This Week in Tech (Video)

by TWiT
Technology #207

This Week in Tech is the top-ranked flagship tech podcast from Every Sunday, Leo Laporte and a roundtable of insiders explore the week's hottest tech news from AI to robots, and PCs to privacy. When it comes to tech, TWiT is IT.Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.

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Recent Reviews
  • 1/3rdRotWilr
    So close to unsubscribing
    After 10 years of listening to TWIT, MBW, and SN, the Trump derangement syndrome has taken over the network and is getting unbearable . I just want tech, no political California biased perspectives.
  • PlayWorkSync
    such good conversation
    this week’s discussion between Brianna Wu and Cathy Gellis was fantastically compelling. Thoughful perspectives.
  • PJMacKenzie
    Talk radio with a little tech
    I’ve been a TWiT listener since the very beginning when shows were only about hot long. They’ve been getting longer and longer. Now 2 1/2 hoots seems common for most of Leo’s shows. I was exasperated at first especially when they frequently went off on tangents. These were not the tech news shows I was expecting. Now I realize it’s my expectations that are unrealistic. Leo is a radio guy. He’s used to doing several hour long shows and filling in time. So if you’ve got hours to kill, TWiT and other shows are frequently entertaining. The guests can be interesting. You can even get a little tech news. But not for the impatient.
  • MacPhyleWA
    Every episode is can’t miss.
    Leo’s flagship show never stops entertaining and informing.
  • Maine-ah in Vermont
    Intolerant Leo
    This week in bashing Elon Musk. The far left wing slant of everything is getting old. Leo is very intolerant of one of the best guests ever on TWIT. Adam was brilliant with his analysis, but was asked a question and leo did not like the answer so he compared Adam to a holocaust denier. It was very rude and offensive. You will learn that Leo in his old age is very intolerant. He only allows anti Elon guests or left wing guests. I would not use any of his sponsors
  • ousucks
    The shrieking gets louder every week
    I love Leo, but the constant irrational COVID fears and insane leftists guests have made this unwatchable. It is fun to watch the shrieking from the loony guests get louder every week though.
  • DJBokChoy
    Too much political talk on a tech show
    Please stop alienating your audience and go back to how the show used to be! Too much political talk this last year to be honest.
  • Jeffrey Marraccini
    Leo and weekly panels navigate vast topics in tech!
    Truly a long-running gem, Leo and TWiT’s flagship weekly show navigate many topics each week in tech and modern life for all of us. The panels include experts from many fields, taking the time to explore current issues and looking to the future. Highly recommended!
  • ehuna
  • Peter the 42nd
    Hate Speech
    Extremely opinionated, offensive, mocking and degrading to women and religion in that episode. It you’re a troll, you’ll get off on it. If you’re a normal decent person, it just makes you cringe. Definitely skip it. Lots of other, better shows out there.
  • henriavo
    Tech talk with a laugh
    The show doesn’t only stick to the tech news, and that’s why I like it so much. Leo has such a charming and funny personality and it’s always a joy to hear him and his guests talk tech and random stories of the week. Thanks Leo!
  • jdudleyh
    Spreading Biased Misinformation Every Week
    Leo and gang have stated that media/podcasters/YouTubers can of course publish whatever they want (free speech and all) but the larger your audience and the more the media source wishes to be considered legit - the more important it is for for the media source to get their facts straight and not misinform people. TWIT supposedly embraces this ideology which includes "Don't be like most media outlets and reguritate the sensational headlines and brainless, biased reporting". Yet I have found that Leo and his guests way more often than not are doing the opposite. They do very poor research on most of the topics they talk about - offering a lot of their very biased opinions (influenced from other hive-minded media sources and echo chambers). This is fine if stated as such, but too often their statements come across as facts and very often those facts are wrong, misleading, or completely out of context. I wanted to like TWIT because they talk about things that I am interested in, and for a while I really liked it. But I notice problems when they discuss topics that I'm very knowledgable of. They spew out much of the same, lazy, click-bait, misinformation on the subject matter that is trickling through the mass media like diarrhea. It is infuriating to hear them spread misinformation to their audience that naively trust them. If they can't do fair reporting on the subect I'm knowledgable of, then I certainly cannot trust TWIT on topics I'm not as knowledgable of. Yes you should always be skeptical of anything a media source reports of, but so many people are lazy and just trust a source like TWIT as being fair, balanced, objective, and informed. And yes, there are some of the guests on TWIT do actually seem to embrace these qualities - but most of their regulars including Leo do not. If you want real news that you can trust, don't come to TWIT. If you choose to listen to TWIT regardless, understand that much of what they speak of is likely to be regurgitated crap that you can find swirling around the sesspool of lazy journalists that have learned its all about sensational reporting to get attention and advertising.
  • (Mario500)
    A Review of "This Week in Tech"
    I had found certain parts of what I had believed to had been certain installments of this "This Week in Tech" to had been vulgar, negative, unnecessary, unprofessional, and detrimetal.
  • DrJolo
    OG Tech Podcast
    Started in 2005, This Week in Tech (TWIT) is the longest running tech podcast and still the best! Each Sunday, Leo Laporte assembles 2-3 guest hosts to talk about the week’s tech news and dive deeper into their implications. The panels are fun, informative, diverse, and thought provoking. Even my non-tech wife enjoys the show. In this modern era when we are saturated with other podcasts, YouTube channels, and other media du jour, I still enjoy spending my time most with this crew. The 2+ hr shows go by in a flash. Laporte has built a professional podcasting network that includes over a dozen other shows, check them out on their website where you can browse through recent episodes. Loyal fans stay connected during and between shows on IRC and Discord. It really becomes more than just a show, but a huge community.
