Girl On Top: ShallonXO


What happens when you mix Carrie Bradshaw with Dr. Phil? You get me, Shallon Lester, an author, editor, NYC It Girl and YouTube dating coach with almost 1 billion views! On this podcast, I’ll answer YOUR burning questions about love, lust, life and lip gloss—and everything between. Are you ready to join the #Shallontourage and take over the world? Time to get on top, ladies... ♥️Got a love quandary? Submit a question at ♥️Instagram & Twitter @ShallonXO ♥️YouTube to the ad-free version: wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: For advertising opportunities please email   Privacy Policy:

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Recent Reviews
  • Aaaaaacrash
    Trash podcast
    Just trash that sets us back as a society.
  • ringofthenibelung
    One of the best podcasts on here!
    I don’t remember exactly when but sometime around 2021, the YouTube algorithm suggested Shallon Lester’s videos to me. I have been watching them for the past couple of years. Starting March of last year, I lost my home which I loved and was horribly depressed. Watching her videos helped take my mind off of it in addition to providing me with important advice and life lessons. Starting around November, I began listening to the podcast as well. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it has changed my life for the better. I would highly recommend it to anyone!
  • haley09999
    Queen Behavior
    Shallon teaches all the lessons we NEED as women even if we don’t want to hear them. She gets straight to the point and raises our value as women! Obsessed xx
  • Michelle (meesh
    How I start my day
    I listen to all your podcast when I’m going to work or taking a long drive. You motivate me and give me a new perspective when I feel stuck. My go to podcast! This recent episode was EVERYTHING i needed to hear. Thank you for your insight and knowledge. I love you for it alllll Grace is being gentle on my heart and others. Loveeee that
  • <3 Muzic
    I could listen to Shallon for HOURS!
    Can’t get enough of this woman. Love every second of her podcasts/videos and always come out of them feeling a little wiser and ready to conquer adulthood.
  • mindy-wesley
    Love you xoxo
    I can’t get enough of your content. We need honesty and realness more than ever!
  • Allycat1013
    Honest and Helpful
    I love listening to your podcasts when I go on my walks. Honestly have helped me in so many different ways :) Thanks for being you ❤️
  • KravMagaGirl
    Simply the Best!
    Shallon is the best friend, big sister, voice in your head that you’ve always wanted and needed. Her advice is spot on and truthful. No beating around the bush. Why? Because she wants to bring the best out of you. She delivers all of this with a style that is completely unique and hilarious. Her podcasts always make me feel better! Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
  • Meezy_29
    I’m SO glad shallon is back!!
    I love this podcast. It’s unlike any other podcast. Shallon gives such great advice. I look forward to new episodes every week.
  • HelenaWoods
    We miss your podcast!
    Your energy and wit bring my husband and I so much joy and laughter on our long car rides to work. Please bring it back 🤩
  • Bigdeuce525
    Love it
    It’s like Shallon knows what I’m going through all the time. It’s kinda creepy how every episode aligns exactly with what is going on in my life. She always says exactly what I need to hear!
  • Kels25_
    Shallon is the smartest, most profound person that I’ve listened to on a podcast, or any social platform.
  • Xhesika322
    Love Shallon!
    Great podcast
  • Ldz422
    Used to be a good podcast
    Too many annoying ads! I know you gotta make money but god!!! I was a podcast listener of hours from the very beginning when there was nothing but great it’s just all ads and the same drivel over and over. I think there’s probably 5 minutes of content over a 30-40 min podcast...sad!
  • bigbs777
    Not the Bob Sagget Ad
    Really Shallow? a bob sagget ad for????
  • Ale19003
    Wonderful host and topics!
    Shallon is so wise, and when I found out she also has a podcast! I tuned in right away. She has changed the way I think about myself as a woman and relationships as a whole. Before I discovered Shallon I felt a little lost and apprehensive about relationships as I did not want give up my pride for a man, Shallon has made me feel in control and I have become a Warm blooded animal! Love you Shallon!
  • xogirlxo13
    Shallon is amazing
    I have been a fan of shallon and her advice for many years and I love being able to listen to her podcast! Amazing keep up the great work!
  • StitchedPlease
    I never miss a podcast.
    Just like her youtube videos, these podcasts are so informative & helpful. She’s detailed with her words and knows exactly how to explain things. She’s amazing, makes me feel confident. She really is growing a strong girl pack!
