Can't Wait: A show about the New York Jets


'Can't Wait' is your your one-stop shop for all things Jets with The Athletic’s Zack Rosenblatt, Tim McMaster and Marissa Dunn. Tune in each week for player interviews, game previews, analysis and more.

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  • KnicksFan615
    How Can You Make Jets Sound Boring
    Listening to Zack talk about how he had to clean up his dog’s diarrhea does not make for great podcasting at all. Maybe bring the energy up a level too. These guys sound like they just got out of bed and are whispering so they don’t wake anyone else in the house up. The fiasco that is the Jets give them plenty to talk about, but whoa, I sometimes have to turn this show off so I don’t fall asleep at the wheel.
  • bjm1954
    Can’t Wait
    This is the pod cast for any serious Jet fan!!! Always a great listen. Zach should not wing it like Connor did. When prepared he is very insightful.
  • Jack342187$(?)
    Great podcast
    Zach needs to stop interrupting Tim but other than that I love the podcast!
  • Snowboarder2713
    Better than watching the Jets
    Zack, Tim, and Marissa are fantastic. But as they’ll read this, let’s explore Syracuse’s dominance over Arizona. Basketball - Cuse 79 - Arizona 70 (1995) Cuse 94 - Arizona 84 (1994) Football - Cuse 23 - Arizona 0 (1969 - Connor would laugh) But seriously, we can all agree we’d rather be at Chuck’s or Frog & Firkin than watching the Jets at Metlfe.
  • Dan Hew
    Saving Me Thousands of $$$
    I want to thank Zack, Tim, Marissa, and even Conor for producing an amazing Jets podcast that I look forward to listening to each and every week. Thanks to the four of you, I don’t need to spend thousands on a therapist to get me through yet another miserable Jets season. I can just tune in and listen as you all try to ease the pain and suffering of countless Jets fans in bi-weekly group therapy sessions. Honestly though, I love your personalities, humor, and insights. Keep up the amazing work!
  • The Rossman!
    What’s not to like?
    Besides Zack’s mumbling (and sometimes his audio being much lowe than Tim’s), it’s great. Zack also seems very excited about his girlfriend so good for him. Excited for marissa to come back. No golf talk is a big win for the listeners. More Connor hate - we all love to hate Connor. Tim is a great host!
  • Chriswitz
    Love the pd
    I have a few jets pods that I listen to regularly and Can’t Wait is a critical component! They don’t get into the Xs and Os as much but always keep me up to date on all the major stories, Zack is very plugged in to the behind the scenes info, and it’s very entertaining and a fun listen overall!
  • jetspdx
    Just another Jets podcast
    One of many Jets podcast where nothing stands out. With the Athletics rotating cast of reporters (Zach Rosenblatt is the latest) there is no continuity with the sad, frustrating history of the NY Jets. Would have given them 4 stars but I lost it when Tim(?) called Zach’s use of ‘rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic’ regarding the Jets QB situation as brilliant. Really? That’s the most hackneyed cliche for describing doing something futile in the midst of a disaster. If you want a good balance of fan rants and excellent insight check out The New York Post’s Gangs All Here podcast.
  • Andrew Min
    Long time
    I listen in the Athletic app but downloaded the Podcasts app to add the five stars… always great and original content and analysis
  • jets fan 610
    Can’t wait
    Love the show!
  • jab53827
    Great dynamic
    Tim and Zack have a great dynamic & I really enjoy listening to these. As a jets fan, definitely a breathe of fresh air to listen/watch these episodes🤝
  • JuliaClaireLee64
    SuperBowl contenders of Podcasting
    Love this podcast. This podcast has great mix of thoughtful analysis and fun banter. As a Jets fan who is in disbelief about what is happening this season but also not too surprised, it is nice to hear other people who feel the same way. The Jets cause me to feel frustration but I signed up for that as a fan. Hearing reporters voice similar fan frustration about the team while also remaining objective/fair is refreshing. The Jets might not win the Super Bowl this year or ever again. but this podcast is in my mind world champions of sports podcasting. The one highlight of the last 2 years of my jets fandom was discovering this lovely podcast.
