Locked On Falcons - Daily Podcast On The Atlanta Falcons


Locked On Falcons podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Atlanta Falcons and the National Football League. Hosted by football analyst Aaron Freeman, the Locked On Falcons podcast provides your daily Falcons fix with expert, local analysis, and coverage of all aspects of the Falcons franchise. Freeman provides film breakdowns, interviews and hot-button topics surrounding the Falcons. The Locked On Falcons podcast takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Falcons locker room and all over the NFL. The Locked On Falcons podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

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Recent Reviews
  • red ed edd
    Level headed
    I love that Aaron gives a level headed point of view on the Falcons moves not too excited or not too down on the moves.
  • hivetalklive
    New sound, new podcast
    Host got a new mic or something. Sounds is much better and the analysis has always been on point. I’ll be listening.
  • Fox1073
    Informative and Thought Provoking
    I thoroughly enjoy listening to this podcast because each time I learn more about my team and how they win or lose. Most importantly, I either get pumped up or angry at the host because he says things that make me think. @keith_lisenbee
  • Quawnye
    Tell Jeanna I said "HEEEEEYYYYY 😉💕"
    Go Falcons good podcast
  • AaronW928
    Still one of my favorites.
    This is a great podcast. I decided to redo my review since Aaron has taken the podcast solo this season. At first, I didn’t always agree with his takes and I saw that as a bad thing. In reality, Aaron gives it to us straight. I have learned to appreciate that. I look forward to new episodes every day. It’s great to be able to interact with fellow Falcons fans through this show as well as the host on twitter through my handle @aaroncwill. Without platforms like this podcast, I wouldn’t get that opportunity due to my location. Getting on one of the Fantalk episodes was also an awesome experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. Overall, I highly recommend the show if you are a Falcons fan or even an opposing fan that simply wants to learn more about our team. This is definitely a place where you can gain some knowledge. Keep up the good work.
  • Smitty7
    Who would have thought...
    I ain't gonna lie to you... When Allen Strk left the podcast I was waiting for the crash and burn. I mean... Aaron can be so dark and pessimistic sometimes that I thought I'd become weary of the podcast and driven to the point of depression. But what to my wandering ears should appear... Aaron is doing a great job!!! I really appreciate the balanced, honest, objective commentary Aaron provides via this podcast. I can't really disagree with most of his takes. He's spot on. The guests that have been featured on the show have been very interesting and enlightening. And I LOVE the Fan-talk episodes. GREAT IDEA!!! I thought at first that I'd want to be on the show... then I realized that the fans that have been on the show know a WHOLE LOT MORE about football than I do. I just know about the Falcons. So I'll just keep listening and cheering. I definitely chuckled when the last Fan heard you say, "let me switch gears" and he immediately responded "Switching gears" and I knew he, like me, has also been listening to another Falcons podcast which shall never be named. LOL!! You're doing a great job. Keep grinding. #RiseUp!!
  • disgusted254
    Great podcast, Aaron. It stays Falcons related and you hit on various questions that the other Falcons fan and myself wonder. Keep up the great work. @FirstFlight_Eli
  • Sshain
    Love the whole Locked on Family and all of the crossover episodes! @ShainSpencer
  • saintsaretrash
    In enemy territory
    After moving to New Orleans, I have tried to find anything I can to get away from these cocky Aints fans who act like they are better because they have a ring. Saints are Trash with a capital F! Thanks for giving me a daily podcast to listen to. Just chill out on my boy Hooper. I think he will be the beneficiary of, like Aaron said, defenses being focused on Jet and Turbo. Rise up!
  • Big Boy Bruski
    Best Atlanta Falcons podcast period!!!
    To Falcon fans and future subscribers, this is the best Atlanta Falcons podcast period! Aaron Freeman uploads new episodes 2-4 times a week if not more from rapid reaction, recapping the week, all 22, preview of the following week's match up, Q&As and my new favorite: Fan Friday. Pretty much almost everyday of the week it's always something new to expect from Aaron. I'll always have something to listen to almost everyday driving to or from work. I don't know how you do it but us fans (including Evan Birchfield lol) are grateful to have you on our team. I'm not blowing smoke up your butt but I think people aren't giving you the credit you deserve. Keep up the great work. Valued subscriber Bruce Luong @bigboybruski
  • TabPooler
    Definitely worth the listen
    I love this podcast! It feels like you're just chatting your friends that clearly know more about the game than you do. If you're a Falcons fan, you should be listening to it. If you're a football fan, it will give you greater insight into the game. Sit back and be educated. Aaron's voice is so freaking smooth you'll be sad when the episode is over. Allen's enthusiasm is top notch. The way these two talk to each other is so entertaining. And if you're not entertained, your standards are too high.
