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BILIBOB THAT LIKES TRUMP#the left are LiarsI listened to a few of there podcast and they seemed informative but ones I keep listening I could tell very obviously they were woke democrats doing the podcast and I don’t fell that I can believe any thing from the democrats they lie all the time and it wouldn’t surprise me if they lied all through these podcast’s so don’t let the left pump u with garage and lies there are plenty other podcast about important people that actually tell the truth!!!
DJinKyWoke JokePropaganda from the left.
nomadvalReally, very good.. but could be better!I’ll start by stating that I am a registered Democrat. So that established - here’s my take on this podcast. It’s excellent, but it could be better and have a great deal of wider impact if it wasn’t presented in such a partisan way. There’s fantastic information in these episodes-important facts! And it is intel and discussions that those on the right, or even the middle, should hear and could possibly be persuasive to them. But they never will entertain it, because anything that comes off as left leaning to them is like garlic & sunlight to a vampire and they won’t even acknowledge it. I challenge the fine folks behind the podcast to take this amazing concept they have going here, bridge some gaps, and consider their delivery of the facts into something that doesn’t sound so hateful to the right. This is the type of thing that could help some people to see things for what they really are if there was less biased commentary in its telling. All that said - GREAT job on this podcast with the facts and information that is presented. I’ll keep listening and hope to be able to amend this review that is truly not meant to be pessimistic, but perhaps present a thought that could bring value to all. Peace and love to you!
Pete ColbertToo biasedIt is laughable that this show thinks it is Objective. There is a substantial left-leaning bias to this podcast. They consistently imply that radical left ideas are main stream popular thought.
Kdp32Liberal mouthpieceI listened to two episodes and they don’t hide their left wing liberal agenda. Pure garbage, don’t bother.
TruthyMcTruthFace1776propagandathe difference between the US and other countries is that in other countries the citizens know when they are being fed propaganda
plainoldclaraWorth the listen!Awesome podcast. All the guests interviewed are mostly first/second hand witnesses. Might seem “leftest” - but after actually listening, you’ll understand it’s not at all. It’s investigating and informative. If you care about equality and can recognize classism & other systematic issues etc. that creates real life occurring injustices, highly recommend. Also just a side note, can “Who is” do one on Ben Shapiro?
sacto11cTrashI listened to all the shows but they all have a way left wing spin on every episode. I get it we have had a few bad presidents but that’s not the reason for all evil. Just tell the facts and leave politics out of it unless it’s relevant.
ItsmelittleTMeh!Hoping that nuanced political observations and thought would replace blanket, biased rhetoric. It did not. If you enjoy a passive, one-dimensional listening experience, this production is for you. However, if you prefer an engaging, intellectually challenging podcast, listen elsewhere.
NeroXOTWODSo far, so goodHave listened to two podcasts so far. The police union one was very interesting, defiantly trying to get to a point. I would not go as far as to say it is subjective, however, or “not objective”. Journalism will always have some sort of bias to it, but that does not always mean it is not using objective claims. The things here are well resourced, and I actually appreciate the fact that they have different perspectives. Or at least dive deep enough into an issue to not make it so black/white. Def worth a listen. If it continues like this I will be giving it 5 stars!
tree1364748Love this show! Interesting and informativeThis podcast digs deep into who has power in this hectic world. It helps to know who has power and how they attained it. A know it all’s podcast;)
colourcurlsRelevant and informativeThis podcast does a fantastic job giving the full picture. No matter who they are discussing, Sean really shares a lot of facts and storytelling about that specific person. So no matter if in the end that person has good intentions or bad intentions, you really feel for them as a human being and then come to understand how this person is wielding their power today. Sean is witty, smart, and does an incredible job breaking down big topics and concepts for anyone to understand! One of my favorite podcasts for sure!
