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MidnightIvyPodA FavoriteThis pod is one of the few doing really different content. They hit many of the classics, but also topics I’ve never heard before, which makes this worth my time. I’m not a huge fan of pod banter, but it’s easily skipped if I’m not in the mood. These are also relatively short, which I appreciate. Thanks for bringing us unique stories, R&J!
cclbtcOne of my fav podcastsThe best stories! Just fast forwards through the gabbing in the middle. This podcast has the most interesting stories and told so well!
Strictly witchlyNot that great.The ads are haphazardly, placed sort of near where the hosts say they will be. Think like in the middle of a word or phrase. They ask for honest reviews and then are nasty if people leave bad one. If you want a good review just do better. The content is interesting the hosts are entertaining but it’s like they stopped caring about the end product.
joanncvI've tried a number of times but I can't get passed the confusing middle of the showI find the beginning so interesting when Rebecca talks about the background and history of the place, and then the podcast comes back from commercial and they keep talking about mayors. Maybe long time listeners get it and love it, but as a new listener I'm confused and bored and taken out of the story.
JeemToTheExtreemBetter than you might expect!Despite the fact that some episodes are barely longer in length than a pop song, despite Rebecca’s microphone sometimes having an annoying hissing sound, and despite the fact that I’ve heard that one ad by the home repair middlemen enough to have it memorized, I simply can’t stop listening to this podcast. I usually find it interesting (sometimes very interesting), I love the hosts’ sense of humor, and they consistently put out two episodes every single week. I hope this podcast continues for the foreseeable future.
Mentalground0Disturbingly fun!I found this podcast last year and have been listening to the entire back catalog. I love the mix of ghost stories and true crime. Rebecca and Jason have great chemistry and friendship that shines through in their banter. The mid-show mayoral roll call is a delightful chaotic affair. I enjoy this podcast so much I recently joined their patreon so I can listen ad-free, and so should you!
Gamer002747382Still loving your contentSuch a wide variety of topics is refreshing. You two are so dang funny too. Keep up the good work. ❤️
JordanOvilerPlease don't stop making episodes!This podcast is extremely well-researched and written. These aren’t your average war stories - there’s depth and dimension to them. Really moving
Cam223It could be better.Been a fan for years. But I think it’s time to make my exit. But the mid show talking has got to go. Idk why they still have it. But the timing is REALLY bad. The ad’s take up too much of the show’s run time as well.
Esquire13Superb BalanceRebecca and Jason have the right balance of funny and interesting information providing for each episode. I love Rebecca’s use of intermittent swear words coupled with Jason’s non-use of them. It makes for a unique show every episode and it’s fun to hear the progression of the podcast since their debut. You guys make me laugh and wonder in the same setting. Kudos, kudos, kudos!
Darren SchleyBest podcast ever!!I am so grateful for finding this amazing podcast!
BlackLight1880HilariousProbably my favorite podcast! Keep being yourselves.
@Tonally_StrangeAppreciate you and your podcastThank you for finding these fantastic tales. I look forward to these each week and really enjoy your “checking in” breaks as well. It’s a nice balance of comedy and drama!
SarahevenstarToo much talkingOut of a 26 minute podcast there’s less than 15 minutes of actual story and the rest is commercials and rambling between the hosts in the middle. It has potential but I want more content.
jermgalNew segmentJason has been reading the iTunes reviews. A level of drama that hasn’t been seen (heard) since MTVs singled out. Will Jason read a review? Guess we’ll need to listen weekly to find out? Will Jason and Rebecca become anti vaccine ppl or be featured nude in playboy and follow the Jenny McCarthy career path? Maybe they will both marry wahlburgs. Maybe I am a walhburg. Sup Rebecca? 😉 (wink emoji)
More Than A Local Boy5 stars all around!I personally enjoy the tone and vibe that I get with each episode. You guys present all the facts with such clarity and keep everything crisp and clean; no caffeine. Thanks for all that you do and keep them coming!
OhsnapitsBritneyReview and a requestHello. I love your podcast. The topics you cover are always compelling and a lot of the time it is new information that I have not previously heard about or read about. I especially liked when you covered the Kate Yup Conspiracy. I made my family listen to that one on a road trip from Georgia to Mississippi. Speaking of conspiracy I would love it if you made an episode about Britney Spears and if she has been an AI deep fake since sometime last year. Tik Tok has me convinced this is happening. Keep up the great work and thank you!
