BuzzFeed Daily


Breaking down all the good, the bad and the “wait, what?” from BuzzFeed, the internet and beyond. BuzzFeed Daily covers the trends, shows, influencers, celebrities, and stories that are doing their best to break the internet. Hosted by Casey Rackham, Shyla Watson & Stephen LaConte, new episodes every weekday evening.

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Recent Reviews
  • gmbbbmmgg
    I miss the show
    Even if I didn’t agree with every position the hosts talked about, I still enjoyed listening to it everyday. I believe there are a lot of negative reviews because people didn’t like the change from the previous format that I’m not familiar with.
  • Heidi Jean
    Not even close to good.
    Just no. No no no no no no no. Hard pass for me 👎 Even the ads are extra annoying. Also why do they need to bring up vaccines and politics? Isn’t this supposed to be pop culture? I come here for an escape. I could care less which side you’re on. I don’t want to listen to rhetoric from either side thank you very much.
  • GliterGirlPixie
    No more news?
    This used to be a great news and headlines podcast. They've now shortened it to include a few headlines at the beginning of the show, and fill 90% of the episode talking to a guest about an arbitrary topic. I miss the podcast when it was just news.
  • Gabor the Blind Guy
    This used to be a good podcast, then along came Casey…
    I used to love this podcast when it was called Impeachment Today and then News O’clock hosted by Hayes Brown. But once Hayes left and Casey Rackham took over it seems like the show has gone downhill. It seems like Casey has a certain agenda she wants to promote, and it’s either you agree with her or you are automatically labeled the enemy. There’s way too much fluff on this show now, only interesting if you live a certain lifestyle, and the news articles are very one-sided. I do like the DM-911 Advice episodes with Stephen. I wouldn’t mind if he spun off that segment into a separate podcast where he would do his own weekly advice show or something like that.
  • rcg_sd
    get the facts straight!
    I usually like to read buzzfeed online but this show either needs new hosts or has to go. Hosts Rackham and LaConte simply pander to the audience for so-called “injustices.” Take the Sha’Carri Richardson segment on 7/2 as an example. While I do feel feel bad for her for testing positive for THC and receiving a 30-day suspension, it’s not ok to say that white male athletes received a slap on the wrist for “similar” offenses. Lochte was suspended for 10 months (it should have been longer) for falsifying a police report and Phelps received a 3-month suspension for photographs showing him smoking pot. Neither of these individuals tested positive. LaConte is an idiot. These kinds of inaccurate portrayals happen weekly.
  • ak_92
    Get different co host!
    Show was very good during the pandemic the change and host has made this show very very white now very sad because it was a really good show. 👎🏾
  • mbsr31
    Love it!
    Has helped me get through the pandemic. Really fun but also surprisingly insightful news. I love that it becomes available around five and sums up the day. I love the two host’s chemistry. Thanks again for a bright spot in a hard time! Update ever since that host went away it has gone downhill. It was always fluffy but they would always hot the hard news first then go to pop culture, now it’s just straight fluff. Also are there two cohost or three? I just find it a bit frenetic and annoying. Because I’ll keep listening because I like the advice guy.
  • corinne or cadine
    A little insensitive
    I one-hundred percent agree with what was said about the Lil Naz X music video, but I do think that they were a bit insensitive about religion. They were basically saying that people’s religious beliefs were invalid instead of just talking about certain flaws.
  • AAT78
    Complete Garbage
    Uneducated and banal commentary. Total drivel that is meant to entertain the very basic masses. Not intended for an intelligent audience.
  • Brittanymcbriterson
    Light Hearted Pop Culture Update
    It is super fun and light hearted. It’s the perfect listen on my commute home from work each day. I don’t think things are 100% fact checked but it’s purpose isn’t to be academic.
  • Dihce
    Less news, more gossip
    I started listening to this feed thanks to Impeachment today, then for News O’clock, but now it’s switched to just talking about internet and entertainment. It’s unfortunate, but true to Buzzfeed branding, so it is understood.
  • ErikaAbbott
    No longer my thing
    I first listened to this feed to hear about impeachment from Hayes. I was excited when it came back as News O’clock, as it still kept me updated on political and other news. Now it feels like a bait and switch as buzzfeed daily. It’s just pop culture and gossip from Tik Tok. I didn’t sign up for this - honestly a change in theme should have been launched on a new feed, and not here.
  • Greatappgetit
    Eat the rich episode
    Not very impressed by their stock analyst that apparently doesn’t know anything about stocks, how the market works, or a short squeeze. Really need more research for their episodes to make it thought provoking.
  • Comixboy
    News Hound
    I had to change my review. I used to love this podcast. It was smart and funny. It recently changed. An obvious change. It almost feels... bougie now. The hosts are getting too personal, the stories are suddenly watered down, and sadly, it’s losing my interest.
