MacBreak Weekly (Video)

by TWiT
Technology #109

MacBreak Weekly covers all things Apple: Leo, Andy Ihnatko, Alex Lindsay, and Jason Snell analyze every bit of news from the most interesting company in tech. From AI to Vision Pro, iPad to iPhone, these Apple experts know-all and tell-all.Records live every Tuesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.

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Recent Reviews
  • Brewse
    Too much political whining
    Give Andy a few weeks off to go away and get over himself. His political bias has blinded him.
  • Maine-ah in Vermont
    Frustrated Mac Podcast
    Lefty Leo strikes again. It would really be nice if the MacBreak show was less about politics. I should not be able to tell that Leo is a left wing communist. Andy is a nice guy but he belongs on a show more about tech that he can talk to his hearts desire. He goes on and on without taking a breath. Alex is the most level headed guy on the show and often, in my opinion, gets figuratively, shouted down whenever he has an opinion that’s not Leo’s or Andy’s. Please Andy take a breath and stop talking over other guests. Andy will often go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on……on and on and on and on and on. He just cannot stop talking!
  • Lawnboy8445
    I’ve been an Apple user since the Apple II. I love being able to stay abreast of the latest news. I been listening to this podcast show since close to the beginning. Leo has to be the rudest host out there. He constantly interrupts the guests. Back off Leo. You have them on to get their opinion. Let them talk even if you don’t agree. And Andy. Brevity is the soul of whit my friend. Shorten up those analogies. Or just leave some out. And as far as politics goes. In the words of Michael Jordan, “Conservatives buy shoes too”. This podcast used to be the first one I’d download and listen too for years. Now it slowly sliding down the list from the top. Jason has been a welcome addition. And Alex, don’t let them get you down.
  • gdawg1971
    My Number One source for Apple News
    I have been watching this show for many years. It really does a great job at making sense of all the news and updates coming from Apple.
  • JohnBoy5562
    They started charging
    I guess all good things come to a end. Been a loyal listener for probably for over 25 years but now they want you to pay to listen. I understand needing to make money but I’m not paying another subscription for entertainment.
  • MacPhyleWA
    An essential part of every week for me
    A great way to get all my Apple news.
  • JohnTheos
    Is this really about Macs or all things Apple?
    The addition of Jason has been great, but considering all the options out there, this isn’t a great podcast. Andy talks too much - uses negatives in long winded format which is more effectively communicated in shorter affirmative tone. He really doesn’t help flow of the show. Alex - too smug for me and enough with how much $$ you spend on cameras - if I wanted to hear about his cameras and stuff I would join office hours. Lastly, for a podcast that keeps begging listeners for money I find it incomprehensible that Alex took a swipe at a large swath of his potential listeners based on what they drive. Jason tried to pull it back but Alex would have none of it. So I will leave Alex to his smugness and unsubscribe to this podcast.
  • Hamster J
    Been Listening for Years
    I’ve been listening for many years and I still consistently enjoy the show and the banter between the host. I miss Rene Ritchie but Jason Snell has been a very worthy addition in his place. Really look forward to Alex’s picks and information as it’s always technical and informative. They usually have great guests on the show including some previous host like Rene. This podcast has become part of my life. The weeks that they take their well deserved break always makes my commute pretty dull. I hope the show continues on for many years.
  • DJBokChoy
    I used to tune in to get away from politics. But it seems that’s mostly what the show focuses on now. Leo’s attitude has shifted quite bitter and is difficult to listen to.
  • Russ608
    Time for Andy to leave the podcast.
  • Michael Vosburg
    Knowledgeable & Endearing
    These gentlemen know so much and are so generous with us and each other. I wouldn’t miss an episode.
  • MerlinVIP
    Best Mac Podcast around!
    Great hosts; Great Coverage!; It likes listening to old friends banter about the tech they love! I couldn’t be more happy to be a listener and will continue to be I’m sure for many years to come!
  • farhaddad
    Andy (TWiT Club Plus)
    There should be a plus subscription for macbreak without Andy parts. Put the ads back and fill his parts. At least, ads are useful! What a waste!
  • myk in nyc
    Best podcast on the Mac out there
    Great show every week. Always looking forward to it. Keep it up!
  • --**
    Long time listener 2011–>
    Always interesting. Some weeks are slow, other jam-packed.
  • akaGONZO
    I’ve followed Leo and Macbreak for years. However…
    Lately the way he and Andy argue with Alex is a bit weird. I cringe hearing them pile on Alex because he has the “wrong opinion “. The world is overwhelming political, keep that train of thought out of tech. Success reveals who we are.
