Boston Public Radio Podcast


Join hosts Jim Braude and Margery Eagan for a smart local conversation with leaders and thinkers shaping Boston and New England. We feature our favorite conversation from each show. To hear the full show, please visit To share your opinion, email or call or text 877-301-8970 during the live broadcast from 11AM-2PM Monday through Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Greg Potter
    Government radio
    I bet Luigi was a big fan of these libtards.
  • Jill from Lee, MA
    The breadth of conversations and people invited on air is exciting, engaging, and educational. In addition, I learn so much from listeners who call in to share their own experiences related to the topic at hand. In fact, in this most recent election, hearing how the different questions on the ballot would impact those directly affected by the law proposed helped me gain a better understanding as a voter. Plus I just love the silliness and friendly banter between Margery and Jim…reminds me not to always take things so seriously. Yes, we have to “pace the rage” but we must never forget to find some joy. Thank you! PS: I’m a sustaining member and LONG TIME listener. Keep it coming! Bravo!
  • Barby444
    Love this show
    Love the show but it hasn’t been recorded for about a week. Where is it
  • A L Q
    Full episodes missing!
    Where’s 8/15 full show? and so many others?? when you do post the full show, how come it often omits the last 20 minute segment??
  • User5ssssss
    Great show, poor recordings
    Love this show, so want to hear it. But often now show is cut off at the end (for the AITA !!) and generally not well + consistently uploaded (parts missing). Please fix !
  • Laurengratta
    Full Show?
    On days I can’t listen at 11:00 I’d love to be able to listen to the full show when I have the time. Thank you.
  • kateebee2
    Full show for July 22, 2024
    Will you post the full show for July 22, 2024 please. Katy in NH
  • Evry name takn
    Full show once again is not available. I don’t think anybody actually looks at the podcast before if is posted.
  • jlucch
    Full show please!
    Can we get the full show sooner daily?
  • Human listener
    Listener ??
    How pathetic is Marjorie!!!! She couldn’t handle a debate with a caller and big Braude had to interrupt and save her by attacking the caller. It’s shows like this that lead to Trump’s shooting. Time to put these foolish octogenarians out to pasture. The way the two of these bullies attacked the caller was out of line!
  • Knuckleheadwife
    Far too biased
    There isn’t even a hint of trying to be unbiased. I love opinions. I love the news. But I have a hard time finding the commentary to be credible at this point.
  • Justin in Boston
    Love J & M but..
    Some days the full show podcast never seems to be uploaded or is uploaded late or is uploaded with part of it missing. I’d love for it to be consistently uploaded by 5pm daily. Considering I am a sustaining member and this podcast is the primary reason I am since I can rarely catch the show live I hope you can get back on track with this.
  • J.P. Griffin
    Great, but please fix the upload schedule
    Love the show, but releases at different times, or sometimes not at all. Better to listen the day after than waiting for the epsiodes to drop between 3 and 11 PM
  • tuffy x
    96.9 WTKK
    Didn’t you do this 30 years ago?
  • Chiara1102
    Love the show but not the app
    Lately i only get a looooong list of ONLY the most recent “best of” shows fm 2/16. I would like access to both these and the full programs. I did all kinds of troubleshooting to no avail. Please fix this
  • Tbone572866
    I listen all the time
    Love the show but in the podcast would be great if the title listed all the guests/topics. I especially like the episodes with John King, Chuck Todd, Paul Reville, Julia Kayem. Would make it easier to search the episodes
  • Mokeyt3/35
    Jim is a d*ck
    Listening to Jim Barretta listener about the teachers union strike. He cut her off repeatedly. Then gives Marjorie an earful. He is what is wrong with this country..
  • It made me pick a nickname
    Would love to here a discussion on other points if views. Always interested in hearing you debate, so that I might get be more informed.
  • KathyE21
    Love episode chapters
    I love Jim and Margery and most of the regular guests. Since I often listen to the podcast, I love the episode chapters with time info. When I’m short of time I can be sure to hear the segments most important to me.
