Something for Nothing: A RUSH Fancast


Two lifelong friends discuss the albums of their favorite band, RUSH. A part of Pantheon Podcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sean from the Cape
    Thanks for this
    I’ve been a Rush fan since 1976. I’m so grateful this podcast exists. But I need more content. I just keep re-listening to them! Just love listening to people talk about my favorite band. Hopeful for new shows soon! Don’t stop.
  • Jason from Oregon
    I have listened since around episode 5 or so and your podcast was a godsend in a difficult time. I had to wait a few weeks to listen to the final episode because it got me pretty emotional knowing it was the end. But you guys deserve to go out on a high note knowing it was a job very well done. Cheers and a thousand heartfelt thanks from Eugene Oregon. Jason
  • Crackers DO Matter
    Thanks !
    I only found your Podcast a few months ago and have been working my way though all the prior episodes. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying them !!! While I'm sad to here it is ending (I totally understand why), it will be nice to be able to start all over at the start again once I'm done All the best ... thanks for putting these together ... they ar eTHE BEST !!!
  • Fork the Man
    What Mondays are for
    This podcast is the best part of my Mondays. It crackles my week to life and like the wave of a magic wand it makes the absence of the band alright.
  • 1SoccerStud
    Could & Should Be SO Much Better
    I’ve listened to 15 hours of this. It would be so much better if they knew some information instead of just fumbling through. And it needs a consistent framework instead of hosts just asking each other what they should talk about next in that very episode. And hosts, please consult a thesaurus so you use a word besides “amazing” for every single comment you make about every single song and solo and lyric.
  • Daddy Pickles!
    Just discovered this pod! It’s in my top 5 now! Rush! Holy moly!
  • Tortoise22
    Thank you!
    I am new to podcasts but this is the first one I had to listen to being a life long Rush fan! Thanks for the insights and reliving all things Rush. It’s like going back in time (no machine unfortunately) and living the playlist of my life. They helped me through some very rough times and will always be my favorite band, the holy triumvirate.
  • Talyor1993
    Appreciation for you guys
    I’ve been a Rush follower ever since my father played Subdivisions on the car radio back in either 1997 or 1998. As soon as i heard that song, i was hooked. I love this band and their music with every fiber of my being and i am very glad you guys go through almost every aspect of Rush and break it down in different ways. Once i heard about Neil’s passing, a part of me died that day. That man taught me so much without realizing it. Me and so many other followers. Again, thank you guys for everything you guys do, and if you ever need someone to debate Rush with, keep me in mind!
  • Mareteau
    I’m hooked!
    I’ve been a Rush fan since the late 70’s. Since Rush stopped touring in 2015 (and Neil’s passing), it’s felt that my tether to the band and their music has frayed, somewhat This podcast has helped reinforce it. Thank you, Steve and Gerry!
  • Rebkev01
    Just found you
    I’ve got 140+episodes to work through.
  • sobol
    Love it!
    I listen to your podcast all the time. Your down to earth approach to Rush is refreshing and something I can totally relate to. Thank you for keeping us talking about the best band of all time.
  • Parrothead Dad
    Enjoy it
    Great Podcast helping me dive deeper into Rush.
  • Always Learnng
    Gotta love the lads!
    Fell in love around Permanent Waves. 2112 was big for me as a wee lad. Saw them first at 14 at g/p… you fellas are swell. Looking forward to exploring y’all’s content. ❤️✌🏼🥂 from a guy who grew up in N NM, now in Colorado. Rush may have well save my life. Helped teach me how to be a better person and man. Absolutely adore(d) all three of the guys. Simply put, I am not able to imagine my life without them. After all, if you choose not to decide, you have still have made a choice. Enough with the platitudes. I’m thrilled to have discovered your podcast.
  • T-Ninja-5
    Love this podcast!!!
