Blueshirts Breakaway: A show about the New York Rangers

Hockey #26

Ryan Mead and Greg Kaplan host this weekly New York Rangers podcast that discusses news and results about the team, and often jump off course for nonsense.

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Recent Reviews
  • Colaa32
    Why is duclair consistently not an option for this teams rw issue? Compared to other FA and trade options he seems to check the same amount, if not more boxes. Not sure what his contract would be but I’d assume he’d be more affordable then the some of the a list names
  • KZB!!
    Welcome to the #1 NYR Podcast
    Hey boys, love the show. Does Perrault receive the invite to camp next year? Where does he play next season, BC or Hartford? Don’t want to rush the development, but would be great to see him contributing by the 25/26 season.
  • Mexican pizza
    Love the show
    I tell all my buds that are Rangers (and Mets) fans to listen. Excellent show with honest non-biased breakdowns.
  • Rangers fan 1977
    Stop yelling
    These guys yell the whole podcast for no reason, even when making the most mundane points. It’s hard to listen to.
  • FilibusterBluth
    5 Star Question: ‘94 Syncronicities
    If we are taking similarities between this season and the ‘94 season as good omens, should we be rooting for the Vancouver Canucks to make it to the Cup Final? Thanks for all the amazing podcasts…
  • TŒny
    Ryan’s Favorite Coach
    Hey Fellas first time long time. Do you think what happened in AV’s first year happens with DQ still behind the bench and if yes does he get them past TB? Bonus question. Do you think Rangers twitter need to partake in some recreational smoking or edible activities? I sure do. Stay Chill C-Bot
  • spaghettijoe07
    Five Star Review and Question
    Rempe looks like Happy Gilmore’s boss from when he worked construction. Now that Greg’s on board with Rempe, you guys should make a shirt with his face superimposed on that guy bending Shooter’s iron over his head. “And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot.” You’re welcome.
  • flowratefooty
    Chopped cheese clarification
    The only people who think a chopped cheese is a New York staple are people that have an understanding of New York from Tik tok and YouTube. It is a “famous” food from New York, its origins are in the Bronx. People who live or have lived in New York don’t regard the chopped cheese as a staple.
  • zapata2111
    Five star question from DJ Banana Jazz
    It seems to me like MSG are grooming Brian Boyle to step into Joe’s shoes when he’s ready to call it a career. How long do we have left with Sam and Joe and who replaces Sam?
  • Sweet Willy 22
    Best NY Rangers podcast
    Their analysis is spot on, they know the heart beat of the team. For the people that take offense to them calling fans idiots, you are the Fugazi fans they speak of, we are not trading Adam Fox.
  • pinkrabbitagogo
    Everyone is stupid but them
    If you like being told that you’re dumb, then look no further. What this podcast lacks in insight and analysis, they make up for in saying their fans are idiots and judging vibes. Oh and baseball talk? They do put out an episode every week; however, as time has gone on, that’s become more of a bug than a feature.
  • nyc commuter 500
    Great for 15 year olds
    Bill and Ted excellent adventure wanna be’s . Pass. Really embarrassing Immature and unprofessional. Not real smart and definitely not funny Try cursing makes you look real intelligent Greg is just not the personality he thinks he is. F bombs galore and a lot “likes”. No insights whatsoever. Truly sophomore in high school level talk. It is so bad that it is almost impressive. Your IQ will drop at least 22 points after listening to 1 show
  • isol8td
    We aren’t in Europe it’s a rangers podcast stop talking about soccer Greg.
  • Earreader
    My go-to podcast that is always there
    The reference to Futurama in the most recent episode (401) was uncanny in its timing. My 16yo niece has just started watching the show and I’d been thinking about how I’m haunted by that one episode. The ending is one of the saddest things I have ever seen and I can’t unsee it. When Ryan and Greg brought it up it was freaky. The show is, despite its published description, mostly about the New York Rangers. It’s probably over 95% Rangers content. But the tangential stuff and pop culture anecdotes are handled deftly by Ryan and Greg and there are episodes that will make you say, “why isn’t every podcast like this?” And the answer, according to your intrepid hosts, will be, “don’t ask us, we’re idiots”
  • AWL forever
    BSB OT
    Where can I listen to BSB OT? Feel like I can’t find it anywhere for some reason
  • HouseParty88
    Love it!
    No one does it better and with more passion!
  • Goalie the Goaltender
    Letter FROM the Fans?
    Dreger and Wyshynski are both reporting rumors that Quenneville is rumored to be Drury’s target as next head coach. Could we write a letter to Rangers Head Office to not “overcorrect” from game 7 by pursuing Quenneville and/or Kane? I was quite disappointed after the teams mishandling of Pride Night and decisions like these tend to have ripples. Frankly, I’m surprised Kane’s skeleton didn’t come back to haunt New York after he turned into a pumpkin after game 2. Winning cures all ails, even ones of human decency it seems. But if Q is their guy and he fails, the blowback will likely be catastrophic for this club for years to come.
