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cl082087DisappointedThis podcast speaks so highly of Trump it’s disgusting. They don’t look at anything he does with scrutiny. People are protesting in the streets. We didn’t vote for Elon Musk.
Mic0131GarbageJust more MAGA propaganda. Thanks Americacast, but we have plenty of our own compromised media outlets right here in the US. Very disappointed in the BBC for sending us this trash when we need unbiased journalism the most.
Euro eiei eiei oBrits don’t know AmericaIt’s helpful to get a glimpse of the US through the eyes of Britain. But much of the reporting is ethnocentric, shortsighted, and judgmental.
saperloLiberal Snobs stuck in 2016The presenters of this programme just can’t stop the bias. They go on and on about truth and credibility and yet absolutely fail to recognise the wholesale incompetence, corruption and abuse of power that was the Biden administration. They NEVER mention any of the lawfare, the venality, the downright lies that Biden told or the illegality and irresponsibility of their policies, such as the open border or their training of kids. They are completely captured by the liberal left, indeed they ARE the Liberal left. Now that the election is over it’s 2016 all over again for them. Everything the Trump administration does is wrong/illegal/corrupt/extreme/hard right, etc. No consideration is ever given to the effects of illegal immigration on schools, town halls, hospitals, etc. or the fact that 87% of ALL voters want illegal immigrants repatriated. This is the agenda President Trump ran and won on. He is doing what we want him to do. So reading out selected (or made up) comments from listeners along the lines of “by even covering this administration are you not also giving it legitimacy?” just shows you up. Look BBC, wake up to your own bias and arrogance and stop pretending to be genuinely reporting US politics. You’re not. You should just call yourself Libs Against Trump, it would be more accurate than “Americast”. You are NOT that
2A liberalLike Nigel Farage is the editorThe Elon Musk gesture was the last straw. He used to make a heart gesture with two hands and reach them both out. Americast couldn’t be bothered to note this
The Nameless TwinFair and balancedI fell into Americast because I’ve enjoyed Marianna Springs’ other podcasts, and I truth the BBC more than just about any news-source here in the US. I’ll be honest, I’m a conservative, but one with a grave distrust of certain newer influences in the Republican Party. Suffice to say, I withdrew from GOP in 2016. Let the reader understand. This is a nice, concise capping of events here in the US, by people who are largely not invested in this me side over the other. As a result, it’s very balanced and I feel like I’m being given information I can use to do my own research.
Yaboitoast46It’s fallen offThis podcast used to be a good and fairly unbiased view of American politics, but they have swung so far left it’s unbelievable, do better.
egwugwuWhy Trump WonThis episode was just terrible. Thinly reported and reflecting a poor understanding of the American political scene. I will unfollow. The need for good analysis of the coming four years is greater than ever, and this is not it. Not worth the time.
gmaknuFanala of AmericastalaI so look forward to each episode of Americast. I love your perspective and humor. You help us Americans not to take ourselves so seriously while delivering accurate reporting. Please don't stop after the election!
speak,memoryNot what I expect from the BBCShockingly ill-informed male host
RP11374An insult to the BBC*Makes podcast about America* *Insults Americans, offers biased takes, does not fact check* An insult to the BBC.
Field357I love the BBCBut this podcast isn’t needed. Or wanted.
Aly MurobouToo biasedI used to be a loyal listener but lately Justin’s biases seem really to be showing. I was hoping for an outside perspective but his misogyny is really turning me off. Oh and Justin Melania is the first real feminist First Lady really??? Who do you expect to swallow that?
Bertie ChampersSLOW DOWN THE AUDIO!!!!I’m an Englishman living in The USA and have enjoyed enough of the content in this podcast to give it a weekly listen. That was the case until recently when this and many other podcasters started to speed up their audio to a point where it’s nerve wracking. No, it’s not about the playback speed we can control in the podcast app because if I slow it down to .75 then it sounds too slow and laborious. Why have so many podcasters recently decided that their audiences want to listen to the audio at a million miles per hour? I don’t get it. The world’s bonkers enough. Podcasters, CALM DOWN!
TepidDuckPondLetting that Corporate Wartime bias showThis was a decent show. The corporate bias is really showing though. To do entire podcast episodes on, “What’s going on with the Middle East and how is this effecting America?” Yet not once mentioning AIPAC or DMFI is negligent journalism. It’s all about the money in US politics and this show just treats that as a feature and not the malware. I can’t stomach listening anymore.