  • PancoIndustries
    Don’t Wait
    Being a Jets fan is the ultimate, soul-crushing grind. The highs are fleeting, and new lows lurk around every corner, often brandishing well-worn brass knuckles. We are perpetually stuck in a Sisyphusian loop. So, where can one find a respite from this dour existence? Look no further than the "Can't Wait" podcast with affable host, Tim McMaster, side-kick Marissa Dunn and kinda-goofy Jets beat reporter, Zack Rosenblatt. With a clear understanding of "in all likelihood, this will not end well for the Jets", the "Can't Wait" crew shares insights and analysis on New York's other football team. Rosenblatt's access as "The Athletic" reporter saddled with daily Gang Green coverage gives listeners all the up-to-the-minute content they desire. And Tim and Marissa keep the show up tempo enough, so listeners aren't wallowing in Jet induced despair for too long.
  • Rschles
    Better than the actual Jets
    Listening to this pod is consistently more enjoyable than actually watching (or listening to) the Jets.
  • josephsal1
    Is there a God?
    Being a Jets fan has really made me question God’s existence. Why would an all knowing and all loving deity let something so awful, like the Jets’ offense, exist? But do you know what makes me believe there is a God? This Podcast! I know that after I spend 3.5 on the couch watching the worst offense in history take the field, I’ll get the best recap one could get by listening to “Can’t Wait.” Zack is an excellent writer, and his wisdom is on display when discussing all things Jets. NY beat writers are known for being over the top, but Zack is always fair in his assessments. Tim? What can I say about Tim? I love the sound of his calm voice while my inner dialogue screams about the Jets decisions over the years. Last, but not least, I can only assume Marissa is going to be great when she gets back from Maternity leave! Go Jets! Go Zack! Go Tim! And go taking care of babies!
  • Shanekennedy0626
    Can’t Wait Review
    This podcast is the Chris Streveler of the podcast community. Absolutely brilliant podcast with great insights into the Jets team. They struggled a few years ago with the lead guy Connor they used to have but have replaced with Zack who has been a good replacement. In all seriousness, good pod and a weekly listen for me. Tim/Marissa/Zack keep it entertaining during perpetual losing seasons.
  • Chickenandwaffles09
    Best Jet Info Pod Out There
    Zach is always completely thorough w his information. A very good listen to get the intel.
  • Tom in my
    It hurts so good
    If you’re interested in podcast about the… Jets… that is produced and cohosted by 3 devout non Jets fans, boy is this the podcast for you! But for real, this is probably my favorite Jets podcast.
  • Big Richard Nick
    Chris Streveler
    Love the pod. Love Strev. Miss Marissa. Keep up the good work!!
  • Span30
    Bring back Connor!!
    Used to be a huuuuge CW fan. I thought this pod was highly entertaining with a great balance of humor and information, but it has really taken a hit since Connor left. Rosenblatt doesn’t really have insight, mumbles quite a bit, isn’t remotely funny, and doesn’t have close to the same chemistry with NPCs Tim/Marissa that Connor did. At this point it isn’t better than any other pod about the team out there right now. It’s just become boring and stale now that Connors gone.
  • TB516631
    Lost me finally
    Honestly this show comes off so thrown together at the last second it’s unbearable. Zach is always so unprepared and both of them seem so uninterested. It’s not just the team being bad, they truly don’t seem like they care about the product. For something produced by a big publication to put out a podcast that has parents basement vibes is sad. Zach just starts somewhere and says he really covers it in his article, and then stops basically forcing you to find and buy his article to find whatever thought he’s scrambling to put together on n the fly.
  • The_Tone23
    Need Some Podcasting Training
    I appreciate the insights that the crew brings, and I understand there are some challenges with having a beat reporter who is often on the road and needs to to Zoom in for the pod. That said, the audio quality is not great, often with lots of background noise. More importantly, I think the team members really need training on how to prep for and record a podcast. It always seems like not everyone is on the same page for the agenda, and then on top of that the podcast just seems to lack flow with the members constantly giggling mid-sentence or trailing off and mumbling. All these things make it a tough listen, especially as someone who often tries to listen during commutes. Last point: I don’t mind the initial playful off-topic banter to start the show, but I could do without 3+ minutes of it. I hate to be so critical because I like everyone on the Pod and they are all super sharp, but I think the Athletic investing in making those improvements will make Can’t Wait more widely appealing and will help the presenters enormously. Thank you.