    I’m not a big “podcast” guy, but these guys are great! I love RUSH, so it’s gonna be kind of hard NOT to like it, but there are a few RUSH podcasts on here that I tried out, and I just couldn’t “get into” them. The genuine friendship between Steve and Gerry is a big part of it. But the format and layout of the shows is awesome too. And their guest list??? WOW!!! This is the place to go if you like RUSH, and you want good, entertaining, funny, informative stuff all about RUSH. Thanks for hosting this podcast! They’re…FANTASTIC! :-)
  • musicforcities
    Follow The Professors lead and read more books
    Just listened to the first episode but these guys get so much factually incorrect it’s like anti-information. For example, when talking about history behind Manhattan project. I can’t enumerate all the errors they make…almost every statement is factually wrong or confused. But they also make mistakes on basic rush facts. Again, they say Manhattan project is the only or first rush song about an historical event. Umm…Countdown… Lastly, the analysis of the songs is very superficial and banal. They really don’t have much to say or any insight. It’s not even a matter of more heat than light. It’s tepid at best. The least one might expect in a rush podcast is a modicum of research, a degree of precision, and thoughtful analysis.
  • Ted Asregadoo
    Steve and Gerry do such a wonder job creating engaging, thoughtful, and sometimes funny episodes on one of my favorites bands, Rush. The production quality of the podcast is totally professional, the guests they have on are often very articulate and informative, and the passion the guys have for the band is front and center in episode after episode. Fantastic!
  • CCiar70
    uhh.. not sure about this
    Hey, I listen to three episodes and had to actually shut it off. One of the 2 guys on the podcast it’s a little unbearable to listen to. I’m sorry, it’s one thing you don’t like a song here or there but there’s major songs and hits that he just dismisses as not good. I understand it’s his own opinion as is everyone else but you have someone running a podcast that dismisses a lot of the Rush hits? It’s one thing if you’re sick of it but I just can’t listen to this anymore. He seems a little Rush snobbish.
  • Former Ump
    Great podcast
    Listened to a few episodes, on the recommendation of RetroZest podcast. Curtis is a friend and fellow Rush Fan. I’ve been a fan of this band since my brother came home with the Fly By Night album. I’ve seen them in concert every tour since 1979. I listened to your Moving Pictures & Signals episodes. Two stellar albums from this band...they did loose me after Grace, but I still went to see them. They really brought me back with Counterparts and lost me again with Test for Echo...then Vapor Trails was released and I was back in the Rush fold for good. Now Vital Signs, The Camera Eye, and Red Barchetta are my favorite songs from Moving Pictures. And Signals has my all-time favorite Rush song...Ever, a song that gets some shade thrown on it from a large swath of the Rush fan community. Countdown. The song is so positive, and having witnessed a Shuttle launch in person, I can state, unequivocally that then all day captured the experience perfectly. “This magic day when super science mingles with the bright stuff of dreams.” A great description of the convergence of the logical and abstract...and how the Nerd moves humanity forward, from behind. Dislike it all you want, after all music is’re free to hold the opinion you do, you go your way and I’ll go the right way. ;).
  • CoolWolf64
    Great stuff
    Wonderful to listen to I enjoy the casual but informed discussions on my favorite band
  • SurfEditorMark
    A must listen!
    These guys do it right- sound analysis with a touch of humor and good-naturedness not often heard. Optimistic, at times funny, and with interesting takes on songs, lyrics and music that are refreshing to someone who’s been a fan for 40 years. If you like Rush, this show is a MUST LISTEN.