  • jennifromtheblock
    Keeping it 💯
    I am so thankful that I stumbled upon this podcast because shortly after moving to Seattle, I've found that no one here really speaks football. I can appreciate the clever podcast titles and I look forward to the guests for the show. I especially loved the segment which featured a writer for the Eagles (speaking of diversity, have there been any women as guests?) But if I had to choose, my favorite thing about the podcast is Aaron's skepticism about the Falcons. Imagine bringing a boyfriend home and the whole family comments on how kind he is. Aaron would likely be the big brother that notices that your boo's shoes are dirty. So while he may agree your boo is nice, don't expect only the rainbows and fairy dust. Count on them to point out the obvious things you may have missed during the week while wearing rose colored glasses. However it is easier hearing the truth from them because they're fans too! It is important for my blood pressure to only listen to real football fans (aka non-Seattleites) talk about the Good, the Bad, a defense that will have you on 4th Qtr suicide watch, and all the shenanigans that are the Atlanta Falcons. Again, they cover everything. Besides real fans shouldn't like the sugarcoated stats. Hearing only about Matty Ice, Jet Jones, or the Man brothers gets old after a while. I enjoy their discussion about the other Falcons on the field. Probably because I've always loved the unsung heroes or the nice guy who never cleaned his chucks. But if none of this long review made any sense OR I have offended you and your dirty shoes, then I also recommend listening to this podcast because Allen's accent is soothing. j/k. Or am I? ;) Xoxo An ATLien currently invading the Emerald City
  • Annoyedbylamestuf
    This should be the only podcast for falcon fans
    Yeah so I listened to the falcoholic podcast........who do I talk to about getting that hour of my life back
  • Fastfreddie396
    The best Falcons podcast
    Their Falcons football knowledge, both past and present, is impressive!
  • Charlie_Rogers68
    I always wait impatiently to hear each podcast. Aaron and Allen are a perfect team when dissecting and critiquing the Falcons. I like Aaron takes a more realistic approach towards analyzing the Falcons while Allen appears to take a more optimistic approach. As a long-suffering, 48 year old diehard Falcon fan, I certainly appreciate Aaron's realistic outlook. I may not always agree with his opinions, but I certainly can relate to how he feels. Allen's optimistic analysis helps keep my hopes high. The show is the BEST Falcon related podcast by far. If you are a diehard, you are missing out if you're not listening to every show. I appreciate you guys.
  • Piano Taylor
    Best Falcons podcast.....period!!!
    Keep up the good work guys! It's evident that you guys put in a lot of time preparing for the show. Based on Aaron's glowing reviews of some fan-hated players like Alford, I have been looking more closely at their individual efforts (vs just the outcome of a play or the game). I'm learning a lot!
  • EAV Falcon
    Great Podcast
    Interesting and insightful perspectives on the Falcons. My only critique is that Aaron is way to optimistic. I really wish he would just tone down all the praise of the Falcons, especially Sanu. It's just a little too much. Other than that, it's great.
  • Berryballer10
    NC Falcon Fan
    Love this podcast. They keep me from drinking the kool-aid and always give a "let's pump our breaks" reality of where this team stands... Aaron join my Falcons Fans of NC page!
  • Melodicmarc
    Absolutely amazing podcast
    I only listen to this for the sick intro guitar solo. I guess sometimes they say some cool stuff but I'm really just waiting to hear the solo again when the show is over.
  • Trackman64
    Sad to see the Falcoholic lose you guys
    One of the best Falcons podcasts, period. Regularly updated for years, this program is always in my regular rotation. Please, do not give up hope on this product. I love the info you guys discuss every week.
  • TimeTakesItsCrazyToll
    A good listen
    A good in depth discussion of Falcons football. Really like the back and forth between A A Ron and Allen when they disagree on some key points. Very entertaining and enjoyable despite Allen’s annoying northern accent.
  • Lancelot's Obese Uncle
    My heart.
    Might not be the official podcast of the Falcoholic, but still the official podcast of my heart! Very good podcast!
  • Bamaalf
    Best Falcons podcast by far anywhere. Keep up the great work fellows.
  • mitchboggs
    The best
    I've been listening to this show for a few years now and for a die hard falcons fan like myself, this is by far the best falcons podcast out there. Aaron and Allen have really great insight and often hilarious observations that you really don't get anywhere else in the falcons universe (other than the other show Aaron does with Scott lol). Keep it up guys dirty bird nation needs you!!! @mitchboggs
  • Smith23
    Let Aaron be a Realist
    If you want to be a realist (as you should) with the Falcons with just the right amount of optimism, this podcast is for you. I appreciate Aaron bringing me back down to Earth while Allen still lets me enjoy what success the team is having. When I saw the title "Most Satisfying Victory" this week, I thought, "Hmm, maybe Aaron will have very small negatives". I realized I could not be more wrong but also that he was mostly right about the Broncos game. However, I hope that he continues to give us the truth (not so harshly) and that the Falcons go on a roll so he will eventually pick us. Great show, keep it up!