  • Youthlagoon79
    When a Clown Car is Always on the Wrong Side of the Road
    The show started out entertaining for me a few years back. It still had obnoxious, and hard-to-listen-to moments (like the know -it-all, Greg, consistently yelling over his partner), but it was NY Rangers & NHL content. So I listened. Because God forbid local radio ever talk hockey in depth. There have been moments of laughter and insight on this show. But that has become less and less of the content. And the past 2 seasons have been muck racking central. With overblown dramatic takes, and these two clowns falsely creating a narrative that the GM was really bad at his job (proven wrong) and that the head coach was also bad at his job (proven wrong with back to back 100+ seasons), it became unbearable to listen to the hate spewed. The laughter then became a by-product of their “inside info” that the players hate Gallant and play in spite of him. Meanwhile, the guy has a rep that players would run thru a wall for this coach. Then to add salt into the infected wound this show has become w/ zero credibility, they entertain guests who tout charts as if it’s gospel. Their player assessments, and takes are usually way off base from the eye test, and intangibles that a player brings to the table. Just straight up video game dorkery. My favorite is when they have on the girl with blue hair who sounds like shes wired on Aderall giving takes so sure of herself that these two clowns just swoon over it. Lol. The best was she recently claimed that players like Kravstov (who’s been a health scratch multiple times in NY & now VAN) was a victim of Russian/Euro bias by the N.A. Coach and front office. They refused to admit that well- he just sucked. It’s a clown show. So for pure entertainment, if you’re looking for fictional NY Ranger talk by a crew who spews as if it’s fact, in a fake it till ya make it attitude- the show is def. for you.
  • Chutneys child
    Am I the only one that thinks Schneider sounds like Kermit the frog when he talks?
  • scottyrodr88
    I like it
    It’s great!
  • burt angle
    Best rangers podcast
    Hands down. Nuff said. Let em know son. wu tang.
  • Doc_D0CT0R
    Listen to Messier!
    If you’re a fan of the Rangers and want more, don’t look for another podcast. This is it. Ryan and Greg are passionate real people, real fans with the connections and guests and long term fan hood that really legitimize their efforts.
  • Tom NYR
    Best Podcast
    Easily my favorite podcast. Ryan and Greg are not only knowledgeable but they are entertaining and they seem like they’re always having a blast (well unless GG mishandles the young players…which is honestly very often). Must listen for Rangers fans!
  • bear2444
    It’s a pretty good Mets podcast!
  • Kurt1124
    Thumbs up
    Review: I enjoy the show, very entertaining. Most importantly, hosts are big part of Ranger fans community. Five-star question: Happy 7th anniversary, fellas. I’ve been listening for 6+ years, thank you for all the content, I appreciate you both. Keep on trucking. Let’s go Rangers? -Kurt1124
  • Ian Sitilides
    Ranger Fan in Denver
    I am finally back after a few years. You might remember me as the guy who’s last name you can’t pronounce. Anyways, I remember Greg telling the podcast that the last game he went to was in Denver before the pandemic hit. Any chance he comes back soon so we can watch the boys lose to the Avalanche together? LGR! Sincerely, Ian Sitilides
  • dgershman100
    My Go-To Rangers Podcast.
    Funny, insightful, and realistic view of the NY Rangers.
  • brownhornet1971
    Love it!
    Ryan and Greg are the epitome of delusional Ranger fans who think they can get any star player from another team for spare parts and a signed Mookie Wilson batting glove! Let’s go Caps!
  • jurg6
    5 Star Question - Jurg6
    If Drury wanted to get real crazy, instead of PLD or Statsny what do you think it would take to get Schiefle from WPG to play 2C (hypothetical probably not gonna happen)
  • Johns laid
    5 Star Question
    Hey guys, huge fan of the show. Ryan and Greg, can you each give me your favorite moment from the season? (regular season or playoffs, mine is either Panarin OT or Lindgren buzzer beater) Hard to get caught up in all the negativity after losing the way we did, let’s reflect on an amazing season!
  • Trip62
    So entertaining
    If you want a podcast where they only talk about the rangers 100% of the time, this is probably not for you. If you want a podcast where they talk about the Rangers 90% of the time and the remainder is spent fooling around and talking about the Mets, life, and just general tomfoolery, then this is the podcast for you. Great Podcast. Great Vibes. Great guys. Great community.