  • svn54
    What Happened to Episode Summaries?
    I thoroughly enjoy this show, but don’t listen much anymore because now there aren’t summaries in the written episode descriptions (they seemingly stopped getting posted a few weeks back). I often don’t have time to listen to an entire episode, and like to dip into favorite or interesting-sounding segments—unfortunately, now there’s no way to tell what’s in a given show. Content-wise, I give this show five stars, but I really miss the episode guides.
  • hed1117
    5 Stars for the show, 1 star for the haphazard publishing of the daily and time-sensitive episodes
    I discovered Jim and Margery (sp?) about two years ago - not sure how as I live in Miami- and I love the wide range of their conversations and topics (from politics to food to movies, ethics and pot!). Like listening to two literate friends... Their forthright support of liberal democratic values is my main respite from the insanity of trump and his amoral and unpatriotic enablers. Long may they rule the (air) waves!
  • Brigoud
    One of my favorites!
    Listen to this at night during my dog walks! Don’t always get to finish! Love Jim and Margery. Highly recommend.
  • mhueg
    My favorite show but the irregular publishing time drives me nuts
    I love the show and listen everyday, will change to 5 stars if one issue is solved. That is the irregular time that it publishes, or occasionally never shows up at all. I’m never sure whether it will be available at 3 the same day it aired or 6 the next day.
  • DSHill68
    Honest, Substantive and Informing
    Jim and Margery are engaging and not afraid to ask the tough questions. Excellent, relevant topics and guests talking about issues in depth. I’d recommend the show to anyone and have.
  • wtyyuuu
    Great show
    Informative and funny. It’s comforting to listen to Jim and Margery talk through current events with humility and wit.
  • yhbopsce
    More soothing music please.
    Love the show! Funny, informative and am interesting variety if guests both regular and occasional. Pls rethink the music. It’s annoying in podcast form. You can segue between segments more gently! I often listen to podcasts in the evening before sleep and the music jars me awake.
  • maggie in rozzie
    Got me through pandemic…and many dog walks
    If you like to be informed about boston local and national news, and also would like to have ‘friends’ to listen to on your daily dog walks, I highly recommend! Comforting and interesting! Best weekly guests are Jonathan Gruber, Trenni, Juliet, Andrea Cabral, The Reverends, Callie, Chuck Todd, Rick Steves, Art Caplan. Thank you all for getting me through so many hours of walking during the past year(s).
  • nattannattan
    4/21/21 post chauven conviction
    Thank you for this powerful segment. I enjoy and look forward to each program
  • Cynthia B. SellArts
    Just discovered this!!!! MY YEAR HAS BEEN MADE!!!!
  • Blizzard1s2d
    Love Andy Ihnatko
    I love public radio and how they encourage a variety of other voices that don’t get time on Fox News and talk radio. It’s small but needed. I’m in another state, thank you for providing this podcast as an alternative for listening. I can’t listen to the radio now since we are all at home anyway — need that pause button. Nice to hear things from a Boston perspective! I subscribed for Andy Ihnatko, but everyone else is great too. The best interviews. Almost as good as Colorado Matters on Colorado Public Radio. 😁
  • hopethedog
    Enjoyable and informative
    Great way to catch up on the local news.
  • barichops
    Great radio
    Insightful intelligent radio.
  • Lns678
    My favorite podcast
    I’m only able to listen to the podcast, as I’m at work then they air. They have THE best co-host chemistry! They welcomed me to Boston and “showed me around” when I moved here six years ago—and I’ve been with them (and all of their fantastic guests—I love them all—Sy, Juliette, Trenni (and I don’t even really like sports!), Irene & Emmett (they may be my favorite), Alex, chuck, Sue, Andrea, Paul, Nancy (where has she been), Jared, Adam, Callie....and, what I look forward to aaaaaallllll week, Emily and her Friday list!! And so many more!! I laugh, I learn and always feel better for having listened.
