Noble Blood

History #23

Author Dana Schwartz explores the stories of some of history’s most fascinating royals: the tyrants and the tragic, the murderers and the murdered, and everyone in between. Because when you’re wearing a crown, mistakes often mean blood.

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Recent Reviews
  • dharma rose
    Generally Good
    She’s definitely a liberal talking about transgender before the modern era. She ain’t all that as she’s lost her bag of chips. She’s just white, privileged, and all that.
  • Ejb930
    Love it, but wish Dana would fact check more carefully…
    I love the subjects covered on this podcast and have been listening since the beginning, but there are some flaws. Others have mentioned Dana’s error in saying Juan Carlos is still the King of Spain when he famously abdicated almost 10 years ago, but I also cringe when Dana pronounces words and names incorrectly, which happens every few episodes (her French pronunciation sounds like she’s reading French words as if they are literally English words). Please work on this - this is such a great podcast but these little errors hurt your credibility, especially as I imagine many of your listeners are history buffs. ETA - again, does anyone fact check this? In the June 11th Tragedy and the Taj Mahal episode, Dana says that Tsar Nicholas II and his family were killed on January 17th, 1918 - they were killed in July…
  • Kimmie Cury
    Historical tales wonderfully told
    I’ve listened for a long time and always look forward to a new episode. Soothing storytelling and I always learn something new. Dana is a perfect narrator. Love it!!
  • Ddollero
    What’s wrong with the way she speaks?
    I love the content but can only listen every few months as her manner of speaking is maddening to listen to Add that with finding out she has an issue with conservatives and it leads to a loss of a subscriber. Bye.
  • AngiRose86
    Dana is a great storyteller that can really bring the past to life. Appreciate this podcast so much!
  • Nikydoodle
    Stop trying to force feed other podcasts
    Adding five minutes of a terrible podcast to the end of every episode is horrible. Stop trying to force feed us something completely unrelated. Also - many people are mentally ill without being violent. So pretty gross to use that as a justification for violence.
  • emkat310
    After listening for two years, I can’t anymore
    I first started listening to this podcast over two years ago, and I LOVED IT. Interesting historical figures and great storytelling had me hooked. Unfortunately, it seems that in the last six months or so, the quality of the show has gone down. I’m not sure if it’s new writers or what, but I can’t find myself enjoying new episodes as I once did. Jumbled story lines and uninteresting characters. The most recent was my final straw. I think Dana is awesome and I hope maybe this show can get back to where it was. Until then, I’ll take a much needed break.
  • Lizzybrighteyes
    Your voice & stories are beautiful
    The hatred of half of the country & polarized thinking, ex. “…no one should use Twitter anymore…” is wildly reactive & indicates a loathing of conservative listeners who have supported you. Consider googling ‘cognitive distortions’ and weighing how many you may be clinging to erroneously. As a therapist, I’ll tell you that hatred becomes pathological. Best wishes…
  • Caity and the goats
    A Compelling Listen
    Dana is such a great interviewer. I love all the episodes of this show but the ones where she interviews an expert in the field of discussion are particularly good. She asks good questions, and gets very interesting information out of the guests. And is also very aware of filler info the listener may not know. Dana is wonderful!
  • kevinanator
    Ted Cruz
    Love this show, had to delete all the I Heart Radio shows as they gave Ted Cruz over 200K for his campaign. Sorry!
  • ABeauty307
    No one makes history more boring
    Great research. I’ve listened on and off for years but the commentary and judgement of the people and their time is insulting and distracting.
  • Junie1776
    Personal Opinions not needed
    Updated: What is this overly curated, incredibly choppy voice Dana is using?? It's awful. I couldn't even listen to one episode. History podcasts should stick to HISTORY. Tired of the digs to current Political figures & religions based on Dana’s biased opinion. You want an opinion podcast- then start one. I’m disappointed, this podcast started off so great. Being proud to be an American isn’t a negative thing. Disappointing.
  • HerstoryGeek
    Love Dana, love the writing, but the music?
    I have listened to every episode, even bought her book - love DS. But today is the day I unsubscribe because of the music, it’s maddeningly distracting.
  • AylaMaybe
    Interesting Content
    Dana, the content is very interesting, but the music you have added is very distracting and unnecessary to have throughout the entire episode.
  • Art History Nut
    Pretty sure Dana Schwartz is my long lost twin! 😍 All the deep-dives that make history interesting & I wanted since I was a kid dying of boredom learning the whitewashed “history” of our stupid patriarchy. 😏
  • Leahbird77
    Great story teller
    This show is one of my absolute favorites. Education happens through entertainment…and this show is entertaining.