  • RedSkyBurns
    Maybe hire Jets fans instead of Swift junkies for the Jets podcast. "Geeee, if I has a Jets fan tgis would be terrible. Comeon Athletic.
  • dc in boston
    Good honest assessment of team
    Honest reporting unlike Coach Saleh who continues to treat the public and media like idiots with his injury dishonesty and false platitudes.
  • Rstaak25
    It’s hard to take a podcast seriously if one guy doesn’t know basic roster rules like PUP and the other mispronounces names of guys who have been on Hard Knocks multiple weeks.
  • TVExpert-1993
    Quality Jets Content
    Tim, Marissa (congrats to her just welcoming in a newborn!), and Zach do a nice job talking about the inner-workings of the team. The schedule can be a bit inconsistent/unpredictable over the offseason but once the season gets going, they are always putting out content.
  • fantasyfranks
    Bring back Connor
    Zach is an extremely disappointing replacement. His football knowledge is very sub par and it is clear he is not an expert on the team or team building in general. Not a great speaker and constantly complains about covering the team like it is a chore to follow. Mocks fans for “obsessing” over role players like Bryce Huff and Kwon Alexander. I guess he has only been a casual sports fan and does not appreciate our fan base that really gets into the weeds of the team. This is a very surface level show now that Connor has left and you rarely get any unique or interesting feedback from Zach. Overall, they have little to no chemistry other than when they make jokes about Connor. Most value I got was fading their weekly picks during the season.
  • dennybob24
    Used to be better
    Connor was entertaining and a showman. Loved his golf stories and felt he was the best guy on the jets beat. Zack is definitely a big downgrade and always has a nervous laugh after something he says that’s not even remotely funny. Marissa and Tim are pretty cool though. Definitely not the best jets pod out there anymore
  • Hank1364
    Great content but…
    Great insights and conversation but Zach trails off most sentences making it hard to understand what he’s saying. Most sentences start LOUD and the end with him speaking fast and quiet, almost mumbling. Stay close to the mic and don’t speed thru your sentences. Maybe talk with a diction coach. Thanks for the great content. Go Jets
  • Tojia
    Has Become Unlistenable
    This used to be one of my favorite Jets pods but since the original beat reporter left, the entire pod just openly mocks the fans, the players and the organization. I don’t think the host (Tim) even watches the games - his only purpose seems to be there to just consistently offer extremely condescending questions and trash the Jets organization and players. Even after wins, all they do is praise the other team, laugh at the Jets players and mock fans. No idea what their strategy is or how they expect to keep listeners. I used to look forward to the former beat reporter’s team insights and now this is just 3 people endlessly bashing the Jets. No need to listen because obviously The Athletic doesn’t otherwise they’d engage. Don’t waste your time.
  • Kahhhhhhzooooooo
    Zack era off to a strong start
    Welcome to the Jets beat, ZR. You’re crushing it.
  • wish it worked better 18
    Can you shut up for a second!
    You talk over each other. But, that’s because you have too. Connor never stops speaking and doesn’t listen. He says the same thing over and over. Why make a point in 10 words when you can say it with 1000 words. Time of possession: way tooooo much Connor. Poor Bree!
  • stop the personal rambling
    Stop the personal rambling
    It’s an ok podcast I like Connors inside information but don’t care about rambling in beginning of every show around non jets related stuff and then I got random other shows pushed into my feed around “future of sports”.
  • T_Nags
    I like Connor on other podcasts but I think this podcast needs reining in. It seems like it’s 90% rambling. I want to like it but can’t stand the soap box rants in every episode that don’t include the other hosts.
  • BFM7472
    Great podcast
    Great podcast! Best outta the beat.. Connor is the man
  • Bboys2
    Connor Hughes is a better read than a listen!
