Secrets of Doctor Who


A Doctor Who Fan Podcast

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  • Lord Lythronax
    Episode idea
    Could you do a review of your favorite doctor who antagonists (daleks, cybermen, weeping angels, the master, etc.)
  • MikeyArmen
    Dot and Bubble and Rogue
    A good episode on these 2 episodes, while I generally can understand a desire to indicate a somewhat inclusive character range and so a bi/gay character or component won’t immediately make me hate something (even if I find it often excessive) I didn’t care for that part of Rogue, though I think what redeems it is the fact they only lean into the gay romance in an acted bit where they’re trying to cause attention and scandal to the people there and then they acknowledge the Doctor couldn’t banish Ruby but he could Rogue implying the love of Friendship is more valuable than romance a classical idea the catechism leans on in its homosexuality paragraphs. Ultimately this like Space Babies’ emphasis on the goodness of the babies make these episodes have subtle cut backs against the liberal message they push where subtly the goodness of children and friendship over same-sex romance is either conveyed or at least instilled into the mind.
  • Hamish MacPhereson
    An excellent podcast. Thorough analysis of the individual episodes of Doctor Who. Always entertaining and illuminating with cogent analysis of many aspects of the series. Well worth a listen for even marginal fans of the series.
  • tomabs76
    Insightful podcast to get in-depth on classic and current who.
    greatly recommend this podcast, one of the best out there
  • jboeth123
    Cold War
    I come to this pod cast to get information and backstory of my favorite show but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to listen to because you guys come off as homophobic and religious zealots. Being “woke” and social justice issues obviously annoy you and I sense some misogyny as well. Know your audience. If I’m wrong by all means carry on but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that hears this. And I get that you are Christians but to talk about religion as fact and not a personal belief that you hold is presumptuous.
  • Tilley Willow
    Dr Who review with a moral compass
    Great podcast! Love the review of not only "New" Dr. Who, but classic Dr. Who as well as audio plays. Keep up the good work.
  • FunCatholicDad
    A must listen
    This podcast is a must listen for anyone who has ever enjoyed Doctor Who.
  • MachineLanguage
    I love this podcast / The Secrets of Dr. Who
    I absolutely love this podcast, and I have never even watched an episode of Dr. Who, yet I love learning about the show from each podcast. I love every second of each "The Secrets of Dr. Who" podcast that I listen to.
  • TMcCaffrey
    New Who/Old Who-Experts in Either Era
    Perfect podcast for any Who Fan, with deep dives into both new and old episodes alike. The hosts catch any and all Easter eggs, and are not afraid to give an honest critical analysis of plots and themes. A must for anyone interested in Doctor Who.
  • TedCharlton
    Great Podcast
    I have been a fan of this podcast since it first came out. I became a fan of Doctor Who during the New Who era and have binge watched the new episodes from the begining. The show is hosted by Dom Bettinelli who, like me, started watching duing the New Who era. Also on the show it Jimmy Akin who I was familar with from Catholic Answers Live and Fr. Cory Sticha who is a Catholic Priest in Montana (yes he has internet). Jimmy and Fr. Cory have been fans of Doctor Who since the Classic era and often can point out where there are events or characters that cross the eras. The dialogue is interesteing and witty and I look forward to the weekly release of the episodes.
  • mandymcc2012
    Favorite weekly podcast
    One of my favorite podcasts that I listen to each week. And one of my favorites from all of SQPN’s great podcasts!
  • Podpersona
    Fun and Informative Podcast
    This podcast is a must for fans of Doctor Who, new and classic version. Even those not familiar with the show's history will find it very informative as the hosts cover both current and past episodes of the series going back to it's beginnings in the 1960's. They also analyse the show from a faith-based perspective.
  • Joe333777
    Addictive, informative, and fun! Wibbly and wobbly!
    An awesome balance of trivia, insights, reviews, wit and humor! The personalities are great and one can tell that they put a lot of work into this podcast. The Master wouldn’t dare mess with these minds!
  • Dr. Apostrophe X
    In-depth look by fans for fans
    Each episode is an in depth look at an episode of either Classic or new Doctor Who. The podcasters discuss what they like or didn’t like about each episode in a very balanced way. Great for long time fans of the series or people just discovering the show.
  • Katgirl09
    Bingeworthy and Nerdtastic
    Best part of my commute! It's like re-experiencing the show through an intellectual and Catholic perspective. My favorite episodes have a balance of Doctor Who trivia/insights, Catholic theology, and plenty of crossverse nerd moments from the panel. Remember to stick around for the "final blessing".
  • Sean McCune
    This is gonna be fun!
    Doctor Who is a silly, fun show and SQPN's Secrets of Doctor Who is a silly, fun podcast about it. And its a lot of fun listening to these three hosts talk about Doctor Who. They are knowledgeable and know the show's history and clearly love it. One of my favorite podcasts every week!
  • Treqqer
    Informative and Entertaining
    Secrets of Doctor Who (along with Secrets of Star Trek also made by SQPN) are two of my favorite podcasts. They discuss insights, trivia and topics without getting "preachy". Doctor Who fans (Classic and New Who) would enloy this program.