  • PurpleGesus
    If you’re looking to find historical facts, laced with a slight bit of personal opinion, you won’t find that here. In fact, you’ll find the inverse. Her personal opinion, injected with bits and pieces of convenient historical information, that furthers her own opinion. Her messages are nearly entirely devoid of the relevant contextual information necessary to digest the information for oneself. Instead, she forces her opinion down your throat, and treats it as fact. She’d do better as an alternative history commentator. But, I suppose that’s exactly what she’s already doing, she just decides to label them as facts. Embarrassingly unfortunate podcast, all around. Although, I am happy some get enjoyment from this sort of material. Truly. I wish it were more wildly known that this is not a podcast that tells factual stories about history. But rather, one that uses historical facts, to tell an entertaining story. Ultimately she’s fine…. She probably should just rebrand her content, if she wanted to be taken the slightest bit seriously.
  • Gigi GigiGgggg
    This is my favorite podcast Tuesday are my favorite days of the week Highly recommend.
  • Vanessa241
    No more guests!
    Pleaseee stop having guests on! I love this podcast but skip every one with a guest. The format & your voice in the regular episodes are perfection!!! Please keep doing that!
  • TylieE
    Excellent! My favorite podcast!
    I look forward to every episode. Dana’s voice is perfect for storytelling! It’s educational and enthralling, and I’m sad when an episode ends. I recommend this show to everyone I know!
  • jeffmorrison49
    Choppy delivery, obvious script reading
    Looked interesting, but lasted about 5 minutes with the host’s choppy, artificial, overly articulated recitation of what is clearly a script. Needs a coach to work on delivery. Can’t stand it, sorry.
  • Gracie the history lover
    I love this podcast. Everyday I turn on a episode and go though my normal schedule. It keeps me going.
  • Pushingwood
    Cooler than a renaissance painting
    I love you’re voice, I love you’re French attempts, I love the way you unravel the tales you tell. A fan forever.. Shane Hinderliter
  • mdh0071
    Eleanor Bowes - my goodness you don’t get history
    I keep coming back over the years and I keep seeing how far outside of actual sanity and history this show goes. People existed in their time and in their environment…instead let’s do an obnoxious reinvention 400 years later on how a woman would have felt and how men were the worst. Or race relations or global relations or…anything real & Sigh, sorry, done.
  • EmLeFay
    Poor delivery
    Host’s narration is choppy and mannered. Her pauses for when she want to emphasize what she believes is clever are excruciating. Sad. I really wanted to like this podcast.
  • Ian Howard
    My favorite History Podcast
    There are a lot of history podcasts out there that reaffirm the stereotype of history being boring. Which as someone with a history degree is a hard pill to swallow. This podcast bucks that trend it is beyond well researched and the stories are well told! I rec it to anyone interested and many that weren’t but are now die hards.
  • $&@&$&75(!@
    Entertaining but not entirely factual
    I was subscribed to this podcast despite being irritated by a couple of details being wrong. However, the latest episode about Isabella of Angouleme was the last straw. Queen Blanche was incorrectly identified as the sister of King John. She was his niece. Details matter. I will change this review if you hire me to review your episodes for accuracy before the air date.
  • Luvs2eatherpeach
    What happened ?
    I loved this show so much! But lately the episodes are bland. Please I need episodes about princesses. There is too many episodes about obscure men. That is not what we come here for.
  • DCJ1001
    Good Content
    I enjoy this podcast and especially the more arcane subjects. Dana does have some weird pronunciations (egggsicution, eggsicutioner, there’s meant to be an X in there) but otherwise it’s enjoyable.
  • 😇😂🤣🙂🙃🥰😘😋😝🧐🤨🥳
    Please change it
    I have been following this podcast since the beginning!!! However, I took a little break and when I came back it had changed to explicit! Now I can’t listen to it and I wish, I want, I plead for them to change it back to clean so that I can still listen to this amazing podcast and keep on with it. Thank you so much for the knowledge and amazing episodes that you guys have put work and dedication into. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • haleyrice
    5 stars
    I love Dana’s storytelling and the way she humanizes historical figures that can otherwise be difficult to understand/empathize with. I’ve been a fan ever since she was on YWA several years ago as a guest. Her books are pretty great as well! ❤️
  • birdsdurango
    If you love royal history check this out
    I really enjoy the history and stories. Dana Schwartz is a great storyteller.
