The Patdown with Ms. Pat

by Ms. Pat

Ms. Pat is the EP, Creator, and star of the Emmy Nominated sitcom, The Ms. Pat Show. Along with Deon Curry, Chris Spangle, friends, and family, Ms. Pat dives into topics from backside meatballs to race every Tuesday. With their unique perspectives, the crew of The Patdown with Ms. Pat will make you laugh, think, and appreciate life a little differently.Support the show on Patreon - tour dates and more, visit www.mspatcomedy.comYouTube -

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Recent Reviews
  • Tpinke727
    let me just say this
    i recently stumbled across this podcast maybe a couple months ago , and i’ve been obsessed since. i’m a GH driver 🤣 so i listen to a lot of things , but this podcast has to be my favorite pass time . it makes my shift go by so quick . y’all’s voices are really soothing and i be laughing with yall just as hard . please keep putting them out for your drivers . love y’all
  • Doodles is Taken
    5 stars for Pat
    Ms. Pat and Deon are great, but Chris is just a big fat man-baby. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can’t wipe his own butt. No wonder his first wife left him. Good luck to his second wife.
  • Pammie26
    Love miss Pat
    This recent episode was intense I get what Deion was saying about race. Chris needs to be open minded and not defend these racist folks.
  • Losing_interest
    Can’t stand Chris
    He just doesn’t get it… and this is coming from a Biracial woman… Chris doesn’t even want to try to see from a black person’s perspective. Frustrating to listen to him
  • MGH's Mom
    Love ya’ll
    But Chris has got to go.
  • Comedylover123
    Deon acts racist
    He is always yelling and is not open minded. He loves to say “yall” and generalize all white people and their feelings. I heard him out many times. Cannot listen to it anymore.
  • mc16_1
    The hilarious Ms Pat
    Thank you Ms Pat for the laughter i’m proud of you and appreciate you
  • BrandonSDuh
    The greatest podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast every time there’s a new episode since it started back in 2019. This podcast is funny, real, has great topics and it makes you think. I normally don’t ever listen to podcasts because they don’t interest me but The Patdown has been the exception. Ms Pat, Chris and Deon brings us an iconic episode each and every single time.
  • Brye1990
    Not a comedy podcast anymore
    This is marked as a comedy podcast and used to be at the beginning and it was very funny. Now you just have to listen to Chris and Dion unintelligently talk about things they know nothing about like economic policies. I could feel my IQ go down listening to Dion attempting to talk about price controls and subsidies.
  • Goddess03!
    Crack Baby on 10
    I overlove yall! I didn’t even know about this podcast. I stumbled across the episode about trees having nuts! I started from the beginning and caught up last week. 5 years of a podcast in a few months!!! I’m ready for this week’s episode. I always feel like I’m apart of the conversation too. Ciao for now.
  • LMKbruh
    Chris needs to b schooled
    Here’s the thing…. I enjoy different perspectives but if u want to have a conservative point of view and u don’t want to fire Chris, maybe u should bring n an ADDITIONAL moderate/conservative voice…. someone that’s educated . Chris’s limited scope of knowledge , aka mansplaining is soooo exhausting. He needs someone to educate him ASAP. The insulin and real estate discussion was wildly inaccurate. - still a ms pat fan tho!
  • A Renee Ash
    Newest episode
    Absolutely love when Garianna is on! So glad she entered the chat!!!
  • Yaba T.
    I never write reviews but this last episode got me typing
    Great great episode. I love hearing the different opinions and perspectives of life and government. I hope you have a part two of this debate especially as we get closer to the presidential elections. Shout out to Mrs pat’s Daughter for bringing some laughs and calmness to the heated debate.
  • JKreelo
    Spirited discourse on covid response and the two party political system were not what I was expecting this week from Ms. Pat. But I’ll damned if it wasn’t exactly what I needed. Werrrrk.
