Zolak & Bertrand


Full show podcasts in one-hour segments, of Zolak & Bertrand, updated weekdays. Listen to Zo & Beetle live every weekday from 10am-2pm ET on Boston's Home for Sports, 98.5 The Sports Hub.

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Recent Reviews
  • Brogan from MA
    Getting grating
    November 4 show was so frustrating to listen to. With a patriots great game to talk about they couldn’t get more that 2 minutes an hour talking about the game or the team. Just more and more insufferable garbage about stupid songs or tv shows and music from 2004. It’s football season, it’s short, please talk about football!
  • DonatelloZzzz
    Perillo is the MAN
    Make Perillo FULL TIME GREAT ADDITION Too many commercials
  • PuckThief
    Great show/bad edits = Not Finishing Strong!
    EDIT - The show doesn’t have the same energy without Hardy. The only constants are bad edits and bad descriptions. Where’s the Kraft interview when he stopped by on 8/13? With this, I’m out. - Zo, Beetle and Hardy are fun and entertaining. My favorite show on the hub. However, edits could use work. Breaks are edited awkwardly, often cutting off mid sentence. Will rate a 5 when who ever is in charge of editing FINISHES STRONG.
  • BostonLifer
    Ads have ruined it
    This used to be my favorite Podcast. Unfortunately the volume of ads has increased to the point that the show is no longer consumable. Time to move on.
  • celtsfan95
    Best radio I’ve ever listened to!
    This is the best show on Boston radio I listen to it everyday and if I miss it I listen to it later on in the day. I never miss a show! The only problem I have with it is the volume of the show it’s self. The ads are so much louder than the guys. When I’m driving I have to have the radio turned up all the way to hear them and turn it down as soon as an ad starts. A “With Hardy” needs to be added to the show and honestly I have no complaints about anything the show does. It’s always entertaining and I appreciate the effort from everyone who works on the show
  • guywithplanes
    Podcast audio TERRIBLE!
    Dialog is extremely soft and commercials are outrageously LOUD. Have an intern learn how to edit the podcast properly and fix the audio!!
  • ChipfromCT
    Bertrand is horrible
    Why have guests? Why have a co-host? Bertrand talks incessantly over everyone. He can’t even ask a question without answering it first. Loves the sound of his own voice. Overbearing blowhard makes it unlistenable. Compare to show with Zolak, Ted Johnson, & Reiss - better flow, respect between the hosts - & no big mouth bully boy.
  • Fred FIV
    Not Listening
    Please talk sports not …Aaron Rogers Covid, Covid, Covid!
  • Djt52485
    Hardy stinks
    Please take Hardy off the show dudes insufferable, wasn’t a fan back in the wbcn days not a fan now.
  • Newton21
    Love the show!
    Never lived in New England, started listening years ago as a Patriots fan. Love Brady, have hated Belichick since Super Bowl LII, Haven’t been a Patriots fan since March 2020 (hmmmm), but I still religiously listen to this show. Love Hardy and Zolak, barely tolerate Beetle.
  • BellaNise
    Fix Time Stamps!
    Time stamps are inaccurate every single day! Fix!
  • Anm151019
    Awesome show but editing needs work
    This is a great show, definitely my favorite on the hub! However, as some comments have noted, the editing needs a bit of work. Segments are awkwardly interrupted and/or repeated and mixed up regularly.
  • Iphone4s6969
    Just another political pushing piece of garbage.
    Just as title says. Liberal media pushing their bias. Unsubscribe immediately and will no longer listen to them clowns.
  • vpalmieri
    Great show, editing needs work
    As other reviewers note, portions of the show are repeated on consistent basis due to poor editing. Really unprofessional sounding and an aggravation for the listener for an otherwise excellently produced program. Can’t complain too much as this podcast is free, but c’mon you’re a professional radio station with what I’m sure is excellent editing equipment. You can cut and splice better than this?! That said, best sports radio show in Boston hands down.
