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Orb7_rulezAssembled and solved.Two Words Im Not Sorry for Breaking rules Penultimate in The slinger It is A cold Hard world Frozen solid Dry ice Wicked compression Horrendously absurd Silently, defiantly Onwards Toxicity Glittering Frosty Two Words Greenhouse Gas Global Warming Carbon Dioxide Wicked Compression Ice Cold Dry Ice Solidly Severed Ice Shelved Great Pyramids Of Freeza Square Cut Negative 108F Opps I Flunked Oppression And Yell Leroy Jenkins LoL WoW!
HhgggguyyddbjfshjfdPlease interview Glen MerzerClimate change IS solvable!! Please interview Glen Merzer. He has written a very important book, Food Is Climate. He is a great interviewee. He has written for television. He has done standup.
BrunojbrunoVery thought provokingGot started with Ronald Young Jr.’s interview with Bill Mckibben on fossil fuels and I am hooked! More Ronald! Very smooth delivery and a voice perfect for the role. Great stuff!
Texas GranMaHorribleRace bating crap
loverlygeekSome good news about real problemsIt’s easy to feel overwhelmed about all the problems in the world. Ronald Young Jr. has thought-provoking interviews to discuss the solutions and I enjoy listening to his voice
lyennyGreat Perspective!With so much negativity in the world, I love the perspective of this podcast. Solvable does a great job of addressing real problems that we are facing, but from the perspective of finding solutions instead of getting trapped in the chasm of the problem. And BONUS, the host, Ronald Young, Jr. is an amazing interviewer who is truly invested in each topic. This is definitely one to subscribe to!!
pegzpearlzThere Are SolutionsWith all the challenges humanity faced in 2020 alone; global pandemic, isolation, separation, human basis, civil unrest, brainstorming viable solutions is a must. If we want a more hopeful future as a species. These interviews offer inspiration and a fresh perspective to age-old problems. To get the best solutions, we must ask the experts the right questions. Ronald Young, Jr. is asking probing, intriguing questions with laser precision. He is unearthing gems of wisdom proving life’s challenges are “solvable”. Great show.
AnklefootmdI just lost time I’ll never recoverI like to leave my mind open to new possibilities, but this podcast on climate change only made me more stupid. Not a single truth was spoken within the first 10 minutes and I had to discontinue listening. You can’t solve anything with lies and nonsense.
ainigrivcsacKeeps Getting BetterWith a new host comes new life to a podcast that is one of my favorites. Ronald Young Jr seems to breathe fresh air into an already exceptional podcast. I look forward to being a continued loyal fan.
Hel-raiserGood newsRestores my faith in humanity and our ability to innovate to meet the biggest challenges we face as a species and a planet. Thank you!
tjkingstonDisappointing execution of an interesting premiseComing from Pushkin, the Publisher of the exceptional podcast “Revisionist History”, I was expecting this show to be similar, but was disappointed. This is an interview show for authors to promote their new books.
rambuenoAnalytically weakEmail hacking as a comparator? Come on. It would have been better with some selectivity rather than “everything can be wrong and we’ll never know” approach, not too different from Trump’s arguments regarding mail-in ballots
Melissa LakeInteresting and InformativeI enjoy hearing the different solutions people have posited for a variety of problems. It’s hope-giving to know that there are people out there thinking innovatively and creatively to find solutions to a myriad of problems.
katie-grayJust what the doctor orderedI greatly appreciate this podcast. Solvable leans into the hope of a better world with vision for what better actually looks like—not just wishful thinking. This is exactly what we need right now. Also, someone commented a few months back that the host’s lisp is too pronounced and distracting. That is a load of BS and very closed minded. Good journalism is good journalism is good journalism. Keep up the good work, y’all!
nonetaken123Sad panderingSad pandering to a courage-less, commonly held, media drum beat. Expect little and you won’t be disappointed.
ed108649Not greatA low depth look at issues and solutions you have probably heard of like confederate statue removal, “X” prizes, and micro loans. Pretty good if you haven’t heard of these solutions before. Not as informative as I had hoped.
