Amazing Race Recaps on Reality TV RHAPups


Recaps and Interviews featuring Amazing Race US and Canada editions

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Recent Reviews
  • Harvey Butthole
    Amaaaaazing Race
    How sweet the pod
  • RobSub
    Power to these podcasters
    I give these podcasters credit for sticking with The Amazing Race. I can no longer watch the show anymore. The Race has become very boring. The contestants do task and obstacles that could be done anywhere. Only a few of the task reflect the country they are in. The competition is simply doing the task faster than others. There is little to no strategy. All the contenders are chummy chummy; there is no team(s) to root for or root against. It is mundane and bromidic. Cancel the show already! It’s a dead whale washed on a beach!
  • Nickname/:$&@1233
    Bye bye Ron
    Love the podcast now that Rob is gone- we don’t have to endure his dismissive “mmhmm.. yeah” phrase he says anymore 👏
  • Toothless lover 89
    Go Team Idaho!!!!!
    Rob and Cory and Joel and Garrett were my and mom’s favorite teams. We were so excited to find out that Joel and Garrett were from the great state of Idaho!!!! My mom and I and our friends got to meet Joel and Garrett at a Boise State Men’s Basketball game 🏀
  • Smileyxoxo
    RHAP is the best!
    Rob, Jess, and Mike Bloooooom always do great TAR recaps!
  • hubz443322
    Not as good as it used to be
    After enjoying listening to Jessica recap TAR/TAR Canada for years, it’s become hard to listen to recent seasons because of the constant interjection of her politics. It’s become exhausting and over the top.
  • zell007
    Love this podcast
    One of my favorite podcasts. I love all the background info Jessica Liese gives.
    TAR 33
    Best final four ever, such great people with amazing stories and made just the best reality TV in ages. While I’m sure everyone had their favorite, you could only root for all of them and never against them. These final four interviews were so good and only solidified my opinions of them. Great job Rob and Jessica!
  • dki56
    Too much fake laughter. Not staying on topic of TAR, Survivor or BB.
  • lesmeralda3
    This podcast turned a Survivor and Bug Brother fan into an Amazing Race fan too. I enjoy the analysis and appreciate that each podcast focuses on fans of all of the shows and is interesting and humorous in explaining Amazing Race to a newbie. You have won me over! Intelligent podcast... all of RHAP options👏👏
  • RoseWunda
    Best recap
    These two make me laugh so hard! Love the recaps.
  • katswaflygirl
    Together again
    So happy to have Rob and Jessica Back! Sooo happy. Thanks !
  • Cwh25
    They make me love the race! Rob and Jess make FANTASTIC hosts! Please listen!
  • swing2011
    Outstanding podcast!
    Rob is good on these podcast, and the extra has brought back interest in the amazing race. The true star of the show is Jessica Leise she is so knowledgeable and fun on the show. I wish there were more of these episodes, especially where Jessica brings back former racers. Keep up the good work!
  • sigsydell
    Another great podcast from RHAP!
    No one but Rob C. understands and finds both the strategy and humor in reality tv!
  • Brit270
    Love Rob and Jess!
    Rob and Jess are great together! They get each other's sense of humor and Jess knows EVERYTHING about the Amazing Race! Smart, funny, and well done. Love when they have past racers (especially team guido!)
  • Oharas4
    The best!
    Rob is a hoot with his bell, puns and wisecracks! Jessica is great at playing along. Her depth of knowledge adds so much. Rob handles the exit interviews really well, asking the questions the listeners want answered. Adds so much to The Amazing Race.
  • marimoomoo
    Great stuff!
    I am so glad Rob has gone full time on podcasting. I enjoy him, and his interviewing skills are great! Jessica is a great addition. She is funny and knowledgable, and not afraid to have an opinion. Best of all, she is not giggly and annoying like so many female podcasters. (Sorry, but it's true!) She is intelligent, and it shows. I love how Rob is careful in his selection of support and chooses talented people to podcast with him. It's obvious he takes pride in what he does, and I look forward to every new podcast. And Rob...never feel bad about going long! I look forward to the 2 and 3 hour ones- they are always entertaining and easy to listen to. Great job!
  • SparanoMarcelo
    Best podcast
    Best TAR podcast!!
  • _StephenLien_
    Can't get enough #RHAP
    Long time RHAP listener, and LOVE the fact that we are getting even more Amazing Race coverage this season!! Rob and Jessica have so much to say about each team and episode, and they always manage to score the best interviews with past racers who love to give up behind the scenes info we can't hear anywhere else. If you love TAR, I definitely recommend giving Jess and Rob a shot!! #RHAP
  • 14 paws
    love the podcast
    Just recently found this podcast thanks to another one I listen to (Jay & Jack) - Soo glad I checked yours out. You all are full of info from the past to behind the scenes! I am hooked. I learned more in one episode than I ever thought I would and yes I agree before entering the race you must face your fears - whatever they are heights, swimming, and you must must learn to drive a stick shift. It wouldn't hurt to start a running program (hello Alabama couple). Can't wait till the next podcast. thanks for putting in the time and effort that it takes to make this podcast.
  • docallmecrazy
    walking encyclopedias
    Rob C, Nicole C, and Jessica L are walking encyclopedias of Amazing Race history
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