  • Broseph9899
    My review
    I give this show five boneless chicken wings out of five
  • Cory Woodroof
    This is the Julio Jones of Falcons podcasts I
    Every week, I eagerly anticipate the newest installments of the Falcfans podcast. Simply put, my Falcons fan experience wouldn't be the same without Aaron and Allen's wonderful show. They have a great eye for getting guests in on the show, and Freeman and Strk both do an outstanding job of keeping the conversation lively and clicking along at a good pace. Strk always has at least one joke or reaction every week that leaves me in stitches -- on top of the stellar analysis, this podcast can be *very* funny. Really, I like to think of Falcfans as the Falcons fandom vitamin I take every week -- it enriches my enjoyment and understanding of the team consistently. Aaron and Allen have great on-air chemistry (the key to any great podcast) and have clearly established a rhythm with their presentation. If you're a Falcons fan and you miss out on this podcast, it's time to rise up and give it a listen. It's as effective as the Jason Snelling shovel pass and leaves the same grin on your face as when Julio Jones pulls in a deep pass for a touchdown.
  • Quik-Flash
    Very informative but yet fun podcast. Also, a nice variety of insightful guest
  • Juliotron
    Very Solid Podcast
    Very good podcast for any Falcons fan. Even if I don't always agree with their opinions,I respect their insight and thoughts. Keep up the good work!
  • Marquell Jefferson
    Great Podcast
    A must listen if you are a falcon fan!!!!
  • Mute one
    Decent podcast but Aaron is always negative on the team who is the topic of the podcast. Be more positive bro. We have a decent team who could go farther than you think!
  • Dylan 220
    Favorite podcast
    I think I've listened to every Falcons podcast on iTunes, but most of them have Facebook comments section level of discourse. Aaron and Allen not only have funny personalities, but they keep it real too with no false optimism/pessimism. Aaron's other podcast (Falcons Football Central I think) is great too. Keep it up guys!
  • Wizzle831
    Great pod makes my drive to work less boring
    Great podcast makes my drive to work less boring. As the only real falcon fan I know(I live in Cali) it's good to hear you guys talk about team I love. Aaron keeps it real maybe too real because I'm die hard falcon fan I want believe we are better then we really are(false hope) And as for Allen he's not my favorite on this podcast he should really be replaced by Charles haha just kidding Allen is okay in my books. But on side note you should get Charles on show more he's good. Great podcast keep up the good work can't wait to listen to you guys this season. Ps the falconsPFC podcast is better Scott>Allen hahaha jk jk.
  • Boston falcon fan since 1975
    Keep up the good work
    Aaron and Allen do there homework on the Falcons and even though they are fans, they keep and informed and level headed view of what's going on with the Falcons. This podcast dives deep into the Falcons and is just not another marketing venue for the team. Aaron gets a lot of heat for bring negative but I appreciate his informed opinions that he had done his homework on. Living in Boston and having every move of the local sports teams analyzed and criticized makes me enjoy the detailed critique and analysis of the Falcons. I love to get the training camp reports during the summer, and listen to the podcast while sitting on the beach on cape cod with a cocktail. I wish I could contact the podcast , but I am not on Twitter. Maybe I will open up an account to give my views of Kyle shanahan. Boston falcon fan since 1975
  • Reckistanza
    They cut through the BS
    I love this pod! I love it because they are rational and have a real technical grip on what players and schemes can and cannot do. I laughed out loud when they spoke about how the dome gave an advantage to good QBs, there was a pause and then Alan Stirk bought up Geno Smith.... The only reason I give 4 stars is because of audio quality. I'm assuming Aaron 'The Misery' Freeman needs purchase a headset to record on because his audio will fade in and out like he's moving back in his chair away from the mic. This can get annoying since I'll turn the volume up to hear him and then I'll get "THE OFFICIAL" blasted down my ear holes. I love the pod, I always look forward to it, as it gives me a break from the talking heads that just chew up nonsense.
  • 1970mach1nc
    Go Falcs
    Great podcast Aaron and Alan always keep me updated on my Falcons
  • TheRawrington99
    Listen to this if you're a Falcons fan
    This is a cool way to reflect on some of the more recent Falcons news and moments and get other Falcons fans opinions on these topics. Also Jeanne is the gif God and best, sorry guys. -Andrew
  • KG tell the world
    Selling Hope
    "Free" and Allen do a good job playing off each other. They bring in quality guest and host good interviews. Allen is young and lacks depth but "Free"picks him up. Free is a little doom and gloom (it's funny) then Allen steps in and sells hope. Good show!