  • Rdhess
    Great show
    Great Show
  • Wedge516
    Great show!
    Awesome show. My only complaint is the editing needs some work. Some segments get repeated from one hour to the next.
  • tuba2145
    Horrible production
    Loyal listener here but I can’t take it anymore. The same 3 commercials literally between every single segment. I understand market saturation and repetition but I will NEVER use Rodenheiser because I’m so sick of hearing their two commercials over and over every 12 minutes. Not to mention awful production, randomly restarting segments or smiling segments in the middle for no reason (and don’t forget to interrupt the middle of a segment by inserting another of the same commercials!). I’m unable to listen live in real time because of my schedule and used to enjoy listening the podcasts. But it’s just not worth the annoyances of the lack of production which should be easy and awful sales choices.
  • dicky two
    Reopening golf courses?
    Would like to know your thoughts on reopening golf courses? Re......opening golf courses? Kyle Dugger?
  • Elle in Maine
    Learned to love this show.
    I used to only listen to Patriots Unfiltered but found this. Really glad I did. What a good complementary team. Bertrand is full of common sense and humanity and principle. I liked his viewpoints right away. His reactions to the whole AB debacle/roller coaster sold me permanently. Winning is great but not at the expense of morality. So took me longer to warm up to but he is now a favorite. I like his passion and knowledge about football and the Pats in general. I now like his commentary so much that I watch the games on tv but with the sound off but with Zo and Socci calling the game on 98.5 Thanks for all you do, guys!
  • Pats012786344
    Beetle is a complete moron
    The show would be so much better with Hardy and Zo. Get rid of that drama queen Beetle, and you’ll have one of the best sports show.
  • Fire zolak
    8 Tds 7 Ints great career
    Scott will never be on tv lol
  • hollydolly088
    Love it
    One of my fav patriots podcast. Keep up the great work. Love it.
  • Bill C from CT
    Good overall, but Bertrand is a negative
    Love Zo and Hardy, Ted is decent. However - Beetle's frequent, repetitive, and usually negative monologues are hard to listen to. He makes a point (which many times is controversial or less important to the topic at hand), then hammers it by repeating himself again and again - each time with increasing volume. Please replace or demote him, ideally by making Hardy a regular host.
  • OreSur24
    Love it
    Entertaining and super funny show!! What’s up Zo!!!
  • m1247
    Solid show
    Solid all around show to keep you updated on New England sports. I don’t get to listen at work but I’ll always listen to the podcast. Sup Zo!
  • Wwqeety
    Listen every day. These guys are great for everything Boston sports related! Sup ZO!!!
  • Krf67
    Who listens to this drivel?
    Should be called “Two Morons Talking” don’t waste your time, life’s to short
  • mosi30
    To be honest I liked the show better with Gresh but anyone paired with Zolak will be good radio.
  • Perry04005
    Zolak is an idiot
    I’ll never forget hearing him be happy on the air when Gronk was a big baby and gave a huge cheap hot on Tredavius White. How Zolak has a job still shows a lack of class with WEEI
  • SWinVA
    Zo & Beetle time
    Enjoy listening to Z & B. When I can’t listen I love that I can catch the best segments here on demand. Btw I love Hardy’s segments too.
  • J.Helton
    My fave Boston sports crew.
    Top notch..Zo Rules The planet
  • mikec0013
    Love the show. Not the format
    Love the show but would prefer four 1 hour podcasts instead of the short clips. Often times I can't listen live and would like to hear the whole four hours.
  • Patsfan3616
    Best show for Pats fans
    If I'm not in my car I always catch the show here. Great coverage and guest on air.
  • VinSpags
    Best in NE
    Zoo and Bertrand do sports and NE teams the better than any other outlet.
  • Ehshdjsj
    Love this format!
    If I miss a show I can just catch the best clips! Thanks, guys!
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