  • Tom Dad
    If you’re a Rangers fan this is the best podcast out there for you. These guys are fun and the community is great. All the 1 star reviews on here are CLEARLY by people who are trolling or are fans of another team being petty hahah because this show rocks
  • BigYogi8680374
    So close 🤏
    This would easily be the best NYR podcast if they ever stopped talking about the Mets & Soccer..
  • 281330800Fo
    Scotty Smolensky’s favorite podcast!!!!!!!!
  • JohnnyB 73
    No question just want to point out how Greg almost called Jacob de Grom Jacob Chychrun with about 8:16 left last episode, Ryan would never do that Let’s go Rangers, Let’s go Mets
  • Bobby Callahan
    Greg sounds like H Jon Benjamin more specifically Bob from Bob’s Burgers.
  • Kingfish13
    Impressively bad
    As a life king NYR fan and hockey player, I’m hard pressed to find the words to describe how bad this pod is. Please please please please stop recording
  • Ledhed74
    While I understand the need for "schtick" to help bring in and keep an audience, the banter between the two podcast hosts is cringe worthy and gets old after 5 min. Also, they should remind themselves from time to time that they are a hockey podcast and not a baseball podcast. Lastly, if they knew half as much as as they seemingly think they do, they would both be general managers in the NHL and not journalists who are better kept to a written medium than a podcast.
  • Scroteburg
    5 star question
    Hey guys, First time long time. What does world war 3 mean for a potential return of Kravstov? I’ll take my answer off the air.
  • Original_MC1
    Depressed Yankees Fan
    Hey guys, Mike In New Haven. It’s been a while! With Chris Kreider scoring at the pace he has this year, is it fair to say he’s now an epidemic?
  • mdanna09
    Thoughts on jack hughes signing
    Jack Hughes signed for 8m 8 years. What’s your thoughts on that?
  • SeanCarlson89
    5 star questions
    Noah Syndergaard being quoted saying he ‘wants to get Mike Trout a ring’ what are the chances he’s a Trojan horse for the Mets on a 3 month recruiting trip so when the angels inevitably fall out of it they can acquire both at the deadline?
  • jamescovfefe
    5 star Non rangers question and a rangers question
    Mets question for Greg from a yanks fan (also fine Ryan I’ll toss a rangers question in the backend to stay on brand) Do the Mets keep cano, or dfa him to not have to deal with the possibility of another suspension for PED’s? If they keep him does he split time at 3rd and 2nd (and/or dh if that passes) if they don’t end up with a free agent 3rd baseman this off season (cough cough, Khris Bryant, cough cough). And for Ryan, at what point do we stop thinking they are just getting lucky with wins and points, and start believing (either truly or in a blind fandom crazy faith way) we are actually as good as the record says we are? Thanks James (guy who had you 2 guys sign my jersey at beer authority)
  • ldecker20
    Hurt Feelings
    Do you think they get off on hurting us?
  • Brian Germ
    5 Star Question Laf and Kakko
    Hi guys, love the show. Would you guys consider Laf and Kakko apart of this Rangers core. I thought it was a no brainer that they were apart of it, but everyone I seem to talk don’t include them. Wondering what you guys think.
  • LDrogen
    5 star question
    What’s your hottest take on the single variable that explains Drury’s bizarre series of asset management decisions, from the Buch trade to bungling the Kravtsov relationship, giving Reves an extra year, protecting Hajek, what explains this set of behavior that is so out of step with how literally everyone else sees these moves?
  • FBI 2.0
    Five star question
    Hi guys...thanks for putting together the event at the Gin Mill…it was a great time!!! Question - While I feel that the NHL being on TNT & ESPN is a good thing, how does the NHL screw it up? What does the NHL do to mess up a good thing like a broader audience and actual hockey content? Thanks.
  • thomas-ku
    BSB>New Ice City
    If Lundkvist looks like a solid, reliable NHLer by the trade deadline and Schneider keeps playing out of his mind, do you think they’ll flip Nemeth to bump Schneider? I doubt they’ll play two rookies if they’re doing really well. Praise be fam #Foxislimitless #realGauthierhours #itsslanderhours
  • StayDaCourse
    Let’s Gooooo
    Ok. So I once wrote you a 5 star and asked you two to embrace “Yeast Mode” as a catch phrase for Panarin. Your loss, Greg wouldn’t because of his tribal beef. Priorities Greg, you’re a failure. Next idea: Choco Kakko… Just find a way to make him an ice cream bar dammit. I want him melting in my mouth by thanksgiving. Mmkay. Thanks Ryan. I know you can make it happen. All silliness aside thanks for all the work on the show. Ya’ll are great and should be rewarded with some good hockey out of the rangers very soon.
  • JoeBrancale
    Assuming he is fully healthy, who is an MLB and NBA player comp for Eichel? Beal/Trea Turner?
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