DN4486Not as interesting as I had thoughtNothing I haven’t already heard about income inequality and other issues.
S......kMakes me happyI really enjoy the tone and information from this podcast. With all that is going on in the world, listening to stories about people out there solving life’s problems is uplifting to say the least. However, Jacob should not be a podcast host - I’m sorry but his lisp is so pronounced that it’s all I hear and I just can’t get through those episodes...may be just a personal preference. Still really enjoy the message.
samcot5FluffI have limited time to listen to good podcasts. When I see something new and interesting I put it through a harsh test: I look for a challenging episode to see how well they handle the topic. In this case I chose the episode on climate change. I thought, "Wow, they're going to "solve" climate change in a single thirty-minute episode?" Well, they didn't. In fact they didn't even try. All they talked about was offering a monetary prize to find solutions. How about that? Who would have guessed that solving climate change was as easy as offering a monetary prize for the best solution? The host of this podcast is Maeve Higgins, a comedian, and maybe that's a hint that this podcast isn't very serious. This podcast failed my audition so I won't be adding it to my list.
thicks51Usually goodIn the main the topics are interesting and the ideas wonderful and deserving of our attention and support. The latest episode is an exception with Dr. Uruashi Sahni on educational inequality. She advocates a social indoctrination platform based on her views embedded in a classic education. It’s a disturbing viewpoint that the host doesn’t do enough to challenge. I hope they avoid this type of guest in the future.
DLM631Hope in a podcastI hear things on this podcast and I wonder if we could achieve some of these things in rural Colorado....teaching kids to write code, using data to solve our problems. Maybe then the kids wouldn’t feel that they had to move away to make a life. Thank you Pushkin!
TayrollAnother great Pushkin podcastI’ve been hooked on Malcolm Gladwell for years and now I’m really enjoying this podcast at his suggestion as well. It gives me hope that people are still doing good in the world
trytoketchupThe 1%99% Awesome, 1% Maeve Higgins
Curious9999999So glad this existsWe need more of this. People are doing good things, problems are solvable.
Strawberry ENot that groundbreakingI was excited by the premise of this podcast and a couple of the topics have been good, but most of them don’t actually seem to be all that innovative or actually solvable. “We’re working on this” is nice, but there isn’t a clear action plan to achieve it for most of the issues, without major government or social change, which is what is discouraging about these problems in the first place.
JoeyDuda1980Nice to know there are solutionsI’m happy that this podcast exists because I’ve had enough doom and gloom, let’s solve some problems here
!CT19SolvableI’ve been a faithful listener of all episodes and I’m beginning to worry the quality is beginning to slip. From the beginning, Solvable was touted as a “how to,” a practical discussion of equally practical ways of tackling what seemed intractable social problems. The first episode met and exceeded expectations, as the discussion both provided a great overview of the big picture and “descended into the partículars,” to use Malcolm Gladwell’s phrase. Subsequent episodes, however, have been increasingly less organized and leave you with a sense of what the guest has accomplished, not necessarily how is the problem in the subject “solvable” in a practical sense. I sense the information is in the interview since hints of it are given at the end of the podcast. Recommend re-listening to each episode, outlining the structure and content of the presentation, and comparing them. I’m convinced you will notice a marked difference that progressively erodes the value you are trying to offer with the podcast.
Nana4170Expertise meets optimism!Yes we can!
Minsky123Soft interviewsGushing interviews with no hard hitting questions, or alternative perspectives, expected better from gladwell
ViceroyceAnti-right = Pro-awesomeGreat show! My favorite adjective is Gladwellian. Waiting on the OED. Pushkin Industries’ content is hella Gladwellian. Jacob and Malcolm: “you know the mentality; keep flippin’ the gift.”
Medstu85Not goodI‘m a Vox Weeds Fan because I like intelligent arguments. Too bad there aren’t any on this show. Polarizing anti-right podcast.....
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