  • Skeletors-lackey
    WAS great.
    I started listening to the podcast from Twits inception, unfortunately it has really gone down the tubes with all the panelists just discussing their personal lives and for long periods of time with little too no tech. Please get back to what made you successful from the days of the cottage to the Brick House. I’m on the edge of dropping this podcast. Do better Leo.
  • GeekFog
    Best tech news
    Overall, the best tech news podcast for me. I have been listening since the beginning. Second only to Windows Weekly.
  • lloydheat
    Great podcast and live show
    Pundits from all aspects of tech keep me engaged and informed about what I need to know today.
  • CigarRadio
    A Very good Show
    Politics has invaded everything in our lives. This show handles tech and the compelling political issues of the day as they intersect. Wether or nor ou agree politically with the show, it would be very boring if they tried to be completely apolitical. Why is it so bad to have an opinion? Guess it is because it I not the opinion you want to hear. Get over yourselves and stop complaining.
  • gjblanchard
    Stick to tech issues
    The show is paneled by very knowledgeable individuals. The information they provide is generally spot on. Only ding is like most media types they can not resist the urge to use their platform for political commentary. Stick to tech guys and quit trying to politicize things or get your little digs in.
  • gary551
    Getting to political
    Leo, your political bias is showing. You need to realize that not all your listeners are Trump haters. Your liberal jabs are ruining your show’s
  • Johnnymac64
    I love this podcast
    I was introduced to podcasts and TWIT almost 4 years ago now. I became addicted to TWIT right away. Leo is a great host and has amazing tech guests. I want to name all the folks I enjoy but the list is too long. I always learn something and enjoy the differing opinions and perspectives that his guests have. Leo has great sponsors as well.
  • SDDan
    It might be time for a host that actually likes Apple products.
    I have been a long time fan of Leo and ALL of his podcasts for more than a decade. I really love the regulars on the show, very witty. But MacBreak used to be a place where Apple fans would go for the latest news and rumors about Apple. Unfortunately, Leo no longer really likes any of the Apple products and spends most of the time criticizing every little aspect of every Apple product. When his guests try to explain what they like about a particular product, Leo kinda talks over them and pushes his negative opinion. I respect Leo’s opinion but after a while you have to wonder if the show would be better served by having a host that actually uses and enjoys Apple products and services. Thank you Leo for MANY years of entertainment. I will be definitely listening to you on your other podcast and I will check in here from time to time to see if the negative tone about everything Apple has changed. Dan
  • Scottling
    This Week in Phones?
    Sadly, having been a TWiT fan since it was Return of the Screen Savers I'm saddened that the show has turned into nothing more than a discussion of the "best" phone du jour. What used to be a diverse panel has turned into the same few people going over the same things. TWiT seems to be foalling into the same chasm of irrelevance as G4.
  • Benender
    Leo could not be any less interesting to listen to.
  • ksh3
    Now I like it!
    I will at times check to see who the guests are. If they are stuffed shirts that blog and pretend to be tech journalists I do not bother listening. The best show thus far was when the Pod-Father and the God Father was on with Leo. Please have more shows like this. Maybe Andy from time to time? I would love to see John and Adam on at the same time :-) Just make ground rules that it is a tech show and not No Agenda
  • Just.J
    It's become a disaster.
    I was an early adopter of the podcast craze. In the beginning, there was plenty of junk to slog through, with reviews of neither the good nor bad to assist you in subscribing. TWiT (actually, I was listening *before* it even had a name) was a rare jewel back then: entertaining, engaging, and even informative. Lately, however, I find myself missing more episodes than not, due to my flagging certainty as to the authoritative value of the content. Don't get me wrong--some of the regular panel members are brilliant and clearly understand technology, especially computers and web 2.0. Unfortunately, these are often the same people who can't string an interesting and cogent sentence together. And Dvorak, for all his crankiness, is at least fun. As the host of record, Laporte is the most charismatic and well spoken of the bunch, but I am often left to wonder about his qualifications. It regularly surprises me how little he seems to know about technology; how has he managed to earn this reputation as a tech guru? Honestly, it smacks of P.T. Barnum-style marketing ("Your first podcast of the week is the last word on tech!") with little substance. A few of my friends easily outpace Laporte's knowledge and are just as charismatic, which leaves me wondering why Leo is the one who can afford to buy new Intel Macs as toys, while they scrape by as public and private sector IT guys. Update: Dvorak is MIA for the past year or so, reducing the entertainment value of the podcast even more. Did he and Leo have a falling out? No Agenda now ranks higher than TWIT in my priority listening. Update 2: Dvorak has returned, but the panel now seems to routinely turn to alcohol as a source of inspiration. The resultant "dialogue" is loud, meandering, without focus. If you want us to believe this show involves serious professionals authoritatively discussing the day's tech news, create an agenda for each show and save the booze for after the show. The only people who drink during the work day are alcoholics. Update 3: The TWiT network seriously needs new blood. All of the shows I have listened to are stale and lack coherent focus.
  • f.f.five
    Twit is Terrific
    Great conversations and Leo is always awesome.
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