  • wantmyway1
    Martin Popoff Limelight
    Just finished listening to the latest podcast and really enjoyed this interview. A couple things I’d like to share. I want to say I really enjoy Martin’s perspective and have bought several of his books. I’ll be buying this one as well. However, I rarely agree with his opinions or taste. To begin, I’m younger than Martin but a bit older than both of you guys. My first record was Permanent Waves that was bought (on someone’s suggestion) the same week Moving Pictures was released. I bought MP a couple days later. To my point of why I’m writing this. I technically grew up with Rush in the 80’s but at that sweet spot that was the bridge from the 70’s to the 80’s. Permanent Waves is still probably my favorite but I love AFTK and particularly Hemispheres. I’m less in love with their catalog prior to those but like them quite a bit. I was not an immediate fan of Signals and Grace Under pressure was one that I did not like for many years. Now it’s one of my favorites but it was a long simmer for me. I recall liking Big Money and Power Windows much more than the two previous records. It sounds like the band were in a happier place and I like the songs and production very much. I saw the band on the Exit... Stage Left tour and the Power Windows tour. Different bands (to my ears) at that point but both great. I recall you two saying Power Windows was your introduction to the band and it clearly has extra meaning to you. Same for me with Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures. I’m sure Martin would have a difficult time not being extra sentimental about the first Rush record that really connected with him. It’s hard to not judge or compare new music to what made you love about that band to begin with. As stated in this episode, although difficult, the fairest thing to do is accept a record on its own merits. I’ve tried to do that as time has gone on and feel I do it pretty well. As always, a great podcast
  • johnwarreng
    Great podcast!
    Discovered this podcast recently and love it! Very informative and detailed. The guys dont rush the songs and take their time to discuss. Some of the best parts are the backstories about the members or songs Ive never heard. If you are a Rush fan, this podcast is a must listen!
  • Caress_Of_Steel_75
    Rush Fan Essential
    The one and only Rush podcast!! Subscribe now!
  • unsuscribing
    Deep into Rush
    Great podcast, with a lot of extra information about the band . Just discovered it with the Signals episode and immediately liked the professionalism and knowledge of both hosts . I was a teenager living in Venezuela in the early 80’s and had only listened to the songs Fly by Night and Anthem on an obscure midnight rock show on local TV, then found Signals on a record store and went running back home to listen to it, but was very disappointed with the sound of the band, I was expecting the same sound/band of the only 2 songs I knew, so to the shelf the album went for several months. Then , out of pure luck , i found a compilation album with Temples of Syrinx, closer to the heart, Tom Sawyer, Spirit of The Radio and Subdivisions and was absolutely blown away...Then I remembered my signals album and tried it again... that was a teen Subdivisions and the Analog Kid rang a bell for me and loved the rest of the Album. Listening to your podcast was like discovering signals again, and also took me back to the moment I tried the album again And noticed the Warren Cromartie connection, he had played winter ball in Venezuela and as a baseball fan I knew very well who he was, and realized that the band was from Canada and Cromartie was in the majors playing for the Expos and always wondered about the relation there. Again, great show, the best music podcast Out there.
    This Podcast Prog Rocks
    Love your glimpse into Signals’ hidden story arc (the odyssey of suburban youth angst ultimately leading to an escape in space, my own teenage dream) and especially Subdivisions. I grew up in a farming/auto factory community in a tiny Michigan town. When I heard that song as an angry 16 y/o in 1982, it gave me hope that I wasn’t alone and that a bigger world awaited. It also inspired me to play drums for a lifetime. So grateful to you both for shredding fresh light on their classic songs, instrumentals, and the exquisite misfit philosophy of Rush. Your podcast “prog rocks.” 🔥 auGi
  • Katetay
    Refreshing !
    Great job with the podcast. I had been waiting for something like this. Your presentation, research and discussion of Rush and Rush-Related items are spot on. Thank you!
  • bliptis
    I am doing a super deep dive into Rush after the passing of Neil and regretting not obsessing over them in the 80’s and beyond to the extent I should have. This is the perfect accompaniment. The most endearing part is that they don’t know everything in the world about Rush and are discovering a lot as they go; and doing so with humility and self effacing hilarity.
  • Coopchicago
    Loving this podcast
    Having a great time listening to this podcast about the greatest band ever.
  • JonB2112
    Great podcast
    Any Rush fan will love this podcast. The best compliment I can offer is that it feels like a conversation with fellow Rush fans and I find myself talking back to the show sometimes. The guys do a great job presenting insight into the band and song lyrics as well as just having fun and keeping it light. The perfect balance of serious while not taking themselves too seriously - just like Rush.