#####mmm######Nuanced perspective on politics and powerReally interesting show, very different from almost everything else out there. They have a different perspective and the show is really smart. Recommended.
thotsalotBullseye on making the true pointsIn the podcast on domestic terrorist extremism I heard earnest efforts and successes in digging for the roots of this American problem that is long overdue. Please keep it up.
leaveoutbiasVery Informational but BiasedI love this podcast! It covers figures/groups/organizations that I’ve always been interested in but suffered from TLDR when attempting to learn about them via Wikipedia. I give it four stars because it covers a lot of ground and I end the podcast knowing a lot of information about x topic and the way it’s presented keeps my attention. Which leads me to why I couldn’t give five stars. It keeps my attention because the narrator talks as if releasing the juiciest of gossip, which I could do without but like I said, it keeps my attention. I’ve listened to his previous podcasts and could not go on because of it. It’s a little over the top and the tone seems pretty biased. I’m center/leaning left politically and I try to look at events/people from both sides and come up with my own opinion. I try to steer clear from any form of media that feels too biased because it makes me feel like I’m being told how to feel and maybe that’s the goal, but I’m not into it. Just give me the facts. Plus, it would be helpful if some Republicans heard these episodes because being well informed is always good but I know enough Republicans to know the second they sense bias, they’re out. I’ll also warn that if your blood tends to boil already when you hear about some political figures/groups/organizations.... get ready. I have to be in the mood to listen to this podcast because I usually end up well informed and enraged.
HuthbotSo now whatThe election is over and there are still so many stories to tell, characters to spotlight... mummies to unravel. The good the bad and the ugly. From overly powerful city council members all the way up to seemingly canonized world leaders. Don’t stop now just because things spun liberal.
Tsal9191919191BiasedI’m shocked. Their stance on religion is so aggressively egregious. Borderline persecutory.
Mfischer1990Good podcast, but lacks objectivityExtremely informative and really interesting content. Would enjoy this podcast substantially more if they tried harder to be objective. Episodes often tend too hard toward opinion rather than fact, with guests editorializing using the greatest hits of their respective political agendas. This is a good podcast, objectivity would elevate it to a great podcast.
GEP™️Mike PenceNot a fan of Mike Pence as out governor of Indiana but I need to correct some thing for you he was not the governor of Indiana in 2010 when he was making that speech. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
😊😇🥰😜Great information, great podcast.This podcast is great! Some may say it’s biased, but to them I say to listen to the Nikki Haley episode. Very interesting!
progress9887Very one-sidedI think this has a lot of potential and I enjoyed some episodes but the bias is very real. Energy towards the left/Democrats is very different from the energy portrayed towards the right. We can’t progress if the energy and facts aren’t the same for every person in power. I am neither a Republican or Democrat and I would love to enjoy a non-biased and fact generated “Who Is” no matter what side anyone is on.
Personal ResponsibiltyPropagandaWell produced, leftist leaning, non biased. If you like radical left leading socialist dogma, this is your show👌🏽
armchairargonautEco chamberOversimplifying complex questions doesn’t result in interesting conversation and certainly not anything approximating “knowledge”
woodlaceVery biased.Interesting, but too biased.
ardiliciousAnother classic liberal podcastHilariously biased. This joins the over-saturated space of liberal podcasts disguised as informational or entertaining. 👋🏼
itsyaboiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLike it but...Listen, I know NowThis is left-wing. It’s too bad you have such a good concept but it’s less informative and more about fanning a flame. Most of your earlier episodes were listenable. It started pretty objective, but then slipped towards the end of the episode with a sprinkle of personal sass and opinion - which is fine, I could deal with it. I expect it. But recently, the episodes lost objectivity. All I ask is that you’re critical on both sides. I couldn’t listen to more than 15 minutes of Kamala Harris. Not that I dislike her... it’s all praise and no criticism. Let’s be objective and informative. It’s the only way forward.
RealstreviewsSo one sidedComical how liberal the host is. He made Mike Pence sound evil and George Soros simply misrepresented. Too one sided for me. If you’re a flaming liberal listen away!
darkmoonfaceLiberal biasI had high hopes for this podcast, but right wing figures are portrayed as greedy and unprincipled. Every decision is blamed on the big scary Koch brothers. Left wing politicians are portrayed as heroes on a crusade against corruption and inequality, with no mention of scandals or who funds them. God and Christianity are sneered and presented as tools for manipulating the public. That being said there is some good content and analysis, could be a five star podcast if presented in a fair way.
JayLoe15Extremely one sided...I was really hopeful when I found this podcast because I wanted to learn about different influential people. I hoped to hear an even and respectful view on show people. I’m not a very political person, but even I can point out that this is a very bias podcast supporting socialism and liberalism only. So if you want to hear that, and hear many slams on conservative politics, this is for you.
