

Inbox challenges guests to offer up access to their digital correspondence and allow their personal lives to be mined for comedy gold. Each week, hosts Nicole Drespel (Netflix’s Wet Hot American Summer) and Matt Stroup (Emmy Award-winning sports TV writer) look over the shoulders of comedians, performers, actors and anyone willing to explore all the buried treasure of embarrassment their inbox has just waiting to be discovered!

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Recent Reviews
  • mylifinflorals
    Inbox set the bar high
    Honestly, this was the first podcast I’d ever listened to and it got me through the early parts of the pandemic. I’m deeply saddened that Matt and Nicole have not returned for a season 3. I cannot for the life of me find a more endearing and funny podcast.
  • CaptainEva8D
    This podcast is the best one I listen to. I have so much trouble finding something near as good to listen to between seasons. I love that Nicole thinks only like 5 people listen to the podcast even though it’s actually one of the top rated podcast on Apple podcast. I also enjoy listening to Nicole’s journey of finding a guest that is on Goodreads. I can’t wait for season 3.
  • h_ratliff
    s3 PLEASE!
    The premise of this show is genius, Matt and Nicole are hilarious, the guests’ willingness to humiliate themselves is truly inspired. I look forward to it every Tuesday and was so thrilled when s2 came out! #SnickersBarMystery will haunt me till I die. Can’t wait for season 3.
  • drtran
    This podcast is so great
    Hilarious podcast. I wish they would have more of their friends on though.
  • kdls;faj
    Once Upon a Podcast
    Matt and Nicole are a great pair of hosts with lovely chemistry. And maybe this is weird to say, but I love their voices. Not only do their voices soothe my ears, but they're also super funny and ridiculously witty. The emails they come up with on Email Roulette always tickle me. They're hilarious and absurd in the best way possible. I feared for awhile that they wouldn't be continuing the podcast after season 1 concluded. But alas, they are back with a new season and I'm so delighted! Thank you guys so much for what you do
  • Jordan McNaughton
    Always a Good (Reads) Laugh!
    Love the hosts dynamic and book wonderful guests. I feel like some podcasts live or die by having a constant stream of high profile guests. But every guest (even the ones I am not familiar with) are game, interesting, and lead me to look into their work after listening. Very happy for a second season and hopefully another in the future!
  • LezDuke
    I love this podcast!!
    This is maybe my favorite podcast? Certainly the one with my favorite tag line and the most recent episode with Jo was such a delight!
  • Raaambles
    I’m on Goodreads
    For sure my favorite podcast (and I hear there’s actually a lot of them out there, so that’s saying something). I find myself genuinely laughing out loud, and Matt and Nicole are an incredibly hilarious combination (and hilarious separately). Hope there are many seasons to come!
  • Bbelt13
    Great time
    This show is a great time!
  • Mark L. 5555
    Great for fans of comedy and emails (yes, I love both)
    I can't imagine how stressed i'd be if I were a guest on this podcast, but I love listening to it.
  • CT4everandever
    love it
    I absolutely love listening to this podcast - i look forward to it coming out every week. Prying into people's inboxes is the dream
  • Jessiegeewow
    Love you Bud!
    I’m listening to the most recent podcast today. I have to laugh cause I picked up “bud” from Nicole. Great show, I look forward to Tuesdays to listen to Matt and Nicole.
  • Lizzie Jane 70
    Charming and funny!
    This unique podcast brings us lots of laughs, insights into human nature, and all-around joy. Very special!
  • levitagamichigan
    Okay so yeah three tries is maybe two much for four answers, however, my view of this is that the person creating the question has this in mind, and thus finds questions with such a crazy or medium-crazy answer that it will always be the fourth choice. So I think whatever works.
  • lesssssthan
    Is so fun
    I can stop listening
  • Jake C.
    So Good
    The show is perfectly balanced between being VERY funny and also giving fascinating glimpses into guests lives. I love!
  • Pammms
    Mik karma lingo 2018 is the year
    Really funny ep... this, so far, is your funniest episode! Thanks for the laugh!
  • JimmyJimJimJimJimJimmyJim
    Matt and Nicole have great chemistry, you can tell they've known each other for ages! I LOVE RISK! so when I saw Kevin Allison on here I listened and now I'm hooked!
  • Ratch What Happens Live
    Yes! I love story telling podcasts and this is a new twist on that. LOVE IT!
  • xminikui
    Good Premise - Bad Execution
    I really wanted to like this podcast -- I really did, I stayed for 14 episodes. The episode with Jackie, where I was forced to listen to several minutes of unsubscribing from an email list, was my last straw. Too often the hosts get distracted by minutia and barely execute the goal of the segments. The segments are mostly uninteresting. The tantalizing line they give to describe the podcast falls flat when eveyrone acts way too guarded about their mission. There is too much personal relationship banter between the hosts and guests where it is made clear that the hosts are really only reaching out to a friend circle. These conversations are completely alienating to a listener who knows nothing about the guests. This podcast would be much more interesting if it ventured outside of email more, as it really is a dying mode of communication. The IDEA of this show is amazing -- the execution is probably the worst it could possibly be.
  • Funniest2345678
    This podcast is great!
    This podcast is very funny and I often have to rewind because I'm laughing too loud! I do fast forward through writing the email in the beginning but like hearing the final product at the end of the cast. Thank you for introducing me to Beep Beep cereal and a new Halloween costume: wolf going to the park.