  • Mase_1111
    Ms.Pat, Chris and Deon are truly amazing people. This podcast is the best there is!! Ms.Pat needs to keep her stories coming. Chris and Deon are great. Thank you for getting me through my depression. I really don’t know what I would do without you guys. Thank you Deon and Chris for sharing that therapy saved your lives.Your sharing that on the podcast made me go to see a therapist. You guys saved my life. Ms. Pat I want you to know that you bring me so much joy and laughter something I never thought I’d ever see again. Thank you… ❤️
  • transformationinprogress89
    A week later and 60 episodes in. The dynamic is awesome!
  • Ame3726
    Black excellence
    Ms. Pat, I love you, I think you’re hilarious and I love listening to everything you say, but please leave Chris behind. Listening to a white boy’s perspective next to a black queen is not the vibe. I want to hear you and all of your black friends and family only. Make this a celebration of black people!! You deserve and the community deserves to hear black voices raised on to a platform like yours. Don’t worry about white boy Chris, he’s a white boy, he’ll be just fine. We’ve heard the white man perspective a little too much. I want to hear to you. Make this a safe space for black people. The only reason I’m not giving you 5 stars is because of Chris lol
  • Momof2byz
    Truly amazing!
    Ms. Pat, you are truly getting me through some of my darkest days. You and the fellas are saving me in a way you will never understand. I look forward to each and every episode. PLEASE!!! Don’t ever stop doing this podcast!! People need you Ms.Pat and Deon, and especially Chris!!! I haven’t laughed this hard in years! Each story is better than the last. I’m so glad Jeff Lewis told us about you. I’m a forever fan. Much LOVE & RESPECT to you, Ms. Pat.
  • superuglycoolsjwfsfg
    I’m be of my favorite humans!! I love you it! Stay you never change!
  • Layla Koosen
    Heard Ms Pat on Jeff Lewis Live and now following her every move, from the pod to Ms Pat Settles I am here for this woman. Hilarious
  • lugane214
    So funny
  • Lavelle Caffey
    Love It!
    Been listening to the podcast for over a year now and I absolutely love it. Keep doing what you do, Ms. Pat!❤️
  • July Babeeee
    I love it!!
    This is hands down the funniest PODCAST! My favorite is the episode when Ms Pat’s brother called in from jail!! I laughed so hard I cried. This PODCAST has been here for me through some rough times.
  • Jessie reviews 76
    Funniest podcast
    Absolutely the funniest podcast. So funny that I’ll reply episodes over and over again.
  • badgerloveslojo
    Funniest podcast
    This show will never fail to make you smile and laugh
  • Ms. Pat you da bomb
    I love you guys
    Ms. Pat you da BOMB! Can’t wait for you to come to LA again.
  • kwak_addict
    Crackbaby alert
    Ms. Pat, you are an incredible human being. I love your podcast and show and can’t wait to see you Live for Ya Girl Done Made it tour! I’m currently rewatching episodes of the Ms. Pat show, for the umpteenth time, on mute while i’m listening to your podcast lol i’m doing my part!! I wish you and your loved ones much success and many blessings!
  • CamLinnea
    Love all of them!
    Love their relationships on this podcast.
  • Kwoneee
    Family ❣️
    Yall Bout Funny Then A Mf, I Found Ms Pat W/ The Ms Pat Show My Sister Put Me On. But You Doing Ya Thang Baby! I Love To Listen, Keep On Keeping On Sis! COME TO SEATTLE 👀
  • rezdog
    Eating while podcasting
    Not going to listen. It’s just the most offensive thing someone can do.will not listen
  • PAC Man vs mayweather
    Love it
    Love everything you’re doing!
  • chile100
    Laugh Riot
    So outrageous and over the top, don’t stop!
  • asstasic101
    My Queen of Comedy!! Real and Raw Comedy.
    Listening to Ms. Pat reminds me of watching the old video of the Queens of Comedy. I love the realness, I love her stand up and that there’s no corny joke like most current comedians.
  • Rulx.A
    Uncensored comedy gold!!!
    If y’all need a good laugh to get through the day, she’ll do it for yuh along with white boii Chris and Deon! Definitely tune in and have a good sense of humor!
  • ddawgz
    Funny AF….
    Episode 222 had me crying cause Deion was laughing so hard at Ms.Pat & Chris
  • Baejoux
    A bunch of uneducated idiots they gave a podcast to.
