MLB Network's Play Ball

Baseball #165

Download the latest episode of "Play Ball." Hosted by Harold Reynolds and additional MLB Network analysts, this half-hour show features one-on-one baseball demonstrations and conversations with some of the top personalities in the game, plus highlights from throughout Major League Baseball, and offers ideas for how kids can participate in all forms of baseball activities.

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Recent Reviews
  • The Hot Sexy Taco
    Will this podcast ever be on Spotify?
    I just wish this podcast was available on Spotify as well as Apple Podcasts - I’m having trouble understanding why MLB would limit access to their main podcast if they’re truly trying to spread the love of the game and make it as accessible as possible to everyone. Really hoping it’s available on Spotify before too long.
  • teddy knott
    Love your show
    To Carlos Peña plakata but I love caps lock your show
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