  • slutty4seritonin
    Crazy audio levels
    Great content, unbearable audio quality. Shallon, you should equalize your audio levels before posting or get a better mic
  • zahira.e
    Too many ads
    I love what this podcast offers but all these ads are too much.
  • Ts1319891522
    Love it!
    Shallon has helped me understand myself and become a better person. She’s also so so funny. I would love to hear more book club readings in the future. 💕
  • Wally Review Company
    Listening to Shallon is a Form if Self Care...
    I’m 17 and so incredibly grateful I came across Shallons content so young. She doesn’t simply offer dating advice. Her advice is unique because she encourages us to PUT. OURSELVES. FIRST. To better all aspects of our lives. My life NO LONGER revolves around ANY MAN. And In turn that makes me magnetic and NOT DESPERATE for ANYONE. I’m attuned to my own desperation and keep that at bay. This has helped all of my interpersonal relationships...Listening to this podcast or Shallons YouTube videos will truly be one of the best forms of self care you could give yourself. I don’t know how she churns out so much content every week! ALSO unlike many other (rather mediocre) you tubers, shallon can literally talk for like 30 minutes straight and captivate you the ENTIRE time. She’s an great rhetorician and doesn’t use too many jump cuts. It’s great!! Thanks Shallon! You’re doing great girl!
  • BrownEyesP76
    A must listen for every woman and young lady
    I have grown leaps and bounds by listening to Shallon Lester. She teaches you to respect yourself and how to make others respect you. I will make my daughter listen to ShallonXO here and YouTube before she is ever aloud to date. I no longer let men treat me badly and stay around. Thank you Shallon Lester for showing us how to be an alpha female and a warm blooded animal.
  • reighcist
    Queen Shallon
    She talks about everything my mother or older sister never told me. I learn so much from her, and i’ve truly developed as a young woman because of Shallon.
  • MariyaIsAwesome
    She’s amazing
    I love her. Idc what the haters say. I truly don’t care. We’re suppose to care what she said about Justin Bieber while being a baby herself? Get real. Also, who cares if she’s mean to celebrities. They’re celebrities!!! WHO CARES!!! Anyway, shallon helped me build massive confidence and motivation. Her dating advice is on point. Her mental health advice is amazing. I recommend her podcast to anyone who wants to build massive self esteem. She also reads my favorite books like “why men love b....” she’s a smart lady. I also love her energy and confidence! It rubs off on us. :)
    Please find a new ad
    Shallon....please for the love of God get rid of any and all ads voiced by the “tired of crowded grocery stores?” girl. My blood boils every time it comes on!!! Other than that, much enjoying the podcast and love the meditations in the beginning 😊 you should do full podcasts/videos of it!
  • Tyberrykamsa
    Great podcast
    Shallon is an amazing pioneer in the dating advice community for years and I see her being a great inspiration to so many others. Lots of podcasts draw inspiration from her such as The Weeb Heartbeat and she has been featured in Glamour, published, I really trust her
  • Javi🌸
    I love it
    It’s very insightful on everything relationships, and not only romantic.
  • Rate the Kat
    Big sister
    Shallon will not tell you want you want to hear but she will tell you what you NEED to hear, I appreciate her brutal honesty
  • burn!
    The Whole Package
    I have never met Shallon Lester, but she makes me feel seen, heard and loved. I’m a huge fan of this podcast as well as her YouTube videos. I love the mix of street-smart older sister/best girlfriend/wise sage vibes in her advice and she has helped me navigate so many areas of my life in ways that usher in expansion and growth. I am beyond grateful that I discovered her.
  • dess098
    Insightful content
    I’ve been watching Shallon’s videos for a while and now I’m listening to the podcasts. Her content has helped me improve my relationships and myself as a person. I really appreciate her advice and I think we can all learn a thing or two from her! :)
  • Beegee6942086
    Predator & Not owning up
    I used to be a big fan and watched her videos, she started coming off as less knowledgeable and starting playing psychologist too much when she has no credentials other than quick google searches. Her obsession with younger men is disturbing and she seems like SHES the one who needs REAL help and needs to be off the internet until she addresses her mistakes in a genuine way, not just deflecting and acting like everyone is a hater. She’s also lowkey racist and as Latina, I started noticing her micro-aggressions against Black Women and men and also that comment that is on VIDEO of her saying Racist comments about immigrants is completely disgusting. She’s a fraud.