  • julio_dat
    it grows on you
    the first time i listened i was taken aback by the pace and a perceived lack of "professionalism". everything was rather matter of fact, and it felt like there was no hook of entertainment value. of course this was in the off-season and i felt that aaron freeman's delivery was quite boring. but, alas, i am a huge falcons fan and so was drawn back because of the content. i would rather listen to something "boring" about the falcons than something "exciting" not related to my beloved team. so i came back for more. then i began to notice allen strk (the only vowelless last name i recall ever coming across). he has this boyish new york voice... something about the pace at which he talks, combined with a lack of clear enunciation made it difficult for me to understand him at first. his voice is very distinctive though, and really grows on you and becomes infectious, matching his personality. and upon continued listening, there is a really odd but great chemistry between these two. aaron's negative, opinionated cocksuredness can in the same episode portray him as a brilliant professional analyst and then quickly transform into casual unprofessional "who really cares, nobody's probably even listening". this personality juxtaposes against allen's attempts to keep things professional, somewhat upbeat, factual, organized... as in, let's be real journalists! this leads to hilarious segments of allen and aaron bickering, ultimately leading to allen's signature phrase on the show "goddamit aaron". the two personalities ultimately really gel and, somehow, it just "works". they create a mini-magic all of their own. and the best part is, none of it feels contrived whatsoever, as if these two guys are just naturally and accidentally hilarious as they discuss a team that never ceases to confound. and make no mistake: these two really do know their stuff. they watch the all-22 film and bring some real insight each week. they also are obviously are football nerds and remember really obscure facts about the falcons and the league in general. in short: if you don't love it after the first episode... try it a couple more times before passing judgement. it just might grow on you.
  • daddygreenjeans
    Analytical, tell it like it is podcast.
    If you are a Falcons fan and want to listen to a podcast that isn't just a fanboy homer type podcast you've came to the right place. They sing praises as well as call out weaknesses. If you are a true Falcons fan and have drank yourself into a shameful salsa covered angry stupor, there's plenty to relate with these guys. Sometimes too cynical, but love hearing these guys points of view and in depth analysis of the state of the dirty birds.
  • gregglegg
    For All Hardcore Falcons' Fan
    The best place to get all of your Falcons thoughts, insights, information, and opinion. Aaron does a great job hosting and Allen has really matured (not just in age!) on the podcast. The partnership with the Falcoholic has really helped solidify the focus and direction as well. I enjoy these every week (minus the game shindig dealios that just aren't my cup of tea but that's not a negative) and look forward to them. 2nd favorite podcast right after Around the NFL. Thanks guys and keep on keepin' on!
  • Akawilhelm
    Finally, Falcons talk
    If you listen to national sports media podcasts (i.e. ESPN whatever), good luck getting 3 minutes of talk that isn't about the Patriots. Finally a podcast for the long-sufferning Falcon's fans. The sound quality isn't the best, but it can be endured for a good hour+ of Falcon's talk. And these guys do know their stuff. Really looking forward to listening when the season starts.
  • aces666high
    Just plain fun!
    As a long suffering Falcons fan, it's sometimes hard to locate like minded people who can understand our suffering but can still laugh about it. Well, I've found a couple more! Great analysis and just regular old football talk about of our wins and embarrassing losses, solid guests who really have a ton of info and don't take things too seriously. Discovered the show this past season so it was particularly painful but the laughs really helped numb the pain...need more numbing!! Looking forward to this season w/these guys.
  • Seven string
    Great Podcast
    Excellent source to get good Falcon news . I drive a lot and it's fun to plug in and listen to news about my team . These guys do a great job ! Keep it coming
  • Get a clue!
    Love the Falcons talk
    They just need to work on their delivery. They sound very sleepy. Hard to stay engaged.
  • LifeLongFalconFan
    It's Falcons talk at least
    Aaron and guest usually have some interesting thoughts but they continually get interrupted by that other guy. If he could learn to share the mike, the show would be much improved.
  • the dream.
    Great podcast with knowledgable hosts. This is everything a Falcons fan can ask for
  • falconfan34
    Excellent podcast
    Aaron "Pudge" Freeman's knowledge regarding the Falcons is unparalleled. He watches a lot of film and provides unique insight. Falcon fans who want in-depth, critical discussion would probably prefer this podcast to the team's official podcast. Also recommended is the podcast that Freeman does with Scott Carasik for Pro Football Central.
  • Falconwease
    Good fan podcast
    Pretty good for guys with no broadcast training
  • JayDat86
    Great Podcast
    Great Falcon Podcast
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