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HoneyRoRoDawnCalling all hippie kidsI grew up in Sonoma County with pot, smoking parents. I was looking for podcasts about San Francisco, Haight-Ashbury counter culture. To find yours, what fun I had riding the roller coaster of your story. Love the references to popular culture as you went along. Here’s to cool Ranch Doritos, and Tigers Milk bars in the hazy sweet smoke of Mary Jane!
Colleen MJInteresting but lopsided!I’m eight episodes in and still no bigger picture discussion of how race played/plays a part in “The War on Drugs.” Maybe Rainbow Valentine will get to that at some point?!? But the fact that it’s not addressed right from the start is telling. Also the mostly cheery, “aren’t these smuggling stories crazy and hilarious” tone makes me think about the cost to so many of the children of these counter-culture smugglers and drug dealers. Pretty sure Rainbow Valentine’s idyllic childhood is NOT the norm! Ugh. Not that she can’t tell her own story. In many ways, I’ve enjoyed the way she has done so. But she really seems oblivious to all of her and her family’s privilege.
Mroot3Very much enjoyed this podcast! Want more like it.I LOVED this podcast and narration. In fact, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find another similar one and I’m struggling to do so.
AbbyZ123456789Way too many iHeart podcast adsMusic filler. And… It’s insane how many ads. I get you can fast forward, but such a waste of time and an annoyance that detracts from story. All of their podcasts are like this. Their advertisers should be upset everyone fast forwards and doesn’t even hear their ads because the amount is ridiculous. You’d think they’d want to stop getting such terrible reviews for this!
paVEme/ntThe one star reviews are comicalI like her voice, I like the topic, i like the musi, I like the location. Cool story. Entertaining. It’s a podcast not a team sport. Enjoy…
SpayspayFascinatingThank you!
ben dover 007Country music tune outOkay some music makes sense. But yeah country music for like 30 seconds is not what a podcast needs.
telletelltelleNice break from politicsLoved this podcast! Fun, nostalgic, informative, funny, entertaining. This was a wonderful peek through a window of a psychedelic world long gone.
amy petrowA good podacstRainbow’s voice us annoying but the story is fascinating. Really enjoyed. Loved the theme song!
GroupworkerCould have been goodThe host’s voice sounds like a little kid. Also interesting that she identifies someone else as Jewish, but her own grandparents as Holocaust survivors and from Russia, but not the obvious Jewish connection. That was a unique time that wasn’t explained.
Pequod HerbieSuperbReally wonderful, compelling podcast. Great personal journalism.
zpicGreat storytellingLove her stories - to hear it from the child’s viewpoint is a new take. Thank you for your experience-
kjellooohhhWhat a time, what a lifeKeep the wild parents-in-the-70s revealed stories comin!
autumn23232323LOVE!!!Whata great great story!!! My mom was a great big pit head my whole life too! And I was just as unaware until I was like 16!!! Duh!! She’d tell me she was making her own cigarettes cuz it was cheaper that way, and my dumb asssss believed her for YEARS!!! LOL Rainbow you did a wonderful job bringing your lives story alive! Beautiful story & family Thank you for sharing
Hollis AGreatThis is a fantastic podcast to listen to! It’s really interesting to gain perspective.
CancerBoAPotAttorneyLOVE IT ❤️
EG412All hail Sugar Bowl Man!Cool podcast but, Beware of the ads. They will blow out your eardrums if you’re wearing headphones.
Amym16So interestingI loved this series and am starved for more. More stories please rainbow!!!!
asjamoynVery interestingWould recommend this podcast! It’s an interesting and entertaining story that highlights some history of pot in America along the way.
ladyofthcanyon2nd season!Would love a 2nd season about Taffy’s life in San Fran, both pre and post Walter. Love Taffy and Walter! xx
skiesaregreyThe bestMy absolute favorite podcast to listen too!! My family has always been cannabis connoisseurs. I love all the information and story’s in this podcast. Everything about it is great! Thank you for sharing Rainbow Valentine - you do a wonderful job!
1yldndnI like the show.I listen to all the episodes and loled my way through all of them. Some people say they dont like your voice, I dont mind it as it adds character to the whole thing.
RaincrcGreat storytellerWhat anInteresting way of storytelling. Very interesting and entertaining, give it a try it’s worth it!
so cal/nashville galBinge worthyVery intriguing and binge worthy. Very fun and catchy intro song! 5⭐️✌🏻
Almostblind1Give it a chanceMy first impression was that I wouldn't make it past the first 2 episodes but strangley enough I just kept listening. I found myself looking forward to the next episode and next thing I knew, I had finished the entire podcast. Give it a chance! Love the theme music - I find myself singing it in my head most of the day. Rainbow Valentine sounds so cute and fun. I love the open relationship she has with her parents. I was in the SF bay area during the late 70's and early 80's. I have been to "parties" in Marin County, even dealt a bit, probably knew some of the same people. I met some good people and I was ripped off by someone I trusted - it happens. This podcast brought back some good memories for me as I had the same trusting, everything is cool attitude and I too survived it.