  • stuwem
    Lots of fun. Sometimes I learn something, sometimes I’m surprised about something, sometimes I really wish I could butt in on something.....always entertaining.
  • RedRush22!
    The best Rush podcast
    This is by far the best Rush podcast. The cast gives their thoughts and breaks down each song like no other can.
  • ksensei
    Sincere and well done
    The guys provide a good balance of perspectives, and do some great research. They don’t catch everything, but who could? I learn something every time, get back into various parts of Rush’s catalog with renewed enthusiasm and perspective, and await their next episode. What more could you ask?
  • engelcr
    Awesome Podcast
    A refreshing and analytical review of a lot of Rush albums with humor and little nuggets of stories. The true enthusiasm and joy in all things Rush really come through in this podcast. A must listen for Rush fans
  • Madrushian
    Celebrating Rush!
    Steve and Gerry truly hit the note here with passion and precision, and with humor and a mission. And that mission is to celebrate all things Rush: musically, philosophically and always with a nod to the impact Rush has effected for several generations of fans. I love the interplay and joy they bring to the podcast. It feels just like what it is: two pals hanging out and talking about Rush! Thanks guys. -The MadRushian PS- Big nod to Lex on those bass intros.
  • Kevin2112
    Great podcast
    I’ve listened to a lot of different RUSH podcasts over the past few years. Each brings a slightly different approach, all of which I’ve enjoyed. This one is the closest to being like me as the 2 guys are around my age. I particularly like the lyrical insight. Recently, the podcast gave me a better appreciation for my 3rd least liked RUSH song, The Color of Right (for the record, one is Speed of Love and 2 is Rivendell. And yes, I like Tai Shan!). Though I still don’t like it musically, I gained a greater appreciation for it lyrically. Keep up the great work!
  • RyanJMurphy33
    Awesome podcast!
    Gerry and Steve kill it! Great guys and a great podcast. Love listening to this weekly!
  • johntake
    Rush fans Rejoice!
    This wonderful addition to the Rush fan community came on strong and keeps getting better - good stuff!
  • JimmyT1967
    Must listen to podcast for Rush fans
    I found this podcast right after Neil died and it really helped me cope with the loss. I have been obsessed with Rush since 1980. I have seen the band live 32 times since the Signals tour in 1982. My first dance at my wedding was Tears from 2112 for God’s sake, lol. Listening to these guys talk Rush is like kicking back with a couple of like minded friends. Keep up the great work guys.
  • runamt
    Great podcast!
    I’m enjoying you guys a lot. Keep it up!
  • Dartnj
    A great listen
    Two life long friends talking about Rush. Awesome insights and great storytelling. Love it. Keep them coming
  • CCon7031
    Two Guys that Ooze Rushdom!
    These two guys put together a show that flows seemlessly. They know their S and when they don’t they are willing to admit it. Great job Steve and Jerry. Keep up the great work!
  • acortwright
    Rush fans take note
    These guys have put together a quality podcast on Rush. They are Rush fans and have a lot of good commentary with a side dish of humor. I was skeptical at first, but now eagerly await each new episode.
  • Beyond The Lighted Stage
    A Must Listen for RUSH fans!
    Steve and Gerry do a great job of diving into every RUSH album and providing insight and nuggets that will be of interest to anyone who loves the band. I enjoy how they grab interviews with the guys that add texture to the conversation! Keep up the great work!
  • Corkulous
    Something for everyone!
    This is a great podcast. I’m a diehard Rush fan but I always learn something new. The episodes are a terrific combo of lyric analysis, fun facts, and exploration of the music. Good stuff!
  • Suspicious2me
    A must listen for Rush fans!
    Steve and Gerry know their stuff when it comes to Rush. They are professional, provide great content and have great chemistry. Nice job guys!
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