ESPN Daily

Sports #104

Wake up to the best sports story you'll hear all day. Monday through Friday, we bring you an inside look at the most interesting stories in sports, as told by ESPN's top reporters and insiders. The breaking news of SportsCenter. The deep dive storytelling of 30 for 30. Get the very best of ESPN. Daily. Hosted by Clinton Yates.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jrjpurdue
    Where is it?
    My feed stopped on Feb 13 with no notice!!! Where are you?
  • rogerw53
    ??? What’s happening???
    Is this podcast still active? I haven’t seen any new episodes since February 12, 2025.
  • LeBron James 57
    I’m confused
    Did they stop making podcasts?
  • I don’t jfkdncunene
    This podcast is my new favorite It’s been hard to find a pod cast that I like and this one is a game changer I love it so much
  • Love football 243
    Great podcast
    How’s my like? Gives me information a lot about football pretty fun to listen to just a great show. Sometimes it is a bad parts but it’s up.
  • StopTheYelling
    Mostly good
    ..:by Ben Solak is terrible
  • Derek Sakamoto
    Please change hosts
    Michelle Steel is much better than Clinton Yates. Please make her the permanent host
  • winapieforit
    i want solak to break down all the games
    give Ben Solak his own pod pleassssseeee
  • Espn daily
    I listen in the am! Love the topics.
  • Diddy cream in me
    This podcast is dog trash. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮me when I listen to the podcast
  • Gr8Call
    Not even a recognition…
    …of the greatness of Pete Rose, but an entire episode of a mediocre NBA player. Disappointing.
  • T-marco
    Good but…Ben we have a problem.
    Ben Solak is annoying! He speaks too fast and mumbles. He sounds like a hyperactive child or an over caffeinated adult. Take your pick. Also many of the points Ben makes are confusing and/or overly technical. I tried listening again today 9/30/24 but had to tap out after five minutes. I have been listening for several years to this podcast but will now look elsewhere for Monday morning NFL reactions.
  • Clay534
    Dikembe Mutombo episode please
    His life, basketball journey and humanitarian work deserve an episode. RIP
  • Fufuykkgdykgdfhfcgddykdhgd
    Love the show!!!
    This show is amazing but why is everyone split on Ben Solak? don’t get why there is so many Ben Solak haters out there?
  • five players on one team
    Great show
    Good show but there are some things I I have to say for one in May from maybe the fifth to the 10th. I want to say they had amazing episodes this season 2023 episode interesting stories like how this person died in a quest to save people, but I don’t I think it that’s because it was just entire week, interesting stuff but I would love to hear more of these stories. I come in the show to learn and not I much to listen but I love listening. I’m gonna listen. I’m not gonna listen to some trash stuff that has actually no stories. It’s just stats or things I mean, I think the quest for peace one that was recently posted was really good. Simone was one really good, other than that, I don’t really know where I can find good stories.
  • dannyboy272
    Too deep
    I would love 10-15 mins of top level highlights. 30 mins on one topic is too much. A daily podcast should be like sports center. But in podcast. Or like up first from npr but sports news.
  • NickMoc7
    Tuned in for Solak but have light music playing in the background the whole time… Yates is boring and a hard listen too. Format of the pod is also terrible. Need solak to have his own feed.
  • Dale Bare
    Came to hear Solak, stopped because of the weird music while he was talking. Bizarre and awful. Who would have thought that a good analyst could go to ESPN and risk losing his relevancy?
  • adcb5gh
    New Listener
    Listened for Solak. I have no idea why this half our pod is so grossly over-produced. Dropping interview clips mid sentence, playing elevator music underneath people talking for no reason. What is this supposed to be? Let me hear the podcasters talk, that’s why I’m here. Is this just the audio from what is supposed to be primarily a video pod? Listened to another episode. Same problems. Please ESPN, do less.
  • LDAWG9773
    W Show
    Should make more episodes covering F1, but overall great show
  • UnderwhelmedKC
    Ben Solak
    Came to listen to Solak talk QBs, the dialogue kept cutting away to media excerpts which made the whole podcast unlistenable. Turned off after 5 minutes. Do less ESPN, you morons.
  • Tmb4463
    Stop the background music yuck.
    Pretty good show without the annoying background music. A podcast producer is NOT A DJ. Please no music while people are speaking.
  • JNF98
    Love Ben Solak but the pod needs help
    Ben is amazing. Not sure why the music, mixing and added snippets sounds horrible. Gave the pod a try because of Ben but the ringer does a much better job with sound quality and mixing
  • Loosey23
    Great pod
    This is a great podcast for all kinds of sports fans.
  • google maps is the worst
    Not as good
    Another day, another episode about basketball. This pod tends to follow the ESPN ratings formula, which seems to be that they talk a lot about the NFL anytime there are games or news that are football related but at certain points in the year they take a hard turn towards basketball and for the spring and the dog days of Summer, the show is almost entirely basketball. Which might be great if you like basketball. This pod is still in my feed and I still listen sometimes but not as much as in past. I skip a lot of the episodes because it’s always the same old thing.
  • Bravo!21
    Keep up the great work Clinton! I appreciate your thoughtful and insightful approach to the silliness of professional sports.
  • iOShate
    It's bad now Kiddos
    Hey Kiddos, this show used to be good but now it's bad kiddos. The conversations have always been scripted but now they sound unnatural and mechanical kiddos. That said, I really like the folksy nature of Clinton calling us kiddos. All of the reviews seem to really like it too. Keep it up kiddos!!!