  • nicdray
    Must listen
    Content is informative and delivered in an interesting manner. I’m addicted. Listen all the time. My only complaint…there aren’t enough episodes. Such an easy listen delivered in a most relaxing tone that soothes while you listen. Dalida Ray
  • LongcommuteWA
    Getting a little… dull
    I have been listening to this podcast since it first came out. I’ve found the last couple months have been challenging. An example of this is the Pope Joan episode. I tried to like it but it was, frankly, boring and tedious. Dana herself, did not seem to be enjoying it. Not sure what’s going on, but Noble Blood seems to slipping. I hope it’s temporary but…
  • MrsCinLibrary
    Brilliant podcast!
    Such a clever idea, makes my walks interesting. Great subject matter , I have learned so much!
  • dbrrv
    English 101
    Sedulously is not pronounced seDOOlusly. It’s SED u lus ly. 🙄 Update: Glamis castles is not pronounced ‘glamis’. It’s pronounced ‘glahms’. The English has gotten worse. It’s happening almost every episode I’ve listened to. You sound uneducated. The copy is really good. The reading is good. But the pronunciations continue to be just cringy. I’m listening to the episode on Richard lll. When someone is awaiting their coronation, they are not ‘uncoronated’, they are uncrowned. Like this show, but the mistakes in basic English are numerous. Maybe check your copy with an editor or a proofreader?
  • NappyDresser
    Excellent History Podcast!
    Thank you for Corday episode 🎄🎁
  • GussyBaby51
    It’s fine
    Used to be much better. Most recent episode was unlistenable; the guest was not fun to listen to and they kept talking over each other.
  • TLH Bird
    Not interested in your politics
    Used to enjoy until political options begin creeping in…tired of hearing political options in unexpected places…whether I agree with them or not. I live in a political town & turn to podcasts to escape politics. Unfollowed after years of following.
  • Sarah Signorelli
    Dana is great, and so is the show
    I really enjoy this podcast, Dana does a great job with it. Well researched, well delivered.
  • MollyWix
    Love it but sometimes too snarky
    I realize this your “thing” and I enjoy your great stories and research, but I find your tone too much sometimes. Mental illness, trauma, and abuse seem to be subjects of derision until the end of episode when you wrap things up.
  • yoga.aha
    The Angel of Assassination
    The Angel of Assassination about Charlotte Corday is the best episode yet. I am glad to know more about this famous history! Thanks! I never even wondered why Marat was taking a bath…. Even though later you went on to say, “over-exaggerate,” I still like you.
  • too-bad-so-sad
    Are you wearing Invisalign or a retainer of some sort?
    It’s very distracting.
  • madman 1990
    Dana is an absolute genius with a golden voice
    My two favorite podcast are this one and Music
  • seb415
    Love this!
    Well researched and delivered with precision. I’ve learned so much from Dana while listening to this podcast! And I love when she ties it in to current events/mindsets/etc. Thank you, Dana!
  • z@ck@tt@ck
    This is a great podcast
    I love this podcast. Dana is an intelligent woman but clearly someone has told her to enunciate. It’s difficult to listen to her now. Her speech is so forced & awkward. Please go back to the way you used to speak!
  • GeekThaGirl
    Yeah, I dunno
    The robot-like delivery makes this podcast unlistenable. Is she auditioning to be the next Siri?
  • HeatherNoelle91
    Love it!
    I love the new look at history. Also I find Dana’s voice so soothing, she can put me to sleep, but then I have to go back and relisten to the episodes lol
  • Oneofus47
    Disrespectful Mispronunciation
    I’ve listened from the beginning and been a fan of Dana since early Hysteria days, but I really just can’t keep listening to her blatant mispronunciation of words, names, and places. Pronunciation is hard, I get it, but there are so many tools at her disposal to combat those difficulties and it’s disrespectful of historical figures, inconsiderate of listeners, and disingenuous as a presenter of history to not even try. On the most recent episode Dana likens herself to Puccini in her difficulties with pronunciation while then proceeding to explain “Turandot” as a daughter of Turan and then pronounce the name Turn-a-dot for the rest of the episode! In her own words she asks not to be emailed as she reportedly does her best… with research and editing, this best is no longer good enough for me. As much as I enjoy the storytelling style, pronunciation is important and there are ways to be better.
  • Miss Bunny Watson
    Dana & this podcast are amazing (maybe the best podcast host in the biz) & I never do this, but it was driving me crazy: it’s TurANdot, not TurNAdot. Love you Dana!!!!!
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