Samurai-ChanOne sided and boring.One sided and boring.
Genafur8George sorosHow do you gloss over the fact that George soros put multiple countries into a depression? Just stick to the facts. This man literally said he does not care about the social consequences of actions!
Mandoog006The word “propaganda...”Comes up a lot these days, but this is such a clear cut case. If you’re looking for anything close to fair and unbiased info, do not listen to this garbage. Or do.🤷♂️ then you’ll see yourself.
samspnc1FACTSFacts & information in this ‘fake news’ era
fkngzombieEye openingOne of the best podcasts.
Clifford82So BiasedI listened to the first two podcasts which were pretty brutal takedowns of McConnell and DeVos. I had hope the third episode on Warren would be as equally cynical. It was not. Rather than question her somewhat unprovable life story claims, these were taken at face value amid Warren’s heroic quest to support the people vs evil corporations. The most laughable part is the comment that it is remarkable she was hired at Harvard without Ivy League credentials and how unusual this is. I know how this happened - her bogus claims of Indian heritage and Harvard’s desire to hire minorities. Not a peep in the podcast about this. If Sacajawea was a Republican, she would have be skewered. This podcast is Fox News for the left.
858miaSo biasedPlease report all the facts & details, not just the ones that support your agenda.
C DITAmazing podcastOutstanding research presented by a well spoken host. Educational and eye opening.
fed up with bankruptsInteresting but...The subjects of the pod are fascinating. My only knock is the overt political slant. The pod does a good job of contextualizing each subject but can’t help but put a halo around liberal subjects and satin’s horns on anyone right of center. It would be truly refreshing to learn about interesting folks without political ideology being injected to influence the listeners opinion of each.
Executive Mom of 4Listened 2Mitch McConnell and AOC - listened to both to determine the slant and it is very badly slanted. I was hoping for facts and if opinion a little balance would have been nice. Won’t be listening to any more nice concept but to politically charged
emoneym19Just be Unbiased!!!Is it too hard to ask for unbiased information? I agree with 8/10 of the points the host makes but I just want the information let me make up my own opinion! Give me facts not Opinions!
Miss Ginger 58Truth and FactsOutstanding!
Blunt_ENDLove ItVery informative and insightful Makes one wonder why we aren’t more properly educated on our own political system
dfvesciWas hopefulI was really hoping to learn about each person and gain a better understanding of who is running the show. I was hoping for this go to be more fact based and neutral. You can tell the hosts are left leaning and who they “like” and who they do not. Some episodes provide little info on the subject and more on a certain agenda. What a shame this was a great opportunity to really inform people on who these politicians are especially with all the encouragement to get out and vote.
Aneena360WHO IS MARK MEADOWS?GreT podcast!! Thanks! Really appreciate your research & depth of information!
Burgerluvr088PelosiI wish they went deeper into her father and the Baltimore political corruption- it would have had more unbiased.
glittergyrlsTotal CRAP, get REALEric and Betsy are bad blah blah. Just curious if anyone involved in this podcast has ever had any dealings Eric Prince? I have. Mr. Prince has never been anything but kind, caring and understanding to me personally. Have any of you ever met a Blackwater employee? I prefer to call these men gentlemen because that is what they are. SHAME on you for trying your best and insinuating that that these men are nothing but killers. These men are wonderful gentlemen with big hearts and courage beyond the constraints of anything you could ever understand. These gentlemen are proud true warriors, who stopped their lives to help defend our country. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.
cricketinnashSo biasedSadly this has a great concept but horrible execution. The George Soros episode made very little sense. He went from confused college grad, to a reluctant banker, to a billionaire, to causing the economic failures of COUNTRIES, to a philanthropist only concerned about doing the good of the people. This is why people have a hard time trusting the press. Very left leaning, very biased, verging on Propaganda.
katemarie86Amazing info!Great info about the leaders of America, with sources to back the info! 🖤👏
Tranquileyes27AddictiveI ended up binge listening to all of the episodes during a long road trip. Love the in-depth analysis.
Painter donThanksLove your podcast. Hurry I need more Please please we need more. I loved this. I’m blue collar I was never political but kept myself up informed. Since 911 I’ve been informed.
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