The Raging ArchBishop of NodI’m an AmericanI appreciate America’s for it’s unbiased take on American elections. However Justin seems to be lagging behind current events sometimes. In the most recent episodes he made the claim that Kamala Harris hasn’t been doing interviews, which is not a fair criticism considering that she has been doing tons. She had an interview with Oprah, has one coming up 60 minutes, her interview on the All the Smoke Podcast was a massive hit, and she’s done scores of local news and radio interviews. All in all a good podcast, but Justin, please stop putting your foot in your mouth lol
UKexpatcomingbackIt’s not pronounced Vaarnce. It’s Vance, like ants!!!!For God’s sake, where did you get “Vaarntz” from? It’s “Vance”, like “ants”. No-one has ever called him Vaarntz. BTW, totally for Harris - but you can hardly be annoyed by Trump’s “Kamaaarla” if you mispronounce like this. Just sayin’
DaphneQ2I’ve given up on AmericastI can’t listen to Americast anymore — the guy sitting in London and the misinformation woman get just about everything wrong about Americans. Very annoying.
OofiOofsterActually an opinion showI can no longer listen to Justin & his subtle glorification of Trump. His disdain for Harris & any women in power is too evident. His fact checking is at level zero. Just call this an opinion show. It is not what one would expect from the BBC.
Sixth decade hereDisappointedOne of the BBC commentators seemed to not be very familiar with presidential candidate Harris’ strengths and the remarkable enthusiasm and financial support she’s inspired in her party in a very short time frame. It seemed odd and inappropriate how dismissive he was of her as a candidate. Maybe, he’s sore the conservatives got voted out in the UK?
თეთრისმოჩვენებაTreadmillLately this show seems to be over chewing its meal, to tedious effect. It’s a waste to use good journalists this way.
Dave GenetI’m An AmericanI listen to multiple news sources. Americast is one of my favorites with its tolerant but appraising view of the U.S.
1SurferGGood for AmericaThis podcast reminds me of PBS NewsHour with flare and I appreciate how you cover American news so well.
BibliophileGUsed to enjoyI used to enjoy this podcast until I learned about the subtle influence of certain foreign propaganda (and using a trusted brand!!). I observed how often this BBC Podcast **uses vocabulary to promote** Trump, MAGA, and the white Christian nationalist ideals trying to ruin America, while professing to be “honest” Brits. Yikes.
yenooc2Too many sloppy errorsIn a podcast criticizing Biden for uncaught errors, one Americast pundit said Obama when he meant Biden, and another pundit said Biden when she meant to say Trump. Neither caught their errors, nor did the other pundits. This is ironic considering their topic, and very sloppy. The BBC is usually better than this sloppy mess.
Ricky Wayne Wisecup IIIBest I’ve heardAs a 23 year old conservative American, American media has seemed too biased for me recently. Love how this program actively critiques both parties when it is due.
PleaseIn4meIowaGood and interesting coverage of the Iowa vote. Thanks
Refd 3422British perspective of American politicsReally enjoy listening to this podcast. The hosts are seasoned BBC journalists with a lot of knowledge of American politics. Each week they cover the top stories at the time. They often invite guests to discuss political events and tend to stay objective, pointing out the gaffes of either of the political parties. Overall, it’s just as entertaining to listen to them as it is informative.
CaarrinaNot informedI feel the host doesn’t give any pushback to guests when they’re obviously spreading falsehoods. It makes it seem like the host doesn’t know what’s really going on and is taking this information as fact. As an American I really want a non-biased news outlet that will fact check things and ask hard questions instead of leaning back and nodding along.