  • Rorotara
    Horrible person do not support
    I used to be a fan but please just google her before you listen to her toxic “advice”
  • harty95
    She is a predator and a liar
    She has zero accountability for her actions and behavior, the way she speaks of younger men is abhorrent and predatory. it is not at all surprising that the the former editor of a gossip rag only provides shallow content regarding the behavior and actions of celebrities, without any actual credibility. She has a built an entire brand off discrediting others and now she has taken this revisionist turn to erase all negative aspects of her platform, as if the damage can be undone. Nothing online really vanishes. How despicable.
  • Tatiana Inc
    Love u Shallon!
    I love you even more after all these hateful comments. Keep it up girl! ❤️❤️❤️
  • JennJennGinger
    This woman is absolute trash.
    This woman is a predator.
  • Gagabrat
    Shoddy Credibility and Questionable Behavior
    Shallon Lester has stated she’s related to Cesare Pavese (Not true) as she goes back and forth from stating that he’s her uncle and then great-great grandfather different times. The man had no children. Her penchant for young male teens has been prevalent as she time and time encourages women to date men and correlate that to comments she had about 15/16 year old celebrities. Her real age is 40 and she has been trying to control her media to give different various ages that are younger, but she gives no credit to her audience that they know how to “research”. She claims bisexuality while preferring to trans people as “it” and “thing”. She falsely accuses people of illegal actions against her when trying to give constructive criticism, and it is now apparent that nothing of her social media is transparent. I would be wary to get sound sane advice from a woman who is clearly has a history of lying. She does not have a psychology or any kind of therapy degree to diagnose the celebrities she brings up and clearly correlate to your personal life as her life is a sham itself. If I could give no stars, I would. She has said racist/transphobic things and covers it up with I have friends and help people who are of color, and tries to save herself as being bisexual as if that gave her a pass. A bitter, hateful, middle-age woman who has learned nothing through her 20s or 30s.
  • Ufchkufccxsaqqqqqqwee
    Dangelowallace has EXPOSED her on his YouTube channel. This woman exhibits predatory behavior and is a LIAR! She’s losing subscribers left and right. She makes up lies and peddles them as if they are the truth. Open your eyes people. Shallon, you should be ashamed of yourself. Everyone Unsubscribe!
  • artofwarxo
    Best advice!
    Shallon’s advice is great and provides a lot of insight for your life! Totally recommend:)
  • MJ-Gal
    Blunt Woman, Blunt Truth
    Shallon is not known for being a woman who doesn’t share her opinion. She gives great advice, and says how it is. Despite all the hate she is currently getting, people need to remember it’s just advice. Take it, or leave it. Personally, her advice I have followed has helped me so much. If you don’t like it, move along!
  • 279abgg
    Only empowering for close minded people🙄
    title says enough
  • BPfreegaslol
    She is trending for being Racist
    April 19, 2020 and she is taking down YouTube videos for trending all over Twitter as a result of racist and ignorant comments towards other people in the industry. Not someone I’d allow in my ear for a podcast. Bad influence.
  • Tg28654321%**}#?
    Worst podcast ever
    This podcast isn’t worth your time. She’s impetuous, racist, and her advice will get you nowhere.
  • bonnieshine666
    Is this little girl that ignorant 🤦🏼‍♀️ what a joke.
  • jojob0109
    Shallon I can’t get enough
    I love how your not ignorantly speaking about people you are an intelligent beautiful woman and are all for building woman up I love all your work
  • MinafromJersey
    The worst podcast
    If you want advice to get broken up with please listen to her! She’s great at that
  • Brenda_H27
    Big Sister 🥰
    I watched one video and now i'm hooked on all her content. She is the confirmation of my intuition. love, love, LOVE!
  • VianneyRod
    Love her advice! It is empowering and inspirational! She makes me laugh so much and makes me feel like I’m talking to one of my girlfriends 🙂🙂🙂
  • daniellllaaggdhdjjdjeje
    She’s a genius
    I love her advice and take it as gospel. Hope you all do too. ~
  • seaHagInTraining
    Tells young girls cocaine in moderation is ok. Insane!!!!!!!
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