SusieQ8034The podcast master!I listen to many podcasts, but this is by far my fave!! PLEASE make more podcast, they’re so much fun!!
lahemme76Super fun podcast!Easy to listen to, fun podcast
shawana77I’ve only listen to the whole thing three times Love the openness of the parents love it !!!Love the daughter and dad talking love it ❤️❤️
Unicorns are super cool yeahFunny, educational, nostalgic — instant binge listenLoved this podcast!
dawn5324Childhood MemoriesI thoroughly enjoyed listening to this podcast and the stories! It was like a walk down memory lane with the many characters. And that theme song is pretty catchy! 😂
Jennifer RInteresting storiesI found the various stories so interesting! So different than how I grew up or from anyone I know
DeMiller76Funny original unique story!I’ve started listening to quite a few podcasts over this past year, and this is by far, one of my favorites!! (If it gives any indication to how much I’ve enjoyed it, this is actually the first review I’ve felt compelled to write!) Upbeat, entertaining, & the stories within are so fantastic! This is one of the few podcasts that I actively listened to as the episodes came out, rather than binging the final product. I was so sad knowing I was listening to the final episode the day it was released.. I just didn’t want it to end! This podcast was such a fun escape! To my surprise, during this time of isolation, I was completely thrilled to see some new additional episodes being released!!! Now I’m back to checking almost daily, to see if there are any new tidbits!! Thank you for sharing your stories! Listening has been an absolute joy!!
“like”can’t listen to thisTwo narrators use the word “like” every single sentence. Need to improve the quality of the speakers vocabulary.
jkhstanleyNot badI enjoyed the podcast. It was lighthearted. I looked forward to each new episode.
shwnptrckclffGreat Premise but too many commercialsFelt the story telling was too hard to follow with the constant bombardment of advertising
JSchmuck80Loved It But Must Point Out “Schmuck”I loved the entire story and looked forward to every episode. I wish there were more episodes coming .However,on the Bonus Episode Rainbow Valentine pointed out the Ytish meaning of “Schmuck” so I would like to point out the German meaning. Schmuck is also a German surname and word for jewelry,decorate,or adorn . There are a few other ways to use the word as well . You will see it on stores selling watches or jewelry . I grew up with the surname of Schmuck . I learned to have a sense of humor really fast :).
JustLynn2015Couldn’t finish...It’s like listening to a Disney channel child star narrating the Netflix show Narcos. Also, some buzz words to get used to: .. Smuggle ......Pot .......Any other word starting with “p”
kymberdawnGreat storyLoved this podcast had me eager for each new episode as it unfolded. Awesome to hear true life stories like these.
nmflmpGood quarantine listen!Make a Netflix series!!
OG-JiggaGreat showLove it! Funny as hell!
drhackenbush1Wow!!!It should be a movie. And, if you are thinking about it put on Netflix. You did such a great job in braking down everything that happened. Unless I missed it please tell me that the green Beret didn’t spend the money happily? That’s the nicest way I could ask that question without sounding like a salty b;t-h😀
alexisd721EhI heart radio gives so many people podcasts without actually guiding them on how to make it a good podcast. This is all over the place. The host thinks everything is so cool, but doesn’t really go into real detail. this could very easily just be a made up story the way it’s told. I can’t get past the first few episodes due to the voice.
sgarmAbsolutely no self awarenessI wanted to like this so much. But I kept listening for any discussion, or even mention, of the generations of destruction and poverty caused by the war on drugs for communities of color. I tried, because otherwise it was interesting, but it was unbearably tone deaf.
curious senseToo CutesyIt could be a good story but the host is too cutesy about some pretty serious idiocy. She just thinks her parents are SO cool and it’s annoying to listen to.
Chefjen68Lovely host unlovely story.I have great empathy for Rainbow. I grew up around a similar community but I am about ten years older. I don’t have an appreciation for “Dead Culture”. Most of my friends in that scene are now, in fact dead. Drug use has crippled my generation and as a genXer I am sick of the glorification of the reckless behavior. I listened to the articulate and charming host and felt great empathy with her. I understand marijuana laws have changed and I think that’s fine but we hopefully live in times now where we realize that drugs are just that, drugs. They are not a gateway to salvation and should not rule lives, life nor be a religion. Over it. Let’s stop asking the ME generation for clues on successful living. Let’s work on raising kids that are mentally healthy and ready to face challenges without mind altering substances.
adore83Worst voice everShe should had someone with a better voice narrate it horrible go read one something before trying this
Mo Donnellystrolling down memory lanethe story takes me back to my youth when smoking a dube was felonious crime. thanks for telling their stories out loud.
Sleepless worrierKept me engagedThis story is wild! Loved it
VintageLPsTime to Go Old SchoolBack in the 70s, mothers washed their babies’ bottoms with a washcloth, soap and water. No expensive wipes necessary and no plastic containers clogging the dump. . Put a damp cloth in a plastic bag in your diaper bag for outside trips. And, PLEASE, stop filling our landfills with disposable diapers/plastic. Four dozen cloth diapers will last an active baby 2 1/2 years and then you use them for dust cloths. I didn’t have a washer or dryer when my son was a baby so off to the laundromat I went, air drying the diapers at home on a wood rack. Also, you rinse that urine soaked or poopy cloth diaper in the toilet then hold on tight to it while you flush and continue to rinse. Not once did I lose a diaper with this trick. 🤱🏻Never, never, never add bleach when washing cloth diapers and after rinsing in the toilet, let soiled diapers sit in a large covered pail of water and a small amount of mild detergent until wash day. With washers and dryers in most homes, you do not need to fret over unavailability of wipes and Pampers if you follow my advice.
BVajamesPainfully privilegedIt’s upsetting to me that so many privileged people feel fine profiting off of these stories while so many less fortunate people remain behind bars for much milder marijuana crimes.
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