  • Towjam60
    Does Andy get paid by the word?
    This is probably the best Apple-centric podcast I’ve run across in a long time. BUT…Andy is the weak link and is THE main reason I can’t rate this podcast higher. He rambles and takes too long to make a point. In fact, I’ve gotten to where I just skip ahead 15 seconds at a time when he starts talking. I kid you not - sometimes I can click 2-3 minutes ahead and he’s STILL talking.
  • maksimserg20
    Andy, please stop making stuff up
    I absolutely love this show, this is the only podcast I look forward to every single week, exact one thing. I will no longer will give 5 stars until Andy keeps on making things up. I do have respect for Andy, but its very obvious when his opinions are simply “vaporwear” and its extremely annoying to the point I am skipping some of his parts. To prove I don’t have anything personal against Andy, do not recall episode number but Andy was hosting MBW at some point, that was THE BEST Andy’s performance (maybe even better than Leo). I could not believe my ears. With all do respect to entire team, including you Andy!
  • Macintosh22
    Long Time Viewer
    I’ve been watching MacBreak weekly since season one. It’s just fun to tune in and listen to all the latest Apple news or developments. You gain a lot of information from the show too. Sure, some you can find out from the news, but there’s also opinion and interpretation that the panel offers, and you feel more knowable and a little smarter, after each show. Recommended.
  • GeekFog
    Trifecta of tech podcasts
    MacBreak Weekly rounds out my IT and corporate learning from the TWIT network for my home computing.
  • OldSchoolNerd70
    I like this show
    The persons on this show are usually well informed and interesting to listen to. I am a long time Apple fan and this is one of the main ways I stay up to date on what’s going on in the Mac and iOS ecosystem. I miss Lori and sometimes Andy rambles a bit but I do like the rotation of guests each week. I highly recommend this show!
  • Dwd3885
    Great personalities!
    Been listening for a long time and this is one of my favorite podcasts with great personalities.
  • TX-Tarheel
    Great show
    Mr Laport and exceptional guests in a high quality discussion.
  • Macclone
    Love the show
    Please replace Andy with some that likes and uses Apple products. He spends to much time ragging on them. The man can’t speak a complete sentence without restarting several times.
  • NJ Rules
    Never miss an episode!
    If you want Mac news this is a must. On a long drive or a 4 mile walk I always listen to MacBreak Weekly. Leo Laporte Rene Richie Andy Ihnatko and all the other regular host are a wealth of information!
  • Billd12848
    Less Weekly News, mostly fan boys
    Had to stop listening this week, Rene’s constant excuse making for Apple, and then banging on the other big names was too much.
  • iMrMuckle
    Z seer r red re zzrdedrrz:dr4rrdzzzr . Ezrbrdxfdx
  • MyMindsMuse
    Have Never Let Me Down!
    Ihnatko! Ihnatko! Ihnatko! Goodness people are sensitive to hearing differing opinions these days. I get it. The world is so full of nonsense that we all need an escape sometimes and sometimes we need that escape to be absolute in its effectiveness. However, these discussions are about real things going on in the real world right now that impact real people and it cannot be fully divorced from some degree of social and political perspective and evaluation. Between ALL the panelists ever brought on there is always a healthy degree of balance and fairness to the discussions and perspectives that I greatly appreciate. Amazing work by everyone working on all of the shows at TWiT as always. Well done.
  • DwightSperry
    Solid Panel
    I think your current panel is the best you have had in place for many years. Lori Gil has been a delight, and I'm glad she is "full-time" now. I always get something out of the show. Every panel member contributes something important every week. I must agree with some of the previous comments about toning down the political content. I have also used the fast-forward button a few times when it turns into a political rant. That said, it seems to have toned down in the last couple of weeks. I never miss the show; it is my first priority podcast.
  • MTShipp
    It is supposed to be a tech show not a political one
    Update 3/5/20- sorry but I’ve decided to unsubscribe. Less than 10’ in and Andy goes off on his political rant. Stopped, deleted. Original - Andy needs to keep his political thoughts to himself or on his own show where people can choose to listen or not. I would think Leo wants to keep and draw viewers to his sponsors and not push them away. Take a hint from René and talk good tech.
  • carlosrsr
    Love their discussions
    This is a must watch show every week for me. There is too many people and talking over the other too much.
