Stuff What You Tell Me! || Rebellion and Resistance in History, Art and Culture


Stuff What You Tell Me! is a podcast telling stories of rebellion and resistance in history, art and culture. Created by two contrary Australians living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we explore the wider role of rebellion in history, by delving into the experiences of people whose lives and actions were defined by defiance. Release schedule: In keeping with our theme, we resent the imposition of scheduling agendas, so we release episodes whenever we feel like it. We aim for at least one a month, and if you don't like that then hey, stuff you.

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Recent Reviews
  • Stu Nims
    Awesome content, awesome host. Give it a listen.
  • Chrilia03
    An impressive voice.
    I have never been moved to tears by the memory of a speech that moved me to tears, but this podcast touches something so deep in my soul I am moved to tears simply telling others about it. The content is phenomenal, well thought out, impeccably researched, and delivered in a powerful way. Also, the narrator has an incredible voice, and the asides he adds are nearly as impressive as the rest of the podcast. I could listen to his voice forever.
  • Coreyrulz
    This is a really original history podcast. It’s really good. The host is a gem.
  • V.Akshat
    You gotta love that voice!
    Great podcast! Awesome topic, well researched and delivered with a great sense of humor. If you haven’t heard about milt in this podcast, you must. My queen and I laughed our hearts out. Keep up the great work!!
  • billardito
    Loving this
    Discovered this podcast yesterday and have been plugging through the back catalog and loving it. Informative, interesting and equal parts touching, inspiring and funny. I love the thread of rebellion connecting each series. Thank you!
  • DarkAsassin2
    Excellent writing, witty humor, and an accent that I will never get tired of listening to. Definitely worthy of a subscription! Keep them coming, good work. 😉👍🏽
  • cahendri
    Fascinating show
    Very unique podcast! Super descriptive storytelling that highlights stories of rebellion throughout history. Definitely worth checking out.
  • jackewilson
    Great storytelling!
    Love this podcast - the stories are fascinating. I fell into the Martin Luther rabbit hole, which was great, and then the Voyage of the Batavia, which was completely new to me (and fascinating). I'm glad the episodes are getting longer!
  • 唐思德
    Quite excellent.....Stands out in the crowd
    This one was recommended to me as very "Dan Carlinish" so how could I resist. Aside from the pleasant grovely accent, it checks all the boxes: well produced, researched, written and presesented. And what I like especially....historical content that you won't find in other history shows: Defiance and Rebellion in history, art and culture. Great idea!
  • bu-dd
    Best voice
    in all of pod world
  • B. T. Newberg
    Focus on the Experience
    Each episode is a short narrative that attempts to make you feel what it would have been like if *you* were in the position of a certain rebel or resistance fighter or martyr in history. I have to admit I was ready to not like this show because of the "rebellion" theme, but it got me hooked right away. Far from a bland narrative of historical events, this is really more about making you feel the experience. That is unique and compelling.
  • Mar-y
    Don't be stuffy...listen to Stuff What You Tell Me
    What an awesome podcast! It is a single host, telling a story about a historic resistance or rebellion. And make no mistake, the host is an AWESOME story-teller. His pacing, choice of words, intonation, flow, EVERYTHING a good story-teller needs, comes together to bring YOU into the rebellion. A truly special and unique podcast.
  • Small joys
    Making history come alive
    I just found this fairly new podcast at least to me that feels like a time machine that has you smelling, tasting and reliving the past.
  • Monicafileborn
    History as fun for us all!
    These stories, told with both humour and insight, are a great way to become educated about events in our world history told from the point of view of the common man. I especially like the way the narrator tells the story from an onlooker's persective in the Batavia series. He takes on the persona of an ordinary sailor traveling with his mate on the doomed voyage. The stories are cleverly crafted and would be a great way to teach European history to school children of all ages. Sure makes a change to the boring old textbook!
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