Goldie StardustI used to like it.Too many loud commercials just plopped in haphazardly. Distracting and ruins the podcast. I know commercials are necessary. Please don’t let them ruin this otherwise good podcast. Unfollowing for now. Will check back in a while and see if anything has changed.
momma hippieGhost are my favorite!!Love the podcast!! Love the hosts , loads of fun!! Plus you learn so much!! Keep it up, please!! Thank you!!
narkotik1958Ms. MalapropShe actually said "for all extensive purposes", plus reign that drunk guy in a little.
Cass baileyGlad it was recommendedThe stories are very interesting and I like the variation with the short mini episodes. It’s like listening to your friends tell stories with some nice banter in between! Perfect for people working from home, who like the human-interaction!
KeMe010984An instant obsessionIt took me awhile to get into podcasts (grouchy elder millennial maybe? Who knows!). Ghost Town pod is only the 3rd podcast I’ve ever listened to and I AM OBSESSED. I was hooked by the name as a connoisseur of all things spooky but the variety of topics they cover is even more interesting than I could have imagined. I’m currently on episode 106 (I’m listening via Sirius XM as a benefit of my subscription) and my husband makes fun of me saying I should just listen to the new episodes but I feel like it’s skipping chapters in a book, I can’t do it! I love hearing the evolution of the podcast from the beginning to now. I can’t wait to catch up! I love the banter between Rebecca and Jason. I also have no idea how old Jason is because of his jokes about his age, he could be anywhere from 45 to 115. I have recently become a Ghost Town Alderman via Patreon. I had to google what the word meant 😂 Please keep doing what you’re doing, don’t change a thing! Rebecca’s tendency to swear like a sailor and say “I’m from the midwest” cracks me up every time. Jason’s creative way of dropping Ghost Town pod on Patreon impresses me everytime. Please come to NJ and investigate/cover White Hill Mansion in Fieldsboro! Rich history and supposedly very haunted. We also have some strange and creepy unsolved mysteries like the Disappearance of William Ebeneezer Jones lll in 1962, and the Sigrid Stevenson story in 1977 and the Camden Sniper/Phantom Sniper in 1927/1928.
Isabella AndersonSpreading the good word!Hi. Hello. How are you? Ghost town is a solid 5 stars. All good things. History? Check. Pop Culture phenomena? On it! Unexplainable circumstances? They have it covered. All that and more in a bite sized podcast. And don’t you dare downplay the importance of the chit-chat check-in! There is no one I’d rather have discussing my untimely death or mysterious occurrence. Maybe I’ll put that in my Will…
SmellthebreezeTopicsI read a lot but yet am constantly learning about things I’ve never heard of before. Good curation.
Funkyfresh18*Not goodTried to like it. Felt like it was always super off topic and hard to follow. I lost interest super fast.
KellieM28Ghost Town is definitely worth a listen!I absolutely love this podcast. I love that they cover more obscure stories and lore that is hard to find anywhere else. I also have come to love the bantering and the general dynamic that Jason and Rebecca have. All of the stories are well researched and I have learned a lot while listening. Thank you Jason and Rebecca for all the work you put into this podcast, just know that this listener greatly appreciates it.
Mo CollinsRipped from WikipediaI just listened to the Swiss Guard murders episode. I was interested in learning more so I took a look at the Wikipedia page on the subject and it sounded suspiciously familiar. Portions of script of the podcast are the same as the text in the Wikipedia entry on the murders - word for word. I checked to see when the Wikipedia entry was edited and it was in 2021, before the episode aired. Are they just reading Wikipedia?
SuzluvJust sshhhWAY too much stupid chit chat at the beginning of each episode. Not entertaining
KingmanBGSpooky-ish and worth a follow.Found this well done podcast to help me through the lonely graveyard shifts. They discuss a lot of subjects done on other spooky podcasts but they also do other smaller cases. I’m enjoying so far. “They also found a 9mm shotgun in her car” -The Billings Murders (21.35)
ele1974257833Wanted to like thisThis podcast has potential to be great, but the stories usually end up being five minutes of the entire episode. The rest is filled up by the hosts, talking to each other about other topics, asking for Patreons and ad breaks. More on topic and less filler would be great.
The life of tacosElliot SmithListening to the third installment of the Elliot Smith saga was infuriating. The woman who wrote a book about his death who speaks on this episode briefly about how she believes his girlfriend killed him seriously sounds like she is a high school kid gossiping with her friends. And the quote from the next door neighbor, are you for real? Does that really sound like something you should take seriously? That person sounds crazy, nosey, and incredibly entitled to think that they should have any say over what Jennifer chooses to take out of her OWN HOME the day after she loses her partner. Both of these people are stupid, and I would love to slap each of them.
Baby big BGreat jobLove this podcast worth listening to!!