  • Choppers17
    The political talk is overbearing
    While the Apple talk is great, lately this show has become a left leaning political wonk show. I don’t care if you have different political beliefs but please stop being so derogatory concerning the other side of the political aisle. There are some conservative tech enthusiasts that would like to not be talked down to. Good day sir!
    Ihnatko why?
    Always made time to watch MacBreak, Not so much with Andy Ihnatko. Andy seem’s to be in the show for His benefit not mine. Just not that good with his running the topics away from the show’s direction. Maybe He needs to get a better paying job with someone else so that he can get better tech.
  • tjsrx
    No More Ihnatko!!!
    Please please please replace Andy Ihnatko with Lori Gil. It is becoming tiring listening to him use this show as a political platform. I can appreciate balanced reporting on the pros and cons of the Apple ecosystem, but his far left opinions are woven into every issue. If I want politics I’ll watch something else, if I want to learn about Apple products I’ll watch MacBreak Weekly and the other great TWIT shows. Sorry that you can’t afford Apple products Andy, but that’s not the governments fault, stick to the topic! Thank you Leo for great content, but Andy is causing me to use the jump ahead button more and more.
  • Wizbang Trainer
    Apple News Plus - Texture
    I belive that Apple is providing the tools to improve their digital content interaction. So it wasn't pushed out as a requirement, but an option to improve the impact of the publication.
  • _111_1_
    Andy keeps saying “piece of music” *smh*
    Andy keeps saying “piece of music.” Why not just say “music” and why keep saying “PIECE OF music” You would think a professional writer would be less... ummm... how do I say this nicely.... well... I’ll be nice and just not say it... *shaking my head*
  • PhoneGui
    A Really Good Show That Could Be Great.
    MacBreak Weekly has three regular panelists along with host Leo Laporte— Alex Lindsay, Andy Ihnatko, and Rene Ritchie. These are three extremely knowledgeable Apple tech journalists who are very entertaining. The show covers All Things Mac and often some related items as well. Hugely informative, and very entertaining. The only downside, and it’s a hugely annoying one— Leo Laporte. He’s not nearly as knowledgeable as he thinks he is. He’s constantly making misstatement and equally constantly being corrected by his panelists. But he also often goes off the rails, jumping to conclusions quicker than Emily Litella. And if his panelists fail to a agree with him, he makes his displeasure known. The most egregious of Leo’s offenses is that he constantly talks over his panelists and co-hosts, interrupting them to steal their thunder. He just HAS to show us that he’s the smartest guy in the room, while feigning self-deprivation. There’s no TWiT that won’t be improved by Laporte going on vacation. The show gets five stars for content and the panelists, but loses two because Laporte won’t shut up.
  • JHB13579
    Mikah Sargent
    I’ve listened to Leo’s Macbreak podcast since episode 1 many, many years ago. Just wanted to post a quick comment regarding a new guest panelist...Mikah Sargent. One of the best panelists Leo has ever had on the show. Would love to see him become a regular. Thanks, Leo and the whole team for an always-excellent production.
  • zillow111us
    I stopped subscribing
    It's just too much rambling. It was good when Leo said that he wanted to make it fit on a CD like 80 minutes tops. Now it runs 2 hours and 4 minute commercials. Andy tries to be funny which is OK. Devorak used to try to keep in on point until Leo starts asking about the good old days and then he goes off. I really care less where Alex is traveling or traveled to (Zimbabwe, Africa or wherever) Just say "I was traveling." Do I as a listener really care? No really. Too much fluff and there isn't that much to talk about in Apple news, Leo sounds like an old man repeated saying the same thing about Apple. We get the point. Should be once a month and specials when there is a Keynote. I really used to like alll the shows on the network and now I listen to none. i understand the trolls you don't want to listen to, but I'm not a troll and I used to be a fan.
  • RalphPA
    Move This to Once a Month
    This show being tied to Apple, is too frequent because Apple just doesn't have that much news. Of course, Andy is blabbermouth and annoying but Rene is always spot on and Alex provides a wonderful, practical perspective. Leo is just his typical overbearing self...
  • Idon'thavenostinkin'nickname
    TrumpBreak Weekly
    TWiT has grown far too political for my tastes. I have observed this trend across several twit shows, but this week's show (1/31/17) marks the first time I was actually spurred to turn the program off midway through strictly because of the political drudgery. I turn to tech podcasts when I tire of the political talk on the news and in the papers. Yet, what begins as an en passant refrence about an internal e-mail quickly devolves into a five-minute diatribe about what a baffoon our new president is. A buffoon he may or may not be, but this network is a wholly inappropriate forum for the expression of such sentiments. This is especially unfortunate, because, when they stay on-topic, I have found their analysis of Apple to be first-rate, bereft of the sycophantish praise all too prevalent on many other Mac and Apple-related shows.
