her other podcast “Find Your Beach” w/ Andy Haynes is also worthy of a subscribe if comedy is your thing.
DHebert32HilariousRosebud is real, honest, and while I know she’s looking for the end of quarantine so she can have guests again, I’m loving this one and one stream of consciousness hilarity that truly shows you who Rosie is & makes you feel like you’re just laughing with your friend while quarantine. Listen if you like dark comedy, utter nonsense and laughing like a lunatic.
Katie_AhnefeldHilariousI love rosebud. She makes me feel like my dark humor is normal 😂
Elwood7693When Rosebud calls I answerMeow! Great show! Wine drunk.
ozymandiusozmanActually makes me lolI love Rosebud’s dark sense of humor and her commitment to talking about personal topics without beating around the bush. A therapeutic laugh sesh!
JessspppOmgHow is she even real?? NO ONE CAN BE THIS FUNNY, I SUSPECT FOUL PLAY.
Jenny Hey YoMy #1Rosebud is my favorite comic, I always recommend her to friends! She’s hilarious, and I can’t wait until her first special comes out!
joburgdaveThe Devil has a great advocateThe Devil could not get a better lawyer. I wanted to be the Devil’s Lawyer but Rose is much better than me.
TLLGconvertHilarious!!I started listening to two Less lonely girls and was introduced to rosebud there. Rosebud is hilarious. I love listening to her blunt opinion on everything from politics to straight up just being honest and giving her listeners “bad advice” 😂 Her coronavirus podcasts are my favorite so far because I think she’s slowly going insane in quarantine like the rest of us! Also. Rosebud. Dear god do you and Corinne need to address what happened with two less lonely girls/me also. Those were some BOPS y’all made and they never got released!!!!!
Rose Claire SussenickYes!Recently new to all things Rosebud. She’s the best and keeps me laughing!
bunny410bunnyEndlessly entertainingLove rosebud. She entertains in the darkest of times and very disappoints.
cajminajAB FABmy favorite comedian out here THRIVING. if you’re not listening, you’re not living.
krkaneJust a really funny personRosebud is one of the most genuinely funny people I’ve ever heard. Trust me, listen to me episode and you’ll be a fan for life.
natalie j millShe is something else, in the best wayRosebud makes me actually lol with her dead pan deliveries and dark humor, and I’m not someone who laughs easily. She will say something kind of dark and out of no where, and then just move on. I love it.
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