    It is so much more enjoyable to read what Connor Hughes has to say rather than listen to him rant on this podcast. He will make a point and too often repeat that point again, then again, then again. He appears to be from the school of why say it in a 100 words when you can say it with 10,000 words! His editor at the Athletic wouldn’t allow a written transcript of his podcast to be published because of its repetitiveness. I wish the producers of this podcast would reign him in as it is hard to listen to.
  • Tavella21
    This podcast is trash. Connor tries so hard but all we get is stories about his dog and food and he’s 1% connected to the Jets. I get better information from bloggers and better fan opinions from people on the streets. It was okay for a hit but Connor truly is insufferable to listen to and it sounds like listening to a 4th grader talk about football. Using schticky buzzwords he hears from people just makes him sound less informed than even the average fan. Learn the game you’re covering and find good sources.
  • ETC9211
    Almost unlistenable
    I’ve given this podcast a long time and a lot of chances. But week after week I’m disappointed. Too much personal non-football chatter. And when they finally get around to football, Connor rambles endlessly and monotonously. Good writer, not so good podcaster. Sorry, guys, but there are a bunch of great Jets pods out there…don’t need to subject myself to this one anymore. 😔
  • RileyMartinBiavians
    Listen to a distracted writer
    He’s taping a podcast. The problem is he needs to tweet at the same time. How about stopping the taping or tweeting later? A podcast that needs Adderall.
  • vincent dayton
    Connor Hughes.
  • Dool_75
    Worst Jets Podcast
    Easily the worst Jets podcast. Conor writes very good articles for the athletic but this show is so over dramatic with very little real football talk. Not many good questions and Conor just over talks the whole time with his opinion. More comical then real football.
  • Edwinmendez
    Best Jets Podcast
    I like this Jets podcast the best, cause it’s not all positive and not all negative (which others tend to be). Connor Hughes tells you what he thinks and then does a pretty good job of explaining why he sees it that way. Also Tim and Marissa help keep the show moving in the right direction, right pace better than most other podcasts.
  • pathugh
    Great podcast, except for the banter.
    As usual, The Athletic produces another quality podcast. The actual analysis is very good, BUT I can really do without Connor’s irrelevant banter at the beginning of every episode. No one cares about your golf game, dude. We’re here for the Jets talk. God bless.
  • stratm3
    Gold Standard Jet Podcast
    Connor Hughes is the go-to Jet reporter, full of knowledge and passion. There’s wonderful, fun chemistry with the pod team!
  • Naveen646
    Great podcast
    Connor is my one of my favorite beat writers for the Jets. I subscribe to the athletic to especially read his articles . Looking foward for more draft input from Connor with his podcast and articles . Thank you Naveen
  • Bobbito81
    Love the show but....
    I love the show and such a great job by all 3 of you. I love Connors reporting but man we can really do without a 5 min intro on a personal Connor story EVERY episode. We listen for football and you guys do a great job with that just hate to have to fast forward the start of every episode to get past Connors personal stories. All in all great podcast though!
  • WLM4444
    Mixed Results
    I NEVER review podcasts but felt compelled to here. This is probably the most informative and honest Jet podcast out there but there is way too much immature and irrelevant personal banter between Connor and Marissa specifically. Congratulations to both on their significant professional success at such a young age but stick to the football kids, especially with Connor’s great insider info that can’t be found anywhere else. That’s why we’re listening, not because of your personalities. Connor needs to dial down the general arrogance, cockiness, and entitlement quite a few notches. A little humility goes a long way in this business. Marissa needs to stop coming across like she’s in love with him. Yes I know they both have significant others but you can quite literally hear her blushing through the audio version whenever she gets into it with Connor. Stop ruining an otherwise excellent podcast with such overt, self-centered, attention-seeking, millenialism.
  • Bellweather Trader
    Came to this pod the beginning of this lost season!
    Thank goodness for this podcast! Is Conner calling the plays?
  • thebeardpoker
    Best of the best
    I break Connors balls on Twitter about his personal stories on the podcast every week BUT it's still a great podcast and I listen to every show
  • Sg111788
    Best Jets content out there
    Conor is the best Jets best reporter been following him for a while. As a Jets fan this is a must listen
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