JayIsABearFinally, something worth listening to!While working nights, after having exhausted all possible streaming services, I was on the hunt for a spooky podcast. What I found was a lot of truly god awful, monotone, poorly written drab that seemed to focus more on the hosts’ conversations than the topics of the podcasts. Ghost Town was not one of them! Rebecca and Jason present a truly perfect blend of spooky/true crime material that is both interesting and obviously well researched. Their banter seems genuine and, unlike most podcasts, does not make me want to hit my head on sharp things. Thanks for putting out such great, binge-worthy material. You guys are the best. < 3
bakemeakakeTopics great! Ads/talking should be lessI enjoy the topics very much! I prefer the 20-30 minute length rather than 7-12 minutes. The ads in the middle of the show, along with the hosts talking too much and too long are unfortunate. It’s an easy fix of reviews are read and they want to improve. I understand the need for some ads, but there really isn’t a big need for the several minutes of the hosts talking to each other. I skip through all of that.
jhadams3Ads and off topicI love the stories and such, but half of each episode (at least) seems to be ads and random off topic conversations.
C L LinkerLess chatting & more storyLove the topics....hate the host grates on my nerves.
shskdkkdLike the topicsTopics are good but I just listened to the most recent episode and half of it was the host complaining about bad reviews. Nobody cares. If you stuck to topics it would be better.
vctworkshopBerate the listener time?Like most people I felt this podcast was too heavy on the ad to topic ratio, but it was usually worth my time so it stayed in the rotation, and did not feel it warranted a positive or negative review. But the latest episode a considerable amount of time ( 1/3 of the shows run time?) was taken up with the two host complaining about reviews. And how they shouldn’t have to work for free. You don’t want those reviews make a better product. You have that fleck of gold that could make for a great podcast that could grow to make it your full time job, (they stated many times it’s not their full time job this episode) take the time you spend complaining and use it to make a better show. But at this point you have lost at least one listener after this episode.
sooooooooo cccoooooolllllll👍I really like your podcast and I listen to it every day so keep up!!!!!!!!
Rescuek9Not for meI recently started listening to this podcast. I started with listening to the first episodes and there wasn’t much about the actual topic and the shows are very short. I decided to skip to some more recent shows to give it a fair chance and it went from unscripted and a lot of off topic stuff to total scripted with too much ad/patreon ad for the length of time for the actual podcast. I should specify the begging for patreon customers is too long and annoying. I did give both beginning of show and more current episodes a go but the show is just not worth my time with all of the amount of off topic content. I listen while I work and the story is interesting but takes to much of my attention to pay attention enough through the ads to turn my ears back on when the story is back on. I will try again in the future but at this time, it isn’t for me. I wish your podcast all the best.
Styled CanineOMG THE ADDS!I listen to a ton of true crime podcasts. GUYS. THE ADD. I have to say that, because the same stupid Casino add plays 2 times every single 3 minute episode. So binging Ghost Town? My Mom was working with me and in a couple hour period actually said, “I can’t handle it!! TURN IT OFF!” She works on a different floor and only comes down a couple times an hour. It’s too much. You need to do something different.
Josh T PHalf of the show is just ads.Not much more to say than the title. The show is interesting, but judging from the episodes I have listened to, literally half the time is spent on ads. This leads to a frustrating listening experience.
majesticgiraffeJam packed with adsThe topics are good and the hosts are pleasant to listen to. However, there are so many ads packed into an episode that it becomes hard to follow or listen all the way through. I usually save it for when I have nothing left to listen to for these reasons. I would listen more if there weren’t so many ad interruptions.
sarahjanelooneyy’alli’m listening for the adverts now. the two of you make me feel like i’m right there. your reviews of the reviews are solid. whoever is doing sound modulates perfectly. keep it up. just beautiful.
knicolehallTHE BESTI love this podcast!!! I love the banter and cussing and everything about you!
themonsonsGreatAwesome show to binge for hours in my wood shop. We’ve built some beautiful furniture and a swim spa deck together :) Both hosts have great radio voices
samlau0916Interesting short storiesI love this podcast, the episodes are for the most part short and definitely bingeable at work. It’s a welcome break from the ones that offer a lot of commentary and personal opinions during the stories and I love texting my family and friends with random “did you know about…” facts I learn every day!
Big_Hoss13Love the showSo I stumbled upon this show and was hooked with the first show I listened to im currently back tracking and bingeing every episode. Keep up the good work and just know y’all have made a devout listener of me DONT!!! Change a thing With much love From the Smokey mountains of Tennessee
nptdeleonLove the banterRebecca’s voice is so hot! 5 stars, love the show!
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