  • ABalbs
    Intelligent & informative
    Before covid I always missed the show during the day but now it’s a must-listen in my house. I appreciate the callers and hosts, presenting a level-headed approach to the news. I was inspired to write this review after hearing a segment about returning to in-person learning featuring public school teacher’s voices. Thank you for valuing and listening to teachers 👍🏼🍎
  • Darrington1988
    Love the show. Sound editing needs to be fixed
    Great show. I enjoy their perspectives and I feel they are unbiased about 80% of the time. The only problem is I have to turn the volume way up to hear them. The sound is way lower than any other podcast I listen to. I shut it off if I try to listen in my truck with windows open at all.
  • Worcester gal
    Great perspectives
    Jim and Margery are superb hosts of a funny, thought-provoking, and exceptional radio show. Topics include national and local politics, culture, and discussions on social issues. To those who want a great show with many perspectives, I would recommend this podcast I enjoy the three hour format. Please don’t change it!
  • Muso nerd
    Still a great show
    Moved from Boston a few years back. Listened every day while I lived there, back to the talk radio station days. Still check in every once in a while to listen and see what’s going on .Keep up the great show Jim and Margery.
  • RCGR123
    Our lighthouses in the storm.
    Love listening to Jim and Margery! I am a Bostonian in Berlin, Germany and I live still have my home connection through your great program!!!
  • ShadowKnight1996
    Editing suggestion
    Would it be possible to edit it so the segments are broken down in smaller chunks rather than a two or three hour episode? I’d love if there was a similar format as WBUR which gives the whole recording but also breaks them up into smaller bits by the stories covered. Just a suggestion.
  • MMckennzie
    Margery Eagan is Comedy’s Greatest Perfomer
    This show is the funniest show on the air. I have to say, I didn’t know how explicit it would be with Margery moaning and achieving the climax of the sexual act all show. I love seeing the stages of dementia she is progressing through. Also, why didn’t Steve Robinson have the periscope audio?
  • Leeleesdad
    Longtime listener but...
    I have been listening to Jim and Margery for years but lately I find myself tuning out frequently. I generally agree with the viewpoints of both of them but over the last couple years, Margery has become a broken record. Everything out of her mouth is about women, me too, and is dripping with animus towards men. I’d be interested to hear a man go on this show and throw it back at her-point out the numerous flaws that are exclusive to women and explain why men are suspicious of women in general. Furthermore, I have heard several female callers going farther with the anti-male narrative and not being challenged by either of them. If they want to lose the male side of their audience, they’re on the right track.
  • sharon gifford
    Nancy koehn
    I loved her comparison between Lincoln and the GOP. I’m not one to write reviews but I was really inspired by her passion. I’m a long time listener who now lives in South Carolina and appreciate being able to hear Jim and Margery. I love their chemistry!
  • Kenny781
    Love the show
    I love the topics on the show. But I would say please let people finish their thought before you agree or cut them off as it is hard to follow the show and hear every point of view. I understand y’all want to speak your point but just let the person speaking finish. I understand it’s human nature as well. But at the same time it does make for a more natural conversation which I do like. But other than that. This is a great show for Boston.
  • jerry action
    Both hosts are as charming and educated as can be. Keep on going!!! A really pleasant, in depth variation from the usual, self important news shows. Jerry Aaron
  • musicsnob20854
    Jim and Margery!
    I moved from Natick ten years ago, so I love to still be able to hear their show.
  • B Hiddy
    Listen every day!
    I'm so glad they post this as a podcast every day for the times I miss the afternoon show. I've listened for years, and will continue to follow along. Keep up the great work, and thanks!
  • Christopher Cadbury
    If you like boring podcasts, this is for you.
  • JayBeezy67
    Terrible commentary and flat out false information by a group of fascists. Shirley Leung is a garbage reporter.
  • MikeDa
    Horrible liberal biased
  • Asdewpoi
    Margery is a liar. She owes Kirk Minihane an apology.
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