  • Sleeepyyyygirllllll
    Love this show, a few bad episodes though
    This is definitely a fun listen. Though it is definitely guest-dependent... listening to Elisa Kreisinger was the wrong kind of cringe, too much faux self-righteous feminism from her end. Also, it always seems like Matt is on the struggle bus keeping up with Nicole and her colleagues— but that is actually an endearing dynamic. I mostly can’t believe that no one thought of this concept before... pretty much exactly what I’d expect from gimlet 🤪
  • Bang4
    I love Kevin I thought his episode would be good but ooooohhhh my god this was so disorganized and rambling. I’ll try to be constructive instead of rude. It needs organization, planning, and editing. The most vulgar exciting person you could have interviews and I feel you really missed the opportunity to create a wild episode that would make you standout. You could take cues from Ted Radio Risk etc and do short intros to the subject to explain a specific story or message etc then go off on it instead of rambling and talking about your personal relationships of the hosts to each other sooo often. It’s okay to be quirky and personal but make sure you have the powerful content to back it up. Maybe this was just me, and maybe just listening to an episode of Risk before was harsh contrast. I’ll try another episode but I could barely sit through this.
  • Rim farge
    Touching base
    Hit me straight!
  • G00nie5
    Found Inbox on my podcast app and it's officially my favorite! I love the humor and dynamics of the show..and Email Roulette?! #NoWords I am giddy at 4 am on Tuesdays becuase I know there's a new episode to listen to as I run (jog...ok, walk) at the gym. Love love love this show!
  • PinUpGurl
    The highlight to my Tuesday. I love this so much.
    I actually look forward to Tuesday. I love you guys
  • K84prez
    Just great!
  • marisabad
    omg--not in a good way.
    Like being stuck in a bus full of high school kids.
  • slightlyKrazy
    Fun podcast with fun hosts and fun guests!
    I like this podcast! The female host strikes me as a modern day Jane Austen. I think the way they do ads is pretty clever.
  • ggfdssng
    Very good
    Great even
  • booitsbecky
    really good
    this is so so so so funny!
  • Avery Monsen
    Two episodes in and I'm hooked. This is so great.
  • opiddddddd
    These two are really onto something funny. The dumb messages I send to my friends would be enough for a 3 part series and let's not even get into the emails I send to my parents that sound like I'm a crazy person!
  • Jimmy James James Jimmy
    Love it!
    This podcast proves why I never let my mates go through my phone, because they would definitely embarrass the hell out of me for the corny texts I send to my lady.
  • Craft The Maker
    I wish they could get some politicians in this show, that would be an amazing episode to go through their inboxes! Such a fun listen. I'm in love with the hosts, their banter is great and I love how the guests are in on the joke.
  • lincoln like the president
    so good
    no need to look any further, this show will be your new podcast obsession
  • blahblahblah2015
    Finally a show I will listen to
    This show had me laughing the whole time. I love the idea lof going through someone else's emails and the guests and hosts were really funny.
  • heather quick
    YES, YES, YES!
    Need more proof that your messages are embarrassing AF? This show takes a look at how obsessed we are with our digital lives and makes it funny AF. I can only imagine sinking deeper and deeper into my chair as these hosts read my cringe-worthy texts. Ugh, this is my new favorite podcast, hands down!
  • Bradyley
    these two are geniuses and thank you for making my new obsession if you love to feel awkward and love second-hand embarrassment this is the perfect laugh out loud, cringe-worthy podcast out there
  • cynthia bailey doll
    For all that is good in this world, YOU MUST listen to this podcast. I was clutching my phone making sure no one on the subway could see what I was writing because I felt like I was in the studio with them.
  • Randy Temple The Warrior
    i'm dead
    This show is killing me. Every second is funnier than the last. I think I have a crush on Nicole and Matt. <3<3<3 xoxoxoxo
  • TommyGirlX0X0
    My new best friends
    seriously though, Nicole and Matt can we become best friends? You guys are hilarious and I couldn’t imagine keeping a straight face while hanging out with you guys. I'll just stand here with my hand raised just in case. you're looking for a guest to come on the show!
  • RObbie F Peteeeee
    it's never too late for sushi
    Sorry, James, but I can and will continue to order sushi at all hours of the night and wee hours of the morning. HA! What a great concept, why hasn't anyone thought to do this before?! The notes section on my phone is filled with insane ideas. How do I submit to be on this show?
  • Frank The Grank
    you're going to love this podcast
    trust me, this show is one of the best I've heard in a while. It's a great concept and perfect for anyone who's ever sent a text accidentally after pouring their heart out to their crush with no intention of actually hitting send...not that I know anything about that...
  • franny the nanny may
    Love Love Love
    I'm absolutely in love with this show. I keep listening to the first 2 episodes on repeat. I NEED MORE!!!!!
  • Philly Scooter
    Subscribe now!
    This show is going to be a huge hit. This is like every millennials fear, that someone would get access to their messages and see how embarrassing they are and share it with the world! This show is hilarious and of course it's all in good fun!
  • BrooklynMissesMatt
    I love, love, love this idea. More please!
  • Roger Lipman
    Perfect commuting podcast
    If you need a light-hearted show to listen to on your way between places you should consider subscribing to this show. The hosts are funny and I'm really enjoying the guests they've brought in so far. Feels like a new take on some of the storytelling podcasts that are popular like RISK! and The Moth.
  • FredInVerga
    A new take on the interview podcast that I am obsessed with. I'd be so embarrassesd if they read my chats on the show, but I bet they would make even the most mundane ones hilarious.
  • DaisyRoRo
    pick me, pick me!
    I'd love to be on this show, it's so much fun! I've defeintely sent my fair share of half-baked emails and we could do a special epsiode all about the disgusting food I've ordered - ahem - 5:30 in the morning.
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