Nardwuar Sr.State funded liberal mediaThey defended Prince Andrew before the dumb general masses were aware of the story. They covered for Jimmy Seville who was raping special needs kids in asylums. Google it. They tried to set up Tommy Robinson for daring to cover Muslim rape gangs thereby supporting said gangs. This is all documented.
earthlingdaveMere punditry…Too many journalists have fallen into the laziness of punditry, both in how they discuss politics and how they train the audience to think of themselves as pundits, calling balls and strikes, as if we’re all DC-insiders. This is not a normal election and one hopes you would feel ti was your duty to educate the public on the facts of an unprecedented indictment not merely look at it through the lens of a political horserace. Mr. Webb, in particular, shamefully seemed to be a voice for the Trump supporters when he criticized the rationale behind the indictment and called it divisive. Should the US not prosecute obvious crimes? Should lawlessness become the norm so that the political horserace can continue uninterrupted? Mr. Trump pressured multiple states to send fake electors to Congress, willfully destabilizing our very system of government. The story here is the rise of a lawless autocrat who’s a coin toss away from the presidency, and the potential destruction of American democracy. Your punditry is too cute by half and out of step with the gravity of this moment.
Bill LeaderExcellent news and opinion podcastNice to hear the Brits view of America. The pod covers areas that are not often addressed by media here in the states. I look forward to each episode.
MgrabanqqqqEmbarrassing Elon interviewThe interviewer was embarrassingly week and underprepared. That was an hour I will never get back.
Walter's cryingCovenantAs and American, I do not think that you could possibly understand The USa by living and working in Washington, DC. It is not a real place. I lived and worked there on both sides of the aisle for 30 years. You cannot uderstand us as some kind of monolith. You certainly can’t analyze us that was. As my students say, do better.
zxxcb.2/23/23 Biden’s Visit to UkraineI’ve listened to your show with as much enthusiasm as FOX News, stunningly disappointed. Listener Albuquerque NM
😉💙🙃14 February 2023Your make believe voter Norman was terrible, hated his presentation, too overbearing … You all are so funny with your non existent followers. 🤣 I'm amazed with Biden’s record and many Americans are too, Biden will run again! 🙃
Mantis79Biased & BoringNot informative and the opinions are heavily filtered through a left viewpoint. Plus they stole the music from Red Pilled America! Much better podcast. Forget about this.
Norwich42really?oh, brother -- what bun
PR 3672Thanks for coming back!As an American, in a dark blue state, in a bright red county (Klamath), having a news source that has a different perspective is extremely useful in a topsy-turvy world. We in the US need all the perspective we can get! Thanks for being back!
Em1271One of the best podcastsExcellent information in an interesting format that is easy to digest
BaileyOSFFaulty podcast performanceIt takes a full day to be able to listen to your podcast. Never have issues with other podcasts. Always get an error message. About ready to delete for good.
Pod Save the whalesRon christy is the worst guestThis March madness episode guest is an unabashed right wing shill who goes unchallenged this ep was just crazy whiplash
britishfashionguruI love this weekly dose of hilarious Political analysis!As a Brit living in Southern California I love listening to the British take on politics in America. In 2020 during the election, Americast was the sane and hilarious take on the election that could only come from a British sensibility. I continue to listen every week, all 3 presenters are fantastic and I love listening to the guests they get on.
#jackienancyjackTexasAs someone who lives in MN, I have zero sympathy for Texans who vote for Republicans who are fine with reaping the profits off fossil fuels but could not care less about the lives of Texans. As a taxpayer, I now have to bail out Texas who is taking Federal taxpayer money to fix the problems they create. So much for the fiction of Texas exceptionalism. They want to pretend they don’t need us but then want us to save them.
Stef-F88The Torvill and Dean of news podcastsAs an old’ish angry Scotsman living in Los Angeles I pine (for more) and laugh and learn as these two untangle the mess of American politics into a Bolero of news and detail which will leave you content and more informed. Bravo.
MukkuroniExcellent podcastOn of the best political podcasts, professional, neutral, informative and funny.
cl65skipDon’t read this, just download it!As a Brit living in America, this podcast is essential listening to keep my toes dipped into both sides of the pond without drowning in the tsunami of 24 hour news. Great stuff!
avm1406Piers Morgan rocks!Wow! Not a fan of his.... only wish all republicans eyes would open their eyes to the fraud that Trump is!
Irish Girl 51%YES.. Ryan!!!Loved everything he said! Please have him back on again.
kfiglucWhat is that noise???Enjoy your podcast but today, January 14, whoever is clicking that pen ( or pen like noise) needs to stop it right now!!! Ohhh that is super annoying. I’m actually going to close this podcast for the day… That’s unfortunate. Let all your people know those microphones are on fire we here it all people…
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