  • Anemones kid
    Give me some NBA
    There’s been so much happening over the NBA off-season. You haven’t talked about the NBA off-season once you really need to focus more on the NBA. I understand that you were trying to include all sports so if you are include basketball, basketball is very interesting. This off-season. The draft is not as talented, but it was very even and we’re not even talking about summer league. Summer league has been a big surprise for this. I really feel like you should have more NBA basketball do, the WNBA episodes but I would still like some NBA episodes as well and although all the NBA has been slow down, I feel like the host and the people working on the show really good so please just give me NBA and I’ll be so much more interested.
  • BriShow
    Clinton Yates pound for pound the most mediocre person in podcasting.
    Clinton Yates is the worst host of the show in its history. The worst thing about him is his ad reads they are cringe he makes me want to do the opposite of buy whatever product he shilling for. Also, his takes are straight up smooth brained idiocy. Just listen to the MMA episode about Connor McGregor, I don’t think an original thought was spoken out of his stupid mouth. People complain about AI taking jobs of journalists, I ask what the differences between an empty headed journalist like Clinton Yates who just spout the most mediocre of cliché. The man is a human large language model. Unfollowing the show the I’ve listened to for three years now. ESPN you are a garbage factory! Disney is going to shut you down like an under performing video game studio.
  • Lupica & Ryan go away please
    Think of something original. You have worn out “Kiddos”….
  • 81Redrum18
    Can we PLEASE stop ignoring the best thing in sports right now, PLAYOFF HOCKEY!!!
  • aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
    Change the name of the show, why don’t yah
    Hey Guys! I was thinking, why don’t you change the name of the show to ESPN BASKETBALL Daily report huh?, man I mean 5 out of the last 7 episodes about NBA, WNBA, college basketball…there are so many other sports you know
  • AMAEB262
    Making every story a race issue.
    Bring Pablo back, awful podcast now. You’re making race issues with every story now!
  • KateSG8
    I usually love this podcast but it seems like the NBA playoffs have been almost completely ignored. It seems odd that almost every episode is about a league that’s not even in season at the moment
  • Zorasti
    Please replace Clinton Yates
    This used to be my go to podcast for daily stories, interests, and developments on sports. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The purpose as host of ESPN daily is to guide the listener through each days story, asking poignant questions to the guests, each an authority in their own field, and let their expertise and insight shine throughout the narrative. Instead Clinton Yates makes every interview about himself, his personal experiences, dislikes, and opinions. Please bring back Pablo Torre, Jeremy Schaap, or anyone who can conduct an even rudimentary interview. -Taylor Cole
  • Raiden__n
    # we want Pablo
    This a good podcast the first few episodes you listen to are good but then it can feel a bit repetitive and also don’t call us kiddos we want Pablo.
  • Rick 645446669
    I’m listening to your podcast about Rudy Gobert and you’re still using the turn Twitter??? maybe I can find you on my space kiddo???🤪😂
  • KevDawg - Seattle
    Why does Clinton Yates call us kiddos? Who is this guy? I need answers. We need an ESPN Daily investigation.
  • Silbo25
    New host
    Can you please stop having Clinton Yates as the host? He’s annoying on Around the Horn and is even more annoying on the podcast. Please find a better permanent new host.
  • 36786 GMACC
    This is my apple a day!
    Great show and format! You all always deliver and congrats Clinton on being the host! Keep doing what you do!
  • SJ in New England
    Great pod
    Love this pod — and love being called kiddo. Keeps me young! Thanks Clayton
  • ArethaBoom
    The Ever Decreasing Quality
    You go from pros like Pablo Torre and Mina Kimes to annoying voices like Clinton Yates and Justin Tinsley (who asks the most obvious and dumb questions, which kinda boosts my enjoyment oddly). This show is so cringey now, we’re are not your “kiddos.”
  • Pujols*5*
    Vote for Pablo
    This was my favorite podcast when Pablo Torre was the one and only host. He always had great evaluations of current events in sports, and he made practical connections between the challenges athletes face in sports and the challenges that we the listeners face in day-to-day life. His stories often left me with a sense of gratitude for sports. Since he left, this show has become more of a political commentary. Where Pablo made a connection between sports and the listener, Yates makes connections between sports and national politics. With few exceptions, Yates can’t help himself but to mention skin color, sexual orientation, or political affiliations. While these are important topics that aught to be mentioned in all levels of media, it plays too large of a role in this podcast. Yates does more political grandstanding than sports commentary. TLDR: This podcast has changed from sports commentary with a side of politics, to a political commentary with a side of sports. Also, please stop saying “kiddos.” It makes my ears bleed.
  • Zzreviewer
    Izzy has been great! Clinton is doing alright but he needs to stop with the “kiddos”. It’s one of the worst taglines that exists in all of podcasting right now.
  • RanciscoVilla
    Learn a lot on here
    Skip when Yates is on, can’t stand the kiddos
  • ziAKilla
    Love the kiddos catch phrase! I for one believe that everyone should have a catch phrase! What’s Izzy’s?
  • Eric57754
    Stop saying kiddos
    Someone make him stop
  • Frustrated photographer
    Enough with the “kiddos”
    It’s not funny. It is stupid. And disrespectful. If you want kiddos for listeners go to Nickelodeon.
  • Harrison,
    Shut up
    If he says “kiddos” again I swear
  • Matt33221
    Enough with the “kiddos”, Clinton Yates. Awful host.
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