  • London200
    Too much Apple bashing
    I used to love this podcast. All of the other guests are great, but I get so bored listening to non-succinct Andy and his negativity about Apple. Especially when he drones on negatively about their prices. I don't care if he thinks they are overpriced (obviously, Apple is doing fine!), and I certainly don't need to hear him rambling about it. If he is a newspaper man, surely he knows about brevity, but you couldn't prove it by the way he blathers on.
  • iDavid956
    Not What It Used To Be
    After 10 years of listening to MacBreak Weekly, I’ve decided to move on. Today’s episode, “Salty, Salty Funk” (06/21/2016), is the perfect example why. It was the first episode in a really LONG TIME that I actually enjoyed listening to! I forgot how good it could be. Was it because WWDC just happened and they now have a lot of Apple news to talk about? No because last week’s episode was the first after WWDC and I didn’t enjoy it. So what could it be then? Hmm? Oh yeah. Leo Laporte wasn’t hosting today’s episode. In the past, I used to hate when he wasn’t on the show. After today, I’ve realized that he’s the reason I don’t like the show anymore. It was like night and day! He’s gotten to be so negative about Apple and inappropriately off-topic that I just can’t stand listening to his voice anymore. So much so that I couldn’t even stand to listen to his pre-taped ads during the show. I had to fast forward through them. He really needs to realize that he is bringing down a lot of his shows with his negativity and his inappropriate antics. He needs to remove himself from this show, find a new host that actually likes Apple and isn’t faking it, stay on topic, cut the show down to an hour when it’s a slow Apple news day and have actual Apple-related picks of the week. As long as Leo Laporte continues to host this show, I won’t be listening/watching. If you want to listen to some good Apple-centric podcasts, may I suggest Rene Ritchie’s own “iMore Show” and “Apple Talk.” Another good one is Cult of Mac’s “The CultCast.” They cover a lot of the same news MBW does except the hosts don’t go out of their way to trash talk Apple and they know how to stay on-topic.
  • Retro-Classic-Rover
    Oh wow. Why am I not surprised?
    Once again, Leo goes off on Apple for not letting him use his NFC the way he wants it! Give me a break, big crying baby. We still don't know what Apple will do with it. When Touch ID came out, Leo pretty much said the same thing - I can only use it for purchasing apps... Wah wah wah... What's the point? Seriously, he's just a big brat who wants it his way. Gosh, I wonder why he's isn't invited to any Apple parties... Hmmm... On the last episode, Serenity was explaining why iBeacons aren't sexy. They aren't meant to be active with tapping. Yet, Leo cuts her off and tells her Apple wants you to tap with Touch ID! Uh, hello? That's exactly the point Serenity was explaining - Touch ID is for tapping while iBeacon is not. Ugh! Furthermore, what's the point of having guests on the show if they aren't allowed to talk. All I see and hear are Leo & Andy cutting off their guests while hogging up "air time?" Please, let's just change this show's title to Leo & Andy Weekly - LAW. There you go Leo, I gave you a freebie.
  • tech302
    Not a serious Mac show...
    The host was using a PC on the last episode I watched. I don't care what the excuse is. That's kind of lame for a Mac show.
  • DudemanLA
    Good Show
    I like the show. Andy is a great guest. I would love to see Jeff Gamet, Kelly from TUAW, and Adam Christianson from the MacCast on the show as a guest. Leo is a good host.
  • brianbates9
    Best Apple Tech Show
    Another quality show from Leo Laporte! I was a huge fan of the TechTV days and the Screen Savers, and it went down hill once Leo left. I found this show on Apple TV, and I have been hooked to TWIT ever since. I never miss a show. Great opinions and insights into the world of Apple.
  • SnapHappyPhotography
    Just A Suggestion
    We all love Andy, and he's always spot on, but the show needs more direction, because Andy tends to dominate the show. I also wish you guys were more open with your opinions. I really liked it when Leo said Apple has changed since Jobs passed away, because that prompted a discussion of software bugs. My favorite part is always when you guys discuss big picture, like where Apple is going, why they're doing what they're doing. Don't be afraid to speculate, it's more fun that way!
  • dsingletary911
    Take a break and check this out!
    The best Mac podcast out there. Great commentary and always a fun experience.
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