  • bskf d
    Insightful Doctor Who podcast
    This team of podcasters does an awesome job analyzing each episode of Doctor Who. A must for any new or old Doctor Who fan. They dedicate time to reviewing classic episodes as well!
  • 👆🏻✌🏻🤴&🇦🇺
    A nerd, a geek, and a priest walk into a bar...
    Stop me if you’ve heard this one. But seriously, the insightful commentary provided by Dom, Jimmy, & Fr. Cory is great fun to listen to. You can tell these guys love Doctor Who as much as we do. Keep up the amazing work, guys!
  • 10is#1
    Super fun!
    As a fan of new who, this show has been my gateway into old who and I like that they talk about both. They have great analyses and humor! Getting to hear some of my favorite apologists talk about one of my favorite shows make my little nerd heart happy. 🙂
  • mama_nerd
    Secrets of dr who
    Really like listening to the in depth explorations of the various dr who episodes, by people who really enjoy The Doctor. They bounce ideas around, expand on the themes and references within and between the episodes. I love to watch an episode, then listen the the podcast, and go back to review the things I missed. The podcasters have fun with the material and are comfortable enough with each other to take opposite sides sometimes to tease out a point or resolve a question.
  • KidRisky
    The hosts are charming, convivial, knowledgeable, and honest. They don’t like every episode by a long shot, but their love of the series comes across clearly. Yes, they’re Catholic, and yes, one is a priest. This is only evident when they analyze an ethical dilemma in an episode from a Catholic perspective. It seems they do this podcast to talk about a show they love, not as a means of converting people on the sly. I look forward to Mondays because of this show, and I thank them for that.
  • SeniorSis
    Dr. Who
    These contributors know Dr.Who inside out and are so much fun to listen to. I never miss an episode.
  • Kelli-LB
    Great Podcast!
    This is becoming one of my favorite podcasts. I love the discussions, they bring out things in the episodes that I never considered.
  • AmyFlo
    Enjoy this podcast and the dynamic between the three hosts. Their knowledge of past DW is impressive, and it adds depth to the episode being discussed.
  • hollymac79
    Another great Doctor Who podcast
    I’m always on the look out for more podcasts about Doctor Who and this doesn’t disappoint. The hosts are very knowledgeable and I have enjoy what I have listened to.
  • Rogue Investor
    very entertaining
    I really enjoy this podcast, I hope they go back and do all the Nuwho episodes.
  • The Crescat
    Jimmy Atkin, Encyclopedia Doctor Who
    I hope they go back and do podcasts from earlier seasons. I absolutely enjoyed the theological points of view discussed, dissecting all the symbolism. My only complaint would be that I wish they a different guest on the show now and again to mix things up.
  • Mordacil
    The episode isn't over until I've heard the podcast about it
    I look forward to this podcast after every episode. I'm already a fan of Jimmy Akins other work and it great to find out he's working with Fr. Roderick on this too.
    Best in all of time and space.
    I wanted to listen to Catholics who watch the show discuss some of the themes and elements of Doctor Who. Right off the bat, every episode has a perfect recap of the latest episode described by Jimmy Akin. Sometimes Doctor Who can be confusing, so it's nice to have someone explain it to me in plain English. I do listen to another Doctor Who podcast, but what this show offers that others don't, is a detailed break down of themes that may be theological. I share what I learn from this show to my fellow Whovians and they think I'm extra smart hahaha. So thank you for making this timey wimey stuff a little less wobbly.
  • Jy2002
    Double the fun!
    I look forward to these podcast episodes almost as much as Doctor Who itself. I'm new to Who so I appreciate the extra insights.
  • Princess Stella
    Elizabeth Weir
    I am glad that SQPN released a Secrets of Doctor Who podcast! I listened to the Secrets of Harry Potter podcast and when I saw this, I downloaded and subscribed to it right away. Awesome podcast! Keep up the great work.
  • DarthAckbar
    Great Show
    This is a must listen for Doctor Who fans. The hosts talk about each new Doctor Who episode as it is released, starting with Season 8. They talk about what happened in the episode, the themes, the links to classic Doctor Who episodes, and where they think the show might be going. Check it out!
  • Twelfth Station
    Great New Dr. Who Podcast
    I have enjoyed every episode of this show so far. I find it to be similar to "The Incomparable" and "Verity". Like these shows, "Secrets of Dr. Who" also features panelists who know the series well and who have intelligent discussion on each episode. The host of the show, Father Roderick, is a Catholic priest from the Netherlands who has been producing high-quality shows for almost a decade. His shows are not geared towards Catholics necessarily—They are rather meant to reach a global audience. His style is welcoming and never "preachy". Some of the show's panelists have a deep background in theology and philosophy, which actually enriches the discussion. In the end, they are all big Dr. Who fans talking about the show in a way that I find enjoyable. I recommend adding this show to your list.
  • Maddywv
    Dr Who
    You don't have to be Catholic to enjoy these informative Podcasts by Catholics. They have insight and information on how the latest episodes tie in with the old Doctor Who Shows.
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