  • UCLABruinette
    Miss NewsOClock
    Loved listening to this podcast to catch me up on the news of the day in a fun way and with some extra popculture bits. Now it’s just popculture, it’s not the same.
  • spoilcrayola
    I will echo all the recent reviews and say how much I miss the harder news subjects. Like with the siege on the capitol, I was expecting them to return to their news segments. Typical liberal white people who decide to turn the news off when they’ve heard enough or when things get “tough”. Sorry y’all but I’m unsubscribing.
  • Ephiny Vega
    Not News
    I started with this when it was impeachment today, then it was migrated into News o’clock. I have since moved over to What A Day for my actual new stories because this is pure fluff. It’s interesting and a way to keep up with pop culture but it is not the news it used to be. Losing Hayes changed the rudder of the podcast. Some days it’s so nonsensical I listen to the first five minutes and then turn it off.
  • abramjacob
    “News” that feels fun?
    If you like your news as if it is being delivered by a 13 year old trying to make a viral TikTok video, then this podcast is for you. Otherwise, I would suggest one of the many other good news podcasts instead of this one.
  • Xjejwnenenar
    Listening in China
    Thanks for the updates on the dumpster fire of the US right now!
  • alixhami
    Such a fun daily podcast!
    I love this podcast! It’s such a fun round up of each day and I love the hosts’ banter with each other. It really appreciate that such a big company like Buzzfeed has a daily podcast with two LGBT hosts!
  • TheMadTaper
    Bring back news!
    This podcast started as a daily impeachment pod, then I loved when they changed it to half news and half pop culture, but now that’s it’s just pop culture, they’ve lost a big audience who wanted to hear a LGBTQ+ take on the news. Looking for a new news podcast.
  • tylersmif
    Disappointing change
    I loved the balance of news and pop culture News O’Clock provided. It seems with the new year and new branding the podcast is weighted heavily to just pop culture. It’s not my cup of tea but I this doesn’t not mean the podcast is not well done. Kudos to you guys but I will forever miss the, in my opinion better titled, News O’Clock.
  • Greg M 📷
    New format for 2021 - not for me
    I had enjoyed this podcast a fair bit in the past. It was a quick summary of news for the day mixed with some lighthearted looks at things happening in pop culture. At the start of 2021, the show has been changed (for the second time since I subscribed) ditching the news segment. Being that the culture side of the show was never the reason I listened to the podcast, I’m disappointed. The hosts are fun and this new format might be great for some. It’s just not for me. I’ll be unsubscribing. Be aware that reviews from before 2021 are for the older show.
  • Adri JB
    What a terribly, embarrassing shift
    This show started strong when Hayes led this show on the impeachment. He was thoughtful, funny, challenging of those in power, and interesting. It started to shift to random celebrity gossip, while still enjoyable, not distracting from the original point of the podcast. Bringing the actual news to fans of buzzfeed. Unfortunately, the show is now well less than 50/50 news/gossip, mostly relationship advice (why?!), and moving to 100% vapidity in the new year. You’ve definitely lost a listener. Way to prove that buzzfeed is exactly what the right says it is. Too immature and disinterested in the news for its own good. What a joke.
  • queer.
    Loved it from the start ❤️❤️❤️
  • mr. mr. 10. 10. fingeros
    You will like it
    This show is a good balance of news and pop culture. They have good takes. And I like how much they enjoy diapering information. If they are faking, liking each other, they are real good at it. I miss Haze. But so far so good. Good for an after work re-up on the way home so you at least know what happens last night.
  • Wickedcellist
    Rapid fire news from lighthearted hosts
    A fun upbeat option for quick daily news. Without Hayes it kind of falls into hit or miss for me.
  • Celereid
    Fun and Informative
    I love this show. Hayes and Casey are so smart and funny. A great way to get news and analysis. Where’s Hayes??? I miss him!
  • bluemeanieface
    A hard no for me
    Amateur hour. Breathe through your mouth not your nose for starters.
  • notpip
    Went from informative to annoying
    I started listening to this podcast when it was about the impeachment, and when they rebranded and added a cohost it went from fun and informative to derailed and semi informative. Please regain some focus! Get rid of the pop culture nonsense, or at least reduce it. That said, this podcast is greatly enhanced by listening to it at 1/2 speed
  • T_to_the_e
    I really love this podcast. I want both hosts to be my friends! Great work.
  • Pd219
    Listened to one and only podcast with Governor Whitmer. Nice scripted soft questions for her. You call yourself a news podcast? Should’ve Asked her how she feels about being charged with multiple counts of homicide for putting infected patients in nursing homes.
  • e85gal
    Good podcast
    I like this daily podcast Tough times right now. Helps to have a podcast like this to listen to.