    The title says it all. Deon hates Black people. Everything he says about Black people is negative. Chris is insufferable. This podcast isn’t going to last. I’d give 0 stars if I could.
  • woogles32
    I’m obsessed I love it!!!!
  • E2 Dino boy
    The best!!!
    Ms. Pat is awesome. I first became acquainted with Ms. Pat on her Netflix special then her show and then her podcast. Couldn’t be more happy. I love her real life takes on everything. She talks about her struggles and her triumphs. I watch her tv show over & over. It’s so funny. Thank you Ms. Pat for being you. I wish you many many years of success. You deserve it all!!!!
  • MsAprilfromFLORIDA
    She was AMAZING!!!!!
    Omg! I saw Ms Pat LAST NIGHT in Orlando… The show started late but she was Worth the wait!!! She was hilarious. We couldn’t stop laughing. I am truly a FAN so happy for the opportunity to catch the show. She was exhausted but made sure to give a Great performance. She even stayed after and took photos with every person. She even autographed my book personally. Definitely a treat!!!!
  • ChillinCali75
    Lord Have Mercy!!!
    I’m such a fan. Y’all can do NO WRONG! I saw my beloved Ms. Pat during the height of the pandemic at Cobb’s in SF. I was in the front row after having braved 2 1/2 hours of traffic to work my way out from the Central Valley to see her. She is, has been, and will ALWAYS be worth the time and effort. Now, for anyone complaining she has changed since climbing the ladder that she should’ve had laid at her feet: GO ON! Ms. Pat deserves every bit of fame and fortune she has earned and received. You try being famous. She hasn’t changed one bit. She’s saved me more than once. I love her, Chris, and D. This podcast is so real, topical, and joyful. It is a gorgeous construct in love and laughter that transcends all barriers humans have constructed regarding race and wealth. Nothing but love, family, and laughter. Truly a gift.
  • uhhgggffrrtyg
    Queens of comedy
    It would be dope if someone revamped king and queens of comedy. Ms.pat would definitely be one of my go to
  • Jai0916
    The Pat Down is 10/10!
    I’ve been a big fan of Ms Pat for a while, and I’ve recently became obsessed with the pat down. Love the topics, jokes, and overall respect Ms. Pat, Dion, and Chris have for one another! Going up yonder😂
  • Maryse lover
    Best podcast ever
    I love ms.pat and she is just hilarious and she always get me to a rough day so if you wanna have a laugh it relieves stress listen to this podcast
  • Kay 111
    I only found out about Ms. PAT at the beginning of this year in 2020 and I have come to truly love her comedy. I am one of her biggest fan and I saw her in Phonix Arizona this year, in my 1st comedy show in my 54 year life. I can’t wait to see her again hopefully next year, I can truly say that if it was not for comedy I would have gone crazy in 2020. Much LOVE Ms. Pat ALWAYS Marjan⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟 she is a 100 star 💫
  • KBrenee’
    The Bomb Podcast
    This podcast, the people, the laughs, everything about this podcast makes my day!! If I need a laugh, or feeling down baby I turn on the Pat Down cause I know they gone gimme one lol they never disappoints!!
  • JackieKacie
    I heard Ms. Pat on Joe Rogan and knew I had to hear her podcast! I listen to the latest episode and was hooked. Now my husband and I are listening from the first episode. I listen all day and work and often get asked if I’m okay. I walk around laughing all the time. It’s not just funny though, it also is conversations that we should all be having. They talk about everything! You get to hear the different prospectives from each of them. It is one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to. Everyone should listen!!
  • Jlizet0803
    Great podcast!
    Every single episode is entertaining!
  • Raveensimone89
    Love the Pat Down
    She is the funniest kept me laughing put her in a movie
  • Demarcus Ruffin
    Ms Pat, Deon, & Chris
    Man nobody cane make me laugh quite like Ms Pat, Deon, & Chris!! Also listening to you guys has also interested me into stand up comedy.
  • TahKii87
    Ms Pat is The New Queen of Comedy
    I have only known about her from the start of her show on BET+. I fell in love with everything she does. She keeps it real and I look forward to hearing her on her podcast and Big Tigger morning show every morning.
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