  • cantseeme2
    Used to be great... now, not so much
    When this show was Impeachment Today, I was hooked. I listened every day. It was insightful, it was fun, and it was probably the best impechment news podcast available. Now... Hayes, I love you dude. You're great, and you could and should do the show without Casey. There is almost no chemistry. You're great as a political reporter. I used to listen to the show for a no holes barred take on the day's important political news. But now I have to get through what feels like hours of Casey getting way too excited or way too outraged about some pop-culture BS before there's anything good. I don't care about Ellen. I don't care about Beyonce. I couldn't give a crap about Cardi B. I don't care about the Eurovision Song contest, or about The Bachelor, or about The Masked Singer, or whatever other crap you want to talk about, Casey! Stop! Please! I beg of you!
  • OldHaeg
    Youthful and pleasant but boo buzzfeed
    Randomly started listening to this podcast and I LOVE the hosts. Nice listening to fun, diverse hosts - not so common in the podcast or news world. However I couldn’t believe the way they covered the Ellen show scandal, talking about the toxic work culture when that’s what buzzfeed is known for, treating employees like garbage. Also listened to them talk about how cool it is for Taylor Swift to finally own her own music, which was incredible to me because buzzfeed is known for stealing people’s work and not giving creators rights to their own stuff. It all lacks a certain self-awareness. 😬
  • T01477
    Would be nice to listen to some light news without having to fish through all the propaganda 🙄 we have enough news talking about politics & Covid. Listened to 10 min of propaganda hoping to hear about the “Ellen employees speak out” to basically hear “some had good experiences some did not” really growing to hate everything buzzfeed
  • emjensen920
    Quick and funny update
    This show is a great way to keep updated on the dizzying news cycle. It is the perfect length, with a great balance of succinct reporting and funny/important commentary. It is also a great way to end my day and transition into the evening while working from home. Keep up the good work!
  • thefaeriesrevenge
    Makes me laugh
    They do a good job finding ways to keep some humor in the news while still informing. Helpful when all other news I listen to makes me sink into a deep depression.
  • jay.johns
    A whole lot of twists and spin...
  • Jorg_A
    Great show
    Entertaining look at the news.
  • emilymarh
    Love this show!
    Casey and Hayes do such a great job summarizing important news stories while tossing in pop culture tid bits that you might have missed! They have great rapport and manage to keep things light even when the news is....dire. I love when they invite guests on to elaborate more on specific news stories or events, offering new perspectives or insights on the topic. And they keep it short and sweet at 20-25 minutes per episode which makes it easy to keep up!
  • Azzymj
    Really Nice
    I loved the impeachment coverage and the shift to new has been really good. The format keeps things easior to take all the news of the day. The hosts are relatable and fun!!
  • leemkuil
    Informative and fun!
    This is a great, refreshingly lighthearted news podcast. The hosts are funny and cover an interesting mix of topics. If you start your day with The Daily, you’ll like ending it with News O’Clock too. I listen every day after work.
  • JeremeyH
    Great podcast!
    I love everything about this podcast!
  • Opinion Haver
    A holistic good
    The pandemic is all-encompassing, and it is especially hard to balance covering that responsibly while also making space for all the rest of the news that is interesting and important. News O'Clock strikes that balance, with humor and thoughtfulness, and we've incorporated it into our nightly routine.
  • NikkiGrn
    Loved Impeachment today-This is different
    Impeachment today was a wonderfully digestible way to get political information without having to get too dark and too deep into the news. I miss that format. This is fine and entertaining, but I wish it was more about politics and less about pop culture (which I love! It’s just not why I listen to this podcast). There’s also a lot of nervous laughter from the new host... which I think she will lose once she settles into the role. I just miss the clear and concise direction of impeachment today.
  • Alymaybe
    Helpful, Informative, and Funny
    I love that Impeachment Today has leveled up into News O’Clock! Hayes and Casey are fun and entertaining to listen to, which makes listening to national news fun again. This podcast fills the post-work news niche while most of the other news I consume comes in the morning. News O’Clock covers a wide variety of topics, so it almost feels like an evening edition of a national newspaper in audio form. I feel more informed about daily happenings and pop culture and while we get a taste of covid news, it’s not overwhelming. I always learn something new, especially from their top-notch guests. So glad to have News O’Clock as part of my daily routine!
  • headphonesoverpeeps
    Love it
    This podcast is one of the best ways to get information about COVID19, what’s going on round the nation without all of the confusion and induced fear. This crazy time is tackled with valid information and humor. Short enough to keep me in the know without the mental and emotional stress that comes with hours and hours traditional news sources.
  • wonderfuller1
    This podcast is one of my favorite to listen to especially in the morning! The hosts are insightful and funny. Would definitely recommend!
  • Carne11
    Not a fan of the new partner.
    Sorry I’m just not. Loved when it was impeachment today. Had a hard time listening to the